The Organization (Season Thre...

By KingzGaius

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I'm Gaius Dominic. An avenger. The only legitimate son of the late deputy senate president (Senator Uche Domi... More

Episode 1 (S3)
Episode 2 (S3)
Episode 3 (S3)
Episode 4 (S3)
Episode 5 (S3)
Episode 6 (S3)
Episode 7 (S3)
Episode 8 (S3)
Episode 9 (S3)
Episode 10 (S3)
Episode 11 (S3)
Episode 12 (S3)
Episode 13 (S3)
Episode 14 (S3)
Episode 15 (S3)
Episode 16 (S3)
Episode 17 (S3)
Episode 18 (S3)
Episode 19 (S3)
Episode 20 (S3)
Episode 21 (S3)
Episode 22 (S3)
Episode 23 (S3)
Episode 24 (S3)
Episode 25 (S3)
Episode 26 (S3)
Episode 27 (S3)
Episode 28 (S3)
Episode 29 (S3)
Episode 31 (S3)
Episode 32 (S3)
Episode 33 (S3)
Episode 34 (S3)
Episode 35 (S3)
New story alart

Episode 30 (S3)

377 31 32
By KingzGaius

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

"Let's find out who will be the last man standing, big brother." I sarcastically said to Dan as i stood to my feet with that my usual satisfactory smiles that are always backed up with rage, while he frightenedly stood his ground, probably battling with his thought on what to do next, knowing too well that i will get to him before he even makes it to the warehouse electronic exit door.

"Emily close the cell glass." My uncle's voice sounds for the second time just as i fast walked towards Dan with rage, and the glass exit door began to close instantly.

"No! No! No!" I exclaimed as i ran. But before i could get to it, the cell glass closed and i forcefully crashed on it unintentionally and failed back on the floor within seconds.

I quickly got up and hit my fist on the glass three good times with rage as i stared into Dan's fearful eyes that seems a bit relieved, while he stood there still lost in the drama as he breathes heavily.

At this point i realized that i have just lost everything. My son, Clara, Sonia, Glory, business, my life and everything i once controlled out there.
Getting out to save Glory was all dreams that will never come through. Few seconds ago i thought i will just knock down Daniel and go take care of my baby agent, but now all that rings in my ears is "Forget her, she won't make it" which seems to be true.

"The next time you will come in here to torture him with your harsh words, i will surely let the angry lion out." My uncle voice sounds again, and Dan backwardly backed out from the cell glass in silent looking devastated, and within seconds, he walked out from the warehouse, while i still stared at that direction with rage despite the fact that he is out of sight.

"Now i see how bad you both has come to hate each other, which means you're not getting out of that cell glass anytime soon." My uncle voice sounds again and i turned to face him on Emily's monitor just to look him in the eyes and ask for a favor.

"You have to get me out, just for five minutes. Please." I plead as i moved closer to the inbuilt monitor.

"So that you will go knock down my security agents just to get into a fight with Dan." He said and i kept silent for a while and muttered "No sir."

"So what?" He asked.

"I need to see my baby agent." I said and everywhere remained silent for a while. "They said she get few hours to live, So i need to see her, at least to apologize for getting her into all this messed up life of mine." Everywhere became silent again. "She was loyal to me. She never said no or try questioning my orders even if it has to do with putting her life in the line." I said emotionally looking my uncle in the eyes.

"You owe her no apology. She's just like any other agent who takes orders. So don't...... " My uncle said and i cut him off.

"She isn't just a baby agent, she is a loyal friend. All i want is for you to give me five minutes, and after five minutes i will deliberately walk back into this cell glass on my own, i promise." I plead, while he remained silent.

"I used to detect when you're being honest, but regarding to what has been happening of recent, i don't think i can trust your words anymore. Get off the pity party and get used to it, no hard feelings." My uncle said and the live video dropped, while my heart broke into pieces.

"You really need to trust me on this and get me out of here." I emotionally shouted, believing he can hear me from wherever he is.

"Agent Gaius, what will you like to watch next?" Emily's robotic voice said, getting me more infuriated.
Agent Sonia
Location: Haryana, India.

