Coach Week

By Kiisu23

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Can you find love in a week? More

Chapter 1 - Flight
Chapter 2 - Arrival
Chapter 3 - Reykjavik
Chapter 4 - Blue Lagoon
Chapter 5 - Thingvellir
Chapter 6 - Geysir & Gulfoss
Chapter 7 - Secret Lagoon
Chapter 8 - The Bar
Chapter 9 - The next morning
Chapter 10 - Another morning in Reykjavik
Chapter 11 - An afternoon in Reykjavik
Chapter 12 - A whole meal
Chapter 13 - A private viewing
Chapter 14 - Round one
Chapter 15 - Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss
Chapter 16 - Vik
Chapter 17 - Reynisfjara
Chapter 18 - Skogar museum
Chapter 19 - Sturtu
Chapter 20 - Drukkinn
Chapter 21 - Reiði kynlíf
Chapter 22 - Lækkaði handklæði
Chapter 23 - Rauðfeldsgjá Gorge
Chapter 24 - Steinbrú
Chapter 26 - Kirkjufellsfoss
Chapter 27 - Myndarlegur djöfull sem freistar mín með sjálfsfróun
Chapter 28 - Að eilífu?
Chapter 29 - Ice Cream
Chapter 30 - 64.023310, -22.122847
Chapter 31 - Tími til að fara heim
Chapter 32 - eða er það?

Chapter 25 - Djúpalónssandur

16 4 0
By Kiisu23

He thrust me up against the wall of the cafe, his eyes glared deeply into my own, they looked wild. Frenzied.
His lips pressed deeply against mine, his hand on my waist gripped tightly as he pulled us closer together. I could feel he was aroused as he kissed me passionately, his cold hands working their way under my T-shirt. I gasped as they brushed my skin. His lips began working on my neck, I could feel him leaving marks as I groaned softly with pleasure. He stopped abruptly, growling frustratedly into my collarbone.

He pushed himself away from me, his hands still on my shoulders.
"What have you done?" He asked with a half smile.
I cocked my head in confusion.
"I can't control myself when I'm around you." He turned away as he ruffled the back of his head.

"Just a few more hours."
He turned to face me.
"A few more hours?"
"Yeah, then the tour will be over and we will be back at the hotel."
He grinned devilishly.
"Promise?" He smirked.
"I'm not promising anything." I laughed as I walked back into the cafe to finish my coffee. I could see through the door window his was still smiling.

He stood for a minute, looking like was composing himself. I saw his hand shift something below the view granted by the window but I knew full well what he was rearranging. He opened the door and stepped back into the warmth, giving me another chance to look him up and down. He wasn't the only one finding it hard to control themselves.
He slumped down next to me and grinned proudly before downing the last bit of coffee in his cup.
"You ready Week?" He squeezed my knee, apparently I had been so focused on his face that I hadn't realised the rest of the group were making their way out of the door.
I nodded and followed the group, Coach following closely behind.

The drive to the next stop was a short one, only about 15 minutes but it seemed to somehow pass in a flash but also stretch in for ages. I was so lost in Coach's words that I had little sense of time.
I'm not even sure I was fully taking in what he was saying, I was just nodding and smiling while switching my gaze from his gorgeous eyes to his lips. I wanted to kiss him so bad.
"You're not listening, are you?" He chuckled.
"What? Huh. Um yeah I am." He startled me back to reality.
"Really? So you agree?" He quizzed. My heart raced with panic, I had a fifty percent chance of getting this right.
"Yeah. Of course." Damn, why did I say it with such certainty?!
"Oh wow. Ok, so when we get to the beach I will throw myself into the ocean and swim away. I thought we had something here but..."
"Wait..what?!" I scowled at him, he knew full well I hadn't heard the question, had he even asked that question?
"What had you so distracted?"
I couldn't tell him it was his face that was distracting me, or how focused I was on his lips that I was dying to kiss them, he'd never let me live it down.
The coach came to a halt, I sighed in relief.
"Come on, we need to get off." I pushed him from his seat, he looked startled as he almost fell into the empty seats across the aisle.

I quickly left the coach and followed the group down a winding dirt path that cut its way through a lava field to another stunning black beach. The sand here was just as pitch black as Reynisfjara but was a lot rockier with shiny black pebbles that looked like blown glass more than a rock. Their smooth surfaces glistening beneath the spray of the sea.
Every so often the dark stretch of sand was interrupted by browns and oranges. Sharp rust coloured items jutted out from the beach, reaching towards the sky. The pieces weren't large but were striking against their black background.
"What are those?" I pointed towards the objects that littered the beach like stars littered the sky.

Coach lowered himself so his head was aligned with my outstretched arm, using it like a sight to see what I was pointing at.
"Oh, it's the rusted remains of a trawler." His answer seemed almost cold but with a tinge of sadness.
"What happened?"
"The trawler got into trouble, most of the crew died." He hung his head in respect.
"That's awful." I felt bad for asking,
"It is. They didn't clear the beach so it became a reminder, a tribute I guess."
We stood in silence for a few minutes, my body shivered. I wasn't sure if it was the cold or the thought of how dangerous this island could be.

