Bittersweet - Bubbline AU

By TersyGabrielle

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Marceline is a pure mess. She's in the bottom of the world. There's nothing on her life that wasn't gone wron... More

Chapter One - Bitter & Sweet
Chapter Two - Royalty
Chapter Three: Duties Above All
Chapter Four: Hierarchy
Chapter Five: You're straight, uh?
Chapter Six - I'm just a bad bitch
Chapter Seven - Behind This Hazel Eyes
Chapter Eight - How To Make A Teen Revolution
Chapter Nine - It's... Party Time!
Chapter Ten - Looking for Bonnibel
Chapter Eleven - Equilibrium
Chapter Twelve - When I Don't Remember You
Chapter Thirteen - Why, Marceline?
Chapter Fourteen - Everything Stays
Chapter Fifteen - The Line Between Wrath And Mercy
Chapter Sixteen - Nightosphere's Princess
Chapter Eighteen - Alive, In Spite Of Me
Chapter Nineteen - Say Nothing Has To Change
Chapter Twenty - I Could Lie
Chapter Twenty One - Where You Can See Me
Chapter Twenty Two - Ascension To The Throne
Chapter Twenty Three - Scream Queens
Chapter Twenty Four - You Gotta Live, Bonnibel
Chapter Twenty Five - Three Terrifying Words
Chapter Twenty Six - Petals/Flowers for Flames
Chapter Twenty Seven - Under Her Touch... In Reverse
Chapter Twenty Eight - Now That You're Gone, The World Is Ours
Chapter Twenty Nine - Forgiving Is Not Forgetting
Chapter Thirty - The Boy's a Slag, The Best You Ever Had
Chapter Thirty One - How Were You To Know?
Chapter Thirty Two - One Foot In The Cradle, And One In The Grave
Chapter Thirty Three - Forever Mrs. Petrikov
Chapter Thirty Four - I Don't Need No Help, I Can Sabotage Me By Myself
Chapter Thirty Five - Too Much Things, Too Little Time
Chapter Thirty Six - Neither Bitter or Sweet
Let's Go To The Garden, You'll Find Something Waiting

Chapter Seventeen - Under Her Touch

1.8K 53 131
By TersyGabrielle

I'm back!

Did I took too long?  I hope not hehe

Today y'all don't need to get to worry about crying. But I recommend that you take the kids out of the room and don't read it near your parents :)

Without further ado, let's move on to the chapter.

Good reading!  xoxo


When Bonnibel stepped into the box, she noticed that Marceline was no longer outside, and the door to the attached room was open.

She was tense, euphoric, scared, anxious, content, desperate. All at once. Her hands were shaking.

When she entered the annex, Marceline was reaching for her purse and cell phone, as if she were getting ready to leave. Bonnibel couldn't understand.

"Uh... can you tell me what's going on?"

"I'll take you to my house."

"Why? There's a mattress right here" - she said, pointing confusedly at the mattress beside them.

"Because I refuse to make you have your first time in a little corner room in the middle of a party with a bunch of drunk gays and dykes. We'll do it right" - replied Marceline, giving her a kiss on the forehead before going  to the door and close it. Bonnibel struggled in vain against the blood that rose to her cheeks.

"Because you wished that it went way with you" - said Bonnibel, softly, when Marceline approached again.

"Yeah, kinda" - said Marceline.

Taking the other by the hand, she left through another door, which connected that room directly to another exit from the club. Her motorcycle was parked nearby. This time Bonnie rode without complaint, in ecstasy.

Her stomach felt weird, mixed with all the things she was feeling. On the road, with her hugging Marceline's waist, a doubt grew in Bonnibel's chest.




Marceline knew very well what she was talking about.

"'Cause... I'm not afraid to ruin everything anymore. And 'cause you're way too beautiful for me to resist."

"You hook up with girls much cutter than me" - she said, burying her face in Marceline's shoulder.

"If you only knew how angry I feel when you say that" - muttered Marceline, making the other laugh. "You have no idea how gorgeous you are."

