Granting You a Second Life

By chaniex24

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OFFLINE PURPOSE ***NOT MINE*** Synopsis Li Xiuying is the youngest surgeon the world has ever seen. Once upo... More

Chapter 1-15
Chapter 16-30
Chapter 36-45
Chapter 46-60
Chapter 61-75
Chapter 76-93
Chap 94-96
Chapter 169- 170


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By chaniex24


Li Yu Yan: "Fei Hong, will you be free this weekend?"

Tseng Fei Hong: "I'm free Saturday afternoon." She had plans with Li Na to go to the spa on Sunday. She had noticed that lately, Li Na would go out more and more without Li Yu Yan. Li Na would now even mingle with those not necessarily within the same social circles.

Li Na glanced at Tseng Fei Hong before looking down at her drink. 

Li Yu Yan: "Xiao Na we'll be meeting on Saturday at 2 pm at Shen Mo Chou's house."

Li Na: "Okay Jie." 

2 waitresses came over and put their mains on the table. 


Lai Shi-on: "My Oracle vibes are tingling."

Yao Changying: "You should probably have that checked out."

Lai Shi-on smirked he looked at the piece of steak that was perfectly marbled and glistening with juices. He proceeded to take a bite and reveled in the savory taste of the meat and the creamy mushroom sauce. 

Lai Shi-on: "I bet that blue and purple will confront Sister Xiuying one more time."

Yao Changying: "You don't need to be a fortune teller to work that one out. They'll ditch the people they're with and wait until they can get YingYing on her own before threatening her and tell her to watch her back or sleep with one eye open. The typical script for any villain."

Ren Daiyu: "Hmph. They won't get the chance to get YingYing on her own."

Li Xiuying shook her head: "Bait."

Yao Changying: "You want to use yourself as bait? I don't know if that's wise."

Li Xiuying: "Only way to find out their intentions."

They continued eating their meals. When Li Xiuying was done she leaned over to Ren Daiyu and whispered: "Look around and then point to the right-hand area for the ladies room."

Ren Daiyu followed the instructions and pointed to the right. Li Xiuying stood up and grabbed her purse: "Powder room."

Yao Changying was too enthralled in her dish that she completely forgot about putting the bait out. She reflexively asked: "Do you want me to come with you?"

Li Xiuying shook her head and then glided to the ladies' room. 

Lai Shi-on: "I bet that guy in the black suit will follow in about a minute."

Ren Daiyu curiously asked: "Not one of her cousins?"

Lai Shi-on: "No, they are probably still feeling the effects of their earlier humiliation. The guy in the black suit has been trying to subtly look over here without anyone noticing."

Yao Changying: "How did you manage to see what he was doing?"

Lai Shi-on: "From where I'm sitting I can see him from the corner of my eye."

Yao Changying and Ren Daiyu then realized that Lai Shi-on had moved his chair to a different position from before. 

Lai Yongliang: "Shi-on has always been adept at reading people."

Qilin: "Be it in the business world or in the fighting world."

Yao Changying: "Fighting?"

Lai Shi-on: "I do MMA."

Yao Changying: "Professional?"

Lai Shi-on: "Semi-professional. I just fight whenever I feel like it." His words had a deeper meaning that probably only he and his brother understood. 

Ren Daiyu: "Are you in the restaurant business with your brother then?"

Lai Shi-on: "No, that's completely my brother's area. I own several gyms."

Ren Daiyu: "I didn't know that the Lai family also invested in the fitness industry."

Lai Shi-on: "They don't. My older brother did initially loan me the startup capital for my venture. It's all paid back now with interest."

Lai Yongliang looked at his brother curiously. Usually, his brother wouldn't openly talk about his businesses.

Ren Daiyu: "That's very impressive for someone so young."

Yao Changying nodded in agreement. 

Qilin looked at Lai Yongliang and then discretely indicated at Yao Changying and Ren Daiyu.

