The Princess Within Me

By IloveAC

33.5K 807 95

Sarah Watson is a student of Mayfield preparatory, a school for the rich and famous but she isn't any of thos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 23

632 21 3
By IloveAC

Cedrick's P.O.V.

"Ced? Where are you?" A woman called out. I hid in the closet as she began roaming around the house after whispering "where's that little kid" to herself.

I opened the door ajar and peeked outside. I saw her searching everywhere. She looked tensed as if she was worried about something important.

I giggled happily thinking that my plan worked out. I wanted to see her reaction after I startle her. Would she scream? Would she be scared? I'd be willing to know.

I looked again outside and only saw an empty hallway. I couldn't hear her voice anymore so I went out and decided to postpone my childish endeavor.

I tried to look for her in the kitchen then in the living room but she wasn't there as well so I went upstairs. I checked all three rooms but to my luck she wasn't in any of those.

I ran down the stairs then I approached the front door. I went out to see if she was in the porch but she wasn't though I was glad that I'd finally found her. She was in street in front of our yard, standing by the window of a really expensive car. It seemed that she was talking to the person inside of that thing.

I wanted to go near her but I prevented myself from doing so. I hid behind the pillar then I looked through the spaces between the railings of the porch to see what was happening.

Obviously, I couldn't hear a word they were saying for I was, more or less, ten meters away from them. I also couldn't see them clearly because the woman's back was facing my direction and her body was hiding the person whom she talked to away from me. Basically, I got nothing from my lame efforts of eavesdropping on their conversation.

I got very curious on what was going on and extremely bored waiting for her so I went to her. She didn't see me immediately for I was behind her and I was very small. On the contrary, I had the chance to see them.

She was talking to a man who wore a black suit and had a pair of dark lensed shades on. He looked calm but I could somehow feel that something was wrong, especially after glancing at the woman who was already red because of rage.

I quickly tugged her dress but she didn't pay me any attention. It seemed that they were having a very intense conversation for my presence was already very obvious but still, none of them realized that I was already there.

I couldn't understand anything for they were talking about adult stuffs but I could tell that they were discussing something about me. I just stood still observing them and waiting for any of them to finally notice me.

I suddenly felt scared and nervous when she began cursing the man. He didn't say anything which was not normal at all. I became more frightened when he glanced at me. I feared the possibility that he might scold me or do something to the woman because I eavesdropped on their conversation. I backed off a little.

She noticed that the man didn't have his attention on her so she looked at where the man was looking at; me. She panicked then immediately rushed to me. She bent down to match my midget of a height then held my face in her smooth but large hands.

I stared at her and was bemused when I saw how glassy her eyes were. It was like it could shatter any moment which I wished would not happen.

"What's wrong?" I asked carefully. She gave me a small smile as she shook her head.

"Nothing's wrong honey. Now get inside and wait for me there okay?" She reassured as she caressed my cheeks. I complied with her request but before I did, I said something which astonished the three of us.

"If you do something to her, I'll kill you!"

* * *

"Mr. Sullivan, wake up!" My calculus teacher said as he shook me.

I fluttered my eyes open and was astonished to see everyone's attention on me. It was then that I realized that I just fell asleep, unintentionally.

I got stuck until four o' clock in the morning looking for some documents that were relevant to the problem I needed and wanted to solve. Unfortunately, I wasn't successful to find anything. I was up all night for nothing.

I barely had any sleep not only because of that but also for the fact that I wasn't able to doze off even I'd shut my eyes close. I was still distracted by everything that was happening in my life right now.

I was annoyed at the fact that my unbearable problems kept on piling up as time passed by. I didn't know how to deal with them already. It was as if my misfortunes were unending. This was frustrating.

"In math, all problems are solvable but in real life, I don't think so. An example of that is your sleeping problems, your highness. You better start being responsible now so that in the future, you won't regret anything." He warned threateningly. I wanted to defend myself but I knew for a fact that he wouldn't believe me. I'd already done this thing before, so many times, so it was quite obvious that he would consider this one as one of those times.

The bell rang not a minute after that so everyone began rushing out of the room for the next class. On the contrary, I wasn't in the mood for it yet so I took my time packing up my things. In fact, I was the last one to leave the room.

I walked through the hallway, oblivious of everything around me. My attention was fully focused on the dream that I just had a while ago.