"Police, drop your weapon and turn around with your hand behind your head" A masculine voice said from behind.

I watched the muscular guy escape without pulling the trigger, and gently turned without dropping my pistol, but with my arms spread sideways.

"Aakash Aadesh?" I called out barely audibly in seeing him clad in indian police uniform and alone, pointing his pistol at me.

Finally his father had successfully convinced him to join police force, so that he will help in covering his trash or even do his dirty works for him.

"Sonia?" He Surprisedly called out with a low tone, while i stared sarcastically like i am not surprise to see him.

"Fareedaabaad mein aap kya kar rahe hain? (Meaning, what the hell are you doing in Faridabad?) You promised never to come back." He said still pointing his pistol at me.

"Maybe because i miss home. Apane ghar ke jaisa jagah nahin (Meaning no place like home)" I muttered with a seductive smile, trying to make him think twice.

"Sonia you're under arrest for murder and illegal possession of firearm. Kindly drop your weapon." He said as he pulled out a handcuff.

"Ek minat rukie (Meaning wait a minute) You called this murder? Can't you see they also has a gun? It's self-defense officer." I defended myself, still at the same spot with my arms sideways.

"And what makes you think that i won't shoot you on the forehead, right now and right here to avenge the death of my family." I upsettingly said and boldly point my pistol at him.

"Sonia don't make me shoot you. You pointing a gun at an officer." He said and fasten his grip on his pistol.

"Mein kasam khaata hoon (Meaning I swear) My father and i has nothing to do with the death of your family. You have to believe." He said still pointing his pistol at me, same with me.

Aakash was my first love. He is the first son of Aadesh Aarmik, a drug lord and well known business tycoon who used to pay my dad a lot money for him to help in smuggling his drugs to the country while shipping his cars.

"My father lost a lot of money and run out of product just because of your father's death. It took him two years to bring his cartel back to normal, which made him to take laws into his hands by killing those who has to do with the plane crash." He said and tears dropped off my chicks as he gently brought down his pistol and shoved it into his gun holder.

"Tell me what exactly you're doing with this bad guys so that i will help you get out of it." He honestly said, probably out of pity. And i smiled deep down my heart as i brought down my pistol.

"I traveled down here to buy a kidney for a hospitalised friend of mine. But instead of giving me the kidney in exchange for the money, they decided to steal the money from me using a fake kidney. I tried to get my money back and they pulled guns at me, so i defended myself. Although one of them managed to get away with the money." I sadly said to gain more pity.

"Let's get out of here before any of my colleagues arrives. Don't worry, there is no security camera here." He said as he gets closer.

"Not without my money." I said as he grabbed my hand, refusing to move an inch.

"To aap apane paise vaapas paane kee ummeed kaise karate hain? (Meaning So how do you intend to get your money back?)" He asked upsettingly, acting in a hurry.

"He will lead us to my money." I said pointing at the guy i shot on the leg.

"Let me help you then." He muttered barely audibly as he fast walked to the wounded guy and cuffed him despite been shot.

"Exactly what i want." i muttered to myself.
Location: The Organization

"The next time you will come in here to torture him with your harsh words, i will surely let the angry lion out." My dad's words echos in my head till i nervously walked into my office thinking of what just happened in Gaius's prison.

At times my dad do play too much. What he did back there was crazy. I swear, that was the most fearfully moment of my life. For the first time in my entire fucking life, i became scared of Gaius. Had it been i was with a gun, i would have nervously shoot him on the forehead at that very moment he made a move, irregardless that we are brothers.

It's obvious that i can't stand his anger. And the worst part of it is that one part of me seems to be regretting my actions towards him now. And the thing is that there's no going back, because the deal is done already and i can't take it back. No room for pity party.

I pulled my jacket, dropped it on the visitor seat and sat on my emperor seat to cool off, crossing my both legs on the table as i unbutton the three upper buttons of my shirt. And just then, and encrypted video call from my dad came in, displaying the general on my monitor.

