Hunter x Hunter || Boyfriend...


259K 3.9K 5.7K

Well well, it's the consequences of my bad decisions. Took awhile for them to catch-up to me Gon Killua Kurap... More

1 | How You Meet | ✓
2 | Second Encounters | ✓
3 | Hanging Out | ✓
Illumi Catch-up | ✓
4 | Confessions | ✓
5 - Rainy Days [UNEDITED]
6 - Nen [UNEDITED]
7 - Birthday(s) [UNEDITED]
9 - First Kiss [UNEDITED]
Chrollo Catch-up (1)
Chrollo Catch-up (2)
Chrollo Catch-up (3)
10 - Jealousy [UNEDITED]
11 - Your Theme Songs
Feitan Catch-up (UNEDITED)
Special: Tonpa x Reader

8 - Will you be my partner? [UNEDITED]

11.4K 223 251

I- my house ran out of creamer so now im drinking coffee that has a buttload of chocolate syrup in it, milk, and a dab of honey.

oh lordy wHat have i done??

Also, I'm not a romantic person, you have been warned


Gon - 16

You - 15

You were sucking on some hard candy, trying not to bite down and get it stuck in-between your teeth. You soon felt it dissolve away and reached in to pop another one in, when your brother decided it was a great time to throw a bucket of water at you. I mean, he threw a literal bucket of water at you. His hands slipped. He realized his mistake and ran away, but you were too stunned to care. You laid on the ground and held your hand in your hands. Your hair was damp and you felt goosebumps go up your arm, probably from the freezing cold water.

"Holy guacamole, that hurts like a-" You were cut off by Gon.

"Are you okay [y/n]?" He asked, worry lacing his voice. He held you by your forearms and helped you stand up.

You ripped your hands away from his grip as you face became an attractive shade of red. You rubbed the forming bump on the back of your head a nervously chuckled. "Yeah, I'm fine," You cringed as your voice cracked. You still felt awkward since Gons confession, even if it was from over a year ago. You tried to make things go back to normal, but it was hard knowing that he saw you as a potential partner. You still had yet to tell him your feelings and you weren't sure if you were able to.

"Are you sure?" He locked gazes with you, his intimidation levels spiked.

"Y-Yep," You stuttered. In truth, you head was beating against your skull and you felt as if you could pass out. You didn't want him to worry over a small bump, so you kept it to yourself. You were about to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, when Gon grabbed your face. You let out a small yell as he pulled you closer to him. He turned your head from side-to-side and placed his hand on you head.

He pulled his hand back and looked at it. It was caked in, what seemed to be, blood. He silently grabbed you wrist, you were to distracted by the fact that your head was bleeding to care, and walked you to Leorio.

"Hey Leorio!" He called out.

Leorio let out a small, 'huh?' and looked up from his papers.

"Can you give [y/n] stitches?" Gon asked, holding up his blood-covered hand.

"What'd you do [y/n]?!" Leorio stood up from his chair and ran over to you, inspecting you body.

"Um, my brother threw a bucket of water at me, but his hands slipped and I started bleeding...?" You answered questionably. You weren't quite sure what had happened.

"Well, you need stitches and it seems as if the water has help the blood travel better, which would explain why your back is red," Leorio deduced.

"Well that explains why everyone was looking at us then," You muttered to yourself.

"In order to stitch it, I'd have to shave the hair around it," He told you.

"Yeah that's fine, as long as I don't bleed out," You shrugged. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins, so you didn't feel any pain. Just a dull thumping. Leorio sat you down and grabbed a shaver, cutting off a part of your hair.

[h/c] hair fell to the ground below you, looking sad and pathetic. You tied your hair infront of your face as Leorio stitched you up. Soon, he cut the string.

"Just come in for a few daily check-ups and you should be fine," Leorio told you. You blankly nodded as you handed him some money.

"Here," You pressed the money into his hands, before standing up and walked out.

Gon followed out behind you. He walked next you, occasionally taking glances at the bald spot you had.

