The Troublesome Hitachiin Twi...

By Kaiyri-Akuma

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Meet Kino Kamiyoto. The newest honour student at Ouran Academy. After a dark event of the past she was made... More

Chapter 1 - Kino
Chapter 2 - My Class
Chapter 3 - The Twins
Chapeter 4 - The Host Club
Chapter 5 - Childish Fun
Chapter 6 - My Parents
Chapter 7 - The Food
Chapter 8 - Is He Okay?
Chapter 9 - The Poster
Chapter 10 - The Hitachiin House
Chapter 11 - The Realisation
Chapter 12 - The Feelings
Chapter 13 - I'm a Hostess
Chapter 14 - The Hints
Chapter 15 - The Tranquil & Trauma
Chapter 16 - Tamaki's Plan
Chapter 17 - Haruhi's House
Chapter 18 - Commoner's Supermarket!
Chapter 19 - The Beach
Chapter 20 - The Anniversary
Chapter 21 - The Nightmares
Chapter 22 - The Date
Chapter 23 - My Past to Present
Chapter 25 - ¿End?
Chapter 26 - The Fight
Chapter 27 - My Amnesia
Chapter 28 - The Pain
Chapter 29 - My Memories
Chapter 30 - Love

Chapter 24 - The Sacred but Secure

640 21 0
By Kaiyri-Akuma

As I sat in maths class, I could hear multiple comments being thrown around about Tyler. Such comments mainly consisted of things such as...

"I can't believe Kino gets to show around the new hottie around. So lucky."


"I wonder if he'll join the host club like the others. That'd be amazing!"

And finally.

"I wanted to show him a round."

'Please, you can have him. If only I was late.'

"Now please put yourself in pairs for the next activity." The teacher informed us.

Before I could get a word in, Tyler pulled on my hair, making me fall back, and declared us as a pair. So Haruhi was with Renge and Hikaru was with Karou.

We got given a work sheet and were told whoever completed the whole sheet first wins a prize. Me being the competitive ass I am, I immediately dug into the sheet and finished it all in 20 minutes. Ignoring Tyler as much as humanly possible. I shot my hand up and announced we had finished. He checked our work against his answer sheet and declared that we had won. He went back to his desk and pulled pulled out two boxes of chocolate. I got the Celebrations box while Tyler got the Heroes.

I could hear  mumbled of two opposite sides. One saying it wasn't fair to give Tyler chocolate when he didn't do anything, while the other side argued that I didn't let him and was just trying yo show off.

Part of that was true. I didn't let him do anything because I didn't wanna have to communicate with him in anyway at all.

Soon class was over - although not fast enough in my opinion - and I was in the club room stuffing my face with the celebrations. I had handed out equally between everyone, since I wasn't much for eating chocolate. By that I mean I kept all the Twix's to myself and handed all the others out.

"Thanks for the sweets Ki-chan!' Honnie-sepai beamed.

"No problem. I didn't like them much anyways so I thought I may as well share them with you guys."

"These are really good, but I wonder if you could make some yourself." He suggested.

"Eh? Me? Make chocolate?"

"Yeah. Why not?" Kaoru questioned.

"Because anytime I am let near an oven the fire alarm goes off. I can only just about manage pasta and noodles." I warned them. "Besides. What would be the difference? It's just melting it then refreezing it again. All that really changes is the shape."

It looked like Hikaru was about to say something but the sound of the door sliding open distracted everyone.

It was Tyler.

'Crap. I'd hoped I lost him. He must've asked someone where I'd be.'

"I thought you were meant to be showing me around." He frowned in a seemingly jokey manner.

"And I thought I told you that I got Toma to show you around." I repeated my words from earlier.

"But I don't like him."

"You don't like anyone except me. Who knows why."

He knew that I knew. But he wasn't going to let up his good boy act in front of everyone.

"That's cuz you're cute."

I saw Hikaru shoot him a death glare and Tyler shot one back.

"I can see why you hang out here now." Tyler taunted.

"Oh please. I'm only here cuz Kyoya-senpai made me join." I told him.

"Actually I didn't. I just said it would be in our best interest and I didn't specifically say you had to hang around with us." The almighty asshole of a shadow king informed.

"" I knew I had lost. "Ugh! Whatever."

"Well since you're here, can I join?" Tyler asked.

"No." I said simply.

"And why not?"

"Club members only." Hikaru spat.

"Well then where do I sign up?"

"If you really want to join I guess you could." Kyoya said.

"No please don't!" I begged him.

"And why not? He has the looks and it can't be that hard to think of a character trait for him."

'Do I tell them? No! They'll go all crazy. That'll only make things worse.'

"" I couldn't think of what to say.

"It's okay guys. I was only kidding. No need to have an argument." Tyler smiled.

"If you say so." Kyoya mumbled.

The bell rang and I ended up being the last one out, as I had to bin all the left over wrappers. Well at least I thought I was the last.

