Snake Venom

By DisasterChild20

53.1K 763 104

The story of Jughead Jones' twin sister Clementine. Although she tends to go CJ as she hated her first name. More

Clementine Janet 'CJ' Jones
Chapter One ~ The River's Edge
Chapter Three ~ Body Double
Chapter Four ~ The Last Picture Show
Chapter Five ~ Heart Of Darkness
Chapter Six ~ Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
Chapter Seven ~ In A Lonely Place
Chapter Eight ~ The Outsiders
Chapter Nine ~ La Grande Illusion
Chapter Ten ~ The Lost Weekend
Chapter Eleven ~ To Riverdale and Back Again
Chapter Twelve ~ Anatomy of a Murder
Chapter Thirteen ~ The Sweet Hereafter
Chapter Fourteen ~ A Kiss Before Dying
Chapter Fifteen ~ Nighthawks
Chapter Sixteen ~ The Watcher In The Woods
Chapter Seventeen ~ The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Chapter Eighteen ~When A Stranger Call
Chapter Nineteen ~ Death Proof
Chapter Twenty ~ Tales From The Darkside
Chapter Twenty-One ~ House of the Devil
Bring Me To Life
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Silent Night, Deadly Night
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ The Blackboard Jungle
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ The Wrestler
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ The Wicked And The Divine
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Tell-Tale Heart
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ The Hills Have Eyes
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ There Will Be Blood
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Primary Colours
Chapter Thirty ~ The Noose Tightens
Chapter Thirty-One ~ A Night to Remember
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Prisoners
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Shadow of a Doubt
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Judgemment Night
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Brave New World
Chapter Thirty-Six ~Labor Day
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ Fortune and Men's Eyes
Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ As Above, So Below
Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ The Midnight Club
Chapter Forty ~ The Great Escape
Chapter Forty-One ~ Manhunter
Chapter Forty-Two ~ The Man in Black
Chapter Forty-Three ~ Outbreak
Chapter Forty-Four ~ No Exit
Chapter Forty-Five ~ The Stranger
Chapter Forty-Six ~ The Red Dahlia
Chapter Forty-Seven ~ Bizarrodale
Chapter Forty-Eight ~ Requiem For A Welterweight
Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Fire Walk With Me
Chapter Fifty ~ American Dreams
Chapter Fifty-One ~ Big Fun
Chapter Fifty-Two ~ The Raid
Chapter Fifty-Three ~ Jawbreaker

Chapter Two ~ A Touch Of Evil

3.6K 50 21
By DisasterChild20

Monday morning CJ wakes up in Joaquin's arms with Toni leaning against her "Anyone else awake?" she asks. "Me." she feels and hears Joaquin say from under her. She sits up and smiles at him "Wake the others and I'll make breakfast." CJ tells him getting up. She walks into Sweetpea's kitchen and finds some eggs to cook, smiling she starts cooking them while toasting some bread. Looking in the fridge she finds some cheese and puts some in with the eggs "I'll make some coffee for everyone." Joaquin says from behind her. Soon Toni, Fangs and Sweetpea walks over to them "Once we've eaten I'll get you some clothes from my trailer." Toni tells her making CJ nod.

CJ walks into her school and spots Jughead near the entrance waiting for her, he walks over to her and hugs her making her tear up "I miss him Jug." she tells him. "I know sis." he tells her kissing her head. They walk to Archie's locker where CJ sees Jason's locker covered in photos, flowers and cards, she walks over to it as Jughead talks to Archie. As she looks at them she feels someone walk over to her, looking up she sees Chuck Clayton "What do you want Chuck?" she asks. "Just wondering why you're looking at Jason's locker." he says. "Because he was one of my best friends. That's why." she tells him. "Well do you want to go out tonight and talk about memories of him? I don't really do it with my parents." Chuck asks her. "Um... sure?" CJ responds. "Great we'll leave after school then." he tells her walking off.

