The Vocaloid Mansion {A Vocal...

IA_mazing द्वारा

35.4K 1.1K 499

This is basically just a big jumble of short stories set in the Vocaloid's mansion. It started off as somethi... अधिक

Popcorn Battle
In the Attic
Monkey Party
Happy Braid Day
Truth or Dare: Sort Of
Celebratory Bowling
The Terrible Quartet: Then and Now
The Concert
Playing Games
Fort: TQ Edition
Fanfiction Terrors
The Seven Vocaloids
Drunken Adventures
The Leaning Tower of Len
Piko's Wish
Bearded Lemons
Apples to Apples Documentary
Pool Parties

Christmas Troubles

963 29 23
IA_mazing द्वारा

Every year, the older Vocaloids dress up as things found during Christmas time, including Santa, his elves, a tree, a snowman, and angels. They did this to help keep the smaller Vocaloids' imaginations alive. Although, Ryuto tried to pretend he didn't like to sit on Santa's lap.

"Who'll be Santa this year?" Kiyoteru pushed up his glasses and lifted his head to look around the room. In his hands, he held a clipboard listing the costumes. "And Mrs. Claus?"

"I nominate Piko as Santa!" Miki quickly piped up, casting the white haired boy a sly grin. He fumed. She was only doing that to ruin his plans!

"Excuse me? I wanted to be an elf with Len!" Piko stood from the wooden chair he had been seated in.

"Does anyone object to Piko being Santa?" Kiyoteru ignored Piko's protests.

"Don't worry." Len leaned over to whisper in his boyfriend's ear. "I have a plan." Raising his hand, he announced to the room that he wanted to be Mrs. Claus.

Kiyoteru scribbled their names down. "Done! Alright. IA, Mayu, Luka, Yuma, and SeeU as the angels this year, yeah?"

"What?! Why the hell am I an angel?" IA shouted. Kiyoteru stared at her, startled.

"Um, well, wasn't it obvious you'd be an angel this year? You've avoided it for the past few years, and I don't think anyone would disagree when I say that you're probably the most angelic person in the room." He blushed, pushing up his glasses again.

"Hey! I'm the only one who can call her an angel!" Gakupo yelled, shaking his fist at Kiyoteru.


"Don't get off topic! Why do I have to be an angel?" IA pushed herself into the conversation once more.

"Well, you'd look amazing in the costume, for one." Gakupo shrugged, arching an eyebrow in her direction.

IA returned the expression. "Oh, so should I keep it a little longer?"

Gakupo sat up straighter. "Would you?"

IA gave a tinkling laugh. "Of course." She purred.

"Okay, can we get back to the main problem here?" Kiyoteru tried to settle the room once more.

"Um, I'd also like to ask why I'm an angel." Yuma raised his hand.

"Because Gumi nominated you." Kiyoteru told the disgruntled young man as Gumi started giggling uncontrollably.

"Sorry, love. I had to." She placed a hand on his arm, looking up at him innocently. He sighed.

"Alright. So I guess it's okay that I nominated you to dress as the tree this year?" He smirked.

Gumi gasped. "You didn't! Why?! I never wanted to be the tree!" She groaned before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Fine. Okay. I accept my duty as the tree."

"Good. Now, Miki, you said you wanted to be the snowman earlier, right?" Kiyoteru directed the conversation to the red-head. She nodded. He glanced down at the clipboard again. "And...Gakupo, Flower, Kaito, Oliver, Yukari, Meiko, Yohioloid, and me as the elves?" When there wasn't any objections, he continued. "Last, but not least, the presents are Flower, Galaco, Rion, Lapis, Lily, and Rin? Is that good?" Kiyoteru glanced around the room.

"Len! You can unwrap me anytime!" Lapis screeched from her place on the floor, making a motion as if she were about to crawl over to the blonde. However, Piko growled at her and watched as Rion restrained the smaller girl.

"Okay, so we're done here! Everybody, go pick up your costumes and let's change! We've got two hours before the kids wake up." Kiyoteru stood up, clapping his hands together in the process.

The Vocalois filed out of the room and rushed to find their costumes. Only forty-five minutes later, everyone was ready. They gathered in the entrance hall where they had put up the gigantic Christmas tree weeks before, and tried to finish making things absolutely perfect.