I was about to exit down the hallway when Tyler grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall with enough force to make me feel bruises starting to appear on my wrists and back of my head.

"Listen here you little shit. Don't go thinking you can pull crap like that and get away with it." He spat.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Acting so desperate to get away from me. They're gonna think something's up, and that'll be bad. For the both of us get it?" He growled. "So don't go trying to pull crap like that again."

"Okay." I mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"I said okay."

"Good." He stepped back away from me. "Now we better leave or people are gonna wonder why we we're late."

And with that we ran off to class. We managed to get there a good 3 minutes before the teacher. So that gave me time to talk to the others and act as if everything was okay. Which it wasn't. I was scared. I was terrified. I didn't know what to do. If felt as if I kept acting, I would just end up destroying myself. But if I tell, who knows what he'd do.

Lunch was soon upon us and we all rushed to the lunch hall to get some food. Hikaru was still insisting on sharing his food with me even though I made my own lunch like Haruhi. But I didn't complain. The food was just too good to turn down.

"Hey guys!" Came a heart chilling voice. Tyler again. " I came to see how your lunch is going, Kino."

"It's really good." I half smiled, trying to fake my way into looking pleased to see him.

I saw Hikaru give a jealous look and slightly scooch closer to me, but I ignored it as I didn't really wanna make a scene. We all finished our lunches and headed to the club to hang out as usual, but with the addition of Tyler.

"So what exactly do you guys do here anyways?" He asked.

"They just basically whoo girls to get money." I said plainly.

"Hey! It's not just that!" Tamaki cried.

"Technically, if you do just plain look at the base, that is what we're doing." Haruhi confirmed.

Nobody argued. Even Kyoya knew that's what the bottom base line is. Even though it was original just Tamaki's stupid idea of having fun.

The final lesson bell went and we all went back to class. Me, Hikaru, Karou, Haruhi... and Tyler all had English last.

We had to write a short horror story. I could think of mine easy. A demented little boy (Tyler) and his father kills a littles girls family (mine). After I was done Tyler passed me a note.

*Meet me by the fountain tomorrow at lunch. Don't be late, or else.*

I wrote 'okay' on the note and passed it back. Luckily nobody saw. Except Hikaru who sent me a note saying..

*What was that all about?*

I wrote back. 'Just some advise on his story'. I hated to lie to him, it killed me, but I didn't want to involve him with anything. I passed the note back. He didn't look satisfied, but he didn't want to press, especially in class.

Soon school was over and I found myself running to catch my taxi without even going to the club. So on my way home I just texted the guys saying I felt sick. Kyoya text back..

*Okay as long as you come tomorrow.*

And Hikaru...

*Okay. Gonna suck without ya. Feel better soon. xxx*

I immediately felt better after seeing Hikaru's text. I managed to relax a little. But then...


My phone went off and the screen read..

Unknown number.

'Could it be...?'

I opened the message and sure to hell it was.

*Careful when it comes to your little escape tricks. Do it too much and people might start to think. And you won't wanna know what things I'll reveal if they start thinking right. - Tyler*

I immediately deleted the text and put my head back. I was soon home, and I paid the taxi driver. I rushed to my apartment, locked the door behind me, ran into my room and jumped onto my bed.

"Why? Why did he move here? Revenge for his dad? What? And why my class? Why is he doing this?" I sobbed deeply into my pillow.

I soon found myself drifting away and fell asleep.

I was awoken about 2 hours later, at around 5:40pm, by a knock at my door. I quickly washed my face off from the earlier crying fit and brushed my hair down. I ran to the door to see Hikaru with a bouquet of red roses.

"Hey." He smiled. "Mind if I come in?"

I moved so he could enter and he passed me the roses. "For you."

I could feel my face start to burn red. I closed the door behind him, put the flowers in some water and state next to Hikaru on the sofa.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Honestly, I have no idea." I told him, without giving away too much.

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me. Is it that Tyler guy?" He questioned.

"No it's nothing to do with him." I blurted. "I dunno what it is. I just feel really dizzy and keep getting all disoriented."

I really did hate lying to him. But I did actually feel kind of dizzy. Mostly I didn't know what to do, or what was going to happed tomorrow.

'I'm meant to meet Tyler at the fountain tomorrow, but I'm really worried. No more than that. I'm scared. Scared of why he wanted to see me and what he's planning.'

"Well..." Hikaru began, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I think that you need nap."

He then pulled me into him and laid us both down on the sofa.

"Now go to sleep. I'll be right here." He spoke softly, stroking my hair.

Just having Hikaru right next to me made me feel so much safer. Just the warmth that radiated off him and the sound of his heart beat. It all calmed me down instantly. Anything could happen with Tyler. But knowing Hikaru was beside me, and that he'd always believe me. That was enough to clear my mind out of it's darkness just long enough for my eyes to slide shut and for me to drift back to sleep.

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