
By Iwantcuddlesplease

88.9K 1.9K 430

He craves emotions, feelings, but he doesn't show it. She used to crave emotions, feelings, but now she does... More

1 Run
2 Tied with ropes
3 Rough morning
4 Stained Cheeks
5 Traitor
6 Girl in the hoodie
7 Three weeks
8 Clubing
9 Cracked bones
10 Metal tray
11 Threats
12 Little present
13 Confessions
14 Beach house
15 Off-limits
16 Faint
17 The kiss
18 That night
19 Secrets
20 Leaving
21 Telling a story
22 Fighting
23 Dealing with business
24 Forgiving
25 Making money
26 First date
27 First for everything
28 Car chase
29 Bad memories
30 The past
31 Jogging around
32 Split knuckles
33 His house
34 Finding secrets
35 Meeting the boyfriend
36 One secret's out
37 The picture
38 The plan
39 Anger issues
40 Family
41 'The safe house'
42 The Lion's Den
43 The Event
44 Disbelief
45 The Game
46 Home
47 Story
49 Birthday
50 Uncle Dearest
51 Mercy
52 Rebekah
53 Find Me
54 Kings and Queens
55 Love and War
56 It's been a Hell of a Ride
I was Feeling Epic

48 Crumbling

835 26 4
By Iwantcuddlesplease

Sorry I died a little.

**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

A whole month had passed of us living in our old house. Our childhood home. A place filled with memories. Sad and happy. Angry and funny. It pained me that they weren't with us anymore, but I found my sister, that's all that matters to me at the moment. I know that everything will change within a few days or even hours. But I will not let Norah get hurt by anybody while I'm next to her. She's my little sister and I will protect her even if it meant doing stuff I didn't particulary like. Her vanishing will be the same living hell I repeated years ago.

Nightmares started again. The same nightmares I started having when I moved in with the Santoro's. I don't even know who to call family and who to call my enemies anymore. My brain is really fucked up from all of the things happening. My family's betrayal, my sister's appereance, the nightmares and all of the revenge I've been planning on the people who hurt me the most. My nightmares were on repeat every night. I would wake up screaming and panting, with sweat drops on my forehead. Norah offered to cuddle up and sleep together. At first I declined, but then when she just couldn't take my screaming anymore, she jumped on the bed and hugged me. I remember when she carassed my arm, something she used to do when she was little, until I peacefully fell asleep. I still got those scary fucking nightmares, but they weren't as intense as they were for the first few nights.

Sometimes, at night or any time of the day, my parents would be sitting somewhere near me, looking at me. I knew that they weren't real. I had experienced this stuff when I moved in with my adoptive family. They were here because I hadn't let go of them, but I thought that I did. I thought I did let them go a long time ago. My therapist probably just tried to convince myself to let them go, and I only did it because she asked and almost begged to. I was lying yo myself then, that without them I'd be better. Sadly, that was all a lie. I hadn't ever let them go, I just let them slip away only a bit, but I was always holding on to them, overwise they wouldn't be talking to me, smiling at me.

I got Norah a new passport, so we could get the shit out of this miserable country. When she told me that she never had a passport when she was taken, my mouth hung open. Her adoptive parents had only a little money, so they never travelled outside the country. I told Norah to say goodbye to the friends she had. She was sad that we had to leave the country, but also happy to start a new journey. When we both got to her school, about a week ago, to get all of her school documents sorted out, I could immediately reconize the kids who were the little pieces of shits. Out of the distance I could see Norah roasting the hell out of them. And after her lecture, I gave them a few friendly threats and that's it. I kept it simple this time.

Norah's and mine connection was growing stronger everyday. I still can't believe that she's alive. It's a miracle. Almost every night I would pray. Pray in silence. I would pray for my little sister, my older brother, my four parents, two dead, two alive and also for Sophia. I just don't want anything bad to happen to them.

