Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON H...

By SpaceismyEscape

1.2K 1 4

After the fight with Zarkon, Lotor and Haggar was over, the Paladins returned to Earth and lived out their li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 21

19 0 0
By SpaceismyEscape

Damn, Riverdale is intense.



"Where is he Lilith?" Kora questioned harshly. "Where the hell is Alec?!"

"Don't worry about your boyfriend sweet Kora. He's perfectly fine. Locked in a cell with his big brother."

"Why?" Kora asked. "Why did you kill his parents?!"

"Oh Kora." Lilith chuckled walking closer to the girl.

"You take one step closer to my daughter and I'll fucking kill you."

"Well well well. Isn't it Keith Kogane and Lance McClain." Lilith grinned.

Owen and Liam made there way closer to Lance and Keith.

"Guys." Liam whispered into his helmet. "I'm sending our location. Get over here ASAP. But be aware Lilith is on the ship. Watch out for anyone else who may be here."

"You got it. Stay safe." Jade's voice rang through.

"They were good people. Innocent people!" Kora exclaimed her anger and hatred growing the more she stood in front of Lilith. "And you went and killed them! I swear Lilith, I swear I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh dear Kora. It's going to take a lot more to kill me."

"You didn't let me finish." Kora giggled looking up at Lilith. All her shaking stopped.

"Dad." Liam mumbled taking a step back. "Um, I thought her loosing it stopped."

"I may not kill you today, or tomorrow. But I swear I will be the one to kill you." Kora said. "Now. I am going to ask one more time. Where is Alec and Gray?"

"I already told you Dear, they're on one of my ships safe and sound."

Kora deadpanned. "If they're anywhere with you and your people they are definitely not safe and sound. You have 10 seconds to tell me their exact location."


"This isn't going to be good." Liam muttered as the others appeared.


"Get ready." Owen spoke getting in an attack position.


Kosmo appeared beside the teenagers also getting ready to attack.








"Times up." Kora said lunging forward with bayard in hand.

Keith shot forward as Lilith raised her hand, which was swirling with magic, to slash at Kora.

The father quickly wrapped his arm around Kora and turned away from Lilith.



Kora froze as Lilith brought her hand down and sliced through Keith's skin.

"Daddy?" Kora whimpered as Keith's eyes widened as he fell to the ground.

"No no no no." Kora said holding her hand agaisnt the wound. "Come on daddy, don't leave. Please please. You're going to be okay."

Liam stood shocked to what he just witness.

She's dead.

Liam lunged at Lilith with his bayard raised, slicing her arm.

"You brat!" Lilith hissed looking at Liam before she disappeared.

Liam ran over to where Kora and Lance sat beside Keith trying to stop the bleeding.

"It's not stopping!" Kora cried. "Dad!"

"Listen you guys." Keith's weak voice rang out. "Don't give up. Understand? I love you guys no matter what."

"Stop talking like that!" Liam shouted. "You're going to make it! You have to!"

"I love you."

"Come on." Lance mumbled. "Don't give up Keith. Don't give up."

"Kosmo!" Kora cried standing up. "Get him out of here."

Kosmo did as told and teleported with Keith.

The teenagers, and Lance, all ran back to their Lions and quickly flew back to the ship.

"If I didn't- didn't loose it dad would've been okay." Kora whispered looking down at her hand which were covered with Keith's blood. "He would've been okay."

"We have him in the healing pod now." Allura said as she met them in the control room. "We don't know if he'll be okay or not yet."

Lance leaned agaisnt the wall, watching as everyone broke.

The room went silent as dread filled everyone.

"Mom?" Georgia babbled.

Kora tensed up.


"He's not here Georgia." Kora whispered. "He's not here."

Lance slid down the wall as he pulled his knees into his chest, everything sinking in.

Georgia walked over to Lance and gave him a hug. "Da?"

"Kora." Adam spoke. "Why don't we go get you cleaned up?"

Kora didn't say anything as she nodded and followed Adam.

Liam shook as anger filled him. "I'm going to kill her."

"Liam. Calm down." Jade spoke.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" Liam snapped. "You don't know anything!"

Jade flinched and took a step back.

"Lia-" a hand on Jade's shoulder stopped her from talking.

Jade looked up to see Shiro shaking her head at her.

Liam left the room slamming the door behind him.

"Lance?" Hunk questioned moving towards his friend.

Lance didn't say anything as he sat with his head in hands.

"Lance?" Hunk tried again.

"I-i should've done something sooner." Lance finally spoke. "But I just stood there. That should be me in there. Not him." His voice cracking at the end.

"Lance." Hunk said wrapping his arms around the male. "Don't blame yourself. There's only one person to blame and that's Lilith."

"My dad!" Georgia squealed trying to squeeze in between Hunk and Lance.

"He's going to be okay." Hunk mumbled moving so that Georgia could hug her father. "He's strong like that. So don't loose hope."


Everyone had their different ways of coping.

It's only been a few hours, but to the twins and Lance it felt like days since they last spoke with Keith.

Lance stayed with the others and Georgia, trying to distract himself from Keith. He acted as if everything was okay on the outside, but inside, he was breaking.

Liam on the other hand was constantly in the training deck. He was angry, livid even. He took his anger out on the bots.

But Kora, was doing worse. Not only was her best friend missing, her father lied in a healing pod. She sat in the room that was created for Georgia in case of emergencies.

She hasn't said one word to anyone, after the events with Lilith and Keith happened.

Lance was worried about the girl, little did he know, she was blaming herself for everything.

It was late, and everyone had made their way to their rooms.

Except for Liam and Kora.

Liam stayed in the training deck while Kora stayed in the sound proof room.

No one knew where Kora was except for Lance.

"Don't give up."

"I love you."

Kora let out a sob as she curled into a ball on the floor memories of her and her father haunting her mind.

"Come on Kora." Keith chucked. "You'll be okay. Trust me."

"What if I'm not?" Kora questioned her father. "It's scawy."

"Look at your brother." Keith smiled.

Kora turned around and looked at her brother who stood with Lance with a grin on his face.

"You just stay with him and you'll be okay."

"Pwomise?" Kora asked.

"Promise." Keith said. "You can do it hunny."

"Okay." Kora said taking a breath. "I love you daddy!"

"I love you too Kora."

"Why?! Why him!?" Kora screamed as she started throwing things around the room.

"Stupid Lilith! Stupid life!"

"Wait." Kora said. "You mean, my parents are the paladins of Voltron."

Keith and Lance nodded.

"That's so cool!" Liam exclaimed.

"And one day, you two will be Paladins as well." Keith said with a smile on his face. "Hopefully not facing the dangers we did though."

Kora crumpled to the ground just as Lance walked into the room.

"Oh Kora." Lance muttered walking over to his daughter.

"I'm sorry Papa." Kora cried as Lance wrapped his arms around the small girl. "I'm sorry! If I didn't do anything stupid, dad could still be with us!"

"It's not your fault Kora." Lance said holding her close. "It's going to be okay. Your dad is one of the strongest men I've met. I can't say he'll be okay, because we don't know that. But this is your dad we are talking about. He's been through hell and back. Don't loose hope just yet."

"We have to take her down Papa." Kora whispered. "She killed Alec's parents, and now dads hurt because of her. We can't let her do anymore damage."

"Don't worry Kora. We'll take her down. No matter what." 

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