Luke Hemmings - Roommates

Door xoHemmingsGirlxo

40.9K 1.3K 210

"I'll take a vodka and orange please." I asked politely but I couldn't seem to force a smile onto my face lik... Meer

Making the team
Josh's Party
First Game
Pillow Fight
Broken Hearts and Black Eyes
Parties and Drunk Kisses
Goalpost Nutter
Go easy on him
Girl's Night Out
I Called It
Pain is weakness
Christmas Tree
Driving Home For Christmas
Finish This In Hell
Back to Square One
Getting to know each other
New Years
Golden Oppurtunity
All My Fault
Needed Some Advice
Don't Want To Remember
Too little too late
Communication Is The Key
It's Never Goodbye
Lost Everything
New Beginning
Part Of The Family
A Life On The Road
Not your problem
Everybody has a story
First for everything
I'm All Yours
Don't want to disappoint
Don't want you to regret
Night of Nights
Didn't want to tell you
Tell Me You Love Me
Stop It
Are you sure?
Start Again
Going on an adventure
Take the first shift
One Night Only
Weaker than she looks
What Do You See?
Can happy ever after exist?
First Hello and Final Goodbye
One Final Farewell
Dear Kenzie
Not Worth It
Never Trust A Hug
Nut-job with a Gun
Any Final Words?

First Day

2.1K 49 11
Door xoHemmingsGirlxo

Luke eventually let go of me but didn't walk away. He just stood in between my legs, smiling warmly down at me while losing himself in his thoughts. "Luke?"

"Yeah." He hummed.

"I know that you probably want to room with the boys when they arrive but I was wondering if I could share a room with you instead of her." I asked looking up at him with hopeful eyes. I could not last in a room with her without wanting to punch her. I don't even think I could last in a building with her and not want to punch the stupid smirk from her stupid face.

"As long as you don't mind being the only girl in a room with two boys when the others get here." He shrugged. I would much prefer being in the boys than being in with that bitch.

"Not a problem. Thank-you Luke." I finally let him go and he walked back into the living room while I picked up my top and put it back on before joining him. His eyes never seemed to leave my small figure walking towards him, the blue reflecting the light and making them sparkle brightly. "When do the boys get here?" I asked wondering when I would get to meet my new roommates.

"They fly in from Australia in two weeks time. You'll love them."

"How do you know them?"

"We're in a band together. Nothing major but we're still pretty good."

"So that's where you're accent's from."

"Could you not tell?" He chuckled lightly at my stupidity. In all fairness I probably should have figured it out.

"I wasn't paying too much attention." I dismissed trying not to laugh at my own idiocy. Yet again Luke rested his hand on the back of the couch but instead of mentioning it this time I cuddled into his chest to watch the television. Once he noticed his arm seemed to move closer towards me, almost pulling me into his body and I smirked inwardly. He was definitely trying to make a move. I stayed up most of the night with Luke to make sure that Chelsea was asleep before I went to get my suitcase. I've already had two arguments with her today, a third would mean it gets physical and I really can't be bothered with that.

I quietly dragged it from her room and into mine and Luke's room. He had already picked his bed, the one closest to the window on the far left hand side of he room, so I just picked the one next to his. I didn't feel like being half way across the room from the window because it's clear it's going to get hot in here and he took the bed I would have preferred. I pulled off my clothes leaving me in only my underwear while searching through my suitcase for some sweats and an oversized t-shirt. "Would you like me to leave the room?" Luke asked coughing nervously being a total gentleman.

"No it's fine." I wasn't bothered about being seen in my underwear. My essential parts were covered by fabric and that's all that matters to me. Still he turned his back on me while I got changed. He seemed more uncomfortable about the situation than me, he's probably trying not to stare at my body because he's a lad and lads do have a tendency to get turned on when lasses stand half naked infront of them. I climbed into my bed pulling the blankets tightly around my body. "Goodnight Luke." I said.

"Goodnight McKenzie." He yawned. He fell asleep almost instantly and little snores could be heard leaving his lips. I wish I could just fall asleep like he did, instead I spent most of the night staring at the ceiling before eventually falling asleep.

Luke's point of view:

I was woken this morning by my alarm going off. I reached over to turn my phone off and dragged myself out of bed my bare feet hitting the carpet and walking me away from the soft covers that were calling my name. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed, curl up into a ball and sleep for a week. Jet lags a bitch. I walked into the living room to see McKenzie lying on the couch on her phone. "Morning." I said hearing the raspiness in my own voice. I hated the sound of my own morning voice.

