Finding Hope

By Oh_JiminV

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A young girl from the same future as future Trunks has to deal with the death of her father. Her older brothe... More

Character info
Character Background
Chapter 1: Going to the past!
Chapter 2: Meeting The Z Fighters!
Chapter 3: Goku Returns! Say Hello To My Father!
Chapter 4: Telling him about the Andriods!?
Chapter 5: Fight the androids, Tsubaki!
Chapter 6: Finding The Way To Recovery!
Chapter 7: Training in the hyperbolic time chamber!
Chapter 8: Going Back To the Past!
Chapter 9: Dr. Gero! Meeting Chichi from the past!
Chapter 10: 17 and 18 are awakened! Mission get Goku to safety!
Chapter 11: Fighting the androids! Tsubaki fights 17!
Chapter 12: Mission: Get Goku and Chichi to Safety!
Chapter 13: Going back to the past?
Chapter 14: An Unsettling Discovery!
Chapter 15: The Mysterious New Creature!
Chapter 16: One for the bad guys! Tsubaki goes off on her own!!!
Chapter 17: The New Enemy
Chapter 18: Goku wakes up!
Chapter 19: Memories that repeat itself!
Chapter 20: Cell absorbs 17! Trunks and Vegeta come out!
Chapter 21: Training with Dad and Gohan!
Chapter 22: Gohan Goes Super!!?
Chapter 23: Time has run out! Return from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!
Chapter 24: Gohan's Birthday
Chapter 25: An outing with the Z fighters and a new foe
Chapter 26: The Girl, Who Wants Revenge!
Chapter 27: The first round of the Cell Games!
Chapter 28: Gohan vs. Cell
Chapter 29: Gohan Vs. Cell part 2
Christmas Special
Chapter 30: The Fight Against Cell, Longlasting!
Chapter 31: Peace at last! Going back to the past!!
Chapter 32: Final battle of the Androids! Finally Peace has Come!
Chapter 33: Peace interrupted
Chapter 34: A New Foe Appears! Tsubaki is targeted!
Chapter 35: Go back to the past, Trunks!!
Chapter 36: The Plan to Save Tsubaki
Chapter 37: The Z Fighters Go To The Future!
Chapter 38: Dr. Wyatt
Chapter 39: Wyatt's Revenge!
Chapter 40: Fight for Tsubaki!!! Help your daughter, Goku!!
Chapter 41: Save Tsubaki, Goku!!!
Chapter 42: Stop Wyatt at all cost!
Chapter 43: This isn't over!
Chapter 44: One Hell Of A Celebration!!
Chapter 45: An Outing With My Brother's!!!
Chapter 46: The Gang finds out a huge secret!
Chapter 47: A Day to Remember
Chapter 48: Tsubaki and Trunks' Together Again!!
Chapter 49: Trouble follows!!
Christmas Special
Chapter 50: Where there's a Will, There's a Way!
Chapter 51: More Problems to Ensue!
Chapter 52: Twins Are Just More Problems!
Chapter 53: Gohan, Trunks and Videl vs. The Twins!!! Goku and Vegeta Arrive!
Chapter 54: Hunter Fights Back!
Chapter 55: The Reunion
Chapter 56: The Gem!!
Christmas Special
Chapter 57: The Gem Guardian is a saiyan?
Chapter 58: The Myth of The Gem Guardian!
Chapter 59: The Calvary Arrive!! The Z Fighters Save Gengoro Island!
Chapter 60: The Question
Chapter 62: Kid Tsubaki's Unspeakable Power! Gengero Island is Saved!!
Chapter 63: Android 22's return!!
Chapter 64: Hurry Z fighters! Future Tsubaki's pride!
Halloween Special #1 (Part 1)
Chapter 65: Android 22's Plea for Help!!
DBZ Special: The Best Christmas Yet!!
Chapter 66: Enter Saya; The Z fighters' meet Jean
Chapter 67: Jean vs Android 22 & The Z fighters!
Chapter 68: Fight The Power
Chapter 69: Jean Disappears!! A New Doctor Appears!!
Chapter 70: Tsubaki's Recovery! Jean in a New Timeline!
Chapter 71: 22's Decision!
Chapter 72: Wyatt's Plea!
Chapter 73: Wyatt's Horrible Truth
DBZ Halloween Special #3 (Part 2)
Chapter 74: Jean vs. The Z fighters again!!
Christmas Special: A Gift Just For you!
Chapter 75: The End of A long Fight!!!!!!
Chapter 76: Recuperating Beach Day!
Chapter 77: A Day with Just Dad
Chapter 78: Something Fun
Chapter 79: The New Foe looks Like Dad!
Christmas Special: A Christmas with Memories!
Chapter 80: Mourning Our Losses and Asking For Help
Chapter 81: Tsubaki's plea for help!
Chapter 82: Goku Black arrives in the Present!
Chapter 83: Goku vs. Goku Black
Chapter 84: Who is Goku Black Really?
Chapter 85: Meeting Kid Mai And Kid Asher
Chapter 86: Mentor and Students Reunited!
Chapter 87: Pan
Halloween Special #4 (Part 3)
Chapter 88: Gohan's Family
Christmas Special: Christmas at Mount Paozu pt 1
Chapter 89: Advice & Wisdom
Chapter 90: Have Hope
Chapter 91: Training with Vegeta & Trunks

