Man of Iron *HIATUS*

By RandomAnxiety

42.6K 1.2K 464

{SEQUEL OF MUTANT CHILD} Four years ago, the Tony Stark was made to babysit to control his inner ego. Now fou... More

|Funny Introduction|
|Author's Note|
Author Note [Mayde delete later]


730 24 12
By RandomAnxiety

Stark walked out of the elevator to be met with Mister Rodgers, who clearly was about to go down the elevator. "Oh, Tony" Steve said, putting his hand down to his side. "I was about to come get you cause breakfast is ready." Tony nodded with a small smile before walking over to the table. He took a seat between Banner and Peter. Has the 6 people ate, Tony leaned closer to Bruce's ear.

"After breakfast, I need you down to the lab" he whispered to Banner before eating the rest of his food. The last few minutes of breakfast, Pepper had asked about MJ. She had a right to know why this little girl was at the tower when she woke up. Her parents had asked me if I could watch her while they are away on a business trip, since May usually watches MJ, but yeah" Stark lied. He honestly didn't know why he lied. Was it because he didn't wanna trigger MJ in some way? Stark didn't have a clue. Either way, Pepper nodded her head, believing her husband's lies.

Stark put his empty plate in the sink before heading down to his laboratory. It wasn't to far later when Bruce followed suit. "So, Stark, what is it?" Bruce asked, his arms crossed, brow rose. Internally, Banner was frightened. He was frightened cause what if Tony found out?  The thought of him finding out scared the ever living crap out of him.  

"I think I know who had taken May Parker and the Jones" Stark answered, earning a sigh of relief from Banner. Despite being confused by the sigh, Tony continued. "Its that daycare teacher. Mrs.Donnlley. She had went to jail one year ago for neglect and abuse of children in her so-called "daycare for super-mutant children." She was caught expirementing on one of those children. She was kicked out and arrested."

"Okay, and how do you know she got Peter's aunt?" Bruce question, brow rose further.

"Because," the man sat on his rolling chair, scooting towards his computer.  He turned the screen a bit to help Banner see the picture.  "Peter was in her class ever since he was three. See?" The picture Stark brought up was the most recent roll chart.

"Okay? And how would that mean she kidnapped May?" Banner asked, confused.

"Ah, well. Look at this" Stark typed a few buttons on his computer before revealing what he brought up. Bruce leaned in closer to read the smaller the text. It had read that May Parker was the one who caught Donnlley in the act, and called the police almost immdiantly. "See? We finally found who had kidnapped May."

"Yeah, but question is, where is she, and where is she hiding them?" Bruce questioned, looking back at his friend.  That was where Stark was stumped.  Stark shrugged typing more on his computer. There was a very small percent chance of Stark finding any location on Donnlley that could be a place where she could be taken them.

Stark knew it would be stupid of a well-known prisoner who escaped the prison to go back into there house. The first place the police would check, so in less Donnlley was stupid, there was no way she could be in her apartment building. Stark sighed, leaning back in his rolling chair. Was there no way to find this woman?


Groans escaped from the right side of May, a woman moving her head. May watched has the woman slowly started to gain more and more consciousness. "W-where..." the Woman muttered. "Where am I?" The woman's eyes glanced around, her eyes showing fear, espescially when she felt her wrist restrained. She couldn't move. She could move her arms nor feet.

"Mallory" May spoke, interrupting the woman's overthinking, which was her intention. "You're gonna be okay." The woman looked over at May, wide eyed. "Listen, Okay? Donnlley has captured you, me, and bayliegh. But before a you freak, I got a feeling we will be able to get out soon."

"May? What?" Mallory tried her best to process what her friend said. "Donnlley is here?!"

May shook her head in response. "No, well, not yet" she answered. "She's at her safe house, asleep, but her new partner is asleep in a room down that hall." May head gestured to the dark-ish hall a few feet away. "Though, she may be on her way right now, given the time."

Donnlley has came here, everyday since she kidnapped May, at 9:10. Currently, it was 8:57 am. Mallory nodded has she still processed the information. She stayed calm, doing her breathing technique, only to start breathing fast, realizing something. "Oh, No!" Mallory whispered-yelled, once again wide eyed. "MJ, she's home. Alone!"

May shook her head again. "Fortunantly Price said that there was no kids to be found, that's why he took you guys instead" May explained. "MJ may not be home alone then. She may not even be home." Yes, a child not being home, espescially a super-mutant child, is a warning sign that they may be in trouble. That's why May prayed Stark had both Mj and Peter.