Bonnibel thanked the universe for Marceline not being able to see the red in her cheeks.

Within minutes they were at Marceline's home. They hurried up the stairs, but it was when they entered her room that the reality of what was about to happen fell on Bonnibel, and she locked in place.

Marceline left her bag in a corner with her jacket. Then she left Bonnibel's by the side and gently helped her out of the thick jacket. That was when she noticed the nervousness in the girl's eyes.

"Are you good, Bon?"

"Yes. I just... I got nervous, I guess" - she said, quietly, and then covering her face in embarrassment.

Marceline let out a soft laugh, and then wrapped her arms gently around the girl.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Bonnibel."

"Oh, but I want to. So fucking much."

They both laughed, and the tension in Bonnibel dissipated a little. Marceline took her by the hand, heading for the bed. She laid Bonnibel, with her head comfortable on the pillows, and stood above her at a distance that allowed her to observe the girl.

"Okay, I just want to make two things clear here. The first is that nothing has changed, about me. I still can't handle absolutely any kind of more intimate touch... there. Just let's not screw it up by trying, right? There's... other things to do. I know it's not exactly cool not to, I don't know, return the favor, but I don't want to freak out again. "

"Okay. I won't do anything bad for you" - she replied, her hand on Marceline's cheek.

"Thank you" - she said, her face flushed. "The other is that I need you to be absolutely sincere here. If something isn't right, if you're not comfortable, if you want to stop, you have to tell me. Because I'm going to stop. I would never do anything that you don't  want to do."

"I know. I trust you."



"I'll kiss you now."

"Déjà vu, you told me that before"- said Bonnie, with a chuckle.

Her laugh was silenced by Marceline's lips. For the first time in a long time, there was no urgency. There was no hurry. Time had stopped, just for them. They had the eternity for themselves that night.

The usual urgency only came when Marceline's lips slid down her neck. That shiver she loved went down her spine, making her hand grab the other's shirt by reflex. She pulled Marceline closer, her breathing starting to get heavy.

For Marceline, that was something else entirely. Never, under any circumstances, she had been so calm knowing what was coming next. In another situation, if it were any other girl, she would have made the person take off her clothes. She would be feeling everything already. She would already have a hand on her neck, hard.

But not there, not at that moment. She insisted on going as calmly as possible, because she wanted Bonnibel to enjoy every second of it.

First it was Bonnibel's crop top that went through the air, ending up on the floor beside the bed. Internally, she was happy to have chosen a cuter lingerie for the party, but at the same time she felt shy about wearing something so revealing in front of Marceline.

"Lace bra, uh?"  - Marceline said, sitting on the bed so she could look at her better. Her gaze was that of someone very hungry watching a table ready for lunch. Bonnibel hid her face in her hands, laughing.

"Do not look at me that way!"  - she said.


"Eating me with your eyes!"

"Well, I kinda want to eat you out on another way, anyways" - whispered the other.


"Sorry" - she replied, laughing heartily.  She approached the other again, pulled her hands away from her face, spreading kisses on her cheek until he reached the ear. "But you don't have to be ashamed. You are wonderful. It looks perfect on you."

"You think so?"

"I'm sure" - said Marceline, taking Bonnibel's hand and leading it to her own cropped hem. "Here, you take mine too, so you don't have to be shy to be exposed in front of me."

Bonnibel took a deep breath, gave her a long peck, and pulled the piece off.  Marceline wore a Calvin Klein top.

"You are such an 'top lesbian' stereotype sometimes" - said Bonnibel, laughing.

"Sure, thank you very much" - replied the other, laughing too.

"I'm making a joke so you don't realize how much I'm drooling over you right now" - Bonnie let go, throwing her head back on the pillow so she could see the other one better. The look she gave to Marceline was a mixture of curiosity and desire.

"I noticed, silly" - she replied, making the other laugh.

They kissed again. They stayed like that for a while, their hands hurried looking for any space to touch, urgent.

That's when one of Bonnibel's hands landed on Marceline's ass, making her sigh heavily, breaking the kiss.