"Morning." She replied with no raspiness indicating that she had been up for a while now. Just as she opened her mouth to speak again her phone slipped out of her hands and hit her in the face. "Ow." She mumbled rubbing the spot on her forehead. I had to refrain from laughing, biting my lip to stop the smirk trying to force it's way onto my lips.

"What time is your first class of the day?" I asked, attempting to distract myself.

She paused to think. "I have engineering at half nine."

"Lucky." I whined. "I have music at nine." It may only be a half hour time difference but when you feel dead on your feet half an hour could be like half a century.

"Better start getting ready wouldn't want to be late would you?" She teased. I quickly ate my breakfast before going and taking a shower. I walked back out of the bathroom instantly regretting it once I saw McKenzie getting ready. She was just pulling on some sweats with engineering written up the side of one leg and was about to put on a t-shirt that also had engineering written on the back as well as her last name. She really just wasn't bothered about me seeing her half naked. I'm not going to complain thought, she had the most perfect body I've ever seen. She started packing some clothes into her backpack and I was taking a wild guess that it was her normal uniform. "Why the hell does a college that specializes in engineering have a uniform? You would think they had more sense." I groaned as I buttoned up my shirt.

"I know." She agreed. "It seems as though they're running it more as a school than a college. I have three different uniforms as well which is kinda annoying." I pulled on my pants before turning round to face her. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and grinned at me trying to put my tie on. "Help?" I sighed. She took the tie from my hands looping it around the back of my neck and using it to pull me closer towards her. My breath caught in my throat at the sudden close proximity of our bodies and I got the sudden overwhelming urge to destroy the small gap between us. It took her all of thirty seconds to tie it meaning she pulled away from me a lot quicker than I would have liked. "You're gunna have to learn how to tie it yourself you know." She smiled as she went back to getting ready.

"I know." I sighed. "See you later." I shouted running out of the door realizing I was going to be late. I ran into the music department and found the room that I was scheduled to be in. I burst through the door and all eyes in the room turned to look at me. I felt like the new kid once I figured that I was still five minutes early and more than likely in the wrong room. I apologized to the teacher before heading next door to the room I was actually meant to be in. I found a seat in the back corner and waited for the lesson to begin.

Just before the lesson was due to begin in walked my roommate Chelsea. I shrunk down into my chair but it was no use as she spotted me and walked over to take the empty seat next to me. "I'm sorry." She said confusing me as she had nothing to be sorry for. Nothing that I could remember anyway.

"What for?" I asked sitting up straight in my chair. There was no point in trying to hide from her now.

"Just for the way me and McKenzie were acting. It's not fair that your going to be caught in the middle of it all." She said placing her hand on my knee making me feel rather uncomfortable with the situation.

"What's going on between you two anyway?" I asked picking her hand up and moving it.

"Long story." She said emotionless. She wasn't impressed that I had moved her hand off of me. I was going to question her further but I could see I wasn't going to get anywhere with either of them. They had quite clearly made their minds up that they weren't going to tell me. I pulled out my notebook and started doodling while the teacher started the class by introducing herself. The first lessons are always boring so I wasn't missing much.

McKenzie's point of view:

I had left half an hour early so that I had time to figure out where I was going and I still only made it just on time. I walked into the class and had a look around. I could only see three other girls and they were all sat in a corner at the front of the class chatting and giggling. Not my type of people. Everybody else was spread around in groups all sitting on their desks chatting as if they had known each other for years when in reality most of them had probably only just met this morning. I spotted an empty chair in the back corner and went to sit in it. Just as I sat down one of the boys in the group closest to me came over to sit on the desk in front of mine so he was facing me. "Hello babe the girls are sat down there." He said pointing to the front of the class. Well done Captain Obvious.

"I can see that. What's that got to do with me?" I asked trying not to lose my temper at the fact that he called me babe.

"I think you would fit in much better down there love." He's said less than twenty words and I already don't like him. I think that's a new record.

"And why would that be?" I said through gritted teeth. His mates he had been talking to had come to watch the show and were all whispering and snickering between themselves.

"Well the boys are sat up here. The girls don't like the work and they get a much better view of the teacher down their so they can admire his body and good looks because according to one of them he's fit."

"Well how about this. You sit the fuck down and stop being a sexist bastard. I'm here to work and I can sit wherever the fuck I like. If you have a problem with it then you're going to have to move me yourself." I spat and that sharp shut them up as they all sat in the seats next to me. They're not used to people speaking to them like that. Mr mouthy, as I had nicknamed him, was constantly giving me glares throughout the lesson. The lesson went quite quickly, one minute the lesson was just beginning the next I was running round campus trying to find the PE department. Why is the campus so complicated to navigate?

