Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles l...

By Woopdidoointheloo

64.8K 1K 130

____________ "Beautiful," I hear him say behind me, a lot closer than expected, not knowing that he isn't tal... More

The beginning of it all...
The Offer
Trip of a life time
Small little shopping cart
The Day of
The shoot
The date
Concert vibes
Little tour
The show, and the kiss
Maybe kissing isn't so bad after all
Long black scarf
Good and bad I guess?
Rainbow minds
"Hmm yes, intense"
Welcome to the team
Thank you
A whole lot of ass staring
"Beep Beep Bitch"
Morning beautiful
Blueberry pancakes
PJs and boxers
Me too
Little toddlers and big nights
Shopping adventures
The first... second... no, third kiss.
Fucking Francesca (Part 1)
Fucking Francesca (Part 2)
Lighting booths and empty fucking hallways
Nick and Harry
Sticky situations
Lots of fucks... plus Maddie
Congratulation cookies
Dance floors and drinks
Little... telly tubby bitch
Marinating in loneliness
More tears... with ice cream this time
little souvenir
Tops and sweaters
Harry Styles
Too cute for comfort
Nighttime cuddles
Gucci pants
VIP rooms are too private
Boyfriend, not bitch
Mary and Beth
Hospital beds suck
The old apartment
Minds racing
Harry's eyes
A race of time
I love you too

Harry's bag of Healthy Horrors

1.1K 16 0
By Woopdidoointheloo

Harry successfully brings me water, along with a bag filled with food. I look through it, taking out salads and fruits and sandwiches. I keep fishing through, hoping to find at least one chocolate, or a bag of chips, or something that had any form of artificial sugar... to no avail. 

"Harry, are you some sort of health freak?" He scoffs.

"No, just because I don't like to shove my face full of sugar doesn't mean I am a health freak." He crosses his arms and pouts at me. God, by did he have to be so cute? Especially right now. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black plain Gucci top. He had a jacket but he wasn't wearing it. His hair was pushed back by a pair of sunglasses. I looked like shit and I was standing next to this... god of a man.

"Ok, so we have like... an hour before we get to board. What do you wanna do?" He takes a seat across from me.

"Well, I actually want to do some writing. I have been working on something for my business so I want to get that done. I made a playlist for this trip as well." He all of a sudden gets very excited.

"Oooo what is it?" I really dont wanna tell him. Because it is literally all the songs of Fine Line and some others from his first album. If I was gonna work for him, I had to understand his art.

"Nothing special, just some trash artist I found on the internet. Although, he has some nice looking features." I say, knowing he won't think it is him, he is too self-centered.

"Can I listen?" 

"Ah, sorry. I bought Bluetooth headphones." I dig around my bag, pulling them out.

"Well lucky me." He pulls out a much more expensive version of the headphones I pulled out. "Since they are the same brand we should be able to connect them both to your phone so we can listen together." I plaster a smile on my face as Harry hands me his headphones. I connect them both, as he said and hand them back.

"Just a little warning before you go laughing at me, I only did this because I need to know them if I am gonna do this." He gives me a confused look until I press play, and his face is immediately replaced with a giant smirk. 

"On a summer evening..."Harry starts singing in the middle of his lounge, closing his eyes, and really going for it. I slap his arm, holding back a giggle that I know would just encourage him.

"Hold on, doesn't this mean you called me trashy before?" My eyes widen at the discovery.

"Guess I did." He pretends as if I had stabbed him in the heart, literally collapsing to the ground clutching his chest. "Harry!" I whisper yell, running around the table and crouching down next to him. He just lays on the ground smiling.

"I will only get up if you admit my music is good." I laugh.

"Guess your gonna be stuck down there for a while then." He acts shocked before he starts screaming the lyrics to the song that is playing, way off-key, by the way.

"Sugar! Suuggarrr!" I slap him.

"Harry shut up!"

"Not until you admit my music is good!" I let out a small sigh. "Watermelon Suggarrr!"

"OK! OK! Harry your music is good!" He props himself up off the ground, his face inches away from mine. 

"Aw! I am so glad you think that!" He lingers there for a bit, looking down at my lips every couple of seconds, before standing up and casually sitting back in his chair, as if nothing happened. People are giving us weird looks, but Harry doesn't care.

I go back to my seat, but before I can sit down he flings his hand in the air.

"Yes, Harry?" 

"One more condition of my no singing contract, you have to sit next to me. Not across from me." He says, a smirk on his face.

"Why what difference does it make?" 

"Well if you're sitting across from me I cant naturally swing my arm over your shoulder, slowly pulling you in closer without you realizing until you are basically cuddling me." I just roll my eyes, ploping down in my original seat.

"GoOOOLLLDddeeeenn!!" He yells, causing me to quickly launch out of my seat and into the one next to him. "Nice," he says. I roll my eyes at how childish this grown man is. I pull my laptop out and start typing, still listening to Harry's music. 

