My Sister's Best Friend {Comp...

By Kay_Qveen12

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Part 2- Chapter One
Part 2-Chapter Two
Part 2-Chapter Three
Part 2-Chapter Four
Part 2-Chapter Five
Part 2-Chapter Six
Part 2-Chapter Seven
Part 2-Chapter Eight
Part 2-Chapter Nine
Part 2-Chapter Ten
Part 2- Chapter Eleven
Part 2-Chapter Twelve
Part 2-Chapter Thirteen
Part 2-Chapter Fourteen
Part 2-Chapter Fifteen
Part 2-Chapter Sixteen
Part 2-Chapter Seventeen
Part 2-Chapter Eighteen
Part 2-Chapter Twenty
Heyy Guys!!!!!
New story
New story up!!!
New story

Part 2-Chapter Nineteen

259 12 3
By Kay_Qveen12

Seeing My babygirl cry because of the stuff between Tori & I, It makes me not want to argue anymore we need to figure things out.

I was in the bedroom getting ready for the party When Tori walked out the bathroom looking so sexy I just wanted to rip her clothes off.

I bit my lip looking her up & down, She noticed me looking at her & smiled "See something you like?" She asked smirking.

"Definitely" I walked over wrapping my arms around her neck, she put her hands on my ass squeezing it.

"Damita I am so sorry for all the arguing & things I really do love you"

"I love you too Babe, There is nobody else I rather fight with but I dont want to fight you I want to love you & take care of you & the kids" She smiled & Pecked my lips a few times.

"Let's Head out before we dont go anywhere" I giggled.

We Knocked on Lisa's door waiting for her to open it, The door swung open & I saw the man I never wanted to see again.

"Greg?" I questioned Confused on why he was there, I thought Lisa was gay?

"Damita, Hey" He said taking in my appearance, He looked so different he has tattoo's now & got more buff than before.

"Mhmmp" Tori cleared her throat, "Hello Toya right remember we met?" She looked at him not feeling him at all.

"The name is Tori, Move" She said pushing past him grabbing my arm pulling me inside with her, Lisa came in the living room from the kitchen smiling at us.

"Hey yall" She said hugged me then Tori, "Hey I love your house" I said looking around.

"Thanks, I see you met Greg" She said as Greg walked over wrapping his arm around Lisa's waist.

"Well, Actually I know him already we dated years ago" I said stale facing Greg.

"Really wow small world, Let's go get a drink" Lisa said leading us to the kitchen I rolled my eyes scared to see how the rest of this night is going to go.


I been back home in atlanta for three weeks now & I am happy to be back here, But I am missing Gwendolyn like crazy I just love her so much, she has been trying to call me but I dont want to talk to her right now.

I am sitting in my hotel bed looking at apartments on my computer when my phone started ringing I picked it up off the bed & saw Gwen's name across the screen with a picture of us on the screen, I hesitated before pressing Declined, I sighed & rested my head against the headboard

Knock knock

Who could that be nobody knows I am here besides Keyshia & I told her I would meet her at Lisa's house, I got up off the bed throwing my robe on & walked to the door looking through the peephole & I couldn't believe who I saw.

I opened the door & saw the woman I thought was dead. 


"Actually I am her Twin sister Shawnette but I go by Shay" She sounded just like Shante, I opened the door wider & Let her come in.

"Shante never told me she had a sister let along a twin" we sat on the couch & I just couldn't stop staring at her, I wondered why she was here.

"Yeah we were not really close at all she moved here once she met that bitch Toni & I moved to California,  When I heard she was killed that hurt me I wish we couldve been closer as sister's all we had was each other our parents wasn't shit"

"She Told me the whole story, But why are you here no offense" I asked.

"Look, I have reliable sources & they told me that your the one that found Shante dead, That bitch Toni killed her didn't she?"

"Yeah she did, The police thought it was me but I would never hurt Shante believe it or not I loved her so much" Shay sighed, I told her the rest of the story about Grant, Toni & Trey. The whole kidnapping thing.

"Well Damn That's a-lot, I came here for your help"

"My help with what?" I asked, She took a deep breath.

"Help Me Kill Toni"


Since Diamond arrived today She & Karen have been acting weird, I dont know what it is but I am going to ask sooner rather than later.

Diamond was coming with me over to Lisa's I wanted her to meet everyone, Karen was coming later so we will see what happens, We pulled in my sister's driveway & got out walking in the house.

"Hey yall!" I yelled walking in the living room seeing all the girls expect Simone, Lo & Gwen.

"Hey sis" Lisa said, We hugged & then I saw that nigga Greg ugh!

"What his ass doing here?" I asked

"Keyshia nice to see you again" He smartly said.

I rolled my eyes, "Sis you know my boyfriend?" Lisa asked

" unfortunately I do, wait boyfriend?"

"Yeah I am sorry I didn't tell you we just made it official"  Rolling my eyes once again I shook my head sitting down, I don't like Greg at all he is a bitch ass nigga & if he hurt my sister we are going to have problems.

Sometime had past & Karen was on her way, I just get the thoughts of the tension between her & Diamond out my head.

"Hey I'm going to smoke a cigarette" Diamond said knocking me out my thoughts.

"Ok" She walked out & I sighed, "Ok yall lets play this game called Dare or Drink, You have to do the dare if you dont you have to take a drink" Lisa said Pouring shots.

"Ok Ajai you go first" I Tuned them out & then I got a funny feeling in my stomach, I stood up walking to the window & moved the curtain back & saw something that Turned my stomach & not in a good way.

Karen was standing there letting my cousin feel all on her like I do, I pulled the curtain & laid my head against the wall trying to think about what I was going to do next.

All I know is that fucking with the wrong bitch today!

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