Ready For Your Love [COMPLETE...

By SnowWings

103K 2.5K 209

Scarlett Winchester is a happily married woman, but her husband Colt carries a dirty secret. When Scarlett di... More

✯Chapter 1✯
✯Chapter 2✯
✯Chapter 3✯
✯Chapter 4✯
✯Chapter 5✯
✯Chapter 6✯
✯Chapter 7✯
✯Chapter 8✯
✯Chapter 9✯
✯Chapter 10✯
✯Chapter 11✯
✯Chapter 12✯
✯Chapter 13✯
✯Chapter 14✯
✯Chapter 15✯
✯Chapter 16✯
✯Chapter 17✯
✯Chapter 18✯
✯Chapter 19✯
✯Chapter 20✯
✯Chapter 21✯
✯Chapter 22✯
✯Chapter 23✯
✯Chapter 24✯
✯Chapter 25✯
✯Chapter 26✯
✯Chapter 27✯
✯Chapter 28✯
✯Chapter 29✯
✯Chapter 30✯
✯Chapter 31✯
✯Chapter 32✯


4.4K 89 16
By SnowWings

Levi dropped some papers onto my desk. With a big smirk he announced that the divorce was now finalized. Two months had gone by since Colt got arrested, and about five months since Levi got hospitalized. Colt got convicted to 25 years in prison. He was found guilty for murdering Coraline. The text messages were used as proof, and his DNA was found on Coraline's body. I didn't want to think about the stuff he must have done to her before throwing her in that dumpster. But justice was served. Honestly 25 years wasn't enough in my opinion, but at least he was now behind bars far, far away from us.

I got up from my seat, dropping the purple inked pen I was using to grade papers with. A loud gasp escaped from me, and Levi couldn't help but laugh at my reaction.

"You're free," he stated, pulling me into his embrace, "You can go if you want."

"I know," I replied, digging my fingers underneath his shirt and into his bare back, "I should start packing."

Levi's smile wavered for a second, and I had to hold myself back so as to not start laughing at him.

"I was getting so tired of being cooped up in this house," I teased, pushing him back towards my bed and climbing on top of him now, "And there's this guy who's been trying to get me to stay with him. Ugh, he's just so..."

Levi smirked. "So hot? So amazing? The best boyfriend ever?"

"So cocky," I filled in, rolling my eyes.

We both laughed now. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I could hear his heartbeat pacing. I loved how we've been together for so long now and we still get nervous around each other. I loved having that impact on him, and I knew he liked it when I had that reaction from his touches as well.

"Are you feeling better today?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I told him, "The nausea comes and goes. But it's getting better."

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the doctor for that?"

"Nah, it's probably not a big deal. I get sick all the time."

"But... you don't really look sick." Levi's frown deepened, and I sighed in response.

"I'm fine, Levi, I promise," I reassured him.

"I'll be more at ease if you get checked by a doctor—"

Before he was able to finish his sentence, a huge wave of nausea hit me and I bolted out of that room quicker than lightning itself. I threw up all of my breakfast.

I was trying to downplay how I was feeling for the past couple of days, but honestly it was worse than what I was admitting. The few times that I did manage to get some food in my stomach, the puking would just get rid of it again. Levi was right; I wasn't sick. But I didn't know what was wrong with me.

Within the next hour Levi was driving us to the doctor's office in his new car. Ever since he helped with getting Colt caught, he was offered the chance to get police training to become a full-fledged agent. Although he had a criminal record, they were willing to ignore it all of a sudden and accept him anyway. At first we thought it was due to lack of evidence, but it turned out that someone came up to clear his name. But we didn't know who did it. Perhaps Michelle had a change of heart? Who knows...

Levi would come home tired at times, but he still spent time on his private investigating work and saved up money that way. We were also thinking of selling the house; it had way too many bad memories in it, and it was time to move on from them.