"Sorry" - was Bonnie's immediate reaction, concerned that she had crossed a line. "Shouldn't I do this?"

"Hm... usually I don't like to be touched below the waist. But... that's good. Continue" - she replied, returning to the kiss.

Well, her request was an order.

More pieces of clothing went flying. Black shorts, red shorts. Hands everywhere.

It was only when the window breeze hit her skin that Bonnibel realized that her bra was gone too.

"Oh my GOD" - she blurted out.  Until then Marceline was busy with her mouth on her collarbone, already a little too close to her breasts. She looked up, confused.

"You okay?"

"I'm practically naked."

"Uh... it's part of the process, Bon."  said Marceline, one eyebrow raised, teasing.

"I know" - she replied, hands covering her face again.

That cuteness of hers melted Marceline inside. Ultimately, however much she acted as a well-settled woman who knew what she wanted, Bonnibel was a little girl learning to deal with her own body, not quite sure how to deal with someone's gaze on it.

"Hey, don't be ashamed of me" - said Marceline softly, removing her hand from her face again. "You should be entitled with such a body."

"You talk like you don't have a incredible body too."

"Do I?"

"Yes, you do."

Marceline's answer was whispered directly in the other's ear:

"Then stop hiding and come and take a look at it."

Bonnibel did not know how to describe what she felt at that moment. It was a shiver mixed with a heat, an instinct to wriggle legs under Marceline. Her hands instinctively went to Marceline's top bar, and soon it too flew across the room.

She had to hold her breath for the vision in front of her. Marceline, kneeling between her legs, wearing only the Calvin Klein panties, her hair already a little messy, the eyeliner just a little smeared in the corner, her already naturally full lips were swollen from being attacked by her.

"You've seen my boobs before, Bonnie" - said Marceline, rolling her eyes. She tried to hide it, but Bonnibel's libidinous gaze had made her shy.

"Not that close" - said the other, laughing. She took courage, and her hand rose subtly from Marceline's waist to her right breast. The girl blew out a breath, looked directly at Bonnie, her eyes becoming a little darker. "I just remembered why I took that fall. You are so damn perfect."

"You silly" - said the other, quietly, looking away. Bonnibel was getting brave, and it broke her pose.

The kisses continued when Bonnibel finally pulled the other by the back of the neck. Marceline had nothing left to lose, she let her lips go down her neck, down her collarbone, between her breasts. Until her tongue finally found one of Bonnie's nipples, and it was at that point that she almost lost her composure.

Because, for the first time ever, Bonnibel moaned at her.

She had already sighed a lot against Marceline's lips. Being honest, she had already let out one or another soft moan, but not like that. This time it was long, sly, accompanied by her hand going straight to Marceline's hair, pulling it lightly.

For very little Marceline didn't rip her panties out right then.But she still had a notion that he was dealing with a virgin girl, then continued with what he was doing.

But it was hard not to lose the line when Bonnibel squirmed lightly beneath her, her hand in her hair, the moans softly escaped by her lips.

Until she realized a sudden silence and saw Bonnibel covering her own mouth.

"Nope, no way. Take your little hand from there, I wanna hear it" - she said, her left hand taking Bonnie's hand away, while the right continued to play with her nipple.


"Fuck, Bonnibel" - she said, her voice hoarse. He kissed her neck again, his hand still occupied in his chest. "Don't say my name like that, I'm trying to keep my cool here..."

"I want you."

It was the only thing she managed to articulate, half moaning, trying to think of something but Marceline's hand in her breast and her mouth on her neck.

"What did you just said?"

"I want you. Now."

Marceline didn't even had the time to articulate an answer. Bonnibel's mouth was already in her, her hands were already in the bar of her panties, dragging them down.

She would protest. She wouldn't go fully exposed with absolutely no one. But then she reasoned that, for Bonnie, it was hard to be totally exposed too, and that she probably just wanted Marceline to get naked first to deal with her own nudity. Then she just allowed her to take her last piece of clothing.

When she finally freed the girl from the panties, Bonnibel moved from under her, sitting up. She leaned her back against the bad and watched the girl's body in front of her.