"Agent 001." I mutter after some seconds to decrypt the call after pressing the pick up botton, and my dad appeared on my screen with that facial expression that means "I am disappointed in you."

"Okwa ara agbawala gi? (Meaning You are going crazy right?)" He upsetting said in our native tongue (IGBO) and i disengage from the eyes contact.

"Your hatred and selfish conspiracy towards your brother had left me with no other choice then to imprison him for peace to be, yet you won't let him be. I warned you earlier concerning your relationship with women, yet you messed the whole thing up." He upsetting said in a cool bossy manner, and gazed at him.

"Then tell him that, because he is the one in a relationship, not me." I fired back with a cool tone.

"You think i don't know about the secret relationship you had with agent Rita? Or you think i don't know you going after the whole Nwachukwu was personal?" He is the general, so i wasn't surprised.

"All i did was for the good of these organization, nothing personal." I defensively said.

"Shut up. You raised a false accusation against him, making me to order the arrest of my own grandson and his mother. Do you know how painful tha......." This time, i cut him off as i brought down my legs from the table, staring right into his eyes.

"You caused all this shit dad! You put him first in everything. He brakes the rules and you're always comfortable with that. He got into a relationship and you find it normal despite the restricting orders. He disobeys your orders and you don't care. He brought in a stranger into the organization without your approval or consent and turned her into a deadly weapon which he uses to neutralise our own missions any fucking time he wants, and you still find it okay!! He kills whoever he wants, and says no to whoever he wants to keep alive, and you still find it okay. Meanwhile my own side of the story is different." I sadly said loud and clear, and he cut me off.

"Pathetic jealousy. You never mentioned to anyone about your relationship with Rita or the unborn baby before i ordered for her assassination. She was going to destroy us and that doesn't matter to you. Of course i find everything he do okay because he always proof a point in everything he do. Always ready to protect his love ones with everything he got. He proved to me that with the little he know or have, he can build an empire and become a king. Or run these organization when am gone the very moment he recruited and single handedly trained that young lady into a deadly weapon, in the sense that she is even willing to die on his command." He said, while i stared in silent with rage in my eyes.

"And you, what have you achieve so far to prove me wrong? How many baby agents do you have?" He asked and I remain silent.

"Apart from going after the Nwachukwu in order to get back at Gaius, what order mission has you carried out alone? If i take away the powers bestowed on you as the commander in charge just the same way i did to Gaius, will you embrace the fate and stay out of the way in peace?"

"Leader are made, it's not just given. Instead of getting your hands busy with something good, you waste it on planning against your own family. I've lost a lot of agents of recent just because of your selfish interest. You better go make things right between you and Gaius, because in few days from now, i will free him and restore his position in the organization. We still have one last target to take out, and all this storms will be over, and he is the only one i can trust with this mission."

"Less i forget. Never go after any Nwachukwu again, unless i said so." He said, turning everything against me.

Freeing Gaius and restoring his position will be a very big shit. That means all my efforts are bullshit.

"Fine. I won't go after any Nwachukwu, but Gaius needs to stay in there a bit longer, at least till things cools off." I said, maintaining a serious eyes contact.

"I hope you heard me when i said he's the only one i can trust with this mission." My Dad said bossily.

"I will do it. Just give me the target ID." I demanded, instead of pleading. "At least for once, let me prove myself to you. That's what i need right now, something to focus my energy on. While he stays in there till am done." I muttered with a cool tone. Hoping he will accept my deal, and he kept quiet for some seconds, staring at me.

"Our target is the ex-president, he was the president during the time my brother and other members were killed. He ordered the assassination, and in my list, he's the last target."

"Mind you that he's not just like any kinda politician. Unlike the other ones that have been taken. Rago is a drug lord. He owns and runs the biggest drug empire in Africa which has been in existence even before he won his first chairmanship election back in 90's." My Dad said referring to the ex-president, General Ahmad Hasan Rago who he's profile was showing on the right upper angle of my monitor, and I took a deep breath as i rest my back on the seat back rest.