Nervously I fiddled with my grey handbag until the doctor walked in holding some papers. He greeted us formally and took a seat. His glasses slid down to the tip of his nose as he read through the information quickly. I stopped fiddling when I saw his brows pull up in surprise.

"Is something wrong?" Levi asked before I got the chance to.

"Not at all," he said, shooting the both of us an amused look, "These are the results of the test we did. You say you haven't gotten your period in three months?"

"That's right," I said, "But I don't think that's a big deal, right? It happens all the time with my endometriosis."

"You've skipped three months before?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but then realized that I've never skipped three whole months of not getting my period. My eyes widened now.

"The most I've skipped was two months," I said in a small voice.

"Exactly," the doctor nodded, "Which was why I did this test." He paused for a few seconds before adding: "This pregnancy test."

I gazed at Levi with huge eyes. Levi grabbed hold of one of my hands, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of the doctor's.

"Wait, wait, wait," I started, shaking my head in shock, "You think I'm pregnant? I can't get pregnant."

"I don't think you're pregnant," the doctor continued, smiling now, "I know you're pregnant."

I was sure that I stopped breathing for a few seconds too long. My heart started pounding in my chest. I felt Levi's eyes burning on me now, but this time it was my turn to be unable to return his gaze. I was too busy trying to burn a hole through the doctor's face with my eyes.

"What?" I squeaked.

"Congratulations, you're finally pregnant, Scarlett."

Those words echoed in my ears for the longest time. It was Levi's chuckle that pulled me from my trance.

"No way," he said amused, "She's pregnant?"

"That's right. It's rare, but patients with your condition can get pregnant. It's not 100% impossible, but it's very improbable. Yet somehow you made it happen. Congratulations!"

Tears streamed down my face as loud sobs started erupting from deep inside me. I simply couldn't believe it. I've tried so long to have a baby with Colt, and now that I was with Levi it happened so soon. I felt him pull me into his arms as he stroked my hair gently to calm me down.

"I know you've been trying," the doctor said, smiling warmly at me, "Maybe this is your hard-earned reward."

Along with those words, Levi's soft smile made me melt completely. I couldn't be happier. I didn't realize until now how badly I wanted a child up to this moment. Moreover, I was now pregnant with Levi's child and not Colt's. This was the best day of my life.

"You're WHAT?!"

Tina and Oliver were staring at us with their eyes almost bulging out of their sockets. I couldn't contain my excitement and I had to invite them over to share the news. Levi was laughing sheepishly at them, and so was I.

"Holy shit, that's amazing Scar!" Tina yelled, throwing her arms around me, "You're going to be a great mother!"

"Congratulations," Oliver said, grinning from ear to ear at Levi.

"Thanks," Levi replied.

Oliver, Levi and Terrence had become best friends after Coraline's passing. Levi had even helped Oliver out when he was selecting a ring to propose to Tina with, which she was now wearing proudly on her ring finger.

"You guys should go out to celebrate it tonight," Oliver suggested.

I noticed the guys sharing a look as if they were having a silent conversation with each other, and then Levi nodded. "Yeah, let's all go out tonight," he said, "I'll make the reservation."

"We can invite Terrence too," Tina added.

Everyone grinned excitedly.

Around 7:30pm I left the bedroom wearing a black dress covered with bright yellow sunflowers. The dress had a deep V-neck and a shape that hugged my tiny bump comfortably. I knew all too well how this dress drove Levi crazy. I wasn't in the mood to wear heels, so I paired the dress up with some sneakers and some golden jewelry. My hair fell loosely onto my shoulders. I know, I know, sneakers with a dress, what was I thinking? As long as I was comfortable that's all that mattered, right?

I went downstairs and found Levi waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes sparkled with joy, and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"No heels tonight, okay?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You look gorgeous no matter what you wear," he breathed, holding me closely against his body.

"I actually made an effort with my make-up this time," I added, blushing at his comment.

He planted a peck on my lips and smirked. "I particularly like that red lipstick you're wearing. Not like it's going to last long tonight."