Marceline's curves seemed carved by angels. Even the few stretch marks of her hips seemed like art.

When Marceline stood up to finally turn out the lights of the room and leave the room illuminated only by the neon lights on the ceiling and the lamp next to the bed (an attempt to leave Bonnibel more comfortable), she could watch the girl on her back, and fucking Lord, Bonnibel had not realized until then as much as she loved her ass.

When Marceline returns to bed, she pulls the girl by the hand, getting on top of her, but with all the care not to invade her space.

"It's okay if I touch you here, right?" - She asked, her hand in Marceline's breast.

"Yes" - She answers, letting Bonnibel take control for a moment.

In a short time Bonnibel had Marceline's breast in his mouth. And if Marceline thought she was very experienced on the subject, her attitude fell by land right there. Because what she was feeling now, she never felt before. With one hand clinging to her hair and another in the sheets, she allowed Bonnibel to take advantage of it, moaning as low as possible.

But Bonnibel could hear, and that made her feel powerful.

At a sudden moment of courage, she got out of bed, leaving Marceline kinda confused. What was dissipated at the time she saw Bonnibel graciously undressing from her lace panties, the pink fabric sliding for her legs.

Marceline went to the edge of the bed, sitting on her legs. With her head slightly curved, she watched Bonnibel from the top to the bottom, carefully. She took her hand, made her turn around. If the front sight was already a temptation, the back sight was too much for her to resist.

She just had to slap her ass.

Bonnibel chilled entire with the friction. She turned back to Marceline, and for the first time her gaze on her did not make her feel ashamed. There was something powerful in feeling so desired, and she was beginning to be comfortable with the sensation.

Marceline pulled her back to bed, laying her back with her head on the pillows. Now she had a little rush. Bonnibel too.

Kissing Bonnibel with some urgency, she let her hand walk. By the face, by the breasts, by the waist, by the belly, by the inner part of her thigh...


"Damn it, Bonnie. Are you ready like that?"

"Shut up, Marceline" - she whispered, laughing, her breath catching in her throat.  Marceline's hand was just playing around, a finger threatening to enter, but not taking action.  "I ... I want you."

"Yeah, I can feel it" - she whispered, taking a moment just to enjoy how wet Bonnibel was.

Not that her own situation was any different.

"Marceline, stop teasing me... please."

"You're way too hurried, baby girl."

Marceline couldn't help but delight in the way the girl squirmed beneath her, begging for friction. But she ended up giving in to requests that came in the form of muffled moans. She let her finger slide into her.


Warm. She was very, very warm. And unlike what Marceline had imagined, it wasn't difficult to go inside her. It slid unceremoniously, soothing.

She continued with slow movements, her mouth traveling through her many territories, from lips to neck, from neck to exposed skin on the colar bones, from there to the breasts, and all the way back.

For Bonnibel, time had stopped. It wasn't at all like she imagined it would be  There was no pain, worse, there was a slight discomfort in the beginning, but she was already so engrossed in that it soon passed. It was in sync, it was everything she wanted it to be, but better.

But soon it was no longer enough. She needed more.

She pulled Marceline by the hair near the back of her neck, bringing her mouth back to hers.  She didn't want to ask out loud, but Marceline knew what her urgency meant. She let another finger slip in.

If Bonnibel wanted to keep her composure before, now she couldn't even think about it. The sounds came out of the back of her throat, not loud enough to be a scandal, but deep enough to show Marceline that she was on the right track.

For Marceline it was a melody, and the other's body was the lyrics of the song. And as every song needs a chorus, a moment of climax, she just couldn't resist. She started to go stronger, faster.


"Is it good like that?" - she whispered in Bonnie's ear. Her neck was already streaked with sweat, a thin line running down between her breasts.

"Yes, don't stop. D-don't stop - hmm fuck!" - Without even waiting for her to complete the sentence, Marceline accelerated her movements even more, making Bonnibel throw her head back.