Actually, it was a terrible nightmare that I shouldn't have in my sleep. I couldn't muster up any reason for me to have a recollection of something insignificant though capricious that occurred in my life. It just brought back old memories that I preferred to be forgotten.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I glanced at the person who brought me back to reality. It was Sarah and I was surprised that she approached me despite of our misunderstandings. I suddenly felt hopeful that my efforts might still fix something.

"Yeah, why'd you ask?" I queried. She suddenly held my head without any permission from me. I was taken aback.

"Hmm, that's something I should do after waking up and not seeing you in bed. You should've been resting but where did you go anyways?" She replied.

I forgot that she fell asleep in my room because she took care of me while I was sick yesterday. I hadn't have the chance to check up on her because I chose to sleep in my grandmother's office. I was just too tired to even move a limb. Sadly, it didn't help me to fall asleep quickly.

"It's somewhere you don't need to know. Besides, I'm alright now so thank you for yesterday." I smiled at her then I paced away.

I knew that I just blew off the chance that I had to reconcile with Sarah when I chose to ignore the fact that she finally casually approached me but that wasn't important right now. I thought that I should bring things back to normal first before anything else.

* * *

The end of this day finally came. Students were now fixing their things before they head home. I did the same then I went straight to my car.

I'd decided to drive myself for the time being especially that Sarah was still a bit uncomfortable whenever I was around. Besides, I was doing it even before it was just that a lot of things happened that made my father oblige me to ride with her and a bodyguard. He said that it would be for my safety. Though for me, it looked like he was doing it to ensure the public that everything was okay.

I fired up the engine then began maneuvering the car. I drove quite slow this time for one of the vehicles for my bodyguards was just in front of me. Whoever the driver was, he sure maintained his speed at the minimum limit. This would be a long ride.

I couldn't bear the lengthiness of the trip anymore so I overtook their vehicle. I drove as fast as I could so that I could deal already with whatever my father wanted to talk about.

When I arrived, I parked my car in front of the entrance. I'd let the chauffeur bring it to the garage.

I went inside then a maid brought me to my dad's office. To my surprise, he was having a lovely conversation with the person I least expected to be in the place.

"Oh, you've finally arrived Cedrick? Come join us. I've invited Sarah here to discuss the details of your party." He explained. "Would that be fine with you?"

He was a hypocrite. I didn't understand why did he need to ask me such a stupid question. It was obvious that I couldn't do anything about it anymore despite of me being opposed to his decision to involve Sarah in his stupid plan to restore the reputation of our family. He'd already summoned her to our place so he succeeded in pursuing his goal.

"Definitely! There's nothing that I can do if your majesty has already made his decision. Isn't it that I'm right, Father?" I replied sarcastically. I was just annoyed that he didn't bother to take my plea into consideration. He was selfish.

He ignored my sarcasm then he began discussing to us what would happen on the day of my celebration. I wasn't in the mood to listen to him so I busied myself with my phone. I played random games just to distract myself from getting bored.

He noticed that I wasn't paying him any attention so he abruptly snatched my phone away. I didn't protest for I would still not listen to him despite me having no excuse for not doing so.

"So like what I've told you Sarah, you two will attend a ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow. It will be held at the children's hospital that the royal foundation built in honor of the late king." He proudly told us. My eyes widened in surprise after hearing him out. I hadn't have any idea on what he was talking about.

"Wait, I thought we're having a conversation about the party you'll be upholding? Why are we now talking about a different thing?" I queried. He shook his head in dismay.

"Just tell him the details of tomorrow's event." He commanded. "Well then, I should take my leave now. I still have some things to accomplish for the day." He left the room.

"What is this thing about?" I inquired. Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Well, to simplify everything, we just need to attend it. Together." She replied.

I knew that this was one of my father's plan in showing off his family that had a wonderful reputation. He was not only doing this to gain the people's trust but also to acquire more power. I felt like a scammer.

We were silent afterwards. It was awkward but I still didn't want to leave the room. I didn't know if she felt the same but I was happy that something was still preventing her from going out though I wasn't sure of her reason.

I glanced at Sarah and it seemed that she was confused about something. I looked at her eyes which were unconsciously gazing at me. I tried to figure out something from them despite of the small probability that I could get some information.

I was about to ask her the reason for her bemusement when she finally spoke about it. Unfortunately, it wasn't the answer that I was expecting for.

"Are you, in any way, trying to look into my personal life?"

