The Other Side (BOOK 1)

By thisiskvren

11.7K 560 88

Magic always comes with a price. And Katelyn Olson, Ricky Horror's sister, finds herself paying it. - (A Mort... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Quick PSA!

Chapter 7

462 21 1
By thisiskvren

Ricky's POV

It freaks me out when I see the determination in Kate's eyes. I've never seen this side of her, but I kind of like it.

I look at Chris." Alright. Then lets go find our father." I say and stand up.

She doesn't seem excited about the meeting our father part, but then again I don't blame her.

"Chris, call the others and tell them our plan. I need to talk to Rumplestiltskin." I say and walk out towards the front door of the shop, Kate following.

As I step out, I see Rumplestiltskin talking to Andy right outside. They hear my footsteps and both look at me.

"Rumplestiltskin, I need a favor from you." I say as I walk towards them.

"Another one?" He asks, sounding surprised. A sane person wouldn't ever dare to ask the dark one for a favor, let alone two, cause no one wants to owe him anything in return.

"Well, to be specific, you can't accomplish the first favor I asked you. So this one will do." I say.

He sighs. "Fair enough. What is it that you need?"

"I am planning on tracking down my father. I need a tracking potion." I say.

"Okay. Do you have anything of his?" He asks.

I nod and reach for the one thing I have from my father, which is a compass. He had told me that this compass would always help me find my way, to my family, to my happiness. Right before my sister was born, he left, leaving nothing behind but this.

I'm hesitant to hand it to him. I've held this compass close to my heart, but I have to find the bastard. I hand it over.

"Follow me then." He says as he walks into the shop.

Andy, Kate and I follow him.

Before we knew it, he is dropping a potion on the compass.

We all wait. Suddenly, the compass rises into the air, floating.

"The compass will lead you to him. It might be a long journey." Rumplestiltskin says.

"Alright. Thanks, again." I tell him.

"Don't mention it. Good luck." He says before dissapearing into blue smoke.

I sigh and looked at Kate, Ashley, Chris and Andy.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask.

They all nod.

"Okay, lets go." I say and grab the compass, putting it in my pocket and walking out of the shop." Where are the others?" I ask Chris.

"They're waiting for us back in the woods." He replies.

"Ash, do you have another bean?" I ask Ashley.

He nods and holds it out, showing me.

We all walk back towards where the last portal that took us here opened. We all stand in a circle as Ashley throws the bean on the ground, a portal opening.

We all jump and in a matter of seconds, we're out of the woods, and the portal closes.

"Ricky!" I heard Ryan yell.

I turn around and see Ryan running towards us, the guys following behind.

"What happened? Did you get the potion?" Ryan asks.

"Sadly, no. But we did get something else." I reply, holding out the compass.

"The compass your father gave you?" He frowns. "That was given to you? I thought that was yours to begin with."

"It is. But there is a tracking potion in it. One that will help me find my father. Chris told you the rest." I say, making him nod.

"When will we begin our journey?" Josh asks.

"Tomorrow. We need to plan how exactly we're going to get to our destination, the risks and everything else." I say. I look over at Kate and nod.


Kate's POV

The guys start discussing everything. Meanwhile, I walk off deeper into the woods and think about everything.

I hear a twig snap behind me, making me turn around quickly.

I frown when I don't see anyone or anything.

Then I feel someone pass me by me in a blink of an eye. Too fast for the human eye.

I turn around again and see nothing.

I breathe out, a little nervous and continue walking.

I suddenly feel a hand on me. As I'm about to scream, another hand is on my mouth, keeping me from doing so.

The person turns me around. Andy is standing there laughing his ass off.

"Andy! You idiot!' I yell. "I could have killed you!"

"But you didn't." He replies. Cocky son of a bitch.

"This time." I snap and turn back around, continuing my walk.

He runs towards me, catching up.

"You still mad about the kiss?" He asks, grinning.

I cross my arms across my chest and glare at him. "Go away, creep." I say.

"Oh, come on. You know you liked it." He says.

"I told you to go away-" I raise my voice but get cut off when I feel something burn me, throwing me high into the air.

"Kate!" I hear Andy yell when I collapse on the ground, on my stomach.

He runs towards me and helps me up. He takes my small hands in his own. The action makes my heart flutter a little but I quickly retrieve them.

"What the hell." I groan as pain shoots through my chest.

"Wait here." He says and run towards where we were a second ago.

He picks up a rock from the ground and throws it in the direction we were going, only for it to shocked by something and thrown into the air like I did.

"A protection spell." I hear Andy mumble as I walk towards him.

"Why would that part of the woods need a protecting?" I ask.

"Because it wasn't a guardian who did this, but a demon. This must be their territory." He replies.

"But aren't I half demon? Can't I pass through?" I ask.

"Well, clearly, you tried. If you want to get fried and try to pass through, go ahead." He says.

I roll my eyes at him. "I need to pass through."

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Andy exclaims, as if he hadn't told me to fry myself a second ago.

"Look if you want part of the group to get killed by demons, I suggest you let me go. I am not asking permission in the first place!" I snap.

He doesn't say anything.

I look straight ahead of me and take a deep breath. If this is how I go, then this is how I go.

I take a step and walk towards the protection spell. I scream as it shocks my entire body.

Then, the pain stops. I look at Andy over my shoulder to see that I have passed.

"Be careful." He says.

"Careful, Andy. I'm gonna start to think that you actually care about me." I grin and turn back around.

I slowly walk towards the dark part of the woods, branches and leaves crunching under my feet. The breeze turns colder, if that's even possible, and I shiver.

"Kate." A voice says.

I freeze when I feel a presence behind me.

I turn around and see no one. I notice that everything is dark now, and I can't see Andy anymore, not even the trees far up ahead.

"I've been expecting you." It's a woman's voice.

I turn my head to see a woman dressed in black walking towards me. Her hair is blonde, her eyes, blue.

"W-who are you?" I stutter, a little nervous

"I'm Lilith." She says. She walks over to me and whispers in my ear "Have you heard of me? Perhaps in Jewish mythology?"

I shake my head and pull away, uncomfortable and see her smirk.

"I'm a demon." She simply says.

"Figured." I mumble, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I am here to offer you something."

"I don't want anything from you."

"Oh, but you will. See, this is the offer. You can join our army of demons and your friends will be safe. Or, you can stay with them and we will come after you. I know what you are, Olson. You can be something pretty useful to us." She explains.

I swallow hard, not knowing what to say.

"You don't need to answer right now. I will come back for you. I'll give you time." She says before running her hand across my eyes, making my vision go black, everything around me fading away.

When I open my eyes, I see that I'm back where Andy is. He's standing in front of me, his back facing me. Waiting for me, I suppose.

"Andy." I mumble.

He turns around and frown, his eyes widening. "What the fuck?"

"Long story." I say.

"What happened?" He asks, walking closer to me.

I break eye contact and bite by bottom lip, looking past him ahead where I met this so called Lilith. I shakily breathe out.

"You don't want to know."




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