Welcome! || Akizuki Koyo

By wh1sp145

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Meet Stile's new waitress, Karin Hoyoshi. A girl who has finished college and was asked to be a waitress at S... More

Karin Hoyoshi
• 12/1 || I Love You
• 12/2 || I Love You
• 12/3 || I Love You


417 12 0
By wh1sp145

Owner Inauguration, Sister Attack

Part II


After taking in the kitten and having a friendly conversation with the lady, Karin happily came home with her new kitten in hand. As Smokey trying to get used to her apartment, Karin look through the pet supplies the lady had gave her.

"Can tunas, fluff toys, and also a collar." She was surprised to see such many supplies the lady had given, as she starting to think how much has she spent. "I might go and visit her later."

She felt something rub against her elbow has she look over to see Smokey rubbing on her. The cuteness was overwhelming. "Gosh you're so cute!"

As she picked him up, he was tense a bit before leaning in her touch, purring has he snuggle to her neck. Karin felt her heart stopped has she lightly squeeze the kitten back, giving it a hug.


The next day came as usual, the weather seem to be clear as ever. Karin walked beside Akizuki with a cage as they made their way to work. Trying to get use to things, Akizuki grabbed Karin's free hand since she was carrying her pet's cage. The boy wanted to carry it but the girl insisted to carry it instead, so he let her be.

Arriving to work, the workers of Stile started their business as always. Karin served the customers along with Maika, Mafuyu and Kaho since it's their shift. After bidding two customers goodbye, Karin excuse herself to the break room since the place has no customers anymore.

When she open the break room door, she saw Dino holding Mafuyu's hands as she look away in disgust. Maika was standing by the cage where the girl had left it.

"What's happening here?" Karin decided to asked, trying to grasp of what's happening.

Mafuyu slap the manager's hands away from her before explaining briefly. "Manager got excited by some sweets Maika had given to him."

"And it was delicious!"

Karin blink for a few times before nodding. 'So that's why Maika texted me for some ingredients...'

After awhile, they heard a sound of a kitten coming out from the cage beside Maika. The girl peak inside of it to see the said kitten, Smokey, cowardly behind the cage as much as he could after seeing an unfamiliar face.

"Is that a kitten?" Maika squealed but quickly went away since the little kitten got scared.

Karin went over to her to open the cage. "Come on, don't worry. They won't hurt you." She stuck her hand inside for the little one to know she was there.

Smokey snuggled on her hand before slowly following Karin. He quickly climb onto her shoulder to hide himself from the others. "Everyone, meet Smokey."

"He's so cute!" Maika squealed, adoring the kitten.

"Where did you find him?" Dino asked.

"I found him in an alleyway. An old lady was taking care of him but she insisted if I could take care of him from now on." Karin rub Smokey's back as he purrs. "I brought him here without asking. I'm sorry about that. But I can't just leave him in my apartment alone since he's still a kitten."

Dino shook his head before smiling. "You can bring Smokey anytime! I know how it feels to leave a pet behind."

"By the way, how's Owner doing?" The girl ask as she put Smokey down. The kitten see both Mafuyu and Maika approach him as he look at them in curiosity. Mafuyu let out a hand and wait for him to interact with her.

The girls watch Smokey sniffing on Mafuyu's hand before rubbing his head on her palm. Both of their eyes lit up.

"He's doing great!" Dino exclaimed, giving Karin two thumbs up as Mafuyu glared at him.

"Just now you were regretting the decision."


It was early in the morning before the café opens again. The ones that were early were only Akizuki, Karin, Kaho, Maika and of course Dino.

Maika called them to discuss about something. She had explained about her sister will be coming today to see her work. "So, my big sister is coming here today."

"I haven't seen her for a long time!" Kaho said, excited to see her again.

"I have to impress her! Akizuki!" Dino called and turn around to see Akizuki crossing his arms beside Karin who's stroking her kitten's fur. "I need you and Hoyoshi to take care of the kitchen!"


"Let's get to work." Akizuki said as he drag a tied Dino to the kitchen. Karin smiled at the background with Kaho sweat dropping beside her. The brunette shrug it off as she wonders what type of person is her co-worker's sister's like?

A few hours later, a black car pull up in front of the café as men, and woman, in suit quickly step out of the car. One of them open the door for someone to step out of the car. She wore a traditional pink theme kimono with her black hair softly covers her back. Her posture was polite and in discipline, as if she came from a rich family.

The customers and other people from outside of the shop were all distracted by it, it was not always such a luxurious transport was seen in the area.

Maika recognize the black car as she sees her sister came in the shop, greeting her with her usual smile. "Maika~"

"Please come in like a normal customer!"

Karin watch as Maika led her sister to a table. "Maika's sister look so pretty..." Her thoughts were disrupted when the door opened as she quickly went to serve the customers.

