Welcome! || Akizuki Koyo

By wh1sp145

24.8K 685 88

Meet Stile's new waitress, Karin Hoyoshi. A girl who has finished college and was asked to be a waitress at S... More

Karin Hoyoshi
• 12/1 || I Love You
• 12/2 || I Love You
• 12/3 || I Love You


452 10 0
By wh1sp145

Owner Inauguration, Sister Attack

Part I


It was a clear day. Everyone is now doing what they usually do in the weekdays. Karin walked through her usual route to her workplace with Akizuki, their hands intertwined with each other. Ever since the date, the two has been closer with their relationship. Akizuki had gotten bolder sharing affection towards the girl. Karin didn't mind, in fact she loved this new side of him.

She has unlock a perk inside the boy.

Arriving Stile, both of them parted ways to get ready for work as the others soon followed to get ready. Karin was helping out Kaho organize the menus and magazines as the chef checked the bills.

"Good morning!" Maika greeted, announcing her arrival. Both Kaho and Karin face over to her to greet her back.

But what they didn't expected was how she held a fold box in her arms, followed but a dog beside her wagging its tail.

"Morni-- eh?" Mafuyu and Hideri appeared beside them as they saw the happy looking dog beside the high school girl.

"What'd you bring in here?" The chef of the cafe asked as he saw a fluffy dog coming in as he stood beside the girls. Karin went over to Maika and quickly pet the dog.

"Um, I think it's a husky."

"It's pretty fluffy for a husky."

"There are probably other breeds mixed in, too."

"Like a collie?"

"I believe it is a husky!"

"I'm not asking about it's pedigree!"


Maika had decided to put the box outside before explaining. "It looks like he's abandoned. I found him on my way here."

They all kneeled to look at the dog closer as Karin continue to hug the dog as it licked her cheek. "Good dog!"

"Somebody abandoned a dog this big, huh?"

Hideri's attention went to the dog's eyes. "It's got long eyelashes!"

Kaho notice it as well. "Don't it's eyes look like Maika's?"

"They do!"

"R-really?" Maika asked, looking at the dog as well.


As Karin let go of the dog, Maika went in front of it and look at his feature. "That makes sense. That's why it was abandoned, isn't it?"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

Karin stood up from kneeling and asked. "So are you taking it home, Maika?"

"You do have a big house and a spacious yard, right?" Kaho asked, pointing when they were at her house the other day.

"I wish I could, but my brother and sister hate dogs."

"What? Both of them?"


"I need a restroom break real quick." Karin said suddenly, sprinting away to the restroom area. Akizuki sweat dropped but let her be.

Maika pet the dog for a bit before standing up to ask. "I wanted to at least find a foster parent. Could one of you take care of it?"

Akizuki scratch his head, thinking. "I live in an apartment by myself, so I can't."

Mafuyu look down. "We don't have enough space at my house either."

"Pets aren't allowed in my building. Sorry." Kaho said, clapping her hands together.

"I've got it!" Hideri jumped as an idea came to him. "We should foist it off on one of our anime freak customers!"

They all didn't really know if it works.

"I don't know about that." Akizuki said as the dog stood up as it saw someone passing by.

They others heard Dino yelled out as the dog lick his cheek. "W-What is this dog?! Hoyoshi, help!"

"Alright, come here now!" Karin said as she took the dog away from him and pet it.

Akizuki look over to Maika, pointing towards Dino. "How about the manager?"

Karin grab a towel nearby and gave it to the manager. The others soon explain to the two of what's happening.

Dino soon refused of the thought. "Why are you deciding without me? There's Miu and Hoyoshi, right?!"

Karin crossed her arms. "I can't have a dog with me since I lived with myself." As much as she wanted to have the dog, she decided to make Dino have it.

"You used the same reason as Akizuki!"

Akizuki then kneeled down to the dog. "Oh, come on! Does it's eyes look like Sakuranomiya's?"

Karin squealed a little to how he pet the dog.

Dino look closely at the dog when suddenly he could see Maika's pleading pose. He tried to ignore it, but he couldn't stand the sudden cuteness. He then shook his head.

"No, no, no! First, we have to put up a flyer in the café, looking for a foster home!" Dino tried to deny.

Akizuki stood up as he signal Karin to try to pry him to agree. The girl smirked. "If you take it home, then Maika can visit to check up on it."

Maika look over to the two. "Is it close?"

Akizuki pointed up. "Just over the café."

His answer made the girl's eyes lit up. "An attic... A hammock... A foreign country-like second floor!"

"Maika, it's a normal one-bedroom apartment." Dino pointed out.

"What's the harm, Manager? Let's take care of it!"

"An idol and animal pairing is a good look!"

"Step up once in a while."

Dino was still thinking about it as the other waitresses and Hideri tried to make him agree.

"Manager..." Maika started. "I would help out as much as possible. So can I count on you?" She started to do her pleading pose again.

Dino went panic again. "Maika..." He then grip his head.

"Besides, having a big dog would make your foreign country aura stand out!"

"What aura is that?"

The green haired boy turned to Maika. "Well, should we check out of Manager's room?"

Dino jumped and went to the door that leads to the break room and where the upstairs at. "W-wait a second!"

