Hired for Honesty

By Honeyboo_loves_you

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Have you ever heard of being hired because you were honest? Well, this is a first! Emma: a proud, sarcastic... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to my life
Chapter 2: Everything happens for a reason
Chapter 3: Surprise!!!!
Chapter 4: Smooth the contract
Chapter 5: Meeting the Boss
Chapter 6: What a night!
Chapter 7: Consequences of listening to the devil
Chapter 8: Regrets and Disappointments
Chapter 9: DIVA Alert!!!
Chapter 10: Socialising/ Networking in the Business World
Chapter 11: Cinderella, Prince charming and Mr Bad ass
Chapter 12: Almost a kiss
Chapter 13: Ain't that Awkward
Chapter 14: Nurse Time
Chapter 15: First Kiss :-*
A/N : Author's Note
Chapter 16: Fancy
Chapter 17: Double Date
Chapter 18: Hint of Jealousy
Chapter 19: Truce
Chapter 20: His Family
Chapter 21: Babysitting
Chapter 22: Shopping/Girl's Time
Chapter 23: Back off Bitch!
Chapter 24: We 're not meant to be/ Talk that talk
Chapter 25: First Date
Chapter 26: Willkommen in Austria!
Chapter 27: First Time
Chapter 28: Goodbye Austrians!
Chapter 29: The Threat
Chapter 30: The Decision
Bonus Chapter: Team

Epilogue: Let it go

13.4K 253 74
By Honeyboo_loves_you

       Few days later

                         Emma´s pov

Wow! It has been some great months with the Taylor's. I believe it's time I went back home to my family in England. Yeah, I know I never mentioned that they live there. The thing is that I don't just like getting personal and talking about my family. I guess it's time I let you onto a secret of mine. Anyways, just as Allison Dilaurentis said "secrets keep friends closer" so I better keep you closer. As I was saying, my parents reside in England. I went to high school in that stupid country. I moved to the States because I needed a new beginning after being bullied for a long time. My parents thought it was a wise decision so that's how I ended up here. I barely talk to them. I was so surprised when mother called me yesterday and told me to come back home. It's best we go back to yesterday so you wouldn't be confused.

      ***** yesterday morning *****

You can't keep on moping about Nicholas, Emma. It's high time you bring your life under control. Are you gonna sit here all day and cry while he's probably having the time of his life? I guess  not! It is just that I don't know how to proceed. That's some heavy bullshit! You were able to begin again when you moved from England to the States. It is just that the situation is different right now. I don't want to go back to live with my parents. I love them so much but please, I rather skip on that idea. Why don't you call your mother and tell her everything? Oh like what? That I meant a guy, gave my virginity and trust to him only for him to choose wealth over me. Am so sorry but I can't do that to my mother.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I bring it out and see the caller's number is british. "This is Emma Cadan on the line. May I please know whom I am speaking with?" "It's your mother!" The voice says. Talk of the devil and he appears. "Ohhhh....morning mother! Nice to hear your voice again!" I state dryly. "I know it's always a pleasure for you to hear from us." She ignores my comment. "Why the sudden call, mother?" I ask. "Well, you know I hired a spy to watch over you, right?" I nod my head in affirmation and realise she can't see me so I add "Yes". She continues "Good. He told me everything that has been in your life and I am so sorry, muppet! Your father and I think it's best you come back home and start a new life with us. This isn't high school anymore. You are basically a woman of your own, muppet." "I don't know, mother. I don't want to seem like a coward. People are gonna think I fled away cause I got rejected." I exclaim. "In a way, it is kinda true." She mutters "You coming home would also be that you are ready to face our town again. In a way, it means you are brave enough to return back after the bullying."

I should probably go back to where I belong. What about Fabio and Lana? They can survive without me. I clear my throat and agree with mother "I believe you are right, mother. Could you please book a plane ticket for me?" "I have already done it. I would just email the details to you." She states. "How come you knew I was going to agree and already booked the flight?" I question. "A mother always knows." She curtly replies. We chit chat for a few more minutes before I end the call. I quickly pack my suitcases. I am gonna leave behind the clothes I bought with his money. I am only taking back the clothes I had when I first arrived in the States. I threeway call Fabio and Lana and inform them about my present state. They tell me that they will be at my apartment as soon as they can. I rush to the nearby supermarket and buy as much junk food as I can afford. May the day begin in my favour!

      ****** back to the present ******

I lock my apartment door behind me and carry my suitcase downstairs to Fabio's car. My two besties are escorting me to the airport. Fabio puts my suitcase in his car trunk and I sit at the back seat. The passenger seat is already occupied by Lana. She called shot gone first. Fabio gets into the car and off we go. I look out of the window to spare myself any awkward conversation. I can't believe am leaving this place. I can still remember my first day here vividly. How fast time flies? When I find myself drifting off to dreamland, Lana says "We are here, chica." We come down with my luggage and head to the building. We do all the necessary things needed to do and very soon it's time for us to say goodbye. I bring out my phone and send the messages I typed last night to the following people: Charlie, Nicholas, Fabio, Lana, Nina, Mr Taylor, Alice, Blair and Victoria. I look up and see Lana crying. I hug her and state "Everything's going to be alright, Lana. Me leaving doesn't mean that we aren't going to keep on being bestie. I love you so much and I wish I didn't have to, but I have to go back home."