I also bought Norah a new phone, probably not a wise choice, but Norah begged for it. She told me that she never had a phone and she was bored out of her mind from sitting at home all day. I mean, I don't blame her for that, I'd go insane from sitiing all day too. While she was home, locked and safe, I was running some errands. I was buying some stuff for my cold little revenge. I bought a new car, so we wouldn't be spotted by anyone in the black one. I also got some explosives, you blow up houses and stuff. When Norah finds out, she won't be so pleasant to me, I can feel it.

Tomorrow we'll leave. We will leave everything behind us. Our friends, our home, our parents, our house, our memories. Everything.

After all of this is over, we'll start living a new life. In New continents, contries, cities. Norah will go to a new school, she'll have new good friends and a new, happy life. I can feel it. But if everything goes downhill, which probably won't, then we can both kiss the new life goodbye.

**Giovanni's Luciano pov** (Haven't done this one in a long time)

"You know..." Sophia spoke up and glared daggers into my eyes, "this..." She motioned around all of us with her index finger, "this is all of your fucking fault. If not you and your stupid fuck up plan, none of this would be happening right now."

Me, Luca, Daniel, Adriana and Ariana, my father, Sophia, Alessio, Kate and Pietro Santoro all sat in Alessio's office. Him and his father sat in the front of the table and all of us in different, small settee's or chairs.

"Sophia, please calm down." Alessio said. Begging her with his eyes.

Everyone was worn out, especially me. Not being able to sleep normaly at night is scary. It's either that I can manage to fall asleep or it's that I manage to fall asleep but also manage to wake up from nightmares I get. It's usually two or three everynight. The cycle repeats it self. I wake up panting, gasping for air, sweat covering my whole body, I would sometimes even start to shake from all the fear. I know what I've done and I've caused a problem, and now it's my duty to fix it. Santoro's and Luciano's became closer than I could've ever imagined. We have our ups and downs, but everytime someone's feeling down because of the current situation, I only blame it on myself. I mean on who else would everyone blame it? Everything I said that day was a straight up lie. I don't know why I said the complete opposite than what I'm feeling. I'm a fucking idiot for doing shit like that.

"Calm down? You want me to fucking calm down?" She scoffed and raised her voice, "Alessandra is a ticking time bomb ready to go off, she always was, and now she needs this much," She pressed her index finger and her thumb almost together, only leaving a small gap between them. "to go off and explode, you know that just aswell as I do. Alessandra wants Giovanni and Kate dead, there is zero we can do about it, they will be dead. Tomorrow is her fucking birthday and she'll be turning twenty-two. You know what plans I had for her? Me and our friends, just a few months ago planned thousands of things we could do together, you know why? Because she was happy. For once in her goddamn lying, miserable life she was finally happy. She had a family that loved her, she had friends that loved her, she had a person that made her happy. When was the last time you saw her put on a real smile and not a fake one? When? You don't know, because you probably never saw it. " She ranted and stood up," So how about 'Sophia, please calm down.' my fucking ass. Fuck you all, I'm going to find her myself, since none of you are doing anything. You can suck my ass if you don't have anything positive to say, I'm done being this way. I'm just done." She shaked her head and walked out of the room, slamming the door along the way." The mistakes can never be undone, Giovanni! Only a blind and a heartless man would be able to do that." We all heard her scream from behind the door. Her screams turned into loud sobs. Alessio stood up and started walking towards the door, but soon stopped when bullets flew through the wall. Everyone ducked down immediately." I fucking hate you! You don't even know how bad I want to slam my favorite knife into your cold heart." She sneered.

I exhaled a large breath of air and burried my face into my palms. This is so fucking hard and it's frustrating. The stress put on everyones shoulders is only bringing us down. When I can't deal with anything anymore my anxiety jolts up and I break down. I release my anger into breaking things and my sadness into tears. Yes, I cry okay? I am a human.

Alessandra, I am sorry, I really am, I hope you can understand that. Give me only one clue, that's all I need. I'll find you, I'll fix all of this. Just...don't slip away.


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Again, thank you, I wouldn't be able to do it without you. ❤️😭

Love you~

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