By svtluver

138K 3.4K 1.7K

No one wants to get tangled in with seventeen, the most notorious and ruthless gang in Seoul, but what's goin... More

Aha ha
Z e r o
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x t h
S e v e n
E i g h t
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y o n e
T w e n t y T w o
T w e n t y t h r e e
T w e n t y f o u r
T w e n t y F i v e
T w e n t y S i x
T w e n t y S e v e n
T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y N i n e
T h i r t y
T h i r t y O n e
T h i r t y T w o
T h i r t y T h r e e
T h i r t y F o u r
T h i r t y F i v e
T h i r t y S i x
T h i r t y S e v e n
T h i r t y E i g h t
T h i r t y N i n e
F o u r t y
F o u r t y O n e
F o u r t y T w o
F o u r t y T h r e e
F o u r t y F o u r
F o u r t y F i v e
F o u r t y S i x
F o u r t y S e v e n
F o u r t y E i g h t
F o u r t y N i n e
F i f t y
F i f t y O n e
F i f t y T w o
F i f t y T h r e e
F i f t y F o u r
F i f t y F i v e
F i f t y S i x
A small thank you and a possible sequel?

N i n e

3K 76 44
By svtluver

J walked out of the shower squeaky clean with the bracelet dangling looking brand new on her wrist. Her aunt was at work and misha was at school so she didn't have to have her guard up in that moment. She got a little dressed up hoping it would make her mood better and it did. She was so excited to finally go to a convince store. She just put on some mascara and a light pink lipstick putting her hair back in a side braid. She waited for Chan to come and he finally did.

"Ahh I'm so excited." J let out while getting into the back seat of Chan's car. Chan laughed and started driving.

"I was thinking we should eat first and go to the convenience store for snacks later." Chan said looking back at J.

"Sure! I'm hungry anyway." J responded.

"You always are, that's why you're chubz." Chan laughed. "It's a nice place, I've been here with my parents before and I loved the food, you'll like it a lot."

"Oooo somewhere new huh?" J raised her eyebrow.

They finally got there and it wasn't far. It looked super fancy though. They walked in and were seated. Chan ordered for both of them telling J she'd like what he got her. J was sipping on her coke when Chan started.

"You-you know who's kinda cute?" He eyed J.

"Me? I know" J giggled.

"Besides you." He continued.

"Mm who?" J asked, a little curious.

"Jo-" Chan stopped. "Never mind."

"What, you can't do that." J said hitting him in the arm.

"Joshua Hong." Chan finally blurt out with a regretful look on his face.

J chocked on her coke a little. "Joshua Hong? Of seventeen?" She widened her eyes at chan.

Chan nodded. "He's been catching my eyes lately. I don't know why I always wonder back to him."

"When did this happen?" J crossed her arms.

"Mm remember that day coups pushed me up against the wall?" Chan drank his doctor pepper.

"WHAT? THAT LONG!! And you never mentioned it?" J gasped acting hurt.

"Well not exactly but that's when I started noticing him. When coups kicked my seat and pushed me up against the wall he was the one that spoke up telling him to just leave me alone." Chan said wondering off.

He continued to explain what he thought he felt for Joshua and J sat there listening to him. J told him she was noticing how s coups was always looking at chan and that he could possibly have feelings for him but chan automatically shook his head telling her it wasn't possible. Their food finally arrived and chan was right. J did love it, they both ate so much they could barely get up from their table at the end.

After the restaurant they decided to walk around to let the food settle in and look at all the cute little shops. While they were walking around Nabz had texted chan a couple of times.

Hey chan
Are you still with J?
Jeonghan is really worried and he feels terrible about what happened but she's not replying to his messages.

Chan showed J and she pulled out her phone for the first time since she left the house. There had been many texts from Jeonghan and nabz but she never heard her phone buzz.

Giraffe🦒: did you get home okay?
Giraffe🦒: dino wanted your number by the way. He feels really bad.
Giraffe🦒: yah! I know we made a mistake but are you really just gonna ignore me now?
Giraffe🦒: hello?
Giraffe🦒: hello?
Giraffe🦒: can you just forgive us this one time?

J looked at all his messages making a weird face. He'd turned into this baby that was whining for a piece of candy or something. She showed chan and he raised an eyebrow. He texted nabz telling them J was fine and to tell Jeonghan she didn't wanna speak to him. She called and Chan picked up but it wasn't nabz.

"Give the phone to J." Jeonghan spoke on the other line.

J took the phone out of Chan's hand angrily and spoke. "Didn't I tell you to not talk to me anymore?"

"Where are you right now?" He asked sternly.

"I'm not telling you. Now please. leave. me. alone." J hung up the phone and told chan to just put it on do not disturb.

They walked around for a little while, they saw a little shop with photo booths that took Polaroid pictures for you and they took a couple. They then headed back to the car to the convenience store for some ice cream.

"Are we really not going to talk to them anymore?" Chan asked out of nowhere.

"Nah. I want them to feel bad for a bit and then I'll forgive them." J laughed.