I let out a giggle, and we went to the car. We drove to a nearby restaurant that we've never gone to before. Just the rice looked more expensive than my entire salary. Honestly, we were the most uncultured group of people there. We were loud, laughing at all the prices on the menu, and asked the waiter for the cheapest things on the menu. It was the first time we managed to put a smile on Terrence's face ever since he lost Coraline and his child. I felt so accomplished.

We asked for dessert, but I noted how Levi received an extra box from the waiter. The box had intricate swirls and designs with the name of the restaurant written at the top. A tiny pink ribbon held the box closed.

I raised my eyebrows at him, but he ignored me. I finished my lava cake within five minutes of receiving it; it was the best cake I've ever eaten. I wasn't embarrassed by the moans that escaped my lips as I devoured it. Everyone seemed amused by me eating it and started laughing at me.

By the time we were all done, Levi announced to everyone that we still had one more place to go to. Again, I shot him a surprised look which he ignored. We paid for the bills and left the restaurant. We drove in a line to our next destination.

"Where are we going, Levi?" I asked him curiously.

"You'll see," he said, still avoiding my gaze.

I saw his grip on the wheel tighten for a second, and he let out a shaky breath. What was going on? And why did Oliver cough after Levi made the announcement? Did he know where we were going?

About ten minutes later we stopped driving. Levi got out and came around the car to open the door for me. I smiled at his gentleman behavior. But I was still wondering what was going on.

The scent of salty seawater suddenly hit me. I turned around and my eyes widened. We were at the beach. The same beach that started it all. The chocolate cake kiss. The beach that confirmed my feelings for him.

Levi grabbed my hand gently, as if he was afraid he would break it by accident, and led me to the tent that stood majestically at the center of the beach. Leading to the tent were small mason jars filled with fairy lights. I was too shocked to say anything.

I glanced at Levi after feeling how his hands were starting to get sweaty. I saw our friends walking behind us. Tina was holding a video camera in her hands, filming the whole thing.

"Levi, what's going on?" I asked, getting nervous now.

Levi stopped walking and turned to look at me. With his other hand he held the box that he received in the restaurant out to me. A nervous smile appeared on his face.

"Can I open it?" I asked him in a low voice.

He nodded and let my hand go. I pulled at the adorably wrapped ribbon and opened the box to reveal a small round chocolate cake. A beautiful diamond encrusted ring rested on top of the cake. My jaw dropped as I picked it up and stared at it from every angle. Was this actually happening? Oh my God...

Levi's hands rested on my shaky arms. He cleared his throat and spoke up.

"I always keep my promises, Scarlett," he said, "I promised I would ask you to marry me after everything settled down. But that was just a promise. I need to make it official."

I felt the tears run down my cheeks uncontrollably. He took the ring from me and went on his knees. "Scarlett, we've been through a lot in the past, but your strength to deal with it all is what keeps me going. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me, and honestly, sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you. But even so, I'm convinced that I can't live without you. Will you... marry me?"

It all made sense now. The chocolate cake in my hands, the beach that started it all... This couldn't have been a better spot for Levi's proposal. A huge smile crossed my features. I dropped the cake and leapt at him with open arms. For a moment I forgot that I was pregnant. Levi held me carefully so as to not hurt the baby in any way. I landed on top of him.

"Of course I'll marry you," I told him, nuzzling his nose with mine, "You're my everything, Levi Gallant. I would be stupid not to marry you."

Tina let out a scream, and everyone ran up to us. I could faintly hear their words of congratulations. My eyes looked deeply into Levi's, making me forget that Tina, Oliver and Terrence were still with us. But Levi always had this impact on me. I would drown in his eyes and forget about anything and everything around us. We closed the gap between us and kissed.

Levi was there for me through thick and thin. He protected me and had eyes only for me. I was ready to share my love for him for the rest of my life. I felt blessed to have him by my side.

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