Endlessly (sequel to How to f...


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Sequel to How to fall in love Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 39

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"I don't get why you cancelled the restaurant reservations in the last minute though. I was looking forward to going out." Julie commented while laying out some roasted chicken on the table. Ashton only playfully rolled his eyes. She's been scolding him about it all day by the looks of it. But I was too busy enjoying the delicious smell of the hot dish in front of me to notice Ashton was up to something. I'm the type of person who gives a huge importance to details, with people as well as with things. So I've picked up the small pointers from my friends that indicate something's off. However, right now I was too hungry to notice the way Ashton kept glancing at the clock and nervously tapping either his feet against the floor, or his fingers against the table.

"Bon appetit!" Julie smiled, finally satisfied with how the table was set up. She was a bit of a perfectionist with certain things, such as her house and her appearence, and occasionally, Ashton's appearence as well. This is why she wouldn't even let us touch the food until all the silverware was perfectly placed, napkins perfectly folded into triangles and decorations exactly where they should be. I couldn't blame her though, I know how to be a perfectionist with details too.

Finally, I got to dig my fork into the roast chicken and rip off a juicy piece of it. I picked up some temptingly golden potatoes and they found themselves in my plate, next to the chicken. My stomach churned at the smell that was now fully invading my nose. Deciding I couldn't wait a second longer, I alined two slices of meat and one half of a potato on my fork and stuffed the giant bite into my mouth. The sensation of taste exploded over my tongue, awakening my taste buds. Ah, what a wonderful feeling to finally get the food you've been anticipating for so long and muffle your hunger.

To my disappointement, I was interrupted right in the middle of my meal, when Ashton stood up and asked for our attention. He gestured to Julie, telling her to get up as well. From her expression, it was obvious she knew as much about this as I did, but she layed out no questions before standing up. A gasp escaped from my mouth and Jenna almost chocked on her water when Ash crouched down on one knee.

"Julie Caitlin Jackson." he started shakily, in a nervous voice "I've known you for about three years now. And even back when I first met you and I was dating Jenna, I knew there was something about you that would drive me crazy for you one day," At the mention on her name, a few pairs of eyes were thrown at Jenna and she flipped her hair, bringing a brief second of comic relief to the tension pilling up in the room "Even then I couldn't help but glance at you and think Man, that girl is beautiful in all kinds of ways. It didn't take long for me to realise I had feelings for you Jules. And now, after three years, I still look at you and think the same wonderful things. I love you and there's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?"

By now, Julie was conciderably shedding tears. She barely got to sob out a quiet 'yes' before a beautiful ring was found tightly on her finger and the two of them were safely in each other's arms.

An applause broke through the room and Michael even whistled for the happy couple. I was so glad for them, they really found eachother. By the way Julie was looking at Ashton, I knew she loved him just as much as he loved her. And so the dinner went on, but the, now engaged, couple wouldn't let go of each other's hands. They were so adorable. The food in my plate had grown disappointingally cold by now, but I didn't mind. We spent the night mosly listening to their plans for the future. They decided to get married this summer! The band has a big tour in may, which will last a month, so the wedding will be in july. Jules wanted a wedding on the beach, which is just like her, she's always imagined that special day on a beautiful coast, under the stars, next to the sea. I quite enjoyed watching them talk, even bicker, but not bitterly, rather lovingally, about it. I even cought Luke staring at me a few times, but I only smiled and looked away each time. Who knows what he was thinking about. That could be us some day? Possibly. But not just yet. It's too big a decision to make now. I shook the thoughts away, fitting my hand into Luke's and continuously smiling at Julie and Ashton.


hey guys!

sorry the chapter was short, next one will be longer, promise! i just wanted to wish all of you a happy new year and i hope all your expectations for 2015 come true and more!

love you xx

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