"That will be all for now. And you have not less than ten days to take him out, or else, I will get Gaius to do what he is good at." He said and the video call dropped, while I kept staring at the blank monitor as I think of where to start from, with Gaius's release still sounding to my ear.

"Time to clean up another messed up citizen." I murmured to myself as I got up, picked my jacket and walked out of my office, heading to the cyber hall.
Agent Sonia
Location: Haryana, India

Through out our thirty minutes drive, Aakash kept coming up with memories of our relationship. The good and unforgettable time we spent together, and occasionally scolds the wounded idiot at the back seat to close his mouth by pointing his gun at him.

I was raised by strict Nigerian parents. The only place i do associate with males was at school. Aakash was the only guy who my parents barely permit to stick around or hang out with me due to the relationship between the both families, maybe that's why i easily fell for him.

I stopped in front of the club where the wounded guy said his boss is, which will definitely be where the muscular guy with my money will be.

We got down, while Aakash kindly dragged the guy out of the car and made him lead the way with a gun pointed at his lower back. And getting to the club entrance, the two bodyguards at the door noticed the gun that was pointed at the wounded guy and quickly made to pull their guns.

One was fast enough to pull his gun and point it at Aakash, while i quickly pulled mine and point it at the other one who wasn't fast enough and he froze.

I went for his gun at his waistband with my gun still pointed at him and he try to react, while i said to him. "Hey! I am heartless, apane dost se poochho (Meaning ask your friend)" And he gently glanced at the wounded guy from his face to his injured leg.

I pulled his pistol, cocked it as i stepped a bit back and point the two guns at each guard, and said to them. "Now, take us to your boss." maintaining a very serious facial expression that looks like shit.

"I will shoot your friend in the head if you don't drop your weapons." The bodyguard with the gun said as he fasten his grip on the pistol, aiming on Aakash's head.

"We are not here for a fight, but i will have to kill you first in few seconds if you insist on not taking us to your boss." I bossily said, wondering how tough and dangerous in there will be.

"Where is lucky?" The disarmed guy asked the wounded one on gun point.

"He... He's dead. She shot him and Arvir. Jaisa usane kaha vaisa karo. (Meaning do as she said)" The wounded guy gradually said in pain.

"You won't come out alive, mein kasam khaata hoon. (Meaning i swear)" The guy with the gun said with rage before opening the door.

"Main tumhen jhataka doonga. (Meaning i will shock you)" I sarcastically said to him, while he walked in, followed by Aakash and the wounded guy, then the disarmed guy, while I followed behind with the guns still pointed at both of them and the door closed.

Probably it was yet to be club time, because the whole place was pretty scanty. It was just the female bartender and a guy that was drinking at the bar.

The bartender quickly pulled a pump action, cocked it and point it at me as soon as she noticed us, and i point the gun that was meant for the armless guard at her without hesitation as we stopped in the middle of the club.

"Easy baby!! Easy! easy!" The armless guard said to the bartender. And just then, the elevator at the extreme left opened and a man whom i guess to be their boss walked out with two armed bodyguards behind him.

"So fascinating, we finally meet anyway. But not in good terms, so bad." The gang lord on black suit said sarcastically as they walked towards our direction.

"We wouldn't have, if not that you decided to steal from me." I upsettingly said, but with a cool tone.

"You killed two of my men, and you still have the guts to walk in here as if you own it." The gang lord said with rage as he stopped right in front of me.

"I warned them earlier. That's the consequence of stealing from us." I angrily replied with my guns still pointed at those two.

"Bad cop, none of you is leaving here alive." He seriously said as he glanced from Aakash to me, and i intentionally glanced on my wristwatch.

"Mind you that you're messing with my boss. He's not a patient guy, he doesn't talk that much as you do, he love more actions then deliberating on issues like this. And don't even think that we're here alone, Our special fire squads had already surround this building, and if i don't walk out of here within two minutes with my money, they will come in and smoke down every being in here, you inclusive. And after that, i will personally make sure they bomb down the whole building. The choice is us to make." I seriously said, staring into his eyes without fear and praying deep down my heart for my plan to go well, while he kept quite as he stared at me with rage beneath his fearful eyes and i glanced on my wristwatch again.