I stared at her, my expression was filled with confusion and amusement at the same time. I didn't know where her boldness was coming from but it was not irritating me at all. Actually, it was entertaining me.

"What?" I asked in a high pitched tone. It sounded funny but I needed it to emphasize my surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Well, when you were sick, I incidentally found some papers on your table, from a telecommunication company. It seems that they contain very valuable information." She uttered.

I laughed quite hard after listening to her explanation. I was a bit annoyed that she touched my things without my permission but I was more amused than irritated. I never expected her to think that way.

"Oh that, don't worry, I'm not stalking you in any way if that's what you're trying to imply. I'm just doing some research about something you don't have to know." I told her. She reddened in embarrassment.

"Well, I'm glad that my assumptions aren't true at all. Well then, I should leave now." She replied, still ashamed of what happened recently.

She stood up and was about to leave the room when I suddenly held her hand. I didn't know why I did that but I decided to continue what I was doing. I just felt that I didn't want her to leave yet.

Her hand was very soft and delicate. I loved the warm sensation that it was giving me right now though at the same time it made me a bit uncomfortable.

It was the first time I had my heart beating erratically as if it would soon jump out of my body. I never thought that I would loose my calmness because of this simple gesture that I'd done. I didn't understand why she affected me this way.

I quickly let go of her and gave her a sheepish smile. I saw a small tint of red creeping out of her face revealing her uneasiness. I just made the atmosphere more awkward than before and I was disappointed about it.

"Thanks again for yesterday." I said after gaining my confidence to speak up. I tried my best not to stutter or show any signs of anxiety for I didn't want to embarrass myself any further. Once was enough.

"Pssh, yeah, sure. Whatever." She responded.

She abruptly walked away from me. I noticed that she wasn't in the right state of mind yet after witnessing that she almost knocked off the vase placed on the circular table in front of the entryway.

I found it quite amazing especially that it was placed at a very noticeable and safe location though she still almost destroyed it even in her daze. She was indeed something.

* * *

After picking up Sarah from her house, we went together to the children's hospital. It was to avoid any suspicions from the public that we had problems, as a married couple.

When we entered the building, the smell of various chemicals had immediately penetrated my senses. I found it not appropriate for the children who resided in this place.

The director of the hospital welcomed us then he led us to the lobby where the ribbon cutting ceremony would be held.

There was a platform at the center where a podium was placed at the leftmost corner of it. Some congratulatory flowers were also lined at each side of the room and several rows of chairs were positioned in front of the stage.

There was only a single elevator in the lobby and it was intriguing to see the ceremonial stanchions placed in front of it instead of the main entrance of the hospital. Usually, ribbon cutting ceremonies were held outside the premise that would be opened to the public. This one was different.

He motioned us to sit in the front row which was also occupied by the executives of this institution. At our back were other invited guests but most of them were reporters covering the event. They were already taking pictures and videos of us and some of them had their recorders on to document our conversation. I knew that my parents were behind this nuisance.

The director went to the podium then began reciting his speech. He talked about the history of this hospital and how did the royal family made this possible.

I shuddered in dismay after hearing how hypocritical he sounded. He just praised us throughout his speech and actually, everything that he said wasn't worth mentioning.

It was funny that most people didn't care about their pride if business and power were involved. They could do everything just to seek for alliance that would help them in their political and economical endeavors. They all looked like fools to me.

After disgracing himself, he motioned us towards the elevator to finally initiate the ceremony. I stood up and waited for Sarah to approach me and accompany me in cutting the ribbon. Though she didn't come near me at all.

I glanced at her and she was giving me a blank stare. She was still in her seat and it seemed that she would doze off any moment later. I rolled my eyes in annoyance

I walked back to her and leaned down as I whispered something in her ears.

"Hey, wake up! We are now going to cut the ribbon. Stop embarrassing yourself. " I reprimanded. She glared at me but immediately complied with my request. I offered her my hand but she just eyed it curiously. "Argh, your hopeless." I groaned.

I quickly pulled her up and placed my arm around hers. We walked together towards the director who was patiently waiting for us by the elevator.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, trying to pull her arm away from mine. I tightened my grip so that she wouldn't be able to escape from me.

"Just behave, okay? Everyone is looking at us." I said through gritted teeth. She was still irritated but she had nothing to do but to obey me.