She sniffs and exclaims "I love you too, bestie. I am just scared that we would end up like this saying; 'Out of sight is out of mind'. I don't want to lose you after all the adventures we have been through." " I made an oath to you when Amar first talked to you, Lana. I would never let distance come between us. This is just for a short while! I will be back someday." I add. "I believe you then. Take care of yourself and get those suckers back for what they did to you. I know you will make me proud and I will call you when you arrive. Also, I shall let you know if there are any updates on the baby." She comments and lets go. "Okii and I will get them back." I smirk. Fabio hugs me and whispers "I know we haven't known each other for long but never forget one thing. I will miss you and know that, you are the nicest person ever, best friend ever and one of the most honest person I know. I guess that's why you were hired. Hired for your Honesty. I may annoy you most times but know that, that's my way of showing I care for you and love you so much." A tears falls down because of what Fabio says "I guess I was only Hired for Honesty and nothing more. However, I am lucky to have meant you on the way, Fabio. Where would I be without your craziness? Probably no where. You must promise me one thing, Fabio." "Your wishes are my command." Hs teases me. "That you would take care of Lana over here. I believe she will drive you crazy but please, don't stop caring for her like a sister and best friend." I say. "I promise." He replies. We all hug each other and I bade them goodbye "Hasta la vista, mis amigos!" With those last words, I go and board my flight.

I enter the plane and make myself comfy. The air hostess comes in and blabs the security & safety measures. I fasten my seat belt and see that am seated next to a weird teenage emo girl and an old man. I plug my earphones and close my eyes. A lot has happened these past few months and I guess this is the end to everything. I mean every beginning has an end. I meant him as a kiss virgin and now, I guess am experienced. Goodbye, Nicho. You will always remain my first love and I hope you know that. If it were up to me, I would never have let you make such a decision. I mean this is life right? This is my new life then. I breath in and let myself drift off to dreamland. One thing am sure of, is that I can find peace in dreamland. I feel someone remove my earphones and ask "What would you like to have for breakfast?" Argghhh! Don't I ever get a break! "A croissant and orange juice would be perfect." I answer. I receive the food and place in on the table. Fuck drifting off to Dreamland! I am gonna stick with reality for now.

             Nicholas Taylor's pov

Someone fucking shoot me through the head now. Why did I pick this bitch again? I am currently sitting next to her and listening to her blab thrash to the wedding planner. She wants us to get married as soon as possible. The Golddigger wants to start eating my money as soon as she can. Anyway, we announced our engagement to the public yesterday. My phone vibrates and I see it's a message from Emma. I excuse myself and say I need some fresh air.

This is how the text goes:

Dear  Nicholas Ian Taylor or should I say Nicho as I fondly called you,
I know I acted like a real bitch on that day and am really sorry. I guess I couldn't just believe that you chose the Queen of Barbieland over me. I understand the reason why you picked her now. Maybe we were just deceiving ourselves from the beginning. We probably thought it was something special because we have never experienced love before. The main reason for this letter is that I want to tell you Goodbye. I am leaving the States. I don't think I can ever bare to stay here knowing I was rejected. I am going back to my country and I don't want you sending someone to spy on me. My work with you was always to change you and am grateful I was able to. Our meeting was all due because I was Hired for Honesty and am happy I was because honesty changes everything in life. The truth may be bitter but it can make a great difference to every man. I believe that's life! I wish you Goodluck with your wedding with Vicky. I hope she gives you children and you shower her with all your love. Know that, I would always be proud to have dated you eventhough it wasn't for long. If there is one thing we get to decide in life, then it's who hurt us and am glad I made the decision of it being you because you have changed me for the best and turned out to be the best thing I never had. I love you so much and probably will always love you because first love never dies. I am letting you go because I want you to be happy. It is said that if you love something so much, then it's best you let it go so that's what am doing to you. I guess it's time for me to wrap it up! Goodbye and Goodluck with life! I hope we can meet some day and then laugh over the memories we shared. Btw, congratulations for winning the challenge between us.
Lots of love,
Naomi Emmanuella Cadan.

This is the best message I have ever received from a dear friend. I love you too, sucre and probably will always love you no matter how hard I pretend not to. It was love we felt for each other. I just couldn't admit it to her. It was either admiting it or bringing my family to final disgrace. I guess blood is thicker than water. So I took the quicker way and chose family cause I didn't want to disappoint dad again. I put my phone back in my pocket and head to the room to continue the planning. To be honest, I don't give a crap about the wedding. I just want to have it behind me. "Everything alright, babe?" Vicky asks. "Yeah." I try to convince myself. Then, the wedding planning continues and I hear Vicky blabbing something about the ceremony taking place in Italy.

