Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON H...

By SpaceismyEscape

1.2K 1 4

After the fight with Zarkon, Lotor and Haggar was over, the Paladins returned to Earth and lived out their li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 29

27 0 0
By SpaceismyEscape



Kora sighed as she took a break from training. She was bored out of her mind.

So she decided to train, only to beat just about every level of it.

"Kora!" Liam shouted running into the room.

"What? What's going on?!"

"Get to your lion now!" Jade exclaimed. "We're being attacked!"

Doing as told, they ran down to their lions, with an adult of course.

Kora furrowed her eyebrows. "What the he-cheese?" She questioned.

"Training!" Shiro spoke up.

"You mean you tricked us?" Liam said.

"You got to be prepared."

Kora looked up at Keith.

"That is cruel Shiro, so very cruel." Keith muttered.

"You mean, you didn't know?" Kora asked.

Keith shook his head. "Nope."

Suddenly, a laser beam hit the Red Lion.

"Oh- you wanna play?" Kora asked with a grin. "Let's play."

Kora attacked the ships, taking them out immediately. She let out a sigh. "I'm so bored."

Working as a team, they managed to take out the ships, finishing training quickly.

"How are you bored?"

"I beat every training level of the bot. This training was just to easy." Kora listed.

"Wait, you beat the boss level of the training bot!?" Liam exclaimed.


"How?! I can't get passed level 8!"

Kora shrugged as they went back into their ship.

An alarm blared throughout their ship causing everyone to stiffen.

"We are being followed!" Allura announced.

"Wormhole?" Devin asked.

"We can't." Coran stated.

"What why not?"

"I'm currently fixing the teladuv." Coran answered.

"The only thing we can do is attack them." Kora spoke up. "Or else we're just playing cat and mouse."

Jade nodded. "Get to your lions now." She instructed.

Following their leaders order, the teenagers split up heading down to their lions.

Kora pierced her lips as she furrowed her eyebrows wondering why they weren't attacking them.

She had an idea, and she knew everyone was going to hate it. So she did it herself.

Flying Red over to the ship, she landed on top.

"Kora?" Keith asked. "What are you doing?"

"I have an idea." Kora stated. "And you're going to hate it. But I'm doing it."

"And that is?" Keith said with a raised brow.

"I'm going into the ship. They aren't attacking. But why?"

Half of Keith wanted to stop her, but the other half didn't.

"I'm coming with you." Keith said.

"Okay." Kora shrugged.

The father and daughter flew out of the red lion and cut a whole in the ship and went through it.

"Kora? Keith?" Lance asked. "What are you doing?"

"Going to figure out what the hell is going on." Keith answered.

"They aren't attacking." Kora said. "So why aren't they?"

Nobody answered them, but nobody stopped them either.

Kora and Keith continued to walk, noticing that the ship was empty like. That was until Kora slipped in something.

"Kora! You alright?" Keith questioned, going to help his daughter up. Until he slipped as well.

"Mom, I can't move!" Kora exclaimed as she tried to get up.

That's when people surrounded them.

Keith looked between his daughter and the people.

With all his strength, he grabbed his daughter and tossed her to the other side of the ship catching reds attention.

The lion blew through the roof and caught the girl and then went after Keith.

"Go!" He shouted.

"Mom!" Kora cried. "I'm not leaving you!"

"Yes you are! Red, take care of my daughter."

"Papa!" Kora spoke. "Mom, he's still in there!"

On the blue lion, Lance looked down at Liam. "Drop me off at the ship."

Liam nodded and did as told.

"Kora!? What's going on?!"

"It's a trap!" Kora yelled.

Lance wondered in the ship, only to get knocked out.

"They've been in there for a while!"

"Okay, here's the plan." Shiro instructed. "Us adults will go in. You guys get back to the ship, stay there until I say so."

The teenagers nodded.

Shiro, Pidge and Hunk were dropped off and their children turned around and flew into the ship.

But Kora took a moment to place a tracker on the other ship, just in case. And it was a good thing she did, because the ship just took off.

"NO!" Kora screamed as Liam and Jade held her back.

"Stop Kora." Liam whispered. "Calm down. We'll get them back."

Kora pulled away from Liam and Jade, looking at them for a second she quickly ran.

Shay, Allura, Adam and Coran looked at each other.

"Give her a bit." Adam said. "She's just going to the training room. She needs to work her anger out. In the meantime, let's make a plan. We're going to get them back, I promise."


Kora collapsed to the ground as she let tears fall.

"Kora." Shay said walking into the room. The mother didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the girl. "It's going to be okay, I promise."

Kora leaned into Shay, her cries growing louder.

Shay rubbed her back and held her close, whispering soothing words into her ear.

"T-there's a tracker." Kora whispered. "On the ship."

"Okay, let's go let the others know." Shay said gently.

"I placed a tracker on the ship." Kora spoke walking into the room.

