Writing oneshots #2 and some...

By cupcakecatcream

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Since my last book was about ships I don't like this one is about this one is about ones I do like. Examples:... More

All the ships I ship(Object shows)
Leafy x Bubble
Pin x Needle
Basketball x 8-ball
Blocky x Snowball
Pen x Eraser
Spongy x Rocky-Stupid love
Woodrop(Teardrop x Woody)
Pencil x Match
Firoiny(Firey x Coiny)(School au)
Flower x Ruby
Ice cube x Bracelety(au)
David x Dora
Tagr(Gaz x Tak)
Ed Edd n Eddy oneshot
Cutie~(Leafy x Pyrocynical)(aka Calvin x Pyrocynical)
TissYang(Tissues x Yin-Yang)
You do have control(Stefan x Colin)
OJ x Paper
Crayon x Lighter
Giggles x Flaky
8 ball x Basketball(school dance au)
Write me a spooky story
Alastor x Husk
Angel Dust x Alastor
Clock x Snowglobe
New cover
Boxing Glove x Picture
Paper Airplane x Flyswat
Tree x Bottle
Casey x Popcorn
Pizza x Hot Dog
Stapy x Marker
Melony x Tissues
Globe x Candy
Things for future requests
(A/N) Where the hell have I been?
Masky x Top Hat
Grim x Jack
Nergal Jr. x Billy
Christmas(Nergal Jr x Billy)
Mindy x Pud'n
Tentacles and Coffee(Nergal Jr x Billy coffee shop AU)
(A/N) Where have I been?
(A/N) Reorganization
Heaven knows no bounds(Tony x Chad)
(A/N) Quickie
Blissful agony (Implied Holden x Stradlater)
Scott Pilgrim vs Anthrax(and emotions) (Implied Scott x Wallace)
Young Neil's betrayal(Young Neil x Scott Pilgrim/Envy Adams) (Shitpost)

Tododeku: Carnival

93 0 21
By cupcakecatcream

Todoroki was walking to class as everyone else did, he was usually one of the first ones there, besides Iida and Midoryia of course. He sat down and stared at the window. The main reason he got to school so early is so he wouldn't have to deal with his father nearly as much as he already did. That's also why he tried to do after school things, but there wasn't much to do after school, or well after school activities really.

The day passed him by as any other would. It was, for the most part, boring, but he knew he had to pay attention still, otherwise, his dad would be really mad. If he could choose, which unfortunately couldn't, he would choose to stay with his mom. She was generally more loving than his dad ever was.

However, in the last period, Present Mic started speaking, a lot more excited than he usually was, since he usually just taught common highschool level English. "Hey all you kids, are you ready to go to the fair? It's being school-sponsored since finals are just around the corner, we want to ease your nerves." Kamainari and Kirishima groaned, knowing they would maybe pass. However this piqued Todoroki's interest, he could finally have some extra free time away from his dad, for once, and maybe hang out with Midoryia. They were friends after all, but then again he did have Uruaka and Iida to hang out with as well, but maybe he could join in.

After everyone had their own reaction to it, some uninterested such as Jiro, excited like Todoroki(though he didn't show it), or complaining how this was not educational for an educated school, well there was only one person who said that(Iida). However it turned out, he knew that he was going.

The fair was just outside, a few blocks away from the school. Considering it was school-sponsored, he thought that it would be not too fancy or anything, especially since it wasn't educational at all. But it looked amazing. It likely wasn't the school that built all of it, like most school-sponsored events, it looked like a legitimate carnival. With carousels, Ferris wheels, and of course all the classic carnival games, test your strength, shoot the clown with water, knock over bottles with a baseball, lucky duck in where you choose 3 ducks and depending on their number, you win that big or small of a prize, and of course, cotton candy, popcorn, elephant ears, and other junk food alike.

Though this shouldn't surprise him as much as it did though, this was U.A after all. He was waiting by the entrance, he knew there was no guarantee of Midoryia showing up, but he was one of the few that was actually excited, and well showed it. So he just waited and, just like he expected, he did show up soon after.

He looked around him, not seeing the rest of the Dekusquad. "Hey, where's Uraraka?"

"Oh she said she doesn't waste any money on anything that's not essential, and Iida well...yea..."

"Then I guess it's just me and you, huh?"

"I guess..."

While they were still at the entrance, they turned around and saw Kirishima dragging Bakugo to go while he was screaming. They giggled a little before they walked up to the building thing so that they could enter. The entry was 5 dollars per person. After they both paid, they got stamps on their hands, like it was Chucky E Cheese or something. Surprisingly, all the games and other such were free, except for the food.

The first booth they went to was the one where you throw a baseball at bottles, of course, you couldn't use your quirk. Well, Midoryia tried to do this and got a small cut on his finger, since the bottles kinda exploded, somehow.

He noticed this. "Midoryia, are you ok?"

"Yea I think so, it just stings a little bit, I'll be fine," The other said with one of those ever so classic smiles that melts Tordoki heart to slush.

He grabbed his hand to inspect the cut. Granted, it was small, but he still wanted to help. So he looked around, anybody who was there was distracted greatly, so he kissed his finger and asked, "Better?"

Midoryia felt his face heat up and he just nodded. He was, in a way too flustered for words, though most of it was internal for once. He didn't even know why he felt this way, he just always felt this around him, he felt a similar way to Uraraka before, but ever since he started talking to Tordoki, his feelings have...drifted to him instead.