"Get me Reyansh immediately. Use paise lekar aane ko kaho (Meaning tell him to come with the money)" He said to no one in particular, giving me more guts.

"Paise ke saath klab hol ke lie jaldee karo (Meaning hurry down to the club hall with the money)" One of the bodyguards behind him said through the megaphone in his hand. And within a minute of silence, the elevator opened and the muscular guy who ran away with my money briskly walked out of it and stop right beside their boss.

After few seconds, the gang lord gestured him to handover the bag to me, and he hesitatingly dropped it in between us, still forming tough guy.

"Kholo ise (meaning open it)" I said to him, staring at his face with a serious facial expression, and he hesitate a bit, then stooped and opened the bag.

I gently glanced from his face to the opened bag, then to the gang lord with that serious expression that means "You're lucky" and then to my lovely Aakash and nod affirmatively. The money was still rapped the same way i left it, which means it hasn't been touched. Now the problem is how the hell are we gonna get out of here alive?

"Band karo (meaning close it)" I authoritatively said to the muscular guy with a calm voice and my guns still pointed at the female bartender and the other armed bodyguard, and he hesitatingly zipped the bag.

"I warned you not to mess with me." I said to the muscular guy as he stood erect, and within a second, i kicked his balls with my right foot and hit his face with the gun on my right hand as he bent to cover his balls, and he crashed on the floor just beside my bag with a bleeding face and his both hands still covering his balls in pain, while i quickly resume pointing the gun on the bartender as they made to react.

"Hold it!!" Their boss said to them.

"You already have your money, so what else do you want?" Their boss said with rage and i gazed at him.

"I made a promise to him, aur mainne abhee ise rakha hai (meaning and i just kept it)" I said and gently glanced from him to the muscular guy on the floor, and back to him again.

"Now, we will walk out of that door in peace, hoping not to catch a bullet in the back of our heads, but you can still do whatever you want anyway. But mind you that everyone here will be smoked if we don't get out of here in peace. I always keep my promise." I remind him, hoping he won't fuck things up.. While encourage and smartness kept me going.

I unload the bodyguard's pistol in my possession and throw it close to him before grabbing the bag. I gestured Aakash to let go of the wounded guy in his possession and he hesitatingly adhead to it.

"Nice doing business with you." I boldly said to the gang lord, then turned and head towards the exit door as if i own the club, while Aakash watched my back as we walk along, acting as if he was assigned by Gaius to protect me. While my heart kept beating faster and faster, praying that this Indian crime lord doesn't change his mind.

We peacefully walked out of the club to my car without been attacked, while i dropped the bag at the backseat, got into the driver's seat with Aakash at the other side, and took a deep breath as i drove off.

"You're the craziest woman I've ever met. What if they didn't believe you? I mean that was awesome. How do you do that?" Aakash asked astonishingly, while i watched with joy and said
"thats what i am trained for."

Now that i have the money, how do i get a kidney for Glory.

I gently opened my blurry eyes and found myself sitting on a wheelchair closed to my unconscious baby agent with my left leg and left wrist cuffed to it.

This time I was sure that I wasn't dreaming. My uncle just granted my wish. The only thing I could remember was when Emily automatically launched sleeping chemicals in my cell glass.

"Sir. You have just ten minutes." The organization security agent on black suit muttered mannerly and walked out of the room, leaving me with baby agent Glory who was still breathing with the support of a life saving machine.

I gently glanced at the upper four angles of the room. It's has only one security camera which mounts behind me, and I gently pushed the wheelchair closer to Glory's bed and hold her hand, thinking of how to execute my plan without getting caught by the camera.

After about a minute of rubbing her hand and staring at her face pitifully as I think of how to get my blood into her system, I gently pulled out the needle from her wrist, stopping the transfusion of the drip, and gently stared at her face again, just to be sure that it's not having effect on her.

I took a deep breathe and move the needle to my left cuffed hand and kindly used it to draw a circle on my right hand thumb finger as I tightened my teeth to subdue the pain, and being careful, so that the blood won't drop on the floor.

