Luke Hemmings - Roommates

By xoHemmingsGirlxo

40.9K 1.3K 210

"I'll take a vodka and orange please." I asked politely but I couldn't seem to force a smile onto my face lik... More

First Day
Making the team
Josh's Party
First Game
Pillow Fight
Broken Hearts and Black Eyes
Parties and Drunk Kisses
Goalpost Nutter
Go easy on him
Girl's Night Out
I Called It
Pain is weakness
Christmas Tree
Driving Home For Christmas
Finish This In Hell
Back to Square One
Getting to know each other
New Years
Golden Oppurtunity
All My Fault
Needed Some Advice
Don't Want To Remember
Too little too late
Communication Is The Key
It's Never Goodbye
Lost Everything
New Beginning
Part Of The Family
A Life On The Road
Not your problem
Everybody has a story
First for everything
I'm All Yours
Don't want to disappoint
Don't want you to regret
Night of Nights
Didn't want to tell you
Tell Me You Love Me
Stop It
Are you sure?
Start Again
Going on an adventure
Take the first shift
One Night Only
Weaker than she looks
What Do You See?
Can happy ever after exist?
First Hello and Final Goodbye
One Final Farewell
Dear Kenzie
Not Worth It
Never Trust A Hug
Nut-job with a Gun
Any Final Words?


3.1K 62 12
By xoHemmingsGirlxo

Bloody traffic!

I fucking hate it!

I damn traffic to hell!

I spent so long in traffic I actually managed to memorise the registration plate of the black Audi in front of me for the entire drive. Right from Newcastle to the last turn off before campus. I should have actually arrived at my new college campus two hours ago but thanks to the traffic I had to sit in I'm only just arriving now. If I wouldn't have needed my car I would have just taken the train instead of driving from Newcastle to London. It would have been so much easier for me, and a hell of a lot less stressful.

I parked my car in one of the campus car parks and walked into the main college building where there was a long line of students just like me waiting to find out what dorm they would be in and receive the keys. I groaned internally as I thought about how long I would have to stand and wait but surprisingly the line went down fairly quickly and within ten minutes I was at the front.

The man behind the desk looked only in his mid to late twenties I would have guessed and I could visibly see him checking me out and right now all I wanted to do was slap the stupid smirk off his face. My patience is wearing seriously thin. I mean he's hot and all with his tanned skin and dark hair, and don't even get me started on his jaw line but I am not in the mood right now. "Hello I'm assuming you are new to this college just like most students in this line." He stated; he already knew the answer as I had picked up a campus map and was holding it in my hand which was resting on the reception desk. I refrained from rolling my eyes and smiled lightly at him instead.

"Yes I'm here to find out what dorm room I'm in."

"What is your name?" He asked focusing his attention on the computer screen. I'm surprised he managed to pull his eyes away from my chest long enough to be able to search for my name.

"McKenzie Murray." He began typing furiously on his computer no doubt checking the records to find where I am before grabbing a key and focusing his attention back to me. Well I say me, I mean my chest. "Well Miss Murray in this college we try our best to separate males and females into separate rooms with six people to a dorm. However this year we have sixty-four boys and only sixty-two girls. We feel it is unnecessary to put only two people in a dorm made for six; therefore we have made the decision to put the four extra males and two extra females in a room together. Unfortunately for you, you are one of them. If you have any great objection to it then it may be possible for us to rearrange the rooms so you are in with females. The question is do you have any great objection to it?" He phrased the last part half as a statement and half as a question finally managing to find the decency to look at my face.

"I have no objection to that."

"Good." He smiled at me. "Here is your room key." He handed me the small object which I immediately slipped into my back pocket for safe keeping. "As you will see on your campus maps there are four different buildings that are filled with dorm rooms. You are in the Stephenson building on the other side of campus on the fifth floor in room 530." I desperately wanted to ask for directions but I knew I had been stood here at least twice as long as everybody else had and asking directions would do me no good anyway. I'm hopeless at following directions.

"Thank you." I said and walked back out and to my car to retrieve my single suitcase which held all of my possessions I had brought with me. I always packed light, it made everything easier. I pulled it out of the car boot and started following the map to the Stephenson building. It looked like a fairly simple area to navigate but boy was I wrong. I seemed to visit every building at least twice but was incapable of finding my own. After an hour and a half of walking round aimlessly and getting nowhere I decided to ask for directions, if I didn't then I was going to spend the rest of the night wandering round and getting nowhere.

Not very many people were around so I walked over to the nearest person I could see. He was a lanky boy who had to be at least six foot tall, his legs seeming to go on forever as he stood and texted on his phone. He had blonde hair which was coiffed up into pure sex and even from here I could see the sparkling blue of his bright, baby blue eyes. He was the physical embodiment of perfect. I took my glasses off placing them in my backpack along with the map and rubbing my eyes before walking over to the boy.

