Love Triangle (Kian Lawley an...

By lovealittlestyles

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Love Triangle (Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff)
Hello summer!
Nice to meet you too, lovely.
Who is it?
Almost Couple stuff and jealousy.
Next chapter will be posted no later than.....
Apologies and Competitions (again)
Surprising facts
Off to a good start?
Sneaky one.
Forwards and back.
I cant believe you
Dont call it jealousy.
Pushing to its limits.
Sharing is caring?
Secrets are ok, right?
Unexpected Love
Hot mess
Puzzle Pieces

Lead the way.

2.6K 72 81
By lovealittlestyles

"Hey what if I ended up being some serial killer or something ?" Cameron joked stiffiling a laugh.
"Well I guess that's still a possibility so I don't know." I giggled back. We'd been walking for a while just talking about random things. Food cars animals places to travel music preferences, anything.
It was refreshing to get to know someone ya know? Learn all the little things. What makes them happy, what makes them sad, it was interesting.
We were nearly half way there when my phone started buzzing and Kian's name lit up on my screen, sending me back into the world of chaotic drama I knew was waiting for me.
"Sorry I have to take this," I sighed as Cameron nodded, pulling out his phone.
"Lauren where are you?!" Kian exclaimed into the phone with an anxious tone.
"I'm fine just on my way back now." I bluntly answered.
"Look I know you're upset, I am too. Where are you? I'll come get you. " he answered softly. Kian was always soo sweet and considerate. It broke my heart to think my cousin broke his.
"Thank you, but I met up with a friend and he's taking me back." I smiled as I glanced over at cameron kicking a few rocks in his path.
"He? Who is this guy?" He questioned.
"Cameron, you can trust him I promise."
"Fine, but just keep me updated so I know you're okay,"
" Will do." I answered before hanging up. I was taking a long shot with trusting cameron, a guy I had literally just met but for someone reason he gave me this security, something that made me feel safe.
"I hate to break it to you but I think we might've been walking the wrong way this entire time." Cameron nervously let out.
"No way."
"I'm afraid so, listen are you sure you're not tired, I can call you cab and take you back, make sure you're okay." His deep brown eyes poured into mine. I didn't want to go back. Not back to a lying ex boyfriend heartbroken bestfriend and unloyal cousin. Can you blame a girl for wanting to be happy?
"Oh uhm no that's fine, I think I um.."
"Listen, I'm not saying I was eavesdropping on your call but you didn't sound like you want to go back, I can tell."
"......Well you guessed right."
"If you want you come back with me. I swear I won't try anything, it would just kill me to take you somewhere I know you don't want to be."
"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt whatever you may have going on."
"Trust me you've been nice to have around. I enjoy being with you honest."
Before I knew what I was doing I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.
"Lead the way." I smiled


Super sorry for the late upload, I take the blame for it I sincerely deeply apologize, but thank you incredibly for all the amazing support. All your comments motivate me to keep writing and update faster. Comment your thoughts down below, the more responses, the quicker I'll update! How do you feel about cameron? Will lauren forgive Ashley and Sam?

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