The only option was to feed her the blood, because I had no syringe to extract the blood from my veins to hers.

I gently move my right hand to her face, caressing her chick, meanwhile my thumb finger was already in between her lips as i shift the pipe in between it a bit, dropping my blood into her mouth. And in not less than 50 seconds, I gently pulled back my hand as i got that familiar regenerating sensation, while my veins became visible.

After I healed, I gently shoved the needle into the medical seal tape on her wrist and watch her attentively, hoping it will work just as Hilda said.

*Eight minutes later*

I was already sweating despite the air condition in the room. I was gradually losing hope. It doesn't take me this long to regenerate. Why is it not working on her?.

I was getting enraged and emotional. I blamed myself for putting her through all these shit. I was running out of time, and no hope of another kidney. I don't even know if Sonia survived her crash with the india dealers, which i will also blame myself if anything happens to her.

I took a quick glance at the door as it open, and that same security agent on black suit walked in, while I turned my gaze at my baby agent.

"Baby you have to wake up, Please!!" I emotionally said to Glory with a low tone as I tighten my grip on her hand.

"She can't hear you sir." The security agent said politely.

"She can. She can hear me very clear." I emotionally said with a little smile as I took a quick glance at the security agent.

"Sir, I am sorry, I have to take you back to your cell glass." The security agent said politely as he walked closer to me.

"Just give me some time. She will soon wake up. I can feel it." I emotionally said as I took another quick glance at the security agent, and tear dripped down my chick, while I tried stop it, still tightening my grip on Glory's hand.

"I'm sorry sir." He said and fixed an electronic defuser on my neck from behind, and I quickly grabbed his wrist in attempts to stop him with my blurry eyes still on Glory. And just then, her veins became visible which seems to be the regenerating symptoms to me, and everything went blank.
Agent Sonia
Next Day. Time: 04:45 pm WAT.
Location: Nigeria.

*Hero helicopter touching down in the organization hanger.*

"Welcome back ma'am." The security agent on black suit who opened the helicopter door said as he grabbed the package and offered me his hand to help me out of the helicopter while I muttered "Thank you" and we walked along, heading to the organization building and looking gorgeous in the skinny pink gown that ends below my knees which clinch so perfect on my slim fit body.

Yeah... The package I said. With the money we retrieved from the deal breakers, Aakash helped me to get a fresh kidney from their family doctor last night.

"Can you take that package to agent Nana at the organization clinic. Tell her it's for baby agent Glory's surgery." I said as he typed in the entrance password.

"Ma'am, Baby agent Glory is back to her feet." He said as he walked in, and i stopped immediately after I walked in, muttering "Back to her feet?" in surprise, and the electronic door closed behind us.

Maybe Gaius ordered for another kidney immediately he lost connection with me, or something like that.

"Did anyone delivered any package while I was gone?" I asked and continue walking through the hallway, while he followed up.

"No ma'am, no one has been in or out of the organization since you left, not even the commander in chief." He said as we walk, referring to Daniel as the commander.

I deliberately followed him to the clinic to see for myself, but she wasn't there. Agent Nana said she walked in yesterday and found her sitting on the clinic bed, looking healthy as if nothing happened to her after a short visit of Agent Gaius.

"Maybe agent Gaius injected her with something, a chemical or any kinda drug that made her recover so fast." Agent Nana said, looking confused.

I left the kidney with her for her to store it for future use and walked out of the clinic, heading to Glory's apartment and still wondering what manner of man is Gaius.

Glory wasn't in her apartment. But i am sure she is still in the organization, because the security said no one has left since I was gone. So I decided to go and see Gaius first, Glory can wait for another time.

Getting to the elevator that will take me underground, the door opened on it own and Glory walked out of it, which means she went to see Gaius.

"Hey! You're back? Welcome. My boss have been so worried about you." Glory said as she stopped approximately two feet in front of me, while I kept trying my best not to have that strange facial expression.

"Yeah... And you. You're back to your feet. Looking strong again." I said barely audible to her hearing. Trying not to sound strange or confused.