"I got it." Devin said as he began to track the ship.

"Where are they?"

"It seems to be some type of base." Juno answered. "It's where they go to stalk up on supplies and do trades."

"Let's check it out." Adam ordered.

Allura made a wormhole and brought them to the location.

"We'll stay here and watch Georgia. Adam, Shay, go with them." Allura said.

The group nodded and got into the lions. They flew down to the area, and hid their lions.

They snuck into the control room and knocked out the guards.

Kora set up her sniper, watching out for anyone who may appear, while Devin hacked into the system trying to figure out where their parents were.

"There they are!" He exclaimed once he found a security feed.

The group watched as the older paladins were taken off of one ship and placed on another.

"Damn it!" Kora swore. "How are we going to get them now?!"

"Wait." Devin said. "There is a number on the ship. I think that's how they track them."

"Devin, can you find them?" Jade asked.

"I'll try."

"We have people incoming." Kora warned them. "Three of them."

Jade, Liam and Owen stood in front of the door, waiting for them to walk in.

"I recognize this ship." Devin muttered, his eyebrows furrowed.

Kora walked over and took a look. "That's Lilith's ship." She said. "Their on her ship."


In a cell, Keith, Lance, Shiro, Pidge and Hunk sat against the wall.

"We can't escape." Pidge mumbled. "We don't have any weapons."

"Well, besides Keith's blade." Hunk said.

"No." Keith shook his head. "They took it."

Lance tensed up and moved away from the door. He got down in a defensive position.

"Lance?" Shiro asked.

"Someone's coming." Lance whispered.

The door whipped open causing Lance to smirk.

"Hey, I recognize you." Lance chuckled. "How's your hand? My niece fucked that up damn good."

"Shut up." The guard growled.

"How about your buddy?" Lance continued. "She knocked him right out. Pretty hard blow to the head."

"I said shut up!"

"Lance." Keith whispered gripping onto his husbands shirt. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take that as he's dead." Lance snarled.

The guard shot forward, making the group move out of the way.

Lance lifted his fist and gave the guard a hard punch. "This is for taking my daughter you piece of shit." He hissed.

The guard was now unconscious.

The group looked down at the guard who lied on the floor and back up at Lance, shock lacing their faces.

"That was fucking hot." Keith blurted out.

The room grew quiet.

"Let's just go." Shiro said shaking his head.

They followed Shiro out of the room, and down hallways.

"Where the hell is the armory?" Keith asked no one in particular.

"Over there." Pidge pointed.

"Got you!" A hand was placed on Lance's shoulder and hand covering his mouth.

He squirmed in their grip trying to get away from them.

"Take them to Lilith." A guard ordered.

The adults were then dragged down to a big set of doors.

Keith's breath hitched as he knew what was on the other side of the door.

"Anytime kids." He said under his breath.

"Oh my my." Lilith grinned. "Welcome to my home Paladins."

Keith glared at Lilith. "This doesn't look like you're home."


"Last time I checked, your home is a garbage can." Lance finished.

"I see where your brats get their trash talk from." Lilith spat.

"Hey!" A voice shouted.

"Oh shit." Liam said. "She's looking at us!"

"Ugly lady!" Kora greeted, walking more into the room.

Lilith groaned. "Seriously!"

The kids stood in front of their parents, weapons raised.

"So, who's going first?" Owen asked.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?" Juno suggested.

The group nodded and went on with rock paper scissors.

"What the hell are you kids doing?" Shiro asked as Adam and Shay untied them.

"Hang on." Liam said. "Winner gets to attack first."

"Yes!" Kora shouted. "I'm winner!"

The girl shot forward, blade high in the air. She jumped high in the air, only to be stopped by purple lighting.


The purple wrapped around the girls body, her bayard fell to the ground.

Keith and Lance stood up, running towards their daughter.

A baby's cry was heard causing them to stop.

The lighting disappeared, revealing a baby Kora in the air.

Lance shot forward and caught his daughter.

"Daddy." She blubbered, clinging onto the male.

"Move!" Keith instructed, but it was to late.

The lighting wrapped around Owen, Devin and Juno, just missing Jade and Liam.

Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed, revealing the lions.

"Grab the kids and get out of here!" Shiro shouted.

Doing as told, the parents grabbed their children and flew away from Lilith.

They got onto their own ship, where Allura opened a wormhole and got them far away.

"What happened?" Allura asked shocked as her friends walked in with babies.

"Lilith transformed them into babies." Liam answered holding Georgia.

"I remember when they were this small." Pidge smiled.

"How old are they?" Coran asked, twisting his mustache.

"About a year old." Pidge answered.

Kora yanked on Lance's hair.

"Ow, Kora!" Lance scolded. "Don't pull on hair. You have to be nice."

"How are we going to change them back?"

Nobody answered because they didn't know.

They didn't even know what to do.

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