It's Just Revenge

נכתב על ידי ncvlove72

1.5K 81 48

Hayley Monahan was completely dreading the move back to her home town in North Harbor. She had left her home... עוד

Ch 1-Welcome Home!
ch 2- The dinner
ch 3-The Plan
ch 4- Turn for the worst
ch 5- Try outs
ch 7-Classified
ch 8- Earth Shattering
ch 9-Black Mail
ch 10-Red Bull and Jager shots
Ch 11-Crush
Ch 12: Bagels and Boys
Ch 13- Ferris Wheels and Paddle boats
Ch 14- It's Just A Small Gathering
Ch 15-Let the Games Begin
Ch 16- Dare: part 1
Ch. 17- Dare part 2
Ch. 18- It's time for some TRUTH
Chapter 19-The Day After

ch 6- Womanizer

92 6 3
נכתב על ידי ncvlove72

I wasn't sure if I was out of shape or if this team was a lot harder than my one back in Miami but, I was exhausted and dripping in sweat.  

As I practically collapsed in the bleachers I started peeling off my knee pads and volleyball shoes and sent a quick text to Kayla to pick me up.

"Guess what?! Guess what?! Guess what?!"  Ava slid up next to me on the bleachers still completely full of energy and barely sweating.

I looked up at her as I undid my high ponytail letting my long golden waves cascade back my back in a sweaty mess. 

"What?"  I asked trying to be cheerful.

"You made it!  You're on the team!"  Ava wrapped her arms around me and her grasp was so tight I could barely breath.

"Seriously?"  I asked somewhat in shock. 

Yeah I kept up with the team and I even did some pretty good digs up to the setter, who was Ava by the way but, it was a pretty intense work out for me.

Anytime the ball hit the net we all had to run three laps.  I was really hoping that was a drill we only did on occasions.

 "Yeah you did awesome! And you'll get used to the running.  It took me a month to get used to it my freshman year."  Ava admitted and I sighed.

Great the excessive running was an every practice thing.

"Hey Hayley good job today!  I'm Bridgette by the way."  The blonde girl that was up Ava's butt the whole practice came up to me and I was also shocked by this.

Any chance she had to spike the ball down at me she did and let me tell you.  She was good.  Really good.

"Thanks.  And you were great.  Those spikes were perfect."  I complimented and it was true.  I haven't seen someone spike like that in a long time.

"Thanks.  I'm hoping to get a scholarship this year."  She said nervously and Ava rolled her eyes at her friend.

"You're totally going to get one.  You're the best outside hitter on the team and probably in the state."  Ava encouraged her friend and then looked at me.

"She was probably only going hard on you because we need a great libero."  Ava whispered to me but, Bridgette heard it and groaned.

"Ava!"  Bridgette nudged her almost making her fall over and I laughed at them.

They reminded me of me and my friends back in Miami on the volleyball team.  Always goofing around and laughing at each other.

"It's true though.  The better you are, the better sets I can make, and the better spikes Bridgette can do."  Ava explained like it was obvious and I nodded in agreement.

She had a point.

"Well I'm heading out.  Av do you need a ride?"  Bridgette asked and Ava shook her head no.

"I drove today but, I'm waiting for Adam to get done with practice.  He's grounded from his car."  Ava smiled at the last part.

"Why is he grounded from his car?"  Bridgette laughed and Ava let out a long sigh.

"Some stupid reason.  After Holden's little gathering the other night Adam let Justin drive them back to the house drunk.  Mom and Dad heard them acting rediculous in the kitchen at like 5 in the morning, which they usually wouldn't mind but, when they saw Justin get in his car the next morning and drive home they were furious that Adam had gotten in the car with him the night before." 

I wasn't entirely sure where Adam's parents' bedroom was but, the fact that they heard them all the way in their room from the kitchen in that huge house must mean they were being pretty loud.

"Sounds like Adam."  Bridgette shook her head not surprised.

"He makes so many stupid decisions when he has  so much to loose.  Coach has been getting on him hard this year and if he screws up once he's off the team."  Ava rolled her eyes thinking about her brother.

"What team?"  I asked and Bridgette and Ava looked at me like I was stupid.

"He's the quarterback and captain of the football team."  Bridgette said like it was obvious.

Of course he was.


"Chill B.  She's only been at this school for one day."  Ava laughed making Bridgette laugh too.

"Okay well I'm leaving for real this time.  Bye girls!"  Bridgette called and started walking out of the gym.

"Don't mind Bridgette.  She's really nice I swear."  Ava said trying to be soothing and I laughed it off. 

