Welcome! || Akizuki Koyo

By wh1sp145

24.8K 685 88

Meet Stile's new waitress, Karin Hoyoshi. A girl who has finished college and was asked to be a waitress at S... More

Karin Hoyoshi
• 12/1 || I Love You
• 12/2 || I Love You
• 12/3 || I Love You

811 24 1
By wh1sp145

Without Honor
Part IV


Karin look at Dino, who is staring at the ground with nothing but sadness. "I burned out. There's nothing left for me."

The brunette just watch him, seeing Mafuyu and Maika standing by the manager. "I feel sorry for the manager."

Akizuki crossed his arms as he lean at the counter beside her. "Why would you? It is a fair fight for them and he lost."

"He seems eager to have it though... Maybe I should give him mine." She suggested but Akizuki shut it down.

"You really shouldn't. After all if you see his room, you would quickly regret it."

"I guess you're right."

Akizuki look down and think. "What kind of dessert would you recommend for the menu, again?"

Karin look at him, confused.

"The one you mention the other day."

"Oh, I would suggest a tower of strawberry pancake! The icing should be the strawberry and add in some strawberry ice cream around it, and on top of it should be the strawberry!"

The boy could feel an animated sweat dropped from his head. "That's not what you told me but it works."

Both of them turned their gaze towards the others when Maika asked a question as to why they were doing.

"Every season, it is a tradition." Kaho replied to Maika as she stood beside Karin. "We give customers a limited-time menu, and the item that gets the most ordered will be added to the regular menu!"

Karin's eyes lit up. "That's sounds fun!"

Maika jumped in happiness and clapped her hands together. "Let's come up with an awesome menu togeth--"

She was cut off when Dino walked in front of her as he, and the other old staffs all glared to each other.

"I want to get revenge for before!"

"Right now I'm broke, but I will win and get that video game!"

"I'm gonna win and designite one day as Ladies' day!"


Maika just stare at them. "Um, it's competitive?"

"It is!"

Kaho then raise her arm up. "We will split up into two team of three and the manager will give a prize to the winning side!"

"We will start by drawing sticks!" Kaho yelled and went to Dino before he colored the sticks. "Manager, make sure the first color is four and the other is two. I have a strong feeling that both Karin and Akizuki will be put in the group of two."

Dino gave her a thumbs up and quickly colored it, following the plan. As he was done, he went back with Kaho as they wore a happy face, hiding their plan.

"These sticks are colored. Blue team will be three people, red team will be thr same amount, including me." As he said that, he could feel himself smirking. He then turn to Karin.

"Hoyoshi, you go first."

'Please, pick red!'

Karin nodded and took a stick, only to revealed it was blue. Both Dino and Kaho gasped as they all continue to draw sticks.

"Hm? Why are the blue sticks have four while the red has two?"

"Manager probably got confuse or something."

Both of them said, looking at each other's sticks. "Looks like we both are in the same team!"

Akizuki nodded. "Let'd make that strawberry pancake together."

Karin nodded and smiled to him as he smiled back.

Dino and Kaho were also in the blue team and already felt like they are the third wheel.

"Kaho, looks like our match-making won't stop here!"

"Let'd try not to help them making the item and let them had their moment!"

The two had steam coming out of their noses, hype up about something else rather than the competition.


Both teams made their way away from each other to discuss their plan. Maika and Mafuyu went to the break room while the others gathered around in the kitchen.

Karin had explained about the pancake to Kaho and Dino and they seem to like her idea. Suddenly, a scream coming out of the room where the other two were, leaving Kaho a fright.

"I hope Maika is okay. Mafuyu sure take this very seriously."

"We don't have time to worry about the enemy."

"Enemy?" Kaho turn to the three inside of the kitchen.

"He's right!" Dino said as he lean back on the kitchen table. "With apologies to Maika, we will win this contest."

Karin's eyes started to lit up. "By that, we will win it with our best strategy!"

The two kitchen staffs stood up properly and gave each other a hand shake. As for Karin, she only make both of her hands in a fist. Akizuki put his other hand on her shoulder.

"Ladies' day!"

"Magical girl figure!"

"Yaoi and strawberry!"