"Thanks to you all. I really appreciate your efforts. My boss told me what you went through trying to get a kidney for me." She said and I nodded affirmatively and muttered "You're welcome."

"I have to go, see you some other time." She muttered barely audible and walked pass me, while I turned and stared at her with mixed feelings till she divert to the other side, wondering how the hell Gaius did what he did to get her back to her feet.
Earlier That Day

Time: 10:00 am

I was laying on my bed in the cell glass watching a live broadcast on Emily's TV when the warehouse door automatically opened and my baby agent walked in with that pitiful facial expression, while I got up and walk closer till I couldn't go further just because of the glass.

I had million stuffs running in my mind at that moments. I was speechless. I never imagined that my blood can heal someone else. "Oh my fucking goodness! I am a freaking universal antidote, and I never knew till now." I thought to myself still staring at Glory who stopped in front of me at the other side of the glass.

"Can you even hear me from there?" Glory said louder this time.

"Of course I can hear you. You don't need to shout." I muttered as she brought me back to my senses, smiling broadly as if I won a billion dollar lotto.

"Good to have you back baby." I added.

"I said am sorry." She repeated herself with that pitiful facial expression.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong." I said still giggling.

"For being your weakness. You weren't going to surrender till the moment I was shot." she sadly said and I stopped giggling.

"No.... You don't have to blame yourself for anything. I'm the one who is sorry for putting you in that position." I said barely audible.

"Tell me how to decrypt this glass or neutralize it's system, and I swear to get you out of here or die try. Do it even have a door?" Glory said as she rub her hand on the glass in search of door edge or line on my glass.

"Don't even think of doing anything stupid out there. The only thing you have to do is to stay cool and mind your own business till my father decides to get me out of here. And don't even think of leaving the organization at this moment, my brother won't hesitate to assassinate you. He sees you as a threat. But at least he won't do it while you're still within the organization because he won't get a second chance. Don't give him a second chance, because he won't miss this time." I authoritatively and as well pleadingly said to my baby agent, while she nodded affirmatively with tears dripping down her chick.

I managed to cheer her up and our conversation turned into something better and less pity. She kept me company almost through out the day. I told her about Sonia's mission to India and lied to her about how she was injected with an antidote from my lab which made her to recover faster and so on, while she sat on a chair at the other side of the glass giggling and responding when necessary. And around 4pm she left, promising to come back with something good for dinner.

And few minutes after she left, the warehouse door opened again, and I became speechless again as the second miracle happened.

"You never told me you can miracles as well." The boss lady said as she briskly walked towards my direction, looking gorgeous.

"Good to have you back love. I was so worried that something bad might have happened to you back there in India." I cheerfully said to her.

"I swear, I will make them pay for what they did to you once I get out of here." I honestly said.

"No need for promises. You don't even know when you will be getting out of here." She said sarcastically.

"You never mention to me that you can heal other people as well." She said as she stopped right in front of me at the other side of my cell glass.

"At times, when things gets tough and getting out of control, it isn't just because the world is against you. At times it's just trying to make you discover your hidden abilities." I muttered barely audible maintaining eyes contact with her.

Time: 6pm
Location: The Organization's cyber hall.

I stood behind the cyberians with my both hands shoved inside my pant pocket as I concentrate on the large monitor before us waiting for results on the current assassination mission and got distracted as the electronic door behind us slide sideways.

I gently glanced back and spot the almighty cyberian boss as she Walked in majestically looking so beautiful in the dress she was clad in.

"Where have you been ma'am?" I sarcastically said politely as she walked up and stood beside me.

"Do you miss me?" She muttered seductively and I gently glanced at her expressionlessly and muttered "No, I missed your intellectual capability." as I resume my focus on the large monitor.

"Whatever." She waved it off. "What's your nightmare this time? I was told that you haven't go home for days now, and the last time I checked, Gaius was still locked up behind the cell glass." She sarcastically said politely, but annoying thou.

"Leave Gaius out this Sonia." I muttered barely audibly as I grabbed the master remote on the desk in front of us and press a button.

