A Knight Secret (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

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{Discontinued} Pidge becomes a knight got the Garrison kingdom but Pidge has a secret, one she has to make su... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.

Chapter 4.

151 8 4
By VoltronMoon



"And this is our room" Shiro smiled as he opened a wooden door before stepping inside, waling to the window on the opposite wall to the door as Pidge stepped inside with her bag. 

"What that door" Pidge asked as she pointed to another wooden door on the wall to the right of them as they entered. It was in the middle of the wall joining to the path that led between the two beds.

"That is our private bathroom, I normally keep the door closed by the window open becuase it can get rather hot in there but our room is easy to get cold. The window gives us chills if the door left open" Shiro explained, walking over and opened the door to let her see inside. 

"Private bathroom .. wow" Pidge muttered in surprised and Shiro chuckled.

"All knights rooms are paired as two, each knights room as their own private bathroom joined to their room. Since the castle toilets and baths apart from the royals ones are on the other side of the castle. After a long duty of knight work or harsh battle, it just to far for the knights .. so each room has their own bathroom" Shiro replied and Pidge nodded her head slightly looking inside.

A wooden seat over the square concrete that had a hole dirty under the wooden seat, clearly leading to the sewers. A wooden create big enough for a bath was pushed on the opposite end with a small thin window on the end wall. A towel been nailed over the window but keeping a tiny rectangle part of the window uncovered to let the sun light shin threw and keep the air breezing around. Directly in front of the door was a tiny stone sink with a single pipe popping out as the tap that clearly got the water from the river behind the castle. A similar rusty pipe was hanging over the edge of the wooden bath and Pidge wondered how they warmed up the water, after all you only got cold water from the drinking water sewers, the wells give cold water making everyone heat up the water themselves before pouring it in the tub. The bathroom was thin and small but it was ok enough to do its needed job. It was a good bathroom for knights to use when living unknown hours and unsteady duties.  A wooden cabinet was under the stone sink and Pidge guessed it held the needed toilet supplies, she notice a drawer above the cabinet doors.

Pidge glanced out from the bathroom and looked to the room, the entrance to the room was a single wooden door in the corner at the end of one of the beds pushed against the wall. A wooden chair was at the end of the unused bed and Pidge guessed it was to stop the door from slamming the door if pushed open to harsh. Their was a decent gap between the two beds, a desk was placed between them earning the path to be desk sized. Shiro bed was pushed to the other side of the wall, the window at the end of the bed leaving a empty corner where a chest has been placed, mostly likely for the knights amours. Boxes under both beds make Pidge guess that where they put personal belongs like clothes and more. A single photo frame on the desk edge closest to Shiro bed and it had a drawing of a mother with her son, both smiling as bright as they could, almost laughing. A single small clock on the middle of the desk with papers and pencils neatly on the back of the desk. The room was small but cosy.

"We have cold baths" Pidge asked stepping back and closing the door to the bathroom, turning to Shiro who was sat on his bed.

"Not unless you enjoy cold baths, the pipe to the sink is cold water only but the pipe to the bath is warm water. The castle heats up water during the day and night to keep the water tank to all bathing pipes warm for use straight away. Its risky becuase sometimes the water still comes out cold if the fires only just been relit or it can come out boiling making you wait for it too cool" Shiro explained as he looked to Pidge before chuckling at the sparkle in her eyes.

"That's so cool, someone came up with that device and the royal family uses .. amazing" Pidge grinned jumping slightly on the spot while Shiro watched amused.  

"It really is great, now why don't you unpack your bag. Your armour is already here and we meant to be on patrol soon meaning we must hurry to change" Shiro replied with a small smile and stood up making Pidge freeze. 

"Change together .. like in the same room" Pidge asked with wide eyes.

"Well this is our room, don't worry just wear basic working clothes under your amour. Leave your favourite outfit for your days off" Shiro answered and Pidge placed her bag down on the second bed. 