Chapter 61: The Truth behind the Twins'

57 3 0
By Oh_JiminV

 Tsubaki's pov

"Well... What was this whole thing about? What was the real reason as to why you four wanted to take over this village in the first place, Riko?" I asked, the look I gave was one of both seriousness and curiosity. "Is there a reason why you decided to take the gem and try and take over the village?" Hunter asked, standing to his feet. He looked just as angry as I did, the two of us seemed to have the same general curiosity about their real motivations. It was something I could tell that everyone was curious of, Riko shifted on his right foot as he stood to face all of us fully. "It's to save this island. We want that gem to get stronger, so we can protect this island from those people out there." He said, making me look over at Rin, who was looking away from everyone. "What the hell are you talking about? Do you know those people who are out there?" Hunter asked, he seemed agitated for some reason. "Yes... But we aren't working with them because we want too." Riko shook his head, as he stood beside Rin. I raised an eyebrow, shifting my eyes between the two as Rin looked down at the ground. "Then how do you know those people, Riko?" Gohan asked.

"They killed our uncle... And when we figured out it was them, they forced us to help them get the gem." Rin explained, taking everyone by surprise. "That's why you are so adamant about getting the gem. Did they threaten you with something else because you could have walked away from all of this?" Gohan asked, looking to Riko and Rin. The twins stayed quiet which not only angered Vegeta and Hunter but it also angered me, I wanted to know why they still went through with this. 

"Well, spit it out!" Hunter snapped, making me look over to him slightly startled. 

"They have our little sister... I don't know how they got to her, but they are holding her somewhere. We tried to look for her, but we can't find her anywhere." Rin explained, "Please, you have to believe that we had no other choice. We just want to get our sister back." Rin pleaded, tears evident in her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us, Riko? Why didn't you go to the chief?" Keiko asked.

"If you had told anyone, they would have killed her... Am I right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the twins. The silence between the two only confirmed my theory, "Did you know that they wanted to attack this village?" Trunks spoke up, "No, we had no idea. I thought they just wanted the gem. We didn't confirm our suspicions until Vegeta and Goku arrived here, telling us about the village being attacked." Riko said, he looked just as frustrated as the rest of us. "Well, our next step is to stop those two people out there. Who are they?" Gohan asked, he had a stern look on his face. Before Riko could answer the question, we felt a large burst of ki coming from outside the cave. I closed my eyes, focusing on the ki that came from outside. My eyes shot open when I realized that it was Piccolo's ki, Tien's had been falling dramatically which was also happening to Piccolo's. 