CJ sits in an empty art class as she listens to Whetherbee's announcement "Good Morning students. This is your principle speaking. There has been many inquiries about the upcoming pep rally, let me state clearly. It is happening as scheduled. Now on a less felicitous note, if you could give your attention to Sheriff Keller." Principle Whetherbee says over the intercom. "Most of you already know the details, but your classmate Jason Blossom's body was found late Saturday night. So as of this weekend Jason's death is now being treated as a homicide, it is an open and on going investigation." Sheriff Keller starts. "And may I intergect, neither I or my parents will rest til Jason's death is avenged, and his cold blooded killer is walking the green mile to sit in old sparky and fry. I for one have my suspicions... Hashtag Riverdale Strong." Cheryl cuts in. "If you know anything, that could help us find and apprehend Jason's killer or anything that happened on July 4th, I strony urge you to come forward immediately. You can either speak with me or Principle Whether bee. A death like yhis wounds is all, let's not let Jason down." Sheriff Keller finishes. CJ sighs and looks at her drawing, deciding to finish it later she puts it away.

After school Chuck meets CJ outside the school "Where do you want to go?" CJ asks. "Pop's?" he asks her. "Yeah I've got my bike so I'll meet you there." CJ responds. "Um could you give me a lift? Reggie picked me up today." Chuck asks. "Yeah I've got a spare helmet." she smiles leading the way to her bike. Chuck gives a slow whistle "Nice bike." he tells her. "Thanks I fixed it up myself." she smiles as she hands him the spare helmet. She jumps on "Coming?" she asks. He chuckles and gets on behind her holding onto her waist. Starting the bike she drives to Pop's. She stops the bike and gets off first, chuckling at Chuck's face. "That was fun." he smiles getting off and handing her the helmet. "I usually go faster." she shrugs, Chuck laughs and starts walking into the diner with CJ following. "Hey CJ usual?" Pop asks as the walk in. "Hey Pop. Yeah please." she says smiling at the older man. "I'll have the same." Chuck tells him. "You don't know what I have." CJ chuckles. "I like everything on the menu so I'm easy like that." he laughs back as they sit in a booth.

"So what sort of thing do you do in your spare time?" Chuck asks. "Um I draw a lot, I also go to the Wyrm on the southside as I'm a serpent." she says. "I guessed you were. Doesn't matter to me though." Chuck tells her with a smile. "What about you? Anything other than football?" CJ asks. "Not really. I usually practise or hang at Reggie's place." Chuck explains to her making her smile. Pop walks over with a tray of food and two milkshakes "Thanks Pop." they both say. "So what've we got?" Chuck asks CJ. "Vanilla milkshake with caramel sauce and cream. A double cheese burger with curly fries and extra cheese." CJ lists off. "Sounds good." Chuck smiles at her. They soon finish eating their food "Mmh that was delicious" Chuck says. "Yeah I have it everytime I come here." CJ chuckles. "So got any drawings you can show me?" Chuck asks her. "Yeah." CJ responds pulling out the sketch book and handing it to him. "Who's this?" he asks looking at a picture of Toni.

"That's Toni, she my best friend, practically my sister." CJ tells him smiling. "These drawings are amazing." he tells her looking through the pad and pausing. "Woah." he breathes.

"I drew that 3rd July. I was going to give it to him on the 5th." CJ tells Chuck sadly. Chuck grabs her hand and rubs it comfortingly. CJ smiles sadly at him when her phone goes off.

Fangs🦄_ You coming Wyrm? X

Trash Panda 🐼_ Can I bring a friend from school? X

Fangs🦄_ Yeah x

Trash Panda 🐼_ OMW x

"You want to see the Wyrm. Warning full of serpents." CJ asks Chuck. "Sure. Like I said I have nothing against the serpents. I find it cool that you guys are like a big family that protect each other." Chuck tells her. CJ smiles "Come on then. Warning Sweetpea and Fangs will probably say stuff about you being on the southside. I'll shut them up though if they do." she tells him, Chuck smiles at her as they stand up. CJ gets out some money to pay "I'll pay for it." Chuck tells her with a smile making her put her money away. "Thanks Chuck." she tells him with a soft smile. After paying they head out to her bike and CJ hands Chuck the spare helmet and jumps on. Chuck sits on the back "Go as fast as you want." he tells her. "Hold on tight then." CJ says grinning speeding off to the Wyrm.