"General Ahmad Hasan Rago, the ex-president is our next target." I said politely staring at Rago who his profile picture was displaying at the upper left of the monitor.

"And according to Taiwo, Rago haven't left that building since after attending Nwachukwu's funeral." I said politely as I pointed at the security cam covering Rago's mansion.

"Those armed men getting into the convoy, have you try following them? They might lead you to Rago." Sonia suggested.

"It's of no use following them. They won't lead us to Rago." I muttered politely.

"What makes you think so?" She questioned bossily, and I took a quick glance at her.

"For the past few days we've been monitoring them. And they kept leading us to this warehouse outside the main city." I said, pointing at the other security cam covering the warehouse. "And from the warehouse to this cargo ship at this particular harbor." I indicated the harbor by pointing at the security cam covering it.

"That ship will give us Ahmad Hasan Rago." Sonia muttered barely audibly with confidence and I gazed at her, and muttered "How?"

"Ahmad Hasan Rago is a drug dealer. And I am 99% sure that this cargo ship contains cocaine waiting for shipment." She demonstratively said, getting me surprise.

"I never told you he's a drug dealer... So how did you know?" I surprisingly asked as I turned to face her.

"My dad was a smuggler. And Rago killed all my family in plane crash just to stop my dad from smuggling an Indian drug dealer's products to Africa." She sounded a bit enraged, maintaining her focus on the monitor.

"And how do you know all this?" I politely asked. Staring at her.

"I am just coming back from India. Coincidentally, i met the drug dealer's son who told me everything. Now it's seems we have mutual enemy, and I know we both wants the same thing, revenge." She said with a devilish smile.

"I see... So how do you suggest we pull Rago out using the ship. Taking over the ship will be a bad idea, it's heavily guided by troops of armed bodyguards." I worriedly said as I dropped the master remote on the desk.

"We are not going to take over the ship." She glanced at me. "We are going to sink the ship, with the help of the organization's submarine ship, then his foreign associates will help us pull him out, because definitely they will come looking for answers to what happened to their shipment." She suggested and I was like "wow!".

"That's exactly why I said that I missed your intellectual capability." I said as I rub my thumb finger on her chick in appreciation to that brilliant suggestion.

"Taiwo? I want to speak with our submarine captain immediately." I muttered audibly as I advanced closer to him and he muttered "Roger that sir."

"This cargo ship have to sink tonight." I murmured barely audibly to myself.
Mustafa Usman

"Our Columbian associates are already waiting at the location dad. We have to be on our way." I politely said to my dad as I decent from upstairs to the sitting room, while he glanced at me disappointedly as if it's all my fault, before dropping the glass cup of whisky with him on the mini bar and head towards the exit door with rage written all over him.

"Boss is approaching, get the convoy ready." My dad's highly foreign trained personal bodyguard on black suit said as he hurried ahead of him to open the front door, and I followed in suit, maintaining a serious facial expression.

I unbutton my arsh color suit as i get into the back seat of the black Innoson (Nigerian made) bullet proof big SUV known as (Ikenga) which was in the middle of the five vehicles convoy and sat beside my angry father, while our highly trained bodyguards on black suit occupied the other four vehicles and the convoy drove off.

"Whoever that did this will pay painfully. I promise dad." I seriously said to cheer up my dad as I gazed at him, and he glanced at me with that dangerous facial expression of he's, and i decided to mind my business as I faced front.

Two days ago, our ship carrying coke worth of a trillion naira was sank by unknown missiles which our cyberians can't detect where it came from till date. Those coke were to be distributed to mostly in African countries and few American countries.

Now it's gone, leading us slightly into battle with some of our international associates, especially the Columbian drug lord who his cousin died in the ship.

My name is Mustafa, Mustafa Usman Rago. The last son of the former president of the federal republic, General Ahmad Hasan Rago. And also the commander in charge of my father's empire. And above all, I am a United State, Elite soldiers academy trained soldier.

By Kingz Gaius Chinedu.
[Story Boy]


To be continue.....

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