"Piccolo and Tien are in trouble!" 

"Where are they? You said that they were looking for the two attacking the village, where did you last see them before coming here?" I turned towards Yamcha, as my nerves started to run haywire. "We were just entering the village when we split up." Yamcha explained, "Tsubaki, where are you going?!!" Trunks called after me, "To find them!" I quickly flew out of the hole that Yamcha and his team had made when they first showed up, I needed to find them.

As I was flying overhead, I could see that most of the village had both been abandoned and had been destroyed which made me very angry. I was beginning to think that if we hadn't come here at all, that this village might either have been in the situation now with fatalities or they would have been just fine. I then felt another spike of ki energy just ten feet away, before I spotted a large explosion. I quickly stopped flying, bracing myself as the winds from the large explosion blew back towards me. I brushed myself off, taking off towards the site of the explosion and when I got there, I got angrier than I was before. Two people were fighting Piccolo, I scanned the area for Tien and found him wounded on the opposite side of where I was standing. One of the two people fighting Piccolo was a woman, she had long black hair which was parted to the left and brown eyes, she was also wearing a long black dress. The second person fighting him was a man with long green hair and green eyes, he wore a black shirt that did not cover his well-toned stomach along with the shirt, he wore a pair of long black gloves alon wore white pants. "Tien," I quickly rushed over to him, he let out a moan of pain as I bent down next to him.

"Tien, are you alright? What happened?" He mumbled something incoherent, as the ground under me shook. "Tien, swallow this." I pushed a senzu bean into his mouth, he slowly chewed the bean and swallowed. "I have to go help Piccolo, he's struggling. Just stay right here until you can get to your feet." I carefully lifted his head off of my lap, placing it on the ground softly. I quickly sprung to my feet, charging ahead as my fist collided with the man's cheek. The man with green hair flew back from the impact of my punch, startling the female who was fighting Piccolo.

"Why you little!!" The woman charged at me, but I moved quickly and ducked under her fist. I moved quickly, throwing a quick left hook into her stomach. This caused her to bring up some spit, before she flew backwards and hit a building wall. "Tsubaki, what are you doing here? Are you alright?" Piccolo asked, flying over to me. "I'm alright, I mean there were a lot of problems in the cave but other than that I am fine. I came here as soon as I sensed that you two were in trouble."

"Thanks for the senzu bean, Tsu." Tien smiled, walking over to the two of us.

"Where are the others?" He asked, "Probably on their way to find me. I took off after sensing the trouble here... Who are those people?" I looked over at the pair, who were just recovering from my attacks. "We never had the chance to get their names. As soon as we found them, they started attacking the both of us." Tien explained, I turned my head sensing both Trunks and Dad coming this way. It didn't take long for the two to show up and following them was Android 18 and Krillen.

"Krillen!" I rushed over to him, happy that he was okay. "Hey Tsu, how are you? I was worried sick when I heard you four got stuck in that cave. Are you alright? And where is Vegeta and the others?" He asked, he spotted Dad and Trunks and looked around for the others. "They're coming.. A lot happened in that cave, but I'll be fine. I'm glad to see that you are okay.." I wrapped him in a hug, letting him go and stepped back. I looked over at 18 and we made eye contact, I gave her a slight nod before turning my attention back on the two people standing just a few feet away from us.

"Who are you and why have you attacked this village?" Dad asked, stepping out in front of Tien and I.

"Our names don't matter.. What matters is that you are all standing in our way." The female sneered, she had this look in her eyes which I didn't like one bit. "Your names do matter.. You have no right to come here and disrupt these peoples lives, all for that gem." I snapped, glaring harshly at the two.

"And who are you to tell us what we can and cannot do?" The young man with green hair questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I am the person who will stop both of you."

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