All of them except Maika look at Dino as he went inside and heard him ran upstairs. Lots of noises were heard from above. Suddenly, Dino breach the door open and did an okay sign. "Okay!"

"He hid his otaku stuff, huh?"


Akizuki hugged the dog as Karin stood beside him with Maika on the other. They waited for Dino at his apartment.

"Come in." Dino said as he opened the door for them to come in. He took off his shoes as Akizuki and Karin did the same.

In the corner of his eyes, Dino saw the high school girl stood still outside. "Huh? Aren't you coming in?"

"...So you take your shoes off?"

"Maika, remember, this is Japan!"

Dino had open the door to the main room as Maika awed the view of his apartment. "It's lovely! The houseplants and blinds have a mature vibe!"

They all made their way inside as the girl continue to compliment Dino. "I like how neat and simple the room is."

"I'm not the type who leaves stuff lying all over." Dino bragged.

Suddenly, the dog got off Akizuki and jumped around the living room. It bark towards them as it wave its tail. "It seems the doggie likes it, too!"

Karin heard a fainted rustle in the closet beside her. Akizuki saw the manager eyeing something as he look over to see the same closet Karin is seeing. Both of them sweat dropped. 'So that's where you hid everything?'

"Well, after work, I'll buy the things and bring over everything you'll need." Maika replied.

"Wait a minute! I haven't agreed to take care of the dog yet!" Dino yelled as Maika, Akizuki and Karin all got their jaw dropped.

"He got our hopes up and then lowered the boom!?"

"You little..."

"Let's ask Miu first!"

Maika sighed, thinking she was burdening the manager. "Yeah, I wasn't thinking about your circumstances, Manager. I'm sorry."

Dino was lost in his world again and quickly shook it off. "All right! For the time being, I'll take in the dog!"

The three smiled, Maika being the brightest. "Thank you!"

The dog went to Maika as she kneeled. "Good for you! Oh, that's right! Let's give you a name for now."

The dog seems to smile at her as she think. "It'll be staying with you, Manager... How about Owner?"

Karin look away with her hand covering her mouth, trying not to laugh as Akizuki just laugh it out loud. "That's great!"

"Hold on there! It's higher than me?!"

Akizuki open the door as the three exited. "Well, we're going back."

Karin walked beside Maika as the three went downstairs. "I'm happy we get to leave it with the manager."

"Me, too! From now on, it gets to be with the manager all the time. I'm a little envious!" Maika said as she skipped down.

Both Karin and Akizuki stood still, confused.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" The girl ask towards the two couples. Akizuki eyed her then to Karin.

The girl only shook her head with a smile. "No. Nothing at all."

Maika smiled back. "Come on! It's almost time to open! Work, work!" Maika clap her hands before heading down the stairs, skipping a bit.

The couples didn't know if Maika knew what she had said, but decided to keep quiet. Both of them look at each other with a smile before heading back to the cafe.


"See you tomorrow!" Karin bid her co-workers goodbye, closing the door as she and Akizuki walk home together.

"Why didn't you take the dog, Karin? I thought you love animals." Akizuki said, remembering when he saw her feeding some strays nearby their apartment building.

"Having a dog sure is a good idea, but I can't handle a mature dog on my own."

"You have me, you know?"

"Well, all you do is watch anime and play games." Karin stuck her tongue as she tease.

Akizuki flick her forehead lightly. "You and I are almost the same."

Karin rub the area he had hit, pouting a bit. As they continue to walk, the girl heard a faint and weak sound of an animal. She look over to the corner of a narrow alley and saw a box, a plate was beside it with a half eaten leftover food. What surprised her the most was a little kitten suddenly pop up from the box.

"Oh my gosh, a kitten!" Karin exclaimed, kneeling down to observe the kitten more. She felt it leaning in to her touch, smiling that the kitten isn't too cautious towards them, but a little worried about it. "Should I take him home?"

Akizuki was standing behind her, watching how she rub the kitten's nose. "It doesn't seem like it has a collar, but judging by its sleeping area, someone has been taking care of it."

Karin stood up before looking around, not seeing any houses or an open door in the alley. "But if there's someone taking care of it, why won't they take this little guy in?"

"Oh, why hello." Both of them heard from behind as they turn around to see an old lady holding a can of cat food. "I see you've met Smokey."

"Smokey?" Karin murmured before seeing the little kitten ran towards the lady.

The lady chuckled. "my, he seems to like you, dear."

"You've been taking care of the him?" The girl asked, as her eyes went over to the kitten before facing the lady.

"Why, yes. Hm, it seems his mother isn't around anymore. It's been 2 days..." the lady observe the sleeping spot where the kitten was, before facing back towards the two. "Tell you what, can I trouble you two to take care of this young fella?"

Akizuki wait for Karin to answer, since she was the one who wants to adopt it.

"I can keep him?" Karin asked, her eyes lit up.

The lady nodded. "Why of course. I'm too old to take care a pet. Plus, I have my shop to worry about." She points at the small bakery shop behind her. "I'll give you the supplies I've bought if you accepted."

"If you insist! I'll take good care of Smokey!"

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