They reach at the Wyrm and CJ stops her bike "Okay that was fast!" Chuck exclaims as they get off. CJ laughs and grabs her serpent jacket and pulling it on "Ready?" she asks Chuck. Chuck nods and CJ grabs his hand and takes him into the Wyrm "I'm back!" she sings as she walks in. Toni laughs from behind the bar "Really I hadn't noticed." she jokes. "Oi what's that mean?" CJ asks jokingly. "Well babes we heard your bike outside." Toni responds smiling. "Fair enough." CJ shrugs leaning against the bar, Chuck laughs at the two friends. "Who's this?" Toni asks. "This is Chuck, he's a friend from school." CJ tells her. "Well I'm Toni. Sweetpea and Fangs are over by the arcade machine." Toni says the last bit to CJ. "Thanks boo. I'll have my usual, what'd you want Chuck? They allow underage here." she tells him. "What you having?" he asks her. "Malibu and Coke." CJ responds. "Same then." he tells Toni. "I'll bring them over. I'm clocking out in a minute." Toni tells them. CJ grabs Chuck's hand and takes him over to Fangs and Sweetpea "Hey boys." she smiles. "Hey Clem." Fangs says as he hugs her. "You're lucky that I love you boo." CJ glares at him. Sweetpea walks over and hugs CJ "What'd he do?" he laughs. "Called me Clem." CJ pouts. "Oooh Fangs you're lucky." Sweetpea laughs. CJ laughs at them as they playfully push each other "Boys this is Chuck. He's a friend from school, play nice." she warns them. "Hey I'm Fangs and this is Sweetpea." Fangs introduces them. Chuck smiles "Hey." he greets. Sweetpea looks at him "You play pool?" he asks. "A bit." Chuckle responds. "Want a game?" Sweetpea asks motioning to the pool tables. "Sure." Chuck nods. CJ smiles at Sweetpea and Chuck as they go over to the table.

CJ turns and spots Joaquin walk in "Joaquin!" she shouts calling him over. "Hey CJ." he laughs as he hugs her. "Chuck. This is Joaquin. Joaquin this is Chuck a friend from school." CJ introduces. "Hey man." Chuck says shaking Joaquin's hand. Toni comes over with four drinks "Here we go." she says handing CJ and Chuck their drinks and Joaquin a beer before she takes her drink. "Thanks boo." CJ thanks her with a smile. After a while CJ looks at the time "Chuck we better head off, I still need to drop you home." she tells him. "Yeah. Good point." he tells her finishing his drink. "I'll get CJ to forward my number to you guys." he tells the others. "Bye man." Sweetpea says as CJ and Chuck leave. Once outside CJ turns to him "How am I supposed to give them your number if I don't have it myself?" she questions with a smile. "Give me your phone then." he says laughing. She hands him her phone and he puts his number in, texting himself so he has hers. After handing it back they get on her bike and head to his house, which he directs her to.

Once outside his house CJ stops her bike and they jump off, CJ leans against her bike as Chuck stands in front of her "I really had fun this evening." he tells her. "Me too." she smiles. Slowly Chuck leans down and CJ leans up, their lips meet gently and softly. CJ reaches her hands up and wraps them round Chuck's neck as Chuck's hands go to her waist; slowly they pull away and CJ bites her bottom lip and smiles softly "Wow." Chuck says making CJ chuckle. "Wow indeed." she smiles. "This might be a bit fast, but would you be my girlfriend?" Chuck asks her. "Yes." CJ tells him. "Well can I ask you a question then?" he asks her making CJ nod. "What's your full name?" he asks. "Promise you won't use it?" she tells him. "Promise" he responds. "Okay... It's Clementine." CJ tells him. "Okay well I won't use it." Chuck promises. CJ smiles "Well I best be off. I'll see you tomorrow at school." she tells him. "Okay I'll meet you by the main entrance baby." Chuck tells her kissing her gently. "Okay bye babe." CJ responds kissing back. Jumping on her bike CJ drives back to the Wyrm.