My headphones block out all other sounds. I listen to Golden as I look around the room we are sitting in, almost people watching everyone around. Everyone here is so unique, there is an old lady with a dog in a channel bag, and a middle-aged man in a business suit, probably on his phone, talking to his wife while thinking about his mistress. I continue to look around the room, until I suddenly realize that Harry's arm is around my back, resting on my shoulder. I turn and give him a look, and he smiles cheekily back at me.

"It been there the whole time you were stalking people, you only just realized it." He smiles as Cherry starts to play in our headphones. Harry starts to quietly sing the lyrics.

"I... I  confess I cant tell that you are at your best.." His voice is so sweet and soft when he wants it to be. I can't take my eyes off his face as he softly sings, only loud enough for me to hear. For some unknown reason, I snuggle into Harry, laying the back of my head on his shoulder, bringing my knees up to my chest. He softly rubs my knee with the hand that was once on my shoulder. 

"Were not talking lately.." He continues singing, unfazed by my movements. He is reading a book, and he just looks so peaceful. Softly humming the notes to the bridge. Not for a moment taking his eyes off his book. I just stare at his face, and how beautiful he looks. We stay like this for the rest of the hour, Harry softly singing each song that comes on. One after the other. I am now resting my cheek on his shoulder, with my legs thrown over his lap. He is resting his arms on my legs as he continues reading. 

I dont have my laptop anymore, I am just listening to Harry and the music. I have my eyes closed, but I would every now and again open them, admiring the pure beauty and joy that would flood into his face as he sings. He goes through each song with ease. He is rubbing my legs with one hand, and I dont even think about it. I am too comfortable to tell him that that was something boyfriends and girlfriends do for each other. Not friends

"Rosemarie, its time to board the plane." I open my eyes to find Harry has closed his book and is rubbing my head with his hand. My head is still resting on his shoulder. I sit up, immediately feeling the loss of Harry's body heat. 

"Off we go then." I scurry out of the booth that we were... cuddling in and grab my backpack, along with Harry's bag of gross. I hold it out in front of me as if it stinks. 

"Oh come on." He says taking the bag out of my hands. "It isn't that bad."

"Harry, that is a bag of horrors. Oh my god wait, its 'Harry's healthy bag of horrors'!" He laughs and swings it towards me. I back away and create a cross with two forks I found on a nearby table. "Stay away you evil thing!" He laughs at me and raises his hands in defeat. 

"Come on, we are gonna be late." I ditch my fork cross and walk beside Harry. We meet up with our guards at the door of the private lounge, and they lead us to the gate. We dont get stopped by anyone this time, however. We reach the gate and hand out passes over, before saying goodbye to security and walking on the plane. No one else is on it yet, and we go to the very back, where the first-class area is. When the flight attendant sees us she gasps but tries to act professional. Harry didn't see it, because the name is clueless but I did.

"Hello," She states, an obvious shake in her voice. "Passes please." Harry hands them to her, not noticing her little freakout. She leads us to a pair of giant seats, right next to each other. "I hope you enjoy your flight." Her voice cracks when she says enjoy, and she walks away. Harry turns to me. 

"That's like what you sounded like when I knocked on your door that night at my concert." I slap his arm and he giggles. 

"Are you not going to get a picture with her?" I say.

"Well, she didn't ask for one." I laugh at him, before realizing he was serious. "Harry for christ's sake did you see her reaction when she saw you? She basically swooned. If she is too scared to ask for a picture with you, go and ask for one with her!" Harry gives me a weird look.

"I have never, ever done that before." 

"Well, then your dumb." He stands up, hesitating for a second. "Oh just go!" I slap him but accidentally hit his ass. He looks at me, shocked, before turning and walking over to the flight attendant. When she sees him walking over she basically nearly faints but manages to hold herself together. I cant hear them, but I see her face light up at what Harry is saying to her. She pulls out her phone and snaps a few photos. Harry stays talking to her for a bit. At one point he points at me and says something, and the girl laughs, waving at me. I just wave back with a polite smile. Soon he comes back and sits down.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"I did what you said, she was really happy and said she was too nervous to ask me. I said that you told me and she said to thank you. She was actually very sweet." I nod my head, smirking at my clear victory.

"See? I was right." He nods his head. 

"Hmm, yes you were. But you might have some competition now Rosemarie." I give him a look and he laughs before pulling out his bag of horrors and picking at it. I open my laptop and headphones again, starting what I meant to do in the lounge. Harry pulls his headphones out, and I sigh, connecting them to my phone. 

We just sit there, both lounging in the comfortable silence. I type on my computer and Harry pulls his book out again. But we both listen to the same music. Soon the captain announces take off and I have to put my laptop away. 

"Is this a bad time to mention I dont like planes?" Harry says, looking at me with pure worry on his face. 

"Harry, what the fuck are you talking about? You spend almost all your time on planes." His face breaks into a smirk. 

"Yeah I know, just wanted an excuse to hold your hand." Just as we lift off the ground, the plane hits a bump, causing me to jump in my seat and take hold of Harry's arm. He just stares at me with utter confusion until I look at him. 

"Is this a bad time to mention I am not that fond of planes?" I say, with all honesty. He lets out a laugh, lacing his fingers through mine. 

"I got you, Rose." I smile and hold his hand tightly for the next hour.

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