The director handled us a pair of scissors then at his signal, Sarah and I cut the ceremonial ribbon. Everyone clapped afterwards and cameras went flashing by. It was safe to say that the event was a success.

* * *

The director of the hospital led us around the place, together with some bodyguards and a few people from the media. He brought us to different medical facilities that the hospital had. Everything was spectacular.

"Hey, when will this end?" Sarah mumbled to me quite impatiently.

"Soon. Just endure it for a while."

"But my feet are already hurting." She complained.

"Would you just shut up for a bit?" I grumbled. I looked at her feet and it wasn't a doubt why she would feel in pain. "Anyway, who told you to wear a pair of stilettos?" I rebuked.

"Ms. Lisa, she brought me this and my wear early this morning. I thought that I can already manage wearing high-heeled shoes since I was trained to dress up properly while in the palace though this one kills me." She explained.

I inconspicuously made my pace faster to avoid listening to her complaints. I walked next to the director who was still engrossed in talking about the hospital.

After a while, he then brought us to the location of the operating room. Unfortunately, we were only allowed to enter the the spectator's area because of the room's sensitivity to foreign microorganisms that we might be carrying.

From the place we were in, I could see how fascinating the operating room was. It was equipped with advanced medical technologies only available in world-class hospitals such as this one. Different surgical apparatuses were also neatly lined up on top of a small table. Everything was meticulously set up.

While listening to the director, I found out that this operating room we saw was specifically for the use of the thoracic department of the hospital. It was where heart procedures were usually done. The medical field was indeed an interesting subject for study.

We went out of the room afterwards and it was then that I noticed that Sarah wasn't with us. The number of reporters that were following us also decreased significantly. They might followed her somewhere and that wasn't something good.

"Do you know where the princess has gone to?" I inquired from one of my bodyguards.

"She went to the powder room, your highness. She was also accompanied by her personal guards so you have nothing to worry about." He said then I nodded in reply.

We continued going around the hospital but I wasn't in the mood to do so. I was busy worrying about where Sarah could be.

It was more than twenty minutes since I found out that she wasn't with me anymore and I knew that she could be gone longer than that. It was also impossible that she was still at the powder room until now so I had no choice but to find her myself.

Before that, I first found a way to excuse myself from the director though it was a tough one. It seemed that I wouldn't have a chance to interrupt him from his ongoing monotone speech so I sneaked out from the already small crowd.

It was obvious that most of the reporters that we had with us a while ago had finally left. Maybe most of them found the tour not newsworthy at all.

I searched for Sarah, by myself, because I requested the bodyguards to stay with the director so that he wouldn't notice our disappearance. I called her up, twice, but she didn't answer at all.

I looked at places near the operating room for I knew that she wouldn't be able to walk any further because her feet were already hurting. I was about to request for help from my bodyguards when I saw a large group of people formed outside a certain room. I came closer to them and it was easy to say that they were reporters.

I read the signage posted above to know what room it was and I discovered that it was a children's playroom. I peeked through the crowd to see what they were looking at.

I was surprised when I had a glimpse of Sarah playing with some kids. She was seated on a small stool and a little girl was sitting on her lap. She was helping the child in dressing up her doll.

The other kids were circling around them and they were asking for her to read them a book. Sarah granted their request and quickly picked a book from the table beside her.

She gracefully flipped through the pages and read out the story quite angelically. Throughout her narration, I noticed that she was smiling occasionally at the kids who had their full attention on her. At that time, she really looked like a princess.

"Are you a princess?" One of the kids asked Sarah after finishing the story.

"Yeah, I am. Why'd you ask?" Sarah queried sweetly.

"Because I don't believe it." The same kid rebutted quite harshly. I choked on my breath as I prevented myself from laughing hard. I found her humiliation hilarious.

"Why?" Sarah asked, not feeling embarrassed at all. The little kid grabbed the book from her hand and pointed at the cover.

"Because in the story that you've read, the princess here has a prince but you don't have one." She reasoned out.

Sarah quirked an eyebrow and instantly understood what the little girl meant. She was about to say something to the kid when I stepped inside the room.

Her eyes widened in surprise as I neared them. I looked at the suspicious kid and grinned at her.

"She's a princess, sweetheart because she does have a prince." I explained to her as I carried her in my arms. I smiled at Sarah then I continued my conversation with the child. "I am."


What do you think? Are you happy that they're finally talking to each other again? Share your opinions!

Hope you had a great time!

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