Once outside the Wyrm CJ pulls out her phone.

Little Sis 🤪_ You want me to stay with you or can I stay at Toni's x

Big Bro👑_ Stay at Toni's I'm probably going to stay at Pop's most the night x

Little Sis🤪_ Thanks. Also I have a boyfriend x

Big Bro👑_ Who? X

Little Sis👑_ Chuck x

Big Bro👑_ Clayton? X

Little Sis🤪_ Yes x

Big Bro👑_ Okay just be careful x

Little Sis🤪_ Okay bye bro x

CJ smiles and walks into the Wyrm; she spots her friends in the corner and walks over to them, jumping up so she's sat on the table. "What's got you smiling?" Fangs asks her. "Nothing just had fun this evening that's all." CJ tells them. "Toni I'm staying at yours." she adds looking at Toni. "Okay let's head there now it's late." Toni responds. "Bye boys." the girls say in unison. Once outside Toni turns to CJ and smiles "What?" CJ asks. "You kissed him didn't you." Toni says smiling. "No, technically he kissed me." CJ smirks as Toni sequels excitedly.

The next morning CJ wakes up to her phone pinging.

Babe💖_ Morning baby girl xxx

Princess👸_ Morning babe xxx

Babe💖_ Do you want Pop's for Breakfast? Xxx

Princess 👸_ Yeah I'll meet you there xxx

CJ smiles and puts her phone down, turning she taps Toni "Tone I need to borrow some clothes." she says. "Mmh take whatever." Toni responds waking up and waving her hand at her clothes tiredly.

Once CJ is dressed she turns to Toni "I'm heading off now. Chuck is taking me out for breakfast." she tells her friend. "Have fun babes." Toni smiles getting dressed and sending CJ a wink. CJ laughs shaking her head and pulling out her phone to message Chuck.

Princess 👸_ Be at Pop's in 5 xxx

Babe 💖_ Okay baby girl see you there xxx

CJ arrives at Pop's and walks in to see Chuck sat in a booth waiting for her "Hey baby girl." he greets her standing up and giving her a quick kiss. "I've got Pop to order you your usual." he tells her as they sit down. "Thanks babe." she responds with a smile.

After they've eaten CJ goes over to Pop "Pop is it alright if I leave my bike outside if I move it out the way?" she asks him. "That's fine CJ. You can put it round the back." Pop tells her. CJ smiles and quickly moves her bike round to the back of the diner, she walks round to the front and spots Chuck waiting by his car "Ready for school baby girl?" he asks making her groan. "If we have to." she tells him. Chuck laughs and opens the door for her to get in "Why Thank You Kind Sir." CJ says in a fake posh accent. "Your Welcome My Lady." he replies in an equally fake posh accent making them both laugh as Chuck climbs in his side and starts the car driving to school. As they walk in a lot of people stop and stare at them holding hands "They're staring." CJ says quietly. "I know ignore them." he tells her. She nods as they stop at her locker "I'll meet you here at lunch." he tells her. "Okay bye." she says as he walks off after pecking her head.

Between second and third period Chuck bumps into CJ in the corridor "Hey Baby Girl. Want to bunk the rest of the day with me? We can go to mine, my parents are out today." he asks her. "Yeah okay I'll just grab my stuff from my locker. Meet you at your car." she says smiling. She grabs her stuff from her locker and quickly rushes to his car, jumping in she smiles as Chuck starts his car before driving to his house. As they arrive at his he smiles at her "Come on then." he tells her. CJ smiles and jumps out of the car, Chuck holds out his hand and leads her to the house and to his room. Once inside he starts kissing her, kissing back she smiles. Soon enough she's lying on his bed with Chuck leaning over her "Chuck stop." she tells him. When he doesn't she shouts at him "Chuck I'm not ready." she tells him pushing him away. "W-what?" he questions. "I-I'm not ready for that yet." she says looking at him. "Get out then. I only went after you because of the play book." he tells her. "What play book?" she questions. "Doesn't matter. Get out." CJ looks at his with tears in her eyes and rushes out the house. She grabs her phone and calls Toni "Hey babes." Toni answers. "T-toni." she cries down the phone. "Babes what's happened?" Toni asks her. "C-come and get me p-please." CJ cries. "Okay babes I'm coming where are you?" her friend asks. "Ch-cherry Street." CJ responds.