The closer I got the hotter he looked.

"Excuse me." I said and he tore his focus away from whatever he was staring at on his phone to look at me. "I don't suppose you could give me directions. I'm fucking hopeless at reading maps." He grinned slightly at my comment and I was glad I hadn't offended him with my choice of vocabulary. Sometimes it just slips out and I forget that other people find curse words offensive. I didn't want to offend him.

"Not a problem where do you need to be?" He asked looking down at me with a shy smile.

"I need to be at the Stephenson building and I swear I've been to every single building but the one I fucking need." Again he grinned at my comment and I found myself grinning along with him. I guess smiling's contagious.

"Well I am also heading in the direction of the Stephenson building so you can accompany me if you wish."

"Oh I wish." I chuckled and so did he. He began walking and I followed walking beside him, I was thankful he was taking smaller steps because with his long legs he could have easily outpaced me. We had very little conversation both of us preferring to walk in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence, more a comfortable silence. Apparently I had walked in a complete circle because I was at the back of the main building and my building was still on the other side of the campus. We finally arrived at the Stephenson building and he held the door open for me like a total gentlemen. "Thank you." I said stepping inside. "What building are you heading to?" I asked purely out of curiosity.

"This one. My dorm room is here."

"Here?" I asked confused. "I thought that they usually put all of the first years in the same building and everyone else was just dotted around in the other buildings."

"They do. I'm a first year just arrived today."

"Well from the way you know your way round campus I never would have guessed that." I mumbled quietly.

"Just because I can read a map and you can't." He said with a smirk.

"Ouch that hurt." I joked holding my hand over my heart and he stuck his tongue out at me. None of the buildings had an elevator which was surprising considering how modern everything was but I wasn't complaining. Stairs are a good form of cardio and I've never really been a big fan of elevators anyways. Being closed in a tin death trap while it moves us between two floors just never really appealed to me.

"Would you like me to carry that for you?" He asked me pointing at the suitcase. "It looks like it weighs more than you."

"It's alright I got it. Thanks for offering though." I grabbed the handle on the side of my suitcase and picked it up with ease. The shock was evident on his face because he quite clearly thought I was weaker than I was. Not that I blamed him, everybody made the same assumption because I was fairly small and had no visible muscle. Looks can always be deceiving though and people often forget that when looking at my slim frame. We started ascending the stairs until we reached the fifth floor. As I turned to say goodbye he beat me to it saying goodbye and he began walking down the corridor. Seriously, not only are we in the same building but we're on the same floor as well. At least I knew I now had a friend that wasn't too far away from me.

I started making my way along the corridor. I saw him disappear into his room but couldn't tell which number room it was from where I stood. I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later anyway so that's not something I need to worry about. I quickly found room 530 and opened the door walking in only to be met by a confused boy sitting on the couch. So now not only are we in the same building, on the same floor but we're also in the same fucking room. I asked the perfect person for directions.

Luke's point of view:

I was sat on the couch and in walked the girl from before. She was so fucking beautiful; she had my heart from the moment I looked into her dazzling blue eyes. "I'm not being funny but what are you doing in my room?" I asked staring at her staring back at me. I could stare at her all day but it is kinda creepy how she's in my room. I wouldn't mind if she were here more often though, in my bed perhaps with me hovering above her.

"This is my room." She stated and I saw a small smile flash quickly across her features and my heart melted but just as soon as it came it went away again. "Were you not told you would be in a room with three boys and two girls?" She asked and then I remembered.

"Oh yeah. Chelsea's in there by the way." I informed her pointing at one of the two separate bedrooms. Chelsea was the first of us to arrive so she was the first to pick her bed. If you're asking me she seemed like a little bit of a bitch.

"Okay well I better go introduce myself and have a start at unpacking." I nodded my head at her and she walked into the room dragging her suitcase behind her. I could hear their conversation from where I was sat and it didn't sound too good. It didn't even sound like a conversation, more a shouting match and I don't know who was winning.

"Of all the fucking people that I'm put in a room with I get put in a room with you." I heard the girl who asked me directions say. I'm sure her name's McKenzie but I'm not one hundred percent sure.

"I'm starting to wish I had objected to being roomed like this now." Chelsea fired back.

"Well you've got enough money to buy your own place if you want so if you don't like it you know where the door is."

"Says the one with billionaire parents." That was the last that was said, more like shouted, before the direction girl walked back in. "Problem?" I asked already knowing that there was. I was just curious to find out more.

