Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON H...

By SpaceismyEscape

1.2K 1 4

After the fight with Zarkon, Lotor and Haggar was over, the Paladins returned to Earth and lived out their li... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 1

197 0 2
By SpaceismyEscape

Hello! And welcome back or welcome newcomers!

So this is a little different from the rest of the books I've created so I hope you will all like it!

This takes after Voltron, only difference is, Shiro and Adam are together in this one and Allura is alive!

Also, Shiro is with the black lion, Keith is with red, Lance is with Blue and you know the other two!

I just didn't really feel like doing the whole thing where it was Allura with blue and all that jazz.

So pretty much before season 6

Let's get this show on the road!



It was a sunny day, the Paladins thought they would have a day at the beach, inviting Coran and Allura along as well.

With the Galra empire ending, and the universe safe, Voltron and the paladins now stayed on Earth.

Keith and Lance ended up together in the end, and had a surrogate carry their twins. That's right. Twins.

Kora and Liam, 15 years old now. Kora was the younger twin by 2 minutes.

Liam had Lance's personality but Keith's look, with the black hair and Blue-Grey eyes.

While Kora was like Keith but had Lance's hair and multi color eyes. Both Lance and Keith's eye color that is.

"Come on Liam!" Kora giggled pushing her brother towards the water. "Let's go!"

"Alright! I'll race ya!" Liam laughed as he took off towards the water.

"Not fair!" Kora exclaimed as she ran after him.

Lance and Keith smiled as they placed their things on the sand making sure the twins were alright as well.

"Aren't they full of energy." Shiro said as he and his family walked towards the males.

"They were excited." Keith said. "The beach is their favorite place."

Adam let out a chuckle. "I find it adorable."

"As long as their safe." Jade said.

Jade Shirogane, the daughter of Adam and Shiro. 15 years old and takes after both Shiro and Adam. She had brown eyes and black hair with blue tips.

"Why don't you go join them Hunny?." Adam said running a hand through her hair.

"Okay." The girl shrugged, took her sandals off and headed towards the water.

"Come on Devin!" A female's voice was heard. A familiar one at that. "Don't be shy about it! You'll be fine!"

"Pidge!" Shiro greeted as her and her son, Devin, arrived.

"Hey you guys!" Pidge smiled.

Devin Holt, 15 years old. Also Transgender. He went from Female to Male. Pidge had taken him in, at the age of 1, not being able to see him in the foster home any longer. The male had grown attached to Pidge and Pidge grew attach to him. He had Blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a little shy, but once you get to know him he's out going and fun to be around.

"I'm going with the others." Devin sighed.

"Go right ahead!" Pidge laughed.

"Ah. The breeze feels really good today!" Shay said with a smile.

"You got that right mom!" Her son smiled.

Hunk chuckled as he said hello to his friends.

Owen Garret. Son of Shay and Hunk. Takes Hunk features, he is human and has Hunks hair color and has brown eyes. He's 13 years old, and very friendly.

"I'm going in dad!" Owen shouted heading towards the water.

"Be safe!" Shay called out watching him run.

"He'll be fine." Hunk assured his wife.

"Has anyone seen Allura and Coran?" Shiro asked not seeing them yet.

"They're on their way." Pidge said looking at her phone. "Alteans text weirdly."

"After 16 years they still haven't figured out how to use a cell phone." Hunk said disappointed before cheering up. "They'll get there at some point!"

"What about Krolia?" Shiro asked. "Will she be coming?"

"She's on a vacation." Keith smiled. "She deserves it."


"Finally!" Pidge said as she stood off the blanket and looked at Coran and Allura. "Took you guys long enough!"

"Apologies Pidge." Allura smiled. "Coran wouldn't stop eating the ice cream."

Coran smiled sheepishly and rubbed his neck. "Well we are here now! Let's not waste the time!"

"Dad." Jade said as she walked close to Shiro. "Something doesn't feel right. I have this bad feeling in my gut."

"Somethings going to happen." Kora mumbled as she grabbed Lance's hand. "And it's not going to be good."

"What are you talking about?" Keith asked.

"Legendary Defenders!" A voice snarled.

The group got into a defensive position and pulled their children close.

"Who are you?!" Shiro shouted holding Adam and Jade close.

"I am nobody!" The voice said. "A nobody who just wants revenge!"

"What are you talking about?" Keith questioned as he pulled Kora behind him and grabbed his BOM blade.

Lance stood on the other side with Liam behind him.

"You took them away from me! My family! The glara are gone because of you!"

"Why don't we talk about this?!" Hunk said. "No Violence necessary!"

"No!" The voice shouted making the children flinch.

Thunder roared as lighting struck.

Kora's worst fear. Thunderstorms.

The small girl let out a whimper as she hid her heard in her father's shirt.

Liam grabbed Kora's hand and held it tightly.

A purple lighting strike came from the sky as the paladins shoved the children, Shay and Adam away.

Kora just barely made it away. She got hit in the arm by some of the purple lighting causing her to let out a whimper but she didn't care about it.

"Ah!" The paladins screamed in pain.

"Papa!" Kora shouted.





Allura and Coran wrapped their arms around the children as Shay and Adam stood in front of them.

The screaming continued as they grew in size, tails and horns growing.