Piko was forced to sit in a big red chair with Len as Mrs. Claus at his side. Miki, as the snowman, watched from a corner of the hall frightfully because of the evil looks Piko kept sending her.

The angels in their white dresses and suit walked around and mingled with the elves and presents that had not yet taken their place with 'Santa' and Gumi.

"Is my hat on straight?" Gakupo stopped IA with a hand on her shoulder. Though, when she turned around, his words caught in his throat. She looked like an actual angel in that costume. He swallowed.

"Hm. Well, it's a little to the left, but it's cute." She grinned and winked, knowing the effect she had on him.

"Oh, um, g-good." He stuttered, hesitating. Then suddenly, he drew her into a deep kiss, pulling her as close to him as he could.

"Hey! Elves aren't allowed to kiss the angels!" Piko yelled out from across the hall, drawing attention to the couple.

"Can this angel kiss the tree, Mr. Santa Man?" Yuma yelled back from where he was standing with Gumi.

"I don't care!" Piko waved his hand around.

Yuma whirled on Gumi and without a word of warning, pulled her into a kiss too. He couldn't quite get his arms around her considering her costume, but he still tried.

"Len! You can kiss me, too!" Lapis ran as fast as she could in her box shaped costume towards the boy. Piko jumped out of his seat and stopped her in her tracks.

"You don't touch my love! I will destroy you! You will be put on the naughty list!" He decided to play a little in character with that last line.

"I'm fine with being on the naughty list as long as Len is the one that punishes me." Lapis looked over Piko's shoulder and raised an eyebrow suggestively at Len. The blonde made a vomiting motion.

"Lapis, you're disgusting." One of the girl's fellow presents came walking up, and turned out to be Rin. "Why can't you let my brother and his boyfriend live together in peace? Len told me about the notes he found in his bathroom." Rin shook her head disapprovingly.

Lapis sniffled, tears welling up in her eyes. "I-It's only because I love him..." Her expression morphed into anger in the blink of an eye. "Well, if I can't have him, I'll have you!" Lapis lunged toward Rin, who stumbled back with wide eyes.

"No, that's not what I meant! Ack, not this again!" The blonde girl cried out as she bolted away from Lapis, who followed her.

"What's goi-" Oliver turned around at the sound of Rin's yell, causing his jaw to drop when he saw what was happening. "Rin-senpai! Lapis! You get away from her, you fool!" The elf costume clad boy chased after the two present costume clad girls, shouting at Lapis.

All these loud and crazy happenings created chaos in that entrance hall. Lots of Vocaloids were running, some were still kissing, many were yelling obscenities at each other, and one was eating ice cream in the corner. So, it took a long while for them to realize that three little kids were standing in the hall, watching them.

"I'm going back to bed. F*ck Christmas this year." Ryuto sighed, marching back the way he had came.

"Why is it like this every Christmas?" Rana pouted and followed Ryuto.

Yuki glanced back as her two friends left her. The other Vocaloids stared at her in complete silence, frozen in various activities. They had been so shocked to see the three that they just stopped whatever they were doing at gazed at the children.

"I...I think I'm just gonna go. Come get us when you...calm down." Yuki smiled kindly and skipped after her buddies.

"Well, sh*t." IA was the first to speak. She and Gakupo straightened their costumes as they walked out from where they disappeared behind the gigantic Christmas tree.

"I know. I feel bad now." Yuma bit his lip. He and Gumi came walking back out into the open from behind Santa's (Piko's) big red chair, also straightening their costumes.

"Did you just...?" Piko stared in astonishment at the two couples. "You didn't...not behind there...why...the tree and the chair...?"

IA and Yuma glanced at each other, in sudden realization of what the other had just done and that they had done the same thing.

"Merry Christmas!" Kaito shouted from a corner of the room for absolutely no reason. "And a Happy New Year to everyone!"

{Ugh, I'm terrible at updating. I'm sorry. I really am. But school. And stuff. Well, this definitely wasn't inspired by real events...MERRY CHRISTMAS OR JUST PLAIN OL' HAPPY HOLIDAYS. And a Happy New Year *tips nonexistent hat*}

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