"This is gonna sound rather strange but Is it ok if I change in the bathroom, I mean I won't need to do since I'm already wearing my basic clothes meaning I can just pop the armour on over but when changing my clothes clothes" Pidge asked uneasy as she looked to the floor, her back to Shiro. 

"That fine, everyone is uneasy over changing before others but they get use to it during their knight training becuase your stuck living with the same guy until you quit being a knight or get a family and live with them in town. You haven't gotten that chance to ease into changing with the other" Shiro replied with a small smile and Pidge untesned.

"Its just my mother once told me only your family and the love of your life should ever see your naked body. It might sound stupid but I just want to honour her wish until I marry" Pidge answered, it wasnt  fully lie since the only people who should ever see a lady body is her family during childhood, a doctor or her husband. But she also couldn't let shiro find out he was actually a she, he couldn't let him see the bandages around her chest and frankly she didn't want to show her body to a stranger either. 

"I respect your wishes Pidge, I think its sweet you only let your wife see you body one day. I mean women do the same thing, I guess its fair guys do it too sometimes but we knights so, we allow to skip by that rule when your stuck living in the same room. But I won't push you .. I won't you to feel welcome even if it means allowing you to take over the bathroom each morning and night" Shiro smiled kindly and Pidge turned to him with a thankful look.

"So .. the armour" Pidge asked with a sweet smile and Shiro walked over to the chest at the end of his chest lifting it and showing two different armours inside.

"This is where we keep it when we sleeping, fully of duty and days off" Shiro replied pulled out his own armour placing it on his bed since he picked pidge up by the castle gates in the clothes he wore under his armour. Tight black trousers with a long sleeve shirt and the string loosely tied. Normal black boots ending at his shins and an old  white waste coat unbuttoned.

"Got it" Pidge mumbled and picked up the top half of her armour that she guessed you put on like a top then do the straps up at the sides, by the looks of it. 

"Lets get our armour on and patrol .. You can unpack after duty, It seems time not on our side today" Shiro smiled with care and Pidge nodded before running her armour to her given bed and started suiting up with Shiro doing the same behind. 

Five minutes later and Pidge was placing the last of her armour on, a bit that went on her arm between her wrist and elbow but the strap decided not to work with her. Hearing a chuckle she glanced up to find Shiro fully dressed in his own armour before walking over.

"Here, I was the same when I first started being a knight" Shiro spoke up, a content smile on his lips as he tied the string of her arm amour before stepping back once done. 

"Thank you" Pidge smiled, noticing Shiro look her over in the new armour seeming rather proud and she wondered how she looked.

"Have a look" Shiro answered her thoughts as he nodded to the wooden door of the bedroom and Pidge noticed a body mirror hanging on the back. 

"Wow" Pidge muttered impressed as she stood before the mirror, she felt pride feel her body just by the reflection she looked at and she didn't even have a sword yet. 

"You look good but every knight needs a sword" Shiro smiled and walked over to his bed, pulling out something hidden under his blanket and Pidge noticed it was wrapped in a light green cloth newly bought. 

"Here, its a respectable sword but it earns trust" Shiro smiled gently and held the sword out that was wrapped around the cloth.

"And the cloth" Pidge asked with a raised eyebrow while she took it from him, slowly unwrapping.

"Its also yours, your gonna need something to wrap your sword in while we sleep or when you need to take it for repairs. Its the new cover for your sword, I hope it gets worn out like mine becuase I have hope in you Pidge" Shiro smiled softly and Pidge looked to the sword stunned before a warm smile filled her lips.

"Its beautiful, a respectable sword indeed. I'll be honoured to use it, It shall hold my own story from now till my last breath" Pidge promised with a bright warmed smile before placing the sword in the sheath.

"I'm glad" Shiro smiled and watched pidge fold the cloth with care before laying it on the edge of desk, noticing Shiro black cloth was already folded and placed down as his sword stayed in its sheath. 

