Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON H...

By SpaceismyEscape

1.3K 1 4

After the fight with Zarkon, Lotor and Haggar was over, the Paladins returned to Earth and lived out their li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 17

41 0 0
By SpaceismyEscape


Warning: little violent.


"Do any of them have blood?" Kora questioned tilting her head slightly as her heart pounded against her chest. "Are they not human? Are they not really alive?"

"Kora?" Keith questioned as hesitantly took a step towards his daughter.

"No dad. Don't. Stay there." Kora said as her hands started to shake. "I think I need out of here. I'm going to lose it. I don't know how much longer I can control myself."

Keith nodded and went against his daughters wish as he walked towards her.

"That's okay. We're done here anyways." Keith said gently.


"Where's Kora?" Lance questioned as Keith walked into their bedroom.

"Cooling down." Keith mumbled. "She's trying meditation."

Lance nodded but didn't say anything.

"Where's Georgia?" Keith asked.

Lance put a finger to his lips and hushed Keith. "Watch."

A giggle could be heard from around the room making Keith raise an eyebrow.

"Hmm Where's Georgia?" Lance questioned. "Mommy, have you seen Georgia?"

Keith stifled a laugh. "I have not." Keith said playing along.

"Bah!" Georgia shouted as she appeared from the closet.

"There she is!" Lance exclaimed making the 1 year old giggle and reach out for him.

"Hey you guys." Hunk said poking his head through the room. "Dinners just about ready, but not just that. The others are here."



"Well, haven't seen you for a while." Keith said a small smile plastered on his face as he looked up at Kolivan.

"Agreed. How have you been Keith?" Kolivan asked shaking the males hand.

"I've been good. And you?"

"I also have been good. Traveled to many planets." Kolivan said.

"Who's dad talking to?" Kora questioned her brother who shrugged.

"He's a good person." A voice said behind the twins making them jump.

"Jesus Grandma." Kora said holding her chest.

"Sorry sweetheart." Krolia chuckled.

"Who is he exactly?" Liam asked.

"He was the leader of the Blade Of Mamora." Krolia explained. "He helped your parents take down the Galra. Helped lead us to victory."

The twins made an 'O' shape with there mouths. But Kora immediately noticed the look on her grandmother's face.

"Grandma. You like him." Kora teased.

Krolia blushed. "I do not!"

Kora giggled. "Yes you do."

Liam rolled his eyes and walked away from the conversation.

"Mum!" Georgia squealed running over to Keith and grabbed onto his legs.

"Is this the youngest?" Kolivan questioned.

Keith nodded picking Georgia up. "That she is. Her mom was found dead on the street with Georgia next to her. Kora decided to take Georgia home and that's where we took her in."

"Does your mother know about her yet?"

Keith shook his head. "Not yet."

"Wanna hear a secret?" Kora asked her grandmother.

Krolia nodded. "Of course I do! Spill the beans!"

"Okay listen closely." Kora whispered.

"How's it going Devin?" Liam questioned the male. "Anything new?"

Devin shrugged. "Got a new sister."

"Juno?" Liam asked.

Devin nodded. "She's cool though. So it's all good."

"Dinner is ready!" Hunk announced.

"Come on." Devin said patting Liams arm. "Let's go get food."

Liam smiled and followed Devin.


"Kosmo." Liam whispered to the wolf who was under the table. "You remember Alex? Bring this to him. Please."

"Georgia." Krolia cooed. "You are so cute!"

Georgia giggled as she handed her grandmother some smushed up food.

"No thank you. You eat that."

"So Lilith." Kolivan started. "She's the newest enemy?"

"Yes she is." Allura replied. "She's just awful."

Kora deadpanned. "No Aunt Allura. She's just the nicest person in space." The girl mentally said.

"We currently do not know her whereabouts at the moment. But what we do know." Pidge spoke getting up and putting a map on the screen. "Is that she's taking over the Galra ships."

"The ones that weren't destroyed anyways." Hunk said.

"But I think that's where we should start looking." Pidge finished.

"It's better than nothing." Keith muttered as Georgia babbled in his lap.


"I'll be right back." Lance whispered to Keith who nodded.

Lance got up, walked out of the room and headed down to the Blue Lion.

Making sure no one was following him, he got into blue.

"Alright. Let's make this quick." Lance muttered as the Blue Lion powered up. "Like 5 minutes?"

While Lance, Kora and Juno were captured, Lance took apart his ring to get the tracker out.

Once he did, he threw it onto his kidnapper.

So everyday, around the same time, Lance would disappear into Blue to track where the kidnapper was at.