By the time they got home it was around 11:45, they had school the next day and J didn't want chan to be tired. Her aunt and misha were asleep so she just let herself in and starting walking to her room before she noticed a huge pile of dishes waiting for her in the sink. She was tired but she washed them anyway not wanting any conflict. She was so tired but she couldn't sleep. These were the times she really hated her insomnia. As usual she got about 2 hours of sleep and woke up for school, leaving early again.

She didn't expect anyone to be there but when she walked into class she saw all of seventeen besides wonwoo sitting at their desks. She tried not to laugh and looked away sitting down. When she looked up at the black board there was 'WE'RE SORRY' written in big bold letters in English. She looked back at them and they were all doing pouty faces. Ew she thought. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"You guys owe me." "Especially you giraffe." J teased looking at jeonghan.

They all exclaimed. "Does this mean you're not mad anymore?" Jun asked

"Nah, because you guys are taking me and chan out for food and and ice cream after school." She smirked.

"Of course it's food she wants." Mingyu laughed.

"Fatty." Seungkwan and dk said at the same time surprising each other.

"Hey hey you're supposed to be making it up to me." J frowned.

Misha walked into the classroom and J quickly got up to erase the board. Minghao also got up and went to mishas desk.

"And you. You really think you were just off the hook after lying to us?" Misha was looking down. "Stop messing with her." Minghao looked back at J. This surprised misha and made her furious but she didn't dare say anything in front of the gang.

J had a satisfied smile on her face. At lunch they were all discussing where they were going when nabz showed up. She sat down next to minghao without looking at J. She was the only that hadn't said anything about what happened. J looked at her but nabz continued eating making J roll her eyes.

"What you guys talking about?" Nabz questioned.

"Nothing." J answered a little annoyed.

"I wasn't asking you." Nabz looked up.

"Well I answered anyway." J shot back making nabz get up and leave.

Everyone looked down and there was an awkward silence. They finally decided where to go to. J saw coups getting up and she went after him.

"What's up with you and chan? Be honest." J asked when they were far enough away from the table.

Coups looked a little shocked by the question, he started blushing a little. "What do you mean? There's nothing, we barely talk."

"I see the way you look at him when you think no ones looking coups." J answered.

Coups laughed. "There's nothing, seriously."

J sighed. "Good, he's dating someone."

"What?? Who??? When did this happen?" Coups had stopped walking now.

"That's what I thought." J chuckled. "If you feel something for him, you might wanna figure it out fast." "I'll help you, if you'd like."

"Really? You'll really help?" Coups looked up.

"Of course." J answered back and they went back to their table. Minghao and wonwoo eyed coups and J laughing as they walked back.

After school they finally went to the restaurant and as they sat down they saw nabz walking in. She walked towards them.

"What are you doing here?" J asked as nabz sat down.

"Minghao invited me." She sat down next to him.

J looked at Minghao with a weird look on her face and turned to coups. "When did they get so close?" She whispered making coups laugh and the whole table looked at him. They all gave in their orders and waited for their food. J eyed minghao who was talking to jun in Chinese when nabz interrupted making jun and J roll their eyes. Finally their food arrived. J made eye contaact with minghao before leaning over to take a dumpling out of his plate and putting it into her mouth.

"Yah Yah you cant do that." Minghao announced.

"Can too." J corrected trying to gulp down the rest of her dumpling.

J continued to eat her chicken cutlet when Minghao leaned over grabbing a piece leaving J surprised while he laughed. Then woozi grabbed a piece as well followed by Vernon.

"Yah give me another dumpling. Look what you did now." J exclaimed reaching for minghaos plate before he took it away from the table laughing hard. While they continued to fight the table was full of laughs before wonwoo placed two dumplings on J's plate making her and the rest of the gang look up at him.

"Your constant bickering is annoying me." He said expressionless, continuing to eat his food.

J just shook her head and noticed nabz chatting it up with minghao again. She also noticed jun looking a little annoyed. So she came up with a plan. When their dessert came, it was three different things. A big choco brownie, a even bigger cookie with ice cream on top of it and a tiramisu layer cake. She looked at the dessert in front of him before starting.

"Yah junnie." J declared in a cute voice. "Can you give me some of the ice cream cookie please?" "Ahhh" J opened her mouth

Jun burst out laughing. "Yah fatty, why are you saying it like that?" He proceeded to give her a huge spoonful of the dessert.

J opened her mouth wide but some of the ice cream got on her nose. Jun suddenly got up and wiped it with his napkin letting
Out an 'aigoo' surprising everyone, including J. She looked up at him with a shy smile. It wasn't part of her plan but it was cute to her. Minghao looked between jun and j with a dismayed look on his face. They continued to eat and joke around with each other.

"It's wierd ya know?" Woozi began while getting into the car.

"What?" Joshua questioned.

"That we're so close with her." Woozi giggled.

"It is kind of weird actually, but she's a genuine person. I think that's why we feel so comfortable with her." Joshua added and Vernon agreed.

"I just-I just don't want her to get mixed up in our other business." Wonwoo wondered off.

"She won't. We'll keep her safe, along with Chan." Coups added.

"And you can keep nabz safe since you two are so close these days." Dino teased minghao who didn't say anything.

When J got home she had a big storm waiting.

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