Luke Hemmings - Roommates

By xoHemmingsGirlxo

40.9K 1.3K 210

"I'll take a vodka and orange please." I asked politely but I couldn't seem to force a smile onto my face lik... More

First Day
Making the team
Josh's Party
Pillow Fight
Broken Hearts and Black Eyes
Parties and Drunk Kisses
Goalpost Nutter
Go easy on him
Girl's Night Out
I Called It
Pain is weakness
Christmas Tree
Driving Home For Christmas
Finish This In Hell
Back to Square One
Getting to know each other
New Years
Golden Oppurtunity
All My Fault
Needed Some Advice
Don't Want To Remember
Too little too late
Communication Is The Key
It's Never Goodbye
Lost Everything
New Beginning
Part Of The Family
A Life On The Road
Not your problem
Everybody has a story
First for everything
I'm All Yours
Don't want to disappoint
Don't want you to regret
Night of Nights
Didn't want to tell you
Tell Me You Love Me
Stop It
Are you sure?
Start Again
Going on an adventure
Take the first shift
One Night Only
Weaker than she looks
What Do You See?
Can happy ever after exist?
First Hello and Final Goodbye
One Final Farewell
Dear Kenzie
Not Worth It
Never Trust A Hug
Nut-job with a Gun
Any Final Words?

First Game

1.3K 37 10
By xoHemmingsGirlxo

McKenzie's point of view:

"I'm sorry." Luke whispered kissing my blackened wrist. He felt really guilty about it, I could see it in his eyes as they bore into mine. The bruises covered the back and front of my wrist and went halfway up to my elbow thanks to his large hands and the way he caught me. It looked worse than it actually was. It probably wouldn't have been as bad if I didn't bruise super easily, that obviously didn't help.

"Honestly Luke it's nothing. Like I said you could have let me hit the floor which would have been worse." I shrugged. I didn't want him t feel guilty for doing the right thing.

"No it wouldn't." He argued. "It would have been completely painless and wouldn't have left fingerprint bruises on your wrist which are going to make me feel guilty now."

"I've had worse."

"Not the point. No matter what you say I'm still going to feel guilty." I groaned quietly, throwing my hands in the air to convey my annoyance as I gave up on the argument and walked into the kitchen to grab an apple and a bottle of water. Luke followed after me like a second shadow so I went into the living room to try and avoid his burning gaze. I grabbed my glasses and picked up the book that I was reading from the coffee table in front of me and opened it to my page. His eyes never once left me and it was starting to make me feel uncomfortable under his intense stare. The guilt was still clearly evident in his eyes and it was making me feel worse. "Stop looking at me as though I'm broken." I whined.

"I'm not." He defended finally tearing his eyes away from me.

"Really because it doesn't feel like that. It's a couple of fucking bruises, not the end of the god damn world."

"Wow you have a very colourful choice of vocabulary at times you know." He chuckled, at least trying to change the subject which I was thankful for.

"Yeah I think I got that from Chelsea calling me a sailor the thousands of times she has." I chuckled back.

"Speaking of which, where is she?" Luke asked making me roll my eyes.

"Don't know don't care but she's probably at Josh's."

"No she's not. He said she couldn't make it to the party last night because she was at a friends house for a different party."

"Well that's where she is then." I returned to my book trying to concentrate on the words but I knew something was up. I had never trusted Chelsea so any reason she gave me I would question everything she was doing. Why pick a friend's party over your boyfriends party? I finally gave up trying to concentrate on the book I was holding and started watching the tele with Luke instead. "Just think. In one week time it won't just be us anymore." He smiled at me referring to our roommates who were flying in and my heart sunk slightly. I was so used to it just being me and Luke now, I didn't want that to change. I get on well with Luke, we get on like a house on fire and I'm worried it wont be the same for the other boys. What if they aren't as nice as Luke? What if they hate me?

"No we won't." I said painting a smile on my face.

The rest of the day went by quickly, one minute it was ten in the morning the next and it's seven o'clock at night. Chelsea finally decided to show up, not that I cared in all honesty. I was hoping she would have moved out by the end of her first week here but knowing her she probably wont be staying much longer, especially since her hatred for this place is so clearly obvious. She hates having to share an apartment and it's even worse for her that I'm here so I give it ten more days maximum before she leaves. That's probably been where she's been all day; looking for an apartment for her parents to buy her so that she doesn't have to share anymore. I remember her coming in and making comments about my glasses. "Why don't you just have laser eye surgery? You parents can afford it and quite frankly those glasses do nothing for you hun."

"Because I don't want to." I snapped and that was all that was said between us. I wanted to say more but I didn't see the point in fighting with her anymore; she can say whatever she likes about me and it will make no difference to me. For her words to have an effect on me the way she wants them to I would have to actually give a fuck. I went to bed that night and set my alarm for tomorrow so I would be up and ready for my first football match of the season which Luke had said he wanted to come and watch. The thought of getting up that early didn't really appeal to me much but I know once my alarm goes off I'll be fine about it.

Luke's point of view:

Today was McKenzie's first football match and I wanted to be there to support her, well I wanted to see her running around with that beautiful smile of hers on her face, but mostly to support her. She had promised that she would wake me up so that I didn't miss it but I woke up to an empty apartment I found that she had already left leaving a note beside my bed.