"Hey [y/n]."


"This may be a terrible time to ask, but..." Gon hesitated in asking his question. "Will you be in a relationship with me?"

You blinked your eyes in confusion. After seeing you almost die (Die was a bit of an exaggeration) by bucket, you blankly walk behind him to Leorios', and see you obtain a bald spot, he still liked you?

"Um..." You were at a loss for words. 'How can he still like me?'

"It's a-alright if you don't say yes," He scrambled out, his face portraying his nervousness.

"No, I-I mean, yes!" You quickly fixed your sentence.

"Yes...?" Gon's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Yes," You sighed.

You gave Gon a small smile and grabbed his hand.

That was the last thing you saw before you passed out.

((dont worry, you just passed out from blood loss. You'll be fine. Although Gon was freaking out))

Killua - 15 (I aged ya'll up a lot...)

You - 16

"Is this really the best idea?" You asked. Your legs shook as you looked below to the water, the distance seeming to get farther and farther. See, Killua had 'asked' permission to go on a vacation and he took you and his friends along. The two of you went to Lava Hot Springs ((First vacation that popped into my head)) and Killua had somehow convinced you to jump off of first platform with him. You two had Leorio sign for your waivers and you never thought you'd use it, yet here you were. First platform was only 16 feet (487 centimeters) high, but being up there was a lot scarier then you though. You held onto the railing as the water reflected the suns rays, making everything seem peaceful, until a kids scream brought you back to reality. The kid jumped off of second platform, making you shiver. You looked back down at the water, your brain making it seem further.

"It's fun, trust me," Killua had jumped off of third (36 feet; 1097 centimeters) so first seemed like nothing to him. His hair was damp, slightly dry from standing in line, and his abdomen was exposed. You forced yourself to look at his face, as it seemed to be the only thing that was calming to you. He had a smirk plastered on and he stood at the edge of the concrete platform.

"How is jumping into your inevitable doom, fun?" Maybe you were exaggerating with the doom part, but that's how it felt. You folded your arms over your chest, staring down at the blue abyss.

"It's the thrill. 'Living life to the fullest,' remember?" Killua seemed to be super excited about this.

"I enjoy living life half-full," You said. You watched as the lifeguard held up the number one paddle, signaling that it was your turn to jump.

"Hey [y/n]," Killua looked over to you, pulling his hand up to plug his nose.

"Yeah?" You repeated his action, your toes hanging off the edge.

"Will you be my patner?" He asked, his voice nasally, before he jumped off.

Your brain moved your legs and soon you were falling. Your brain went into overdrive and right as you started panicking, you hit the water. The water forced your arm up, water filling your nose. You quickly kicked your legs, taking in a deep breathe when your head was above water. You pulled your hair out of the way ((If you have really short hair, ignore)) and started swimming to the edge. You joined Killua there and he laughed when you saw you snorting out water

"Guess I should've told you to hold onto your elbow," He laughed lightly and climbed up the ladder.

"Yeah, I will," You said, responding to the question he asked earlier. You climbed up after him and looked over to him.

"Wait- Really?" He asked incredously.

You nodded and walked over to the spot you dumped your stuff at. There was a overhead shade thing, chairs, and a cooler. It was a pain to bring everything in, but you managed.

Kurapika - 20

You - 20

You hummed to yourself as you played with the bell at the counter. Life seemed at peace as you waited for Kurapika to come. The light had poured in from the window next to the counter, illuminating the small dust particles that were floating around in the air.

Hearing the door open, you perked your head up. Only to be disappointed when it was just a customer.

"Hi! I'm looking for Shards of Red, do you know where I could find them?" The lady asked. She had small eye-bags and mild brown eyes. Her dark brown hair was cut into a wavy bob and she had a short statue.

"Yes, is is by Elliot G.R?" You asked, walking past the counter.

"That's the one!" She gave you a small smile.