They went to the lucky duck booth since they didn't win anything at the bottle one, except a small bandaid for the cut after he had kissed it. Todoroki picked up 3 of the ducks and the highest number that all three could go to is 50, he got 48 at a total and he got the 50 point prizes since the booth attendant said it was 'close enough'. He got a giant All Might plush for whatever reason.

He looked over and saw the other trying not to be jealous, well he didn't look that way, he looked happy as ever, but he knew he was, just a little, because he new how much he idolized All Might.


"Yes?" He looked up from the ground

Todoroki handed the plush to him. "Oh Todoroki, I appreciate your kindness, but you're the one who won this...."

"Yes that is true, but you would enjoy it more, I know how much you like him."

"Well thank you" He carried the plush with one hand and kept his other hand free, just in case the other wanted to hold it. Though the candy cane haired boy did want to, and it could be seen as platonic, in some contexts, his only excuse would be he didn't want him to get lost, but there weren't many people there and he already knew he could trust him to not leave him.

They walked by the test your strength thing and stood there for a moment. What had happened is that Bakugo had broken the machine and Kirishima was carrying him, looking for help.

"Perhaps you could go to the stamp person at the entrance?" Midoryia suggested.

"Oh, thanks!" Kirishima responded, with his sharp toothy grin, running toward that while Bakugo cussed loudly.

While he got help, they both walked to the Ferris wheel. They both looked at each other before Tordoki spoke first.

"Would you like to go on there with me?"

"Um...sure!" In all honesty, like a lot of people, he had a fear of heights in his regular everyday life, the only thing that made him get to high places would usually be the urgency of being heroic, but if he could avoid it, he would. However, he did want to spend as much time as he could with him, since this one of the few times it wasn't all of the Dekusquad hanging out, it was just the two of them. Not that he didn't like his friends, of course, it's just he didn't want to tell them yet or have them figure out.

When they got to the entrance, of course, there was the height thing, but since they were all high schoolers, they would have all gotten through, except Mineta of course. However, at this point, he was still holding onto the All Might plush.

The person at the entrance noticed this and said, "Look I hate to say this, but we can't have any merchandise of any kind, or any other small items since they could fly off not only far out of here, but also because it might hit somebody."

Midoryia nodded with a sigh and handed it to the entrance guy, who didn't expect it, but since it was only one thing, he wouldn't mind holding it, especially since the ride is only 10 minutes for like 5 times around on normal speed.

He got in, and was shaking. Todoroki noticed this once he sat down beside him and asked "Are you okay? You look scared."

"I'm f-fine, just a little nervous is all..." He said with a weak smile.

The other thought about this for a moment. "Is it because you don't have All Might?"

He nodded a little, embarrassed. Todoroki side hugged him and said, while smiling, "If it helps you any, you can hold onto me."

"Are you sure? I-I mean you know I'll be fine, just a little nervous."

"I'm sure, whatever makes you feel calm, please do, I want to make sure you're comfortable."

He smiled. "Ok...thank you." He hugged him tightly.

Todoroki smiled, he liked seeing him calm, though I guess that's for all friends. Once they reached the top is when Midoryia hid his face in his chest. This caused him to blush a little, and for his heart to speed up. While this happened, he knew he must tell him. No matter what. Even if he didn't tell him, he still knew the green-haired boy could feel his heart beat fast and would either be concerned, confused or both.

So after a few minutes, it was the last and final ride unless they wanted to go again. He knew exactly what to say, though it might get jumbled, so he took a deep breath and began. "Midoryia..."

"Hm?" He looked up slightly from his chest

"I don't know how to say this other than...well...I love you..."

He sat straight up, surprised and red-faced but silent.

Todoroki tried to have a neutral face, but it was obvious that his chin was quivering, which is a sign that(A/N I least I do) he was about to cry, along with heavy breathing. "It's fine if you d-don't like me back or don't wanna be friends, I'll be fine, just make whatever choice you want to, I'm not going to try to guilt-trip you or anything..."

Midoryia scooted closer and kissed his cheek "Of course I love you, I thought I was being too obvious myself"

He smiled and clung onto him, crying a bit from joy. Once they got on the ground, they collected the All Might plush and went back to hanging out at the carnival, hand in hand, until it closed, and only then they both realized it was 11 PM.

"Oh no..." Todoroki said

"What's wrong? Is it past your curfew?"

He nodded, "A lot...and you know what my dad does when he's mad at me..."

He thought for a minute before coming up with an idea "Hey I know, you should spend the night at my house!"

"Wouldn't that make my dad even madder when I come back?"

"Well...we could have you at my house for a while so you don't have to deal with him"

He thought about the offer for a moment. "Look I really enjoy your kindness and all, but I think that's asking a lot..."

"Nonsense! It wouldn't cause much trouble, I mean it's just me and my mom, so I think it would be fine. Plus she did always say she wanted to take care of other kids in need."

"Please don't say she'll adopt me because then this...this would be weird."

Midoryia giggled. "I'll make sure she never will, or see you as a son, not that she wouldn't take care of you but...you know what I mean."

"Yea I do, you just want her to see me as just one of your friends hanging out for an extended period of time, not a son because then that would be weird."

"How did you know?"

"I'm your boyfriend, of course I know," He said while doing that couple hug walk thing.

He smiled. "I'm glad you are."

So Midoryia brought Todoroki home and Inko(his mom) was perfectly fine with that. The idea was for him to stay there long enough so instead of his father being mad, he would be grateful that he finally came back, so in short, he would be staying there for a long time.

The end

Word count: 1,976 words

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