Soon CJ hears the rev of an engine and Toni pulls up in front of her. "What happened?" she asks CJ, hugging her. "J-just take me away for here." CJ says getting on the back of Toni's bike. Toni speeds off and drives to Joaquin's trailer where CJ sees Fangs, Sweetpea and Joaquin outside; she jumps off and Joaquin opens the door. Once inside she falls to the floor sobbing, Toni rushes forward and hugs her tightly "What happened babes?"she asks softly. CJ tries to respond but only a sob comes out, Toni looks at the boys and Joaquin picks CJ up before sitting on the sofa holding her as she cries into his chest.

Soon CJ calms down and sniffs a little "CJ. What happened?" Fangs asks gently from where he's sat opposite Toni who is next to her and Joaquin. "Ch-chuck. He t-tried to-" she cuts off crying again. Sweetpea stands up suddenly and starts pacing "Did he?" Toni asks, CJ shakes her head and leans into Joaquin even more. "I want daddy." she says making the other four look slightly surprised. "You sure babes?" Toni asks. CJ nods "I'll go get him." Joaquin says standing and putting CJ on the sofa. CJ puts her head on Toni's lap and Toni strokes her hair softly. Sweetpea stops pacing and sits on the floor holding CJ's hand and rubbing it softly while Fangs goes and gets CJ a drink. A few minutes later Joaquin walks in with FP "Daddy!" CJ cries jumping into her Father's arms. "I got you princess." he tells her hugging her close to his chest. After a minute CJ let's go of her Father "I'm going to get pay back on him." she tells her Father making him smile. "That's my girl." he smiles back and kissing her forehead. "You okay if I go and sort something quickly?" he asks her making CJ nod. She walks into the bathroom and washes all her make up off her face before walking back to the others, CJ sits next to Toni and snuggles into her making her friend hug her. CJ's phone buzzes and she pulls it out seeing her brother has messaged her.

Big Bro👑_ Where are you? X

Little Sis🤪_ Joaquin's x

Big Bro👑_ Why? X

Little Sis🤪_ I'll explain at Pop's x

Big Bro👑_ Meet you there in five x

CJ sighs "Can someone give me a lift to Pop's? Jug wants me." she asks as her dad walks in. "Princess. I got you and Jug this during the summer." he tells her handing her a small package. "Thanks daddy. I'll open it when I see Jug." she says smiling. "Okay princess. I'll see you soon." he says kissing her forehead and walking out. Fangs stands up "I'll give you a lift there." he tells her. CJ smiles and bids the others goodbye before following Fangs to his bike.

CJ jumps of Fangs bike and kisses his cheek "Thanks Fangs." she says. "Text one of us if you need us." he tells her. "Promise" she says smiling and walking into the diner. She spots Jughead and goes over sliding in opposite him "Hey Jug." she says quietly. "What happened? Where'd you go?" he asks her. "I bunked most the day with Chuck. Then he um... He tried to make me... I called Toni and we went to Joaquin's place." she says as she starts crying again. Jug goes round to her side of the table and hugs her letting her cry into him "I'm going to kill him." Jug says angrily. "N-no. I w-want to d-do it." she tells him. Jughead chuckles "I'll help then." he tells her making her giggle slightly. "I saw dad he gave me this for us." she says getting the package out her bag. Opening it they find a set of rings.