"Hmm. They're on the move." Lance mumbled writing the coordinates down. "Heading to the.... Space Mall?"

The Blue Lion let out a purr signaling that Lance's time was up.

"Thanks blue." Lance smiled and pet the dashboard.

Lance made his way back down to the others.

"There you are!" Keith's voice called out. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Lance replied as Keith walked closer to him.

Keith stared at Lance with narrowed eyes for a few seconds. He had a feeling that Lance was hiding something but never brought it up.

"Okay. Let's head back." Keith smiled up at Lance and grabbed his hand.


"Keep in contact. Let us know If anything comes up." Shiro said shaking Kolivans hand.

"Of course." Kolivan said.

"Grandma. Go." Kora whispered nudging Krolia forward.

"Krolia." Kolivan spoke stopping Krolia from whatever she was going to do. "Would you join me?"

Keith looked at his mom who hesitated and silently asked Keith for help.

Keith nodded and smiled.

"I would love to." Krolia replied with a smile. "Just give me a few minutes to say goodbye."

"Of course." Kolivan nodded.

Kora and Liam ran up to Krolia, giving her a giant hug. "We'll miss you."

Georgia was next, she ran over to her grandma and raised her arms.

"Aw I'll miss you too Georgia-Grace." Krolia said giving the girl a kiss on the cheek.

Georgia giggled and copied Krolia's action.

Next up was Keith.

"Be safe mom." Keith mumbled wrapping his arms around the mother.

"You too Keith." Krolia said softly. "Take care of the children for me."

"Of course."

Last but not least was Lance.

"Stay safe." Lance said giving Krolia a hug.

"Take care of everyone." Krolia whispered. "I know you know something that none else knows. And I'm trusting you on this Lance."

Lance nodded. "I promise."

Krolia let go of Lance and turned around to face everyone.

With a smile on her face, the mother waved to the rest of the team.

The team waved back.

"Good luck."

"Be careful."

"Keep in touch."

And then Krolia and Kolivan were off.

Georgia let out a soft whine as she reached out for Lance.

"I believe it's time for bed." Keith said as Lance picked Georgia up and cuddled into his chest.

"You teenagers will be doing training in the morning. So you better be off to bed as well." Shiro said.

Everyone said their goodnights and headed off to their rooms.

As Lance tucked Georgia into bed, Keith decided to use that moment to bring up his suspicions.


"Yeah babe?"

"Are you hiding something from us?" Keith asked watching as Lance tensed up. "I mean, you disappear for an hour or so everyday. And no one can find you. So are you hiding something?"

Lance sighed. "I guess you could say that. I haven't told anyone yet though. I was just doing it on my own for a while."

"What Lance?" Keith said putting a hand on Lance's arm.

"I'll show you." Lance murmured. He grabbed a baby monitor with one hand and grabbed Keith's hand with the other.

Lance led Keith down to the Blue Lion. As Blue powered up, Keith spoke.

"Why are we in Blue?" Keith asked.

"While Kora, Juno and I were captured, I may have taken our wedding ring apart and took out the tracker." Lance explained.

"What?! Why?!"

"Hear me out." Lance said as a map appeared with a blue dot. Lance's tracker. "I threw it on the dude who captured us. Everyday, I come in hear and track where their at."

Lance bent down and pulled out a notebook.

"Here's the coordinates." Lance continued as he sat down. "It's where they've been and where their at now."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Keith asked breathless as he flipped through the pages.

Lance shrugged. "Everytime I went to, someone always beat me to speaking or I was just brushed off. The only ones who knew before were the twins. And now you know."

"Holy shit." Keith said as he took a seat in Lance's lap. "When did you get smart?"

Lance shrugged. "After they dragged the kids into fights. And put them into danger."

"So are you going to tell the others?" Keith asked resting his forehead against Lance's.

"I'll try." Lance whispered. "That's if they listen. And if not, then we'll have a little family trip."

"Yes because getting into fights is definitely a family trip of a lifetime." Keith said sarcastically.

"I'll tell them tomorrow." Lance replied pecking Keith's lips. "I promise."

Keith threw the notebook on the ground, wrapped his arms around Lance's neck, and played with his hairs at the bottom of his neck.

"We'll tell them." Keith smiled. "Together."

The two shared a few kisses before the baby monitor went off making Lance groan.


"She's a daddies girl." Keith chuckled.

"You know." Lance said as the two walked back to their room. "When we get back to Earth, I say we have another one."

"I'm for it. But why?" Keith asked a small blush on his face.

"Well, we have an uneven amount of kids." Lance winked. "And two of them were Daddies babies."

"Oh haha." Keith said sarcastically. "At least I had Kora."

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