                     Random pov

These are the messages Emma sent to the others.
Dear Victoria Wells,
I just want to congratulate you on having Nicholas at the end. You are even more sneaky than I expected! Have fun with him but don't forget, when you kiss him, you are tasting ma pûssy! Lots of love,
Btw, don't think that I don't know about you fucking poor Lucy for information. Btw, you disgust me! I don't think you would want everyone to know you are bisexual so I would keep a secret for you ;)! Anyway, Lucy said, you wouldn't be getting some anymore. Don't cry, okay? You can always come to me with your problems.
Emma Cadan♡♥.

Dear Nina,
Am so sorry that I couldn't say bye! You are an amazing person and I am glad to have met you. I hope we can remain friends. Please send me an email: naomicadan@gmx.com if you want to keep in contact. Could you tell the twins I said hi and hope the next time we see each other, would be in an amazing situation.
It was a pleasure meeting you & lots of love,
Emma Cadan.

Dear Alice,
It was a delight to meet you and am grateful I did. I mean it's not every day a poor girl meets the wife of a billionaire. Although we talked rarely, it was still an honour. I thought it would be silly if I went without goodbye! I guess this is goodbye, Alice.
Lots of love,
Emma Cadan.

Dear Mr Alex Taylor,
First of all, I quit from your company and don't care about not having your permission. I hope you are happy now that your son has chosen the path of foolishness. I mean I was only the girl you hired for her honesty right from the beginning. I guess you have all you wanted from the beginning right now. Look at your son, he has matured and his reputation has changed for the good. There are so many things I would like to write but I would be nice and spare you the information.
Oopsi, I almost forgot. I broke a lot of the deals in our contract. Anyways, I kissed Ian, fucked him and did so many more. Don't think of looking for me because you wouldn't find me! Did I tell you that am leaving the States for my country? Goodbye dude & no love for you,
Emma Cadan.

Dear Charlie,
It was amazing getting to know you and also dating you although it was for the shortest time in history. I can still remember meeting you at that party. You were the perfect example of a gentleman and the type of guy, mothers would want their daughters to date. I thought you were perfect but I guess my heart wanted something that is less than perfect. Does this make me a bitch, if I say I regret picking Nick over you? I will always love you as a friend I hope there are no hard feelings! I hope you find a girl that we love you for the way you are! Take care, Charlie and Goodbye. I forgot to say this, I am leaving the States for England. Ask Nina for my email if you are interested in wanting to keep contact!
Bye Charlie and I hope when we meet, all we would do, is talk about the good memories & lots of love,
Emma Cadan.

Dear Blair,
Thanks so much for being welcoming right from the very first day I met you at Le Claire's. You are someone that I can beat my chest and say is the most welcoming person ever. Also thanks for informing us about the stuff with Lucy. I probably would have had no idea about if you hadn't told me. You are the best ever. I wish you goodluck in life and hope we can meet up when next am in America.
Lots of love,
Emma Cadan.

Dear Fabio,
Thanks for being the best pal in the whole wide word. I don't really know what to tell you because it hurts saying goodbye! Thanks for always being there although sometimes you  were super annoying. I hope you will resolve the issue with your family someday. I will always be there for you so don't hesitate in calling me when you need my assistance.
Goodbye and lots of love,
Emma Cadan.

Dear Lana,
Right from the first day I met, I knew we would become great friends because of the way you treated. Eventhough I was fucking broke, you never once let go of me. You are freaking amazing and I don't ever want to let our friendship go although I would be living in England. I made an oath to you and I plan on keeping it as long as I can. You better send me monthly report on the baby or am gonna be mad at you. I wish you goodluck with Amar! I hope you both have the love I never had. I love you so fucking much, bestie. Be good and we shall see again! Hasta la vista, amiga!
Lots of all,
Emma Caden.

Just like it goes; all that begins well, ends well. So much for being Hired for Honesty. It's not always about how honest you are but by fate. Honesty doesn't always give us what we want. It just makes us realise how important it is to know the truth. Although the truth may be bitter.

The END.
This is the end people! I give you guys the end. I shall upload the playlist and appreciation in a few days time. Thanks and I hope you enjoyed the ride with hired for honesty.

This is the end of the book. There's not going to be a sequel, prequel or anythingelse.
I am thinking of writing a new book and I want you guys to pick which story you want:
1) Book about Charlie
2) Book about Fabio
Or something entirely different. I have had the plan for this book for about four months now.
3) The matchmakers (Its going to be in english but there shall be mini spanish words in convos sometimes. I want to use the book in improving my spanish and also writing technique.

All in all, it depends on you guys. Please comment so I can know on what story to start working on. Love you guys and it was nice working with you all.
Lots of love,

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