"No she doesn't seem that bad.  Just intense."  I answered honestly and Ava nodded.

"That's a good word for her.  Are you excited about making the team?" 

"Yeah, it feels good to play again."  I answered honestly and a big smile went across Ava's face.

"I'm so excited we have a libero again."  She said mainly to herself and I half wondered if Ava was actually that nice or if she was just sucking up to me because I was their team's last hope.

"I'm excited to be a libero again."

Ava stood up about to walk out when she looked back at me.

"Do you need a ride?"  She asked and I was about to say no then looked back down at my phone which still had zero unread messages.

"Um yeah actually, I think I do."  I stood up giving my now sweat dried hair a good shake and grabbing my duffle bag.

"I'll take you home."  She said with a smile as we went the opposite way that Bridgette did and through a tunnel. 

"Where are we going?"  I asked.

"The football field.  I have to get Stupid."  Ava said casually and I couldn't help but, laugh at her not so original nickname for Adam.

Once we got on the field I was amazed.  It was beautiful and much better than the one at my school in Miami.  Then again my school wasn't too big on football.  They were more into water and beach stuff like surfing, volleyball, and the swim team.

Ava pulled out her phone and looked at the time.

"They should be out soon.  They just got done with practice and are changing." 

I shrugged.  I didn't mind waiting and besides I got to hang out with Ava a little more without the annoying presence of Adam.

"So honest question who was better looking.  Boys at your old school or boys here?"  Ava asked wiggling her eyebrows and I let out a loud laugh feeling caught off guard.

"I honestly don't know.  It may be about even.  I mean they just look different.  Like boys back in Florida had the whole surfer look going on and here everyone dresses so preppy."  I admitted and it was true.

I however liked both looks and was definitely starting to get used to the 'preppy' thing. 

"Hmm.  You need to take me to Miami with you someday.  I love surfer boys."  Ava stretched out her bronzed legs on the bleachers and day dreamed and I couldn't help but, feel like she was just like her brother the way she went 'hmmm.'

"Ava what are you doing here?"  Ava and me were caught out of our trances when a small brunette girl in a cheerleading uniform approached us. 

I quickly recognized the girl to be Paige Randolf.  The girl I had saw Holden with earlier.

"Sitting.  Does that bother you?"  Ava said with attitude and I had to give her a second take.

Ava being rude?

Who was this girl?

"No. Not at all actually_"  Paige was about to go on but, one look at me caught her completely off gaurd. Her gaze landed hard on me as she popped her leg out to the side and put a hand on her hip.

Ava sat up straighter at this her eyes flashing dark as she starred at Paige.

"You must be the new girl everyone's been talking about?"  Paige said looking me up and down.

I knew girls like Paige in high school.  Rude, bitchy, and act like they're better than anyone but, truthfully they're just insecure. 

Girls like her didn't scare me.

"I mean I guess unless there's another new girl I don't know about."  I answered and Ava laughed at my response.

Paige rolled her eyes at me and then looked back over at Ava.

"Holden's been talking about her."  Paige tilted her head to the side glarring at Ava and Ava looked at her amused.

"Yeah Holden talks about a lot of things but, you know what he doesn't talk about?  You."  And then Ava did something completely terrifying.  She did a smirk that matched her brothers. 


I have chills.

Paige laughed it off and then I heard deep voices coming from behind us.

"Did you see Alex at practice though?  Classic!"  That voice came from Holden who was cracking up laughing with Adam.

"I swear that freshman couldn't even catch a football if it was put in his hand."  Adam said as the boys doubled over in hysterics. 

They stopped though when they saw us.  Their gaze went between Paige and Ava.

There was obviously some tension here that I needed to know more about.

Ava stood up looking at Adam.

"Are you ready?"  She said coldly and Adam nodded about to follow his sister.

Holden was following Adam out when Paige grabbed him by the arm.

"Holden I thought we had plans?" 

Holden then looked at Adam and Ava who were giving him annoyed looks.

"Actually he made plans with us."  Adam finally broke the silence and Paige nodded.

"So you're ditching me?"  She asked outraged.

"Um, yeah."  Holden said, a confident smirk falling on his lips and then with his head held high he walked off with Adam and Ava.  I was behind all of them and I looked back at a very furious looking Paige.

"Okay just for that we're getting pizza!"  Holden said once we reached the parking lot.

"I don't know having to look at her face makes me loose my appetite."  Ava scrunched up her nose in disgust and I looked at her shocked.

Seriously what did Paige Randolf do?