"Nope, no problem here." She lied sitting down on the couch next to me and gazing at the television program I had on. I wasn't really paying much attention to it, just using it as background noise. I put my arm on the back of the couch without thinking about it not realizing that it looked as though I was trying to make a move before she giggled lightly causing me to turn my head and look at her.

"Are you seriously trying to make a move after knowing me for all of thirty minutes?" She joked and I instinctively pulled my arm away and started apologizing. "Don't worry about it Luke."

She had just said my name.

How did she know my name?

"What did you just say?" I questioned trying to figure if I had heard her correctly or my mind was playing tricks. With how tired I am right now I honestly wouldn't be surprised even in the slightest if I was imagining her words. Especially with how much I'm imagining them being moaned from those pretty pink lips of hers right now.

"Don't worry about it Luke?" It sounded as though she was questioning if that's what she had said. I knew I wasn't imagining this; she had actually said my name. This is now beyond creepy.

"How do you know my name?"

"It was on the back of your jacket before Luke Hemmings." Then I remembered that I had my high school basketball jacket on. I'm so stupid sometimes; I wonder occasionally how I ever made it through school.

"Well then since you know my name I might as well tell you that I know yours as well. Save the introductions."

"How do you know my name?" She looked at me confused.

"McKenzie Murray. Your first name is engraved on your bracelet and your last name is on your jacket." I explained smirking at her. We both sat for a while watching the television, well sort of watching the television, until McKenzie started to get fidgety. The more fidgety she got the more uncomfortable I got; I don't think she realises that her hand is continuously rubbing up against my thigh. I wonder what could be making her so fidgety.

"Well I'm going to get some food." She said standing up grabbing her backpack off the floor by her feet and walking into the kitchen. Just as she walked into the kitchen Chelsea came out of her room and also walked into the kitchen. I didn't think much of it but after a couple of seconds I realized that it was better that I was in there because there was definitely some bad blood between these two. I walked into the kitchen to them mid-argument with McKenzie sat shirtless on one of the counters.

Damn her body's perfect.

What did I miss?

McKenzie's point of view:

I walked into the kitchen and hopped up onto the counter setting my backpack down beside me. I had pringles and Nutella in there from the drive down from Newcastle and I hadn't eaten them all. I know I was eating purely out of boredom but I couldn't have cared less. After hunting through the drawers I pulled out a spoon and opened the Nutella. Just as I put the spoon in my mouth Chelsea walked in. "Is it really the best of ideas for you to be eating Nutella? Wouldn't want you getting any fatter than you already are." She scoffed. I slammed down the Nutella on the bench stabbing the spoon into it. I don't know how the jar didn't smash under the force and pressure I placed on it.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. I pulled my t-shirt up and over my head throwing it down onto the floor. "Does it look like I have anything to worry about?"

"God I think you need to cut down on the fatty food McKenzie. You're getting fatter every time I see you." She smirked and I rolled my eyes. I looked down at my perfectly toned stomach just to amuse her before bringing my head up to meet her eyes.

"I think you need to have your fucking eyes tested." I snapped at her and she smiled almost sickly sweetly at me but I knew it was all fake.

"Still got a mouth like a sailor I see." Just at that minute Luke walked in and I was thankful for that because I was just about to put her through to next week. She would have deserved it.

"What's going on?" He asked looking between us both waiting for an answer which he never got. My lips stayed tightly sealed, refusing to speak while Chelsea just continued to glare holes into my face. "Fine, don't tell me but at least tell me if I'm going to have to break up a fight between you two." He sighed looking between the two of us. What was I supposed to say to that? Oh yeah Luke, you're probably going to have to pull us away from each other before she gets really hurt. Not a good first impression is it.

"Ask that fucking bitch." I said glaring at her.

"Ask the sailor over there." She fired back and I just smiled. I was still angry, beyond angry actually, but she only has power if I give it to her. If I pretend that she isn't bothering me then she'll finally grow tired and fuck off like I want her to. Once she saw that she wasn't going to get anywhere with this argument she stormed out like a child in a huff. As I started to pay attention to Luke I noticed his eyes were wandering a little lower than they should be. "Oi eyes up here."

"Sorry I was just looking at the dog tags you're wearing." He explained and I grabbed the silver ball chain that was hanging from round my neck, two small pieces of metal dangling from the end.

"Yeah it's one of the three things that I never take off. My Bracelet with my name engraved on it. My nomination bracelet that spells my name using the nautical alphabet and the dog tags." I explained with a shrug and he took a step closer to me bringing his eyes level with my chest examining them.

"Jordan Murray. Is that your dad?" He asked looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

"My brother." I said but it came out as a mere whisper as thoughts of my brother flooded my brain. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me giving me a comforting hug and instinctively I snuggled further into his chest. This is set up to be an excellent friendship.

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