Mallory nodded, her breathing slowly gettin less heavy. "There you go" May said in a calming voice. May smiled weakly has she helped sooth the Woman back into a calm state. Just in time, a man walked out of the dark hallway, showing a bad case of bed head. He had a grin on his face has he kept his eyes on the awake girls.

May gave William the same look she's always given him. A twitching eye and a curl lip. Mallory, though, was utterly confused. Who was this man? He looked familiar, but she couldn't remember how. The two watched the man grab a drink in the fridge. "Glad to see you guys awake" Price said, breaking the silence around them. Prince's smile turned into a smirk when the garage door opened, revealing a van in reversing, backing up inside the garage, the garage door slowly closing back.

"Ah, yes. Mrs. Kate as arrived!" Price teased as a unfamiliar lady stepped outside. The woman looked like a stereotypical teacher, her hair held up by a bun, she didn't seem like Donnlley. Was this Donnlley?

"Yes, yes" the Woman replied. "I'm sorry for interrupting anything, but I need to get my assignments for class." Class? This couldn't be Donnlley. But knowing Donnlley could make herself look like an old lady, any thing was possible. The woman grabbed her things, put them in a "teacher" bag, looking uo to see the two adult women look at her. She smirked has she threw the bag over her back.

"Im gonna go now" This Mrs.Kate said, before heading back in her van, driving out.

The lunch bell rung, causing everyone to run out of there sits and into the halls. Peter, MJ, and Ned were about to do the same thing when their substitute called them over. She asked politely for them to close the door. Hestaintly, Ned offered to do so. The three pulled up a chair in front of their teacher, who had a big grin on her face.

That smiles made Peter shift has his slider senses started tingling. Something was off. "Now, I called you in here to talk about-" blah, blah, blah. That's all Peter heard. May was kidnapped. Taken. And he already knew who was to blame. He's known for a while. He started to stop listening to the teacher, but started examining her. Something about her looked familiar. A scary-kind of familiar. Could she be..?

Peter leaned over toward MJ as the teacher was facing the other direction. "Doesn't she look familiar to you?" Peter asked, referring to the new teacher in front of them. Mj squinted a bit before coming up with a response.

"Kinda" Mj whispered. "She kinda looks like Donnlley."

"So, I'm not the only one who sees it" Peter replied. "Got it." The two stayed put, watching the teachers every move. She escaped from prison. She told May she'd get her back for calling the police. She has May. And Donnlley is Mrs.Kate. oh, she had to be.

The Parker boy leaned over to Ned. "My spider senses her going off. We need to get the heck out of here." Ned looked at his friend confused. Why did they have to get out of here? They could get in serious trouble if they leave without bejng given permission. "Trust me, Ned. We have to get out." The nine year old nodded, trusting Peter.

They could just run out the door or maybe the window, given they are only one story and the windows open easily. But no. If it was Donnlley, she'd suspect that. Then a thought got into Peter's head, and with that, his hand went into the air. "Mrs.Kate?" Peter said, grabbing the teacher's attention. The teacher reluctantly turned around.

"Yes, Peter?" She asked, her voice high pitched.

"I have to go to the bathroom" he lied, shifting in his sit. Kate wanted to say "no", but Peter did genuinely look has if he was about to pee himself.  With that, Kate sighed and nodded. Parker smiled has he walked outside the classroom. Has he walked himself down the hall, towards the bathroom. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

Stark had told him to call him if anything seems suspicious. With that, he dailed a number, put the phone close to his ear. Come on, Mister Stark.  The boy internallybegged that the man picked up. After a minute of the phone ringing, someone picked up. "Hello?" Stark's voice said from the other line. Peter smiled weakly.

"Hey, Mister Stark" Peter replied. "You gotta come over. Now."

Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!(I believe thats Thomas Sanders)

How's everyone today? Hope y'all are doing well.
So, the ending ending. I wanted it to end where it ended, but still, I don't like it. Idk why.
Also, I feel as if I should mention, despite what it may seem...this story isn't gonna end next chapter, at least I don't believe. Who knows?

1.) Why do you think Kate asked for Peter, MJ and Ned to come sit with her?
2. What do you think Peter is gonna say to Stark? Nd how do you think Stark will respond?
3. What do you believe will happen?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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