Automatically Jug takes twin one and CJ takes twin two, laughing they put them on their left pointing fingers. Pop suddenly brings over their usual "It's on the house. I saw that you were upset CJ. I thought it might cheer you up." Pop tells them. "Thanks Pop." CJ says with a smile. After they've eaten they walk out to the back where CJ's bike is "I saw Archie and Ms Grundy kissing." Jughead suddenly blurts out. "What!" CJ says turning to face her brother. "In the music room earlier." he explains. "Let's go talk to him." CJ says jumping on the bike with Jughead getting on behind her.

Archie spots Jughead and CJ as he walks to his front door "Jug, CJ. What's up?" he asks. "What's up is I saw you Archie. In the music room with Ms Grundy." Jughead says walking over to him with CJ following. "Keep it down my dad's inside." Archie says pointing to the door. "We're trying to help you dude. We're trying to be your friends even though we're not anymore. How long? You and Grundy?" Jughead asks as CJ crosses her arms. "Since Summer. I like her." Archie says gulping. "So I'm guessing she's the reason you've been acting weird since summer?" CJ asks him. "One of them." he responds. "One of them. There's more?" Jughead asks astounded. "We were at Sweetwater River on July 4th." Archie tells the twins making CJ and Jug look at each other. "We heard a gunshot. The gunshot." Archie finishes, CJ walks forward and slaps him. Jughead grabs her round the middle and pulls her back, hugging her while looking at Archie "Dude you have to tell somebody--" he says. "I can't and neither can you. If people find out about Grundy--" Archie starts. "A kid is dead. Jason is dead Archie! And your worries some... some cougar!" CJ exclaims pulling away from her twin with tears in her eyes. "Don't call her that! Okay she's not like that." Archie retorts. "Stab in the dark. I'm guessing she cares more about herself. She's the one who's telling not to say anything right?" Jughead asks.

Archie steps back sighing "Look, I saw you guys, she's messing with you man. And she's messing with your mind--" Jughead starts. "What do you even know about it? Or even me?" Archie exclaims. "Nothing. I used to know this guy once. Archie Andrews. He wasn't perfect, but his always tried to do the right thing atleast." Jughead says shaking his head and grabbing CJ's shaking hand. They start to walk but Archie grabs Jughead's arm "Jug. If you tell anyone about this..." he starts. "You'll what? What you gonna do?" Jughead asks. They both stare at each other when Fred, Archie's dad, opens the door "Hey Jug, CJ, you coming in? We've got Pop's take-out." he tells the twins. "They were just leaving." Archie says. CJ smiles at Fred before jumping on her bike with Jughead and driving to the drive in. They jump off her bike and go into the room where they're sleeping "Night Jug." CJ says as she get into bed after changing. "Night CJ." he responds turning the lamp off.

The next morning CJ wakes up screaming, Jughead rushes over to her and holds her tight stroking her hair "It was Chuck. He-he..." CJ trails off crying. "Shh it's okay I've got you." Jughead tells her pulling away and wiping her tears. "Go get dressed and we'll go get breakfast." he tells her. She nods and goes and gets dressed.

Walking out Jughead stares at her choice of clothing "It wasn't you." he tells her making her nod, he nods and kisses her forehead. On the way to school they walk go to Pop's and get a bacon bap each to eat.

At school CJ stands in a corner by the vending machine with Jughead while Reggie talks "And Sheriff Keller's grilling me Mantle the Magnificent. Cause I'd want Blossom dead. He was like the only good quarterback we had. And speaking of offensive tight-end, I should have sent the cops to you Moose. Because there's another unsolved mystery, what exactly were you and Kevin doing at the river huh? Or does being with the Sheriff's son give you a free pass? Keller?" Reggie asks. CJ looks at Jug "If he doesn't shut up I'm going to make him." she tells him. "Reggie's just being a blowhard Kev." Betty tells Kevin. "I don't care what he thinks." he tells her. "I mean let's think about it." Reggie starts again. "If a kid did kill Jason it's not gonna be a jock right? It's gonna be a spooky, scrawny, Internet troll, too busy writing his manifestos to get laid. Some smug, moody, serial killer fan boy freak, like Jughead or CJ?" he continues pointing to CJ and Jughead. CJ clenches her jaw and fists "What was it like suicide squad? When you shot Jason? You didn't do anything to the body did you? Like... after." Reggie asks. CJ turns round to look at him "It's called Necrophilia Reggie, can you spell it?" she asks. "Come here you little." Reggie says standing up.