"How stained the blade becomes is how stained the knights soul will be. If it shines then the soul will too and if the sword becomes dull then so has the soul. If a sword breaks then the soul loses hope but a sword blade and be fixed returning hope to the soul. If rust fills the sword then the knight soul has been freed in death or has left the knight life behind. But a clean sharp sword even after the owner has died shows they were respected" Shiro spoke in a clear voice, proudness in his voice and Pidge looked at him amazed. 

"Its a lovely saying ... A sword is a Knights greatest treasure" Pidge smiled sweetly as she remembered the old saying she was once told, not seeing Shiro eyes wide in shock at her words.

"We better head down to patrol" Shiro mumbled and walked over to the door opening it before letting her step out first.

"So, what are the other three coloured knights like" Pidge asked as she and Shiro walked the halls.

"You don't know" Shiro asked surprised and Pidge shook her head. 

"I hear the gossip and rumours over them from costumers or the people in town but never met them in person. Well never tried seeing them in the crowds as they walk threw town on their way for a adventure" Pidge replied and Shiro chuckled.

"I think your going to find them very interesting" Shiro grinned and Pidge raised an eyebrow wondering why he seemed so amused.

Ten minutes later they were entering the hallway outside the main hall that held the throne room inside. Pidge suddenly felt nervous over meeting her new friends and knights she would work with often, making strong bonds with them. She did keep her eye out for Keith, Lance and Hunk as she walked with Shiro but didn't notice them around but then again she didn't know their knights timetables.

"Everyone meet Pidge Gunderson, He is going to be our new Green Knight" Shiro spoke up making Pidge quickly lift her head, keeping her nerves down while she meets her fellow knights.

"YOU ASSHOLES" Pidge growled as she glared towards the three coloured knights. 

Keith Kogane the Red Knight.

Lance McClain the Blue Knight.

Hunk Garret the Yellow Knight. 

Lance and Keith reaction was to just burst out laughing as she figured it all out and regret being so nervous when it was just her friends. Hunk filled with fear and ran over, pulling his shorter friend into a strong hug.

"Sorry, we just didn't want to cause the blacksmiths trouble by others knowing we hang out there with you. We wanted to stay friends with you while you thought we were just basic knights and then you became the green knight and we planned to tell you but these two wanted to surprise you .. PLEASE DON'T KILL US" Hunk spoke quickly as he freaked out and broke the hug just having his hands on Pidge shoulders. 

"Aww come on Pidgey, It was funny to have you freak out over meeting us. I mean we been keeping our knight secret since meeting you and now your stuck with us" Lance grinned as he walked over ruffing Pidge hair.

"Don't be mad, we really were gonna tell you but then you mention your fear over throwing up while meeting the so called famous coloured knights that we just had to see your reaction when finding out who we really are" Keith smirked crossing his arms.

"I told you, they would be interesting" Shiro grinned and Pidge pouted. 

"Very funny but remember I was given a real sword and is able to use it at all times .. Sleep tight boys" Pidge smirked as her three friends tensed before all their eyes fell to her sword handle in fear.

"How did we forget he has a sword" Lance yelled out in horror.

"We so dead" Keith frowned and Pidge smirk grew.

"We sorry Pidge, please forgive us and I mean wow you look great in your green armour .. it suits you" Hunk cried slightly before actually getting a good look at Pidge new armour and smiling at her.

"Thanks, It really is nice" Pidge smiled giggly as she looked down at her armour again.

"It suits you, I'm sure you'll make a good knight" Shiro smiled and Pidge smiled at him giving a slight nod. 


So, their amours.....

So the metal is silver but painted with white with the Voltron logo painted in their given colour.

The capes are all different since all knights are meant to represent something different and the five capes are matching to each knight given colour.

No helmets since it can slow fighting and block a person whole view slowing them down. 

So ... their armour looks like ..

(I don't have a front view but the cape are close to what I mean. Just the silver amour would be white with the voltron symbols on in each of their colour).

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