Once I finally found it I ran into the changing room to change into my other uniform. I made it just in time once again as I walked into one of the sports hall at the same time as my teacher running over to stand with the only familiar face that I could see stood in the corner. "Thank god I know somebody in this class." Luke whispered as I leant against the wall. "He's meant to be dead strict."

"How do you know that? This is only your first day here."

"Some people in my music class know people who come here and are in higher years. They all said the same thing about him."

"Wow you've already made some new friends." I mumbled.

"I suppose so. Have you?" I thought back to the only person I had spoken to. Mr mouthy.

"Sort of." I chuckled before turning my attention to our teacher.

Luke's point of view:

"Right class my name is Mr Matthews." The teacher began and I noticed he had a very broad American accent. "Now most teachers do nothing for the first lessons of the semester. I however am not like most teachers. Today you will be working in pairs to complete a circuit that will give me an indication of where you are working at right now." I instantly looked over at McKenzie and she nodded at me already knowing what I was going to ask. "The circuit will be a series of floor exercises. Push-ups, sit-ups, plank, squats, wall-sit, leg raises and lunges. For each activity you have two minutes to complete as many as you can or hold it for as long as you can. You do not stop unless you can't continue. Take it in turns between you and your partner. Mats are over there stop, watches are over here, get started." Well this teacher got straight to the point.

"Ex-military." McKenzie whispered leaning closer to me so I could hear her as we walked to get a mat.

"How can you tell?"

"One the way he was stood and two he had his dog-tags on." I looked back over my shoulder to see that he had them out on top of his t-shirt.

"You're wearing them." I pointed out.

"Yeah I'm wearing one because the other was buried. He's wearing both of his." She explained.

"You're very observant."

"Says the one who managed to read my name off a bracelet." We grabbed a mat and took it over to the far side of the sports hall away from everyone else. "Do you want me to go first?" I asked.

"I'm not bothered what do you want to start with."

"Push ups." I positioned myself on the mat and she started the timer counting how many push ups I managed to complete. By the end of the two minutes my arms were struggling to support me and it was getting harder every time I went down.

"Two minutes is up." She said and I let myself fall to the mat. I turned over onto my back to see her smiling down at me extending her hand. I grabbed it and she pulled me to my feet swapping positions with me. Once she was ready she nodded and I started the stop watch. She was going a lot faster than I was and seemed to be struggling a lot less as well. She wasn't on her knees either, she was doing full push-ups. She was completely showing me up. I told her the two minutes was up and she jumped to her feet still full of energy. "Why is Mr Matthews staring at me?" She asked putting her head right next to my ear.

"Probably because he's the teacher and needs to find out how good his students are." I shrugged. It was more likely that he was just as amazed with her as I currently was.

"I suppose so." She mumbled. "Right on your back and I'll hold your feet for sit-ups." Every exercise was the same. Two minutes would be up and I would feel like I was dying and she would beat me and still be full of energy. Her energy started to dissipate towards the end of the lesson but only slightly.

We finally finished and we put the mat away. I headed straight for the changing room but McKenzie hung around for a bit. I got changed and waited for her. I wanted to know why she had stayed behind but I also needed her to do my tie and there was no way I was admitting to other people that at the age of seventeen I was incapable of tying my own tie. That's more embarrassing then her beating me at the circuit, especially since I considered myself as a very athletic person.

McKenzie's point of view:

Everyone else left to go and change into their uniforms and I leant against the wall waiting to talk to Mr Matthews. "Sir." I said walking over to him.

"Ah Murray. I was impressed with you today."

"Thank you sir. I was just wondering if there was a girls football team."

"Well there is. There are no first years in it though so you would be the only one. What position do you play?"

"Anywhere in defence but not the keeper."

"Well practise is on every Monday and Friday at five o'clock see you there."

"See you there." I said and walked out to get changed. Once I stepped out of the changing rooms I was greeted by Luke leaning up against the wall.

"Aren't you meant to be fully dressed before you come out of the changing rooms."

"I am." I argued because I was. I hadn't tucked my shirt in or buttoned up my very top shirt button or put my tie on but I was technically fully dressed. "You're not either."

"Well I can't tie my tie." I took it out of his hand looping it round his neck and tieing it as quickly as I could. "Hurry up or your going to be late."

"No I'm not my next lesson isn't for an hour yet and unlike you it doesn't take me an hour to find my class."

"It does not take me an hour." I defended. "Maybes half an hour but not an hour. I'm heading to get some food if you fancy coming with me."

"Lets go." He said walking down the corridor and out into the fresh air leaving me to run after him. He made me chase him to catch up acting like a child. He reminded me of someone I once knew.

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