Akizuki let go of Dino's hand and unconciously wrap his arms around Karin's other shoulder.

"We will win with strawberry tower pancake!" Both of them yelled but still hadn't realize their pose.

Dino smirked and Kaho silently took their picture.


As Dino finally opens the café, customers begin to welcome themselves in.

"Woah, it's their limited-time menu!"

"Look at this one! It has strawberry ice cream! And it comes with a small plate for it for free!"

Karin overheard them saying about their dessert and went to them. "It looks like you both are ready to order." She said with her usual emotionless tone.

The customer look up and asked. "Hoyoshi, do you perhaps participate this?"

"Are you the one who suggest this?!"

Karin look at both of them and tilted her head. "Why would you think of that? It might be someone else that could suggest this. I take it this is your order, so I will make it for you right away, then."

Thr customers lit up and blushed, clearly knew she thought of this and thanked her. "Thank you so much!"

Akizuki watch her from the kitchen, smiling to her work for making the customers order their item. Dino saw him did it and elbow him. Akizuki blushed and glared at him. "What?!"

Dino pointed in front of him as he look over to see Karin. She chuckled. "Um, you've been staring for so long I thought you were dead or something."

Karin joked as she handed him the order. The kitchen staff took it with a blush on his cheeks.

As the time past, it looks like the blue team is losing by the sadistic parfait that was made by Mafuyu and Maika. Apparently, Maika was suggesting them but the ones that ordered all had pale faces.

The day had almost end as Dino turn the open sign around showing the closing sign. He then walked to the others. "We finished a little early tonight, but good work!"

"Good job!"

Kaho then look at Mafuyu and Maika. "It was a total victory for Maika and Mafuyu!"

Karin then asked. "But why did the customers look pale after eating the parfait?"

"It is because the parfait Maika and Mafuyu made was a buono!" The manager replied with a smile. He then gesture her to bring the parfait. "Maika?"

"Yup! We made an extraordinarily delicous parfait!" The girl exclaimed, showing their parfait.

"Thank you!"

Akizuki then notice. "Wait, the ingredients--"

"I had them aside just enough for one more!"

"So that's where the remaining strawberries went..." Karin murmured, disliking that the last strawberries were right in front of her.

"Is that how a manager suppose to act?"

Dino ignore Akizuki and Karin's comment as he grab the parfait and scoop it with his spoon. "Now, here I go." He ate it, and started to flur away.


"So what the hell did you put in there, Sakuranomiya?" Akizuki asked Maika, scratching his head.

"W-well, let's see..." She started as she tries to remembering the ingredients she used. "A lot of sugar on the container with the black lid..."


"...vanilla essence I found at the back of the refrigerator..."


"...and I wanted to make it colorful so I add in red liquid from that small red bottle..."


Maika started to trembled. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"The parfait won..." Karin frown sadly as she and Akizuki look over to the broken looking Dino as Akizuki continued the sentence. "...but I don't think we should add it to the regular menu."


"Come on, Akizuki! I can't wait to read your manga!" Karin said excitedly as the boy grab his bag.

"Alright, alright. Calm yourself." Akizuki rubbed her head playfully. Karin glared at him playfully as they both walk out together.

"Today seem fun, right?"

Akizuki nodded, enjoying the moment. "I'm sorry you couldn't have a taste on that strawberry pancake. I saw you eyeing one of the customers eating it with some hungry eyes."

Karin's stomach silently made a noise. "No. Don't remind me."

The boy smiled, finding the opportunity. "When we get home, I'll fix you something to eat, alright?"

Karin look at him with excitedment. She smiled brightly at him and nodded. Akizuki just love the smile she gave and would never dream to get rid of that picture.

That's when he knew...

That he was in love.


As Akizuki, Karin and Kaho were cleaning the kitchen before the café opens, they heard a yell from the break room. As they quickly went to check, they saw Maika cosplaying as a magical girl and Mafuyu taking her pictures.

"I never knew Mafuyu would be so...animated."


The manager storm in the room and yelled. "Amore! Mafuyu, I want to join in the photo event, too!"

"No." Mafuyu bluntly said as she continue to take pictures.


"T-this is embarrassing!"


Edited : 13th June 2021
Final edit : 6th July 2022

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