Jughead puts CJ behind him as Archie interferes "Hey shut the hell up Reggie!" Archie tells him. "Boys!" Veronica says standing up. "Why do you care Andrews?" Reggie asks. "Nothing just leave them alone." Archie retorts. "Holy crap. Did you and the Danny Darko Twins kill him together? Was it some sort of pervy blood brother thing?" Reggie asks making Archie push him. Reggie pushes Archie into the vending machine making the glass shatter, they fall to the floor punching each other. In the end Reggie gets the upper hand and punches Archie in the eye knocking him out "Archie!" CJ exclaims going over to him on the floor. "Kev get him out of here." she says motioning to Archie. She stands up and turns glaring at Reggie "Listen here you little shit. You can mess with me all you want, but you mess with my family and I will end you." she tells him. "What you gonna do? Bite my ankles?" Reggie asks. "Nope. This." she says punching him in the nose breaking it, she smiles sweetly at him and walks out.

At the pep rally CJ stands with Jughead watching Archie talk to Grundy, when he's finished talking he walks over to them "Girl trouble? You?" Jughead asks him. "Grundy and me. We're telling Whetherbee and Keller. At least I am. Also didn't mean all that crap I said about you I'm sorry." Archie apologises. "It's cool." the twins say at the same time. They all pause "We're not going to hug in front the whole town are we?" Jughead asks laughing. CJ shrugs and hugs Archie making him laugh "How about we do that bro thing where we both nod like douches and mutually surpress our emotions?" Jughead asks. "Yeah but us as friends?" Archie asks. "To be discussed over many burgers and many days." Jughead responds, Archie smiles and walks off. Jug looks at CJ, putting his arm round her when he sees her shaking and looking at someone. He looks at where she is looking and spots Chuck "Hey look at me. We can go if you want." CJ shakes her head. "No I want to support Archie." she tells him making him nod.

After the pep rally Archie meets Jughead and CJ outside the school Pop's?" he asks making them nod and smile. Suddenly CJ spots Chuck and freezes, Archie and Jughead notice and also stop "CJ?" Archie asks. Jughead spots Chuck and turns to CJ to see tears pouring down her face, he hugs her and she burrows her head into his chest and cries softly "Can I tell Archie?" he asks making her nod into his chest. "Chuck tried to force himself onto her." Jughead tells Archie. "What? When?" Archie asks. "Yesterday." Jughead responds. CJ pulls away from Jughead just to be pulled into a hug by Archie "Let's go to Pop's. I'll buys you a Vanilla milkshake with cream and caramel sauce." he tells her making her giggle. They go over to Archie's Father's truck and lift her bike into the back before climbing in the front.

When they arrive at Pop's they see Veronica and Betty already at a booth "You guys want to join us?" Betty asks them. "Yes but only if your treating." Jughead says smiling. He climbs over the back of Veronica's bench and sits next to her "Veronica." she introduces. "Jughead Jones, the third." he responds. Veronica looks at him "Jughead Jones, the third?" she repeats confused. Archie smiles as CJ laughs, Archie sits next to Betty and pulls CJ in next to him "His actually name is Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third." CJ tells her. "Who named you that?" Veronica asks. "The same people who named CJ. Clementine Janet Jones." he smirks as CJ tries to hit him over the table. "This is your brother you were telling me about." Verionca realises, CJ nods and throws a balled up tissue at her brother in retaliation.

The next day they are in biology when Mr Whetherbee and Sheriff Keller walk in "You're here about the autopsy aren't you?" Cheryl says. "Cheryl there's no need to do this here." Keller says. "No they find out anyway." she says standing up. "Find out what Cher?" CJ asks from next to her friend. "That I'm guilty." she says putting her wrists out to be cuffed.


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