Bonnibel felt dizzy, disconnected. It was like being in another dimension. For an instant she felt empty, Marceline's hand was no longer there. She was going to protest, but she didn't have the time. She felt a heat between her legs and then her soul practically left her body.

Marceline had her mouth on her.

Now, she was moaning for real. Both hands clung to Marceline's hair, without the slightest pity to pull. Arched back, nails scratching Marceline's shoulders, any piece of skin she could find.

She couldn't say how many minutes had passed. Or hours. Or days.

First was the heart. It beat very, very fast.  Then there were the muscles, suddenly tensed. Breathing ever shorter. She was sure when she felt her legs start to shake.

"Marceline... Marcy, I... I..."

"I know" - she said, totally breathless. Eh hand had returned to Bonnibel's intimacy, unceremoniously now. Extremely fast, with force, continuous movement.  "Look at me."

Bonnibel could barely think, let alone open her eyes. But she made an effort, looked at her just as a high-pitched moan escaped her lips.

It wasn't the speed of her agile hand. It wasn't the right rubbing of her palm at that sensitive spot every time her fingers came in completely. It wasn't even her voice sounding from afar, whispering "come to me, princess".

It was that look in her eyes. It was that mixture of lust and affection in Marceline's eyes that ended her.


She didn't scream. Didn't scream because her voice got stuck in the middle of the path, the vocal cords tensing along with the rest of her body. Her ears were plugged, throwing her into silence for what seemed like an eternity.

She imploded. From the inside out, just like a dying star. She had enough heat to melt the entire solar system.

And when Marceline saw that... Bonnibel with her head thrown back, her hand holding Marceline's arm tightly so that she stopped, her legs closing in reflex, her back arched. When she felt Bonnibel's pleasure running through her fingers, wetting the bed, she just... went. Along with Bonnie. Calling her name softly, her body falling on hers, shaking.


And when it was over, she collapsed on Bonnie's side.

There was a moment of silence. Bonnibel learned to breathe again. Her ears have returned to normal and she can slowly feel she was back in her own body. She stared at the ceiling. She felt light as a feather.

"Oh. Fucking. Holy. Shit. Bonnibel Zanne" - said Marceline, her voice barely coming out of her mouth, as she tried to get her breath back - "you'll have to tell me how the hell you can make another woman come without even touching her."

The laugh that exploded from inside Bonnibel was liberating. Marceline knew right there that she had succeeded. Everything was okay.

Bonnibel only knew he was in paradise.


She had to push hard to convince Bonnibel to get up and go to the bathroom. Bonnie was tricky, wanted to sleep, but ended up going. She took the few minutes to adjust the bed.

When Bonnibel returned, she kissed her on the forehead, said she would go to the bathroom and be right back. In the bathroom, she leaned against the door, then did what she needed. As she washed her hands, watched her reflection.

Hair all tangled in the best post-fuck style. The makeup had already smeared a little more, and now she could see that there was a purple spot on her left boob.

It was all of this that left her incredulous. The normality of the situation. She had a virtually normal sexual meeting for the first time ever. She had done everything in the most normal way possible.

She came. That didn't happen. Never. With none of them.

"Holy fuck." - she said, to the mirror. Then smiled.

She went back to the room. Bonnibel was already asleep, breathing lightly. The sheet covered her only to the belly, leaving her breasts exposed. She also had a hickey.

She went around the bed, laying down beside her. Bonnibel moved instinctively, turning to face her, one arm around her waist.

Marceline stayed up a little longer, watching her features. And realized that, despite everything, that little innocent girl's aurea was still there. She really had really succeeded. Bonnibel was still the same sweet little girl as always, with just one more experience.

Her eyes were getting heavy. She let herself go, slipped into unconsciousness without the slightest effort. For the first time in a long time, she had a great night of sleep.

Only later, when she woke up with Bonnibel in her arms, did she realize.

Bonnibel was the first and only one she had taken to her own room, her own bed.



It was the funnest shit to right this chapter skskskskssk

Please don't forget to comment, and leave your votes if you liked it.

See y'all in the next chapter, see you soon!

- Tersy ❤

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