Back to Maika, her sister asked her for a recommendation as she list out their menu by showing her a pamphlet of it. "Yes, in that case, I'd go with this month special cake!"

"Oh, that does sound tempting!"

It's a delicious cake I came up with, me and the manager made it!"

"Together?!" Aika brighten up as she imagine a wedding cake with Maika as the bride and Dino as the groom. Aika couldn't help but smiled. "All right, I'll have that collaboration of love."

Maika was confused to why she called it collaboration of love, but just went to it. "Certainly! Please call me if you'd like anything else!"


After receiving her cake, she took lots of pictures of it before savoring it. Her eyes brighten over the sweet taste of the cake as she surround herself with positive energy.

Putting down her fork, she couldn't help but to observe her little sister and her co-workers. She saw Karin at the kitchen helping Akizuki. She continue to watch them as she saw Karin wiping cream from Akizuki's face as they both laugh. 'It looks like this place is full of love. I wonder if Dino and Maika are also like that...'

She look back at her little sister to see her serving the customers. She heard of her playing the sadism role, so she wanted to see how she does it towards her.


"Coming! Would you like to order something else?"

"That uniform really suits you." Aika compliment her little sister.

"O-oh, thank you!" Maika was confused of what her sister was trying to say but she shrugged it off and continue her work.

A few minutes later, Aika call her again. "Maika!"


"This tea is good, isn't it?"



"Isn't this sugar jar cute?"

"Maika, Maika!"

Maika couldn't stand the numerous calls from her sister. She then march over to her table to lecture her without disturbing the others. "Sister! Could you limit calling me over to when you want to make an order?!"

"There's the sadistic character!" Aika murmured loudly, hoping to see Maika's role.



"Maika, I'd like to make an order!"

"Maika, over here, too!"

Maika smiled before glaring at them. "Shut up with your oinking. Is this a pig farm?"

The customers all shiver, some actually oink themselves. Maika walked to them to take their orders, not changing her expression. At the corner, Aika watch her as she works. 'Maika, is really popular with the male customers. They seem to enjoy talking to her. I wonder if the manager worries about it.' Aika looks at Karin who happen to pass her. "Hello?"

Karin went back to the kitchen after Aika asked her about something. She walked towards the kitchen counter before telling Akizuki, who was finishing a dish to serve.

"Hey, Manager, Sakuranomiya's big sister wants a word with you." The chef called out, coming towards him to release him from the rope.

"With me?!"

Both the chef went to peak at the customer's area as they converse, Karin giving Dino a teasing look. "If she wants to talk to the manager directly, she's probably displeased with something."

Karin join his teased. "Or maybe someone."

Dino felt himself gulping down his own spit as he walk out of the kitchen, hesitantly. "Um, may I help you?"



"Maika is earnest, so have a peace in mind!" Aika said as she gave him a nod.

"Wh-what are we talking about?" Confused, Dino murmured but didn't get a reply from the woman. She only smiled to him, making him more confused.

Akizuki leaned on the counter as Karin drink her smoothie again, waiting for the manager. As soon as Dino walked back in the kitchen, the two stood up and asked. "So what was it about?"

"I don't really know, but she encouraged me."

"Huh, weird."


All the workers had gather at the counter as Hideri peek his head to see Maika's sister. "At any rate, Maika's big sister..."

The woman finished her tea peacefully after several customers have left. She seem to not realized the waitresses peaking on her as she continued to drink her tea.

"...She has a pleasant demeanor, doesn't she?" Miu replied to the boy beside her.

"The big sister doesn't have slanted eyes!" Hideri quietly exclaimed, realizing the small difference between the Sakuranomiya sisters.

Kaho heard his statement before realizing something as well. "As I recall, her big brother has dropping eyes, too."

"Does Maika comes from a complicated family environment?!"


"No way."

"No." Maika walked in on them as she replied to Hideri after both Kaho and Karin disagreed to him. "My sister and I are sisters, through and through. My brother and sister look more like our mother. I resemble our father more."

The girls and Hideri nod their heads, understanding. "Of course, right?"

"But..." Maika look down and her eyes went to her glaring sight again. "If I really think about it, my father doesn't have severely slanted eyes like mine. Could I be the only one? Is it possible they took me in?" The girl then sat down and hug her knees.

"I was only kidding! I'm sorry!"

"That didn't happen, all right?!"

Karin and Hideri exclaimed, trying to make her forget about it.

Dino soon walked in to comfort the crying girl. "It's okay! You're definitely sisters!" He walk to Maika and grab her hands, pulling her up as she yelped. "Environment can have an effect even on the body's development! Your family would be sad if they heard you talking just now, Maika!"