'Probably a mother then,' You assumed. Your assumptions were proved correct when a boy clambered on in. He had brown hair, the same color as the lady, and bright green eyes. He had dark eyelashes and he looked around six or seven.

"Sweetie, I told you to wait outside for me," The lady sighed in exasperation.

"But mom, Elise was being annoying," The boy complained.

"Eli, you have to wait with your sister. You can't leave her out there alone," She led the boy out.

"They can wait here if they want to," You offered

"Thank you, but they'd just be loud," She said, the boys tiny hand in hers.

"It's fine, there's not a lot of people in here anyway since it's early morning and they can just sit on the couch, reading kid books while I help you," You assured her. She seemed to contemplate it before shooing Eli off. The kid soon came back with a girl.

The girl looked exactly like her mother, just younger.

Their mother led them to the couch and you gave them some kid books to occupy their time.

"Alright, your book should be in the 'G' section," You walked over to the first bookcase and scanned the names. "Here it is!" You grabbed the book and gave it to the lady.

She lined up to pay and her kids came running toward her.

"Elijah! Give me the book back!" Elise yelled, running up to her brother. When she made eye contact with you, she skidded to a stop and turned bright red.

"Bleh!" Elijah stuck his tongue out and closed his eyes at his sister.

He ran face first into the counter.

The lady just sighed and picked him up, inspecting for any damage. When she saw that there wasn't any, she stood up straight and put her book on the counter. She gave you the money and turned to leave.

"Wait," She turned around. "Elijah, I need you to put the book back."

The kid pouted and looked at the ground.

"You can keep it, on me," You told them. The kid lit up and the mother sighed.

"Thank you," She gave you a soft smile. You nodded and the trio left.

Shortly after, Kurapika came wondering in.

"You know," You called out to him. "I had something to ask you and now I can't remember."

"Sorry for taking so long, I ran into a bit of trouble," Kurapika scratched the back of his head.

You stood there in thought, trying to remember the question you had for him.

You snapped your fingers as you remembered.

"You wanna go on a date?" You asked him.

Kurapika was taken back, but he said 'yes.'

You became official shortly after.

Hisoka - 29

You - 29

"Okay, the character is a bit sloppy and the dialogue seems a bit messy," You whispered to yourself, checking over [Jason/Whatever] paper. You groaned in frustration and banged your head on the counter.

"Careful, you'll damage brain cells that way," You heard Hisokas voice from the corner of the room. You hid your face in your arms, trying to not show your red face. After quickly editing the paper, you went to give it back to [Jason/Whatever].

"Ignoring me?" Hisoka asked.

You shook your head and shoved a small piece of paper into his hands, quickly vacating the room after.

When you went home that day, you found a note on your desk.

'Yes.' It read. You softly smiled to yourself, beginning to plan the date.

Illumi - 17

You - 16

You bit your tongue as you added in the last stroke of blue paint. Dipping the brush in the water, you leaned back and stretched. You were at your dad's house today and was about to go to your mom's, you just wanted to touch up on your painting.

'Time to go, I guess,' You thought, grabbing your bag and walking out. You had bought a train pass and were on your way there. Showing your ticket to the train attendant, he let you on and you sat down.

The train took off shortly and scenery was passing by you.

Several hours later, the train came to your stop and you hopped off. Readjusting your bag strap, you walked to your mom's apartment.

It was dark out and it was just you walking there. It was strangely calming. You came across her apartment complex and started up the stairs. Knocking on the door, you saw a note taped on it.

'Sorry sweetie, I had to pick up a double shift at the hospital today. Just come on in, food should be in the fridge.'

You sighed to yourself and brought out the back-up key she gave you. Unlocking the door, you walked in and shut it.

Her cat scampered across the living room floor and laid underneath the couch.

You walked to your room and set your bag down on the bed. And when you looked out the window, you could hardly believe your eyes.

In needles, it spelled, "Will you give me the honor of courting you?"

You opened up your window and yelled out, "Yes! And you could've just asked if I would go on a date with you!"

I'm not late...

Watchu talkin'bout?

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