Lance let out a gasp as he looked down at his hands which were growing claws.

Keith let out a scream of pain as he fell to the floor as wings sprouted from his back.

"KEITH!" Lance screamed as he tried to move forward to get to the male.

The kids, Allura and Coran, Shay and Adam watched in Horror as the paladins transformed into dragons.

The voice let out an evil laugh as the screaming stopped and the lighting disappeared and the sky cleared.

"Try this paladins!" Nobody laugh and disappeared.

"Daddy?" Kora questioned making the first move as she walked closer to the red dragon.

The Dragon turned around to face Kora, fear filling his eyes.

"It's me daddy." Kora whispered holding her hand out. "It's going to be okay. We'll figure it out."

Keith nuzzled his snout against Kora's hand.

"I'm not going to get used to this." Shiro growled.

"You can talk?" Jade asked surprised.

"We can." Lance roared.

"Well." Pidge said. "Now what?"

"We have to go after them!" Keith shouted. "They have to turn us back."

"Stop Keith!" Shiro hissed as Keith made a move. "We need a plan."

"Hang on!" Allura exclaimed. "I know someone on Earth who can help us out! You'll have to track her down first. But she can help you turn back into yourselves."

"Well what are we waiting for!" Lance said spreading his wings. "Let's go!"

"Slow down babe." Keith said stopping Lance with his tale. "We don't know where she is we have to find her."

"I have a tracking device." Allura said handing Devin the device. "It should show you where to go."

"Are we going to ask why she had that?" Hunk asked looking around. "No? Okay."

"We're coming with you!" The twins said looking at their parents.

"No." Keith said. "You're staying with Shay and Adam."

"Actually." Allura said. "You're going to need their help. Since your dragons there's a lot of things you can't exactly do."

"What if they get hurt?! Or worse?!" Keith exclaimed.

"Dad we'll be fine." Liam spoke up.

Lance and Keith shared a look.

"Fine." Lance mumbled. "Go with Shay and Owen and get your things. Come straight back here."

The twins nodded. "On it."

"Behave!" Keith called out.

"Jade. Go with Papa and get your things as well." Shiro said giving the girl a nudge.

Jade nodded. "I'll be back."

"Devin. Go with them." Pidge said. "We're going to need your help with your tracking skills."

"Yes mom." Devin said running to catch up with Jade and Adam.

Allura and Coran stayed back on the beach with the others.

"Shoot!" Shiro said noticing the people coming out of the buildings. "HIDE!"

"Back to the shack!" Keith cried as he ran towards his old home.

There wasn't many people around.

"Text Shay and Adam and tell them where we are." Shiro instructed the Alteans.

The two nodded.

"I think we should practice flying." Hunk said. "Just to get the hang of it."

"Good idea Hunk."


"W-what if Papa and Dad can't turn back into Humans? What if they are stuck like Dragons forever? Than what?" Kora ranted as she began to freak out.

"Kora." Liam said grabbing his sisters shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes. "It's going to be okay. Just like you said to dad. We'll figure it out."

Kora nodded and took a deep breath.

"There you go." Liam smiled and hugged his sister. "Finish packing so we can go."

They packed the main things they would need.

Clothes, blankets, money that was saved up, as well as a few snacks.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something." Kora mumbled to herself.

"Oh I know!" Kora exclaimed as she ran back into the house. "Papa and Dad might want their bayards."

"Good thinking sis!" Liam said as he took the blue bayard and shoved it in his bag as Kora did the same with the red one.

"You guys ready to go?" Shay questioned.

The twins nodded.


"Papa! Dad! We're back."

"Got everything?" Lance questioned lowering his head to see the twins.

Kora nodded. "I think so."






"Check! And snacks!" Kora smiled.

Keith leaned down close to Kora.

"Did you grab your meds?" Keith asked quietly.

Kora nodded and patted her backpack. "In here."

At a younger age, Kora was diagnosed with ADHD. She has meds to help control it.

"Good." Keith said nuzzling his head agaisnt Kora's.

"Alright. Listen up!" Shiro said getting everyone's attention. "The plan is to find Allura's friend to get us back to normal! Than we will go after 'Nobody'. Understand!?"

The team nodded.

"You be safe now." Adam said hugging Jade. "You listen to your father. And behave."

"I will." Jade said hugging Adam back. "I love you, mom."

Adam smiled at the name she used to call him before she started calling him Papa. "I love you too baby."

"Take care of your father." Shay smiled at Owen. "And be safe. Stay close to the group at all times."

"You got it mom." Owen said with a nod. "I love you."

"I love you too my son."

"So I'll ride with Dad and you ride with Papa? And then we can switch?" Kora asked her brother.

Liam nodded. "You got it!"

"Be safe you guys!" Coran said. "And stay out of trouble! I'm looking at you Keith!"

Keith let out a groan. "What about Lance?"

"Fine." Coran said rolling his eyes. "Stay out of trouble Lance."

"Now remember." Allura said. "Try to stay out of sight. We will keep in contact with you. Devin has the tracker and will guide you. Best of luck you guys!"

Shay placed a hand on Hunk. "You take care of our son. And be safe."

Adam did the same to Shiro.

Lance and Keith gave each other a nudge and nuzzle.

"Let's go!"

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