After sometime had passed Coach pulled me toward some rocks that were laid next to each other, unlike the black rocks of the beach these were regular rocks. Their matte grey colour looked completely unremarkable against the black pebbles they rested on. Each of the four rocks was a different size growing larger from left to right.

"Think you can pick them up?" This sounded more like a challenge than a genuine question.
I made my way to the second one from the left.
"No, you've got to start from the smallest!" Coach commanded.
I rolled my eyes and lifted the smallest with ease. I lowered it down and lifted the one I had originally made my way to. It was a fair bit heavier but I managed without too much of a struggle. Coach smiled and nodded, feigning being impressed.
I lowered it and shuffled to the third stone, this one looked quite a bit heavier than the first. I slid my fingers underneath and lifted, a large amount of air exhaled from my lungs as I struggled to lift it passed my shins. I grunted as I lowered it down to its original resting place, as I looked up I noticed Coach was stood carrying the largest rock up against his stomach, almost as if he was cuddling it. He didn't seem to be breaking a sweat. I hadn't even noticed him pick it up from beside me!
"Ok show off!" I growled.
He laughed as he lowered the rock back into the beach.
"You didn't do too bad! Maybe we can wrestle later for another test of strength?" His eyebrow raised. I knew full well what type of wrestling he meant.

As the rest of the group sat watching the ocean or used the rocks to test their strength, Coach grabbed my hand and pulled me to the left of the beach. Large jagged rocks pierced the beach as they reached towards the sky, as we approached I could see there was a gap in the rocks. Coach guided me between and I found myself in a secluded section of the beach. No other guests seemed to have spotted this.
The beach was surrounded by these tall rock structures, it felt like our own secret fortress. We sat down on the gritty beach as the waves lapped much more gently here than out on the open expanse.
I leaned my head on Coach's shoulder as I breathed in his woody scent.
We didn't talk for a while, just sat in silence enjoying our surroundings and being close to each other. His hand rested on mine as they pushed gently into the sand beneath. I glanced towards him and smiled, it was these moments of serenity that I needed.
"You look so handsome when you're happy you know?" His voice soft.
"So I'm not handsome when I'm not smiling?" I couldn't help but bite back, it seemed his penchant for jokes and being less than serious was rubbing off on me.
"Don't be dumb. You're always handsome." He kissed my head in affirmation.
He was so smooth, so sexy and hot. I'm sure he could melt all the glaciers in Iceland if he wanted to.
He lowered himself so he was staring up at the sky, I lowered myself and rested my head on his chest.
His gentle heartbeat and the lapping of the waves started to lull me, my eyes growing heavy.

My eyes blinked open and my heart stopped briefly.
"Coach! How long was I asleep!" My voice shaken with panic.
"Only five minutes, don't worry." His hand was rested on my head, stroking my hair.
"Come on, let's head back. I think I heard the group getting ready to leave."
I lifted my head heavily from his chest, he stood up and helped hoist me to my feet. I stumbled as my leg had gone numb.
Coach laughed as I wobbled and struggled to stand, he crouched down in front of me.
"Come on, get on." He sounded playfully exasperated, as if he was going so far out of his way to help me.
I threw myself dramatically onto his back, he fell forward onto his hands and knees, my groin pressed up against his ass.
"I thought we were waiting until we were back at the hotel?" He laughed.
My cheeks flashed red as he gyrated his hips, pressing back against me.
He continued laughing as he stood back up, dragging me with him as my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He hoisted my legs up and placed his arms under them as he walked quickly towards the gap in the rocks.

"Will you two stop disappearing?!" The tour guide snapped playfully.
"Sorry boss!" Coach saluted.
The tour guide's face told me he was as irritated with Coach as I had been those first few times I had to deal with him.

Coach carried me all the way back to the coach, even though I protested as my leg had regained its feeling.
He even stepped into the coach, up the stairs while carrying me. I'm sure this was just another way for him to look like a hero to everyone and me.
"Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" One of the guests asked me.
"No...." I responded sheepishly.
"He's just playing Mr Gallant. My leg went numb is all."
I could see from the way his ears raised that Coach was beaming his large, cheesy grin at the other guest obviously proud of his heroic deed!

I slid from his back and nestled into my chair, my body was cold from laying on the beach.

"We've got a fair drive to the next spot. Want me to sit in the empty seats there so you can lay down and have a nap?" His frame towering over me as he stood in the aisle.
"No. I can rest on your shoulder." I smiled.
He nodded and removed his coat before sitting down. He draped his coat over me like a blanket as I rested my head on his shoulder. I squirmed and jostled but couldn't get comfortable.
I slid down and managed to pull my knees up to my chest, I made myself small enough that I was able to rest my head on his lap.

His hand found its way to my head and stroked my hair as I drifted off to sleep.

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