Maika wipe her tears and smiled. "You're right. Thank you, Manager!"

"Not at all. Don't worry about it." He look behind Maika and saw the older Sakuranomiya with a spear pointing at him.

Aika professionally spin the spear before pointing it to the male's neck. "Are you the one who make Maika cry?!"

"Sister, you have the wrong idea! The manager was cheering me up!" Maika yelled out as Dino trembled in fear, kneeling down.

"Oh, really?" Aika switched from her murder aura to her sweet side. "When I came to the register, I saw you crying, so I thought it had to be because of the manager. My apologies for jumping to conclusions."

Karin watched the scene with the others as she wondered. "We're here as well, but she's blaming on Manager..."

Dino sighed as he calmed down before feeling the same fear when Aika went behind him. "Maika is a bit of a worrywart, so I'd appreciate it if you continue to protect her from here on out."

"I-I will!"

She then smiled before heading to the casher to pay. Karin bid her goodbye from behind the counter as Maika and Dino walk her out.

"She's one protective sister, huh?" Akizuki asked, walk towards the girl to stand beside her.

The girl nodded as she chuckled. "It kinda reminds me of my dad when I was little."

"Oh yeah, where are your parents?" Akizuki asked, since he never really met her parents before and why she lived at her apartment alone.

Karin look at him before smirking. "Thry're at Osaka, my hometown. Why? Planning to meet them already?"

The boy's cheeks flush red before looking away. "I was just curious! Geez..." Karin smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry, if we have time, we can visit them if you would like."

The green haired boy slowly turn to her to see her smiling to him, which he slowly smiling back. "If you don't mind... Sure."


It was before the cafe about to open. While moping the floor, Kaho saw her manager walking passed her as she notice a difference of him. She stared at him full of confusion and disgust. "Say, manager... Have you gotten rounder lately?"

Behind the kitchen counter, Akizuki looked over to Dino as well and understood what Kaho meant. His face was also change to confusion and disgust, most are in disgust.

"It seems you've become plump somehow."

"Me?" Dino put down the box he was carrying on the casher counter as he pouted. "Impossible."

Mafuyu came in to went behind him before raising his shirt. The grown man let out a very girlie screech as her stomach, which looks like a plum. Karin finished washing the dishes before looking over to the commotion. She then hid her face behind Akizuki as she tried not to laugh, the others stared at him with pure disgust.


"You've gained weight."

"I haven't gain weight! I haven't gained any weight!"

"Sure you have."

Dino kept on denying them for awhile before he went over to the black haired female, kneeling to her while grabbing her hands. "Maika! I haven't gained weight, have I?!"

"Huh, well... You've changed a little from before. But it's okay! Heavier or not, you're still the manager."

Dino turn around towards the others as he animatedly let out a happy face.

"That's the line you'd only hear at the initial stage."

Karin chuckled as she look down on the manager. "Face the reality, fatty. You have been gaining weight and that's it, fatty."

"Listen to Karin, fatty." Mafuyu joined in.

"Please stop calling me fatty!"

"My guess is you've been eating potato chips while watching late-night anime." Kaho guessed beside Karin, who nodded in agreement.

"I haven't!" Dino look down as he tries to think. "I can't think of anything I've done that'd make me gain weight."

"Oh, that's right! Here, Manager!" Maika said as she let out something from her bag. "I tried making pound cake today!"




"Without realizing, I messed with the Manager's normal body health!"


Both Maika and Dino dropped down as both had the gloomy cloud above their heads.

The couples look at the cake before Akizuki . "That's what happens when you consume lots of sugar everyday. O-oi, Karin. Don't eat that."

"But it was good!" Karin exclaimed after she opened the cake and took a bite. She cough a bit after swallowing it before looking over to her manager. "Anyways, no sweets for you for a while. You need to burn all of...those."

"I meant to show gratitude but ended up giving my grief!" Maika sadly exclaimed, covering her face with her hands.

"There's nothing wrong with making sweets and giving it to him." Mafuyu pointed out, walking over to the girl.


Mafuyu smiled to Maika but then glared at the male. "But... For the amount he eats, he needs to burn it off!"

Dino was confused to what he meant until Karin clap her hands. "Then, Manager, you'll be joining me on tomorrow's jogging!"

Dino swallowed his own spit before facing over to Akizuki for help, who only smirked to him.


It was early in the morning for the day to begin. It was around 6 am as a very energetic dog ran in a fast speed. Owner was leading Dino around the park and let him jog. Karin was in front of them, knowing Owner is chasing her since she had treats with her.

"Come on, Manager! We're not even close to where Koyo is!"

"There's really aren't any worms for getting up early!"

Owner barks again and move even faster, making Dino fell onto the ground face first. The cute dog ignored him and just dragged him around and after Karin.

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