"Well I'm hungry, what about you Hannah.  You wanna get pizza?"  Adam looked down at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay now you're just being a jackass."  Holden draped an arm over my shoulder and Adam groaned.

"Wait her name is really Hayley?"  Adam asked looking back at me and Holden who was practically putting me in a chock-hold now.

God this was going to be torture pretending to enjoy his company.

"Really bro?"  Holden shook his head disappointed.

"Okay we'll get pizza.  Just stop!"  Ava said turning around and gripping hold of my arm yanking me from Holden's grasp.

Thank. God.

"Yes!"  Holden and Adam said at the same time as they piled into Ava's red BMW convertible.

"Can we put the top down?"  Adam asked as he let me in the backseat.

"No."  Ava said firmly walking to the trunk of the car.

As I was bending over to get in I noticed that Adam took a second to glance down at my spandex clad butt with a playful glow in his eyes that made a blush spread right across my face.

"Awe why so flustered princess?"  A grin lit up Adam's whole face and it was now clear that he knew I knew he was checking out my ass and he was not one bit ashamed of it.  Yeah that made sense...

I practically slumped into the backseat making sure to get as far away from Adam as possible.

Ava however didn't notice the encounter.  She was too busy loading up our duffle bags in the trunk along with Holden.

She then jumped into the driver's seat and Adam let Holden in the back with me and at this point I wasn't sure who would have been worse to sit next to.

Adam or Holden?

"To Spanelli's we go!"  Ava said enthusiastically and started pulling out of the school parking lot once we were all situated.

I pulled out my phone once more and noticed that Kayla had still not texted me back.

That jerk.

"Waiting for a text from your boyfriend?"  Holden asked sitting very close to me making me feel slightly uncomfortable even though the scent of whatever cologne he was wearing did suit him. 

What was that?  Maybe pine wood?

Stop that Hayley!

Holden Kane does not smell good!

...Damn Ava for having a very small backseat.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend."  I answered and Holden raised his eyebrows at me.

Bad thing to say Monahan.  Bad thing to say.

"You didn't leave anyone back in Miami?"  Holden asked shocked. 

"How did you know I was from Miami?"  I asked and Holden was taken back by this question.

"Because he's stalking you.  Isn't it obvious?"  Adam answered for him and Holden responded by kicking the back of his seat.

"Hey don't kick my car Kane!"  Ava said half serious and half kidding and Holden put his arms up in surrender.

"Sorry Ava."  He said seriously and Ava only laughed it off.

There was an awkward silence after that and Ava put on the new Taylor Swift CD making the boys groan in unison.

"Oh come on!"  Adam shouted making her sister laugh manically as she turn it up louder.

"I love this song!"  I shouted and Ava looked back at me.

"You have good taste Hayley!" 

And just like that me and Ava were singing at the top of our lungs to a Taylor Swift song as Adam and Holden leaned back,

cursing, putting their hands over their ears.


"We're here!"  Ava announced as she pulled into Spanelli's Pizza parking lot turning off her Taylor Swift CD.

"Oh thank god!"  Holden jumped out of the car even before Adam got his seat down all the way to let him out. 

"There is a heaven after hell!"  Adam joined Holden as they practically danced around in the parking lot in joy.

"I didn't think our singing was that bad."  Ava came up to me making us both laugh.

"I don't know.  You were a little pitchy."  I joked and Ava's jaw dropped in shock.

"Says the wannabe Ariana Grande over here."  I gasped.

"She's my idol!"  I admitted and yes it was half true.  I was a huge Ariana Grande fan but, I sang like a dead Walrus.

"Can you two hurry up.  I wanna eat in the next decade."  Adam glared at us crossing his arms against his chest.

"The way you eat in one day is enough to hold you for a decade."  Ava grumbled her response to her brother but, I'm pretty sure I was the only one that heard it. 

As we walked in the aura was definitely familiar and I was sure I had been here before when I was younger as all four of us walked up to the host stand.

A little red headed girl that looked around 16 walked up to the stand smiling, mainly at Adam and Holden but, who could really blame her.

From first glance they do seem perfect.

Until they talk.

"Four?"  She asked shyly and we all nodded as she took out the menus and walked us to a booth.

Ava and Adam slid in on opposite sides first and I couldn't have been more excited that I didn't have to sit next to

Holden any longer.

However I did have to sit right across from him so I guess I wasn't really winning.

"So how was practice ladies?"  Holden asked as Adam decided to divert his attention to a menu.

"It was good.  Hayley made the team!"  Ava clapped a little pulling me into a hug and making Holden smile at us in an affectionate way.