Sorry I had to leave early for warm-ups. I'll see you there - Kenzie

Reluctantly I pulled myself up and out of the warm confines of my bed to get ready. I just threw on some sweats and an old band t-shirt that were lying around on the floor before putting my shoes on and running to the football match. I sprinted to make sure that I didn't miss any of it and when I arrived I went straight to the home stands and found the best seat I could where I got a nice clear view. I scanned the pitch and found her centre-back wearing a number nine strip. What a coincidence. She was wearing my lucky number.

Mr Matthews, the referee for the game, blew the whistle indicating that it had started and I tore my gaze away from her so that I could at least try and concentrate on the game going on in front of me which was supposed to be the reason I was here. Our team had kick off since we were the home team and we went straight for the attack. Just as number four was about to break through the defence she was tackled from behind and sent flying into the air before coming crashing harshly back down to the floor. If that was a boy playing they would have rolled around on the floor and tried to get a free-kick but she just got straight back up and into the game. Throughout the game there was a number of bad tackles from the other team but they never managed to break our defence. McKenzie took quite a few of those bad tackles and would no doubt be bruised and sore in the morning but she kept going. It was quite honestly one of the most brutal football matches I have ever sat and watched.

The match ended 3-0 to the home team and we erupted into cheers in the stands. Our goalkeeper walked over to McKenzie and I saw them talking before the goalie pointed at me and I got caught staring at them. McKenzie turned to look at me, not seeming to mind that I had been staring at her at all, giving me a thumbs up before walking off. I wonder what they could have been talking about. especially when they were talking about me.

I waited for McKenzie in the stands and we walked home together in a comfortable silence. We were so close together that our shoulders were practically touching and all I wanted to do was pull her closer to me but I resisted the constant urges. She went straight for the shower once we got in while I went to lie in my bed, staring up at the ceiling and letting my mind run away with its thoughts. When she was finished she walked back out in her underwear and while I was checking her out I could see small purple bruises scattered over her long, sexy legs. "Does it not hurt?" I asked wondering how it didn't bother her.

"What? The bruises?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Nope."

"Does it not bother you?"

"I have played football from the age of five. I have always had some sort of mark on my skin as a reminder and not once has it bothered me." She answered my question honestly. "Besides, half of the time I forget they're even there."


"Really. Broken bones and bruised skin will always heal. That's the way I've always looked at it." She pulled on some clothes and came to sit on the edge of my bed with her head in her hands and elbows resting on her thighs; she looked exhausted. I sat next to her and gently placed my hand on her knee causing her to lift her head and look at me. Her face was so close to mine that I could feel her warm breath on my face and all I wanted was to close the small gap between our mouths. "What were you and the goalie talking about before?" I asked curiously, trying to distract myself from where my thoughts were beginning to travel.

"She thinks you're hot." She stated bluntly with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she turned her head back away from me.

"Well she doesn't look too bad either but she's not my type." I shrugged. Fair enough she was good looking and all but she wasn't McKenzie, their beauties just couldn't compare and I doubt she could have a personality even half as good as my roommate sat beside me.

"How do you know that you've never even met her." She scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"I know because she's not y..." I managed to stop myself befor the last word fell past my lips. Thank god for that. How could I have been so stupid as to even start that sentence? Am I trying to scare her off?

"Because she's not." McKenzie pushed with a small smirk on her face that she was trying and miserably failing to bite back.

"Because she's not yogurt." I said the first thing that came into my mind mentally face palming once I did so. Of all of the things I could have said I decided to go with that.

"Whatever." She giggled and I lightly knocked our shoulders together. "I'm going to the park, are you coming?"

"Lead the way." We both looked a mess but we couldn't have cared. Running around the park embracing our childish mentality we were going to get funny looks no matter what we looked like but in all fairness though we could have looked a little more presentable. Then again, who gives a damn. As night began to fall and we had been at the park for hours on end we decided to go for a walk in the forest which was on the way back to campus.

We spotted a young man about two years older than us walking through the forest by himself, waving at us as he noticed we were there. I just took it as a friendly gesture and waved back but McKenzie looked like she had seen a ghost. She gripped onto my shirt tightly with her small fist and was completely frozen to the spot. "Kenzie?" I asked worriedly, looking at the man that had just passes before looking back to her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She stuttered out but she was still incapable of moving. I stood in-front of her grabbing her hands and lowering myself so I was eye level with her. Her gaze was directed towards the man and her grip on me was only getting tighter with every passing second.

"What's wrong?" She looked me in the eyes with hers that were wide with what I was presuming was fear. I don't even know what had shaken her up but whatever it was had really fucked with her head.

"It's eleven o'clock at night. I'm just tired and seeing things that's all." We started walking again but she refused to let go of my hand squeezing it tightly every few seconds as though checking I was still there. I just gripped her hand even tighter in my own, trying to reassure her that I was still there and I wasn't going anywhere.

McKenzie's point of view:

I refused to let go of Luke the entire way back to our dorm room. It was a struggle just to move my legs, I couldn't bring myself to let go. I knew the man in the woods wasn't who I thought he was but he looked so much like him it frightened me. Hell, it absolutely terrified me. Just the thought of who it could be was enough to shut my entire body down. When I got in I went straight to bed my mind racing with a thousand thoughts as I fell asleep. What if it was him was the only coherent thought I was able to gather.

What if?

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