"Aw are you girls going to be the bestest of best friends now?"  Holden joked and Ava laughed picking up a menu from the table.


I laughed at this and was slightly relieved.  I mean at this point I was pretty much in.  We were having dinner together for chirt's sake and Justin loves me already.

Apparently besides advanced chem we also have French 3 and AP English together.  So Justin took it upon himself to ask for my number for 'school' reasons.

Then again I was more than happy to give it to him.  I had a weak spot for guys with glasses even if said guy was part of the 'Trinity.'

"Hi welcome to Spanelli's. I'm Clair and I'll be taking care of you.  Are y'all ready to order?"  A tall brunette walked over to our table wearing heavy black eye shadow and popping an excessive amount of gum.

"I'll have a water with lemon."  Ava chimed in and Clair nodded jotting that down on her notepad.

"Same."  I said with a half smile.

"I'll have a Coke."  Holden added.

"I'll have a Miller Lite and we'll all split an extra large cheese pizza with tomatoes and onions." Adam ordered and I could hear Ava mumble somthing under her breath next to me as the waitress jotted down our order.

"I'll have that out."  She said with a lazy smile sauntering away.

"Seriously Adam?!"  Ava said with a raised eyebrow.

"What we always split a tomato and onion pizza.  Does Hannah not like it?"  Adam seethed looking in my direction and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"No I'm completely fine with it."  I said with a big smile and Adam nodded looking down at Ava.

"Not the pizza moron.  Do you really think it's a good idea to order a beer?  Especially wearing North Harbor sweat pants?!"  Ava said looking under the table at Adam's attire and Adam shrugged.

"Hey she didn't ID."  Holden knuckle touched Adam who happily returned it laughed and Ava just glared at the two boys.

"So why do you hate that cheerleader?"  I asked trying to change the subject but, I soon realized it was a bad subject change as Holden and Adam stopped laughing and starred at me and Ava.

Ava looked down at her cuticles and then tried to casually look up at me but, I knew better.

"Who Paige?  I don't hate her."  Ava said flipping her dark hair over her shoulder and Holden and Adam started cracking up.

"Yeah she doesn't hate her.  She does more than that.  She despises her existence."  Adam said matter of factly and Ava's cheeks went red as she was about to spit out a rude remark when the waitress came to drop off our drinks.

"Nice Adam."  Holden shook his head taking a sip of his Coke and Adam took a big gulp of his beer.

"Oh like you're one to talk Kane.  You hook up with her." Adam said and I vaguely noticed that Adam was semi-defending Ava

I was amazed.

Maybe he wasn't completely evil to the core.

"Okay seriously guys.  Let's not talk about it.  It's not a big deal."  Ava said looking down at the table.

"She's a slut that hooked up with you're ex-boyfriend.  There's not much else to talk about."  Adam retorted and Ava in took a sharp breath.

"What?  Who?  Oh my god Ava I'm so sorry."  I said feeling my cheeks turn red as I turned to face Ava who now didn't seem that affected by it.

"Don't be Hales.  It was 4 months ago.  I'm over it." 

"And you're having sex with her?!" I gasped looking across the table at Holden who looked half annoyed.

"WAS having sex with her.  She's getting clingy."  Holden crossed his arms against his chest like a child and Adam only laughed at his friend while Ava scoffed.

"He slept with the enemy."  Ava death starred Holden who raised an eyebrow at Ava making me and Adam both uncomfortably move in our seats.

"Well if it helps she'll be pretty upset once she realizes were through."  Holden gritted his teeth at Ava who nodded approvingly but, decided to remain silent.

"Here's the pizza."  Clair sat the extra large pizza in the center of the table on a tray and passed out plates to everyone breaking up the awkwardness that she clearly walked into.

Before anyone could ask for anything she was walking off again with an annoyed Ava eyeing her for not getting her a refill.

First the ID's now this.  Clair was not a good employee.

Adam dug into the pizza first and then Ava. 

Me and Holden reached for the pizza spatula at the same time but, Holden smiled at me, his glowing light blue eyes shinning up at me as he inched the spatula towards me.

"You can go first Hales." 

And as I took my pizza off the tray I realized that Holden Kane wasn't the demented littl bully he was in grade school. 

He was worse.

He was a cold-hearted womanizer. 

Yay! Hayley's in and sadly having to hang out with Holden and Adam now.  On a serious note though who do you think would be worse to sit next to Holden or Adam???  Maybe it's too soon to ask because they may not be all that bad right?

Vote, comment, and Read On loves!

<3 Rea

Colton Haynes gif on the right... you're welcome;)

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