Lai Yongliang had already discerned that Lai Shi-on was trying to impress one of the women. He wasn't sure how to feel, he was happy that Lai Shi-on was finally showing interest in someone after his ordeal, on the other hand, the Lai family may not accept either of them. 

Ren Daiyu began speaking when she saw movement at the other table: "The fitness industry is ... Look he's getting up now." 


Chen Wei glanced at his watch to see how much time had passed: "Excuse me. I'll be back in a moment." He stood up and buttoned his blazer. 

Li Yu Yan smiled sweetly: "Don't be gone for too long."

Chen Wei patted her head gently. 

He briefly glanced at Li Xiuying's table before heading to the gents. He had seen Li Xiuying leave on her own and wanted to suss out her aim for being here tonight. 


Lai Shi-on: "And there he goes."

Ren Daiyu: "I don't feel comfortable with this."

Yao Changying: "Me neither but YingYing seems to know what she's doing. Let's give it 9 minutes."

Lai Yongliang: "That is a very precise time to wait. May I ask how you reached this number?"

Yao Changying: "Even if he wanted to hurt her, he couldn't hit her for fear of her screaming out and attracting attention. He hasn't taken any weapons with him so if he was trying to kill her it would most likely be through strangulation. For someone who is struggling, it would take the attacker up to 5 minutes to strangle someone into unconsciousness." 

Qilin: "Why 9 minutes then?"

Yao Changying: " Xiuying sent me a text when she was in the ladies, at her slow pace it took her 2 minutes. So 2 minutes for him to get to the facilities and wait for Li Xiuiyng to exit. Another 2 minutes for Li Xiuiyng to infuriate him with her nonchalance. Plus, he seems the type who likes the sound of his own voice. I've started the timer on my phone and text YingYing and told her to call Yu if there any problems." 

Ren Daiyu took out her phone and placed it on the table. 

Qilin, Lai Shi-on and Lai Yongliang "..."

Yao Changying: "Of course it is highly unlikely he would do anything to her in such a public location. It's always better to be prepared for the very worst-case scenario your mind can imagine."


Ladies Room

Li Xiuying turned on her recording device and put it in her bag. She then had Ren Daiyu's number up and ready to be dialed. 

She looked at herself in the mirror: "Showtime."

Li Xiuying exited the ladies and found Chen Wei waiting outside for her. He was leaning on the wall and looking straight at her. 

Li Xiuiyng glanced at him before turning away.

Chen Wei: "Xiuying."

Li Xiuying stopped. 

Chen Wei: "You look different tonight. I've never seen you get dressed up before."

Li Xiuying shrugged: "Your attention was always focused elsewhere."

Chen Wei pushed forward off the wall and slowly walked over to Li Xiuying: "Xiuying are you still upset about everything that happened before. I've apologized and said that we can start anew."

Li Xiuying: "No."

Chen Wei stood in front of Li Xiuying and loomed over her. 

Chen Wei: "Xiuying you wanted my attention and now you've got it. I'm tired of your little game of playing hard to get. I've only ever shown my good side to you all these years and trust me when I say you don't want to see the bad."

Li Xiuying met his gaze: "I've given you everything you wanted. A chance to be with our true love Li Yu Yan. Congratulations on your engagement by the way or should I say your welcome instead, since I helped you be together? Oh and I even helped your precious 'wifey' get admitted into medical school so in a couple of years you'll have someone who will work wholeheartedly for your family."

Chen Wei: "Xiuying, you're walking a tightrope with me especially after the trouble your little news article caused me. I'm warning you my patience is wearing thin. This is the last time I'll let you come back voluntarily. The next time you'll be crawling back on your hands and knees begging me."

Li Xiuying gave him a disgusted look before making her way to her table. She had now completely figured him out. He didn't only care about her working at Emerald hospital, he wanted her to completely submit to him and would stop at nothing to make it happen. Chen Wei saw her as a possession that only belonged to him and he took joy in trying to break her. Seeing that he had even hired The Soulless a few times to destroy the lives of his colleagues and enemies without blinking, adding one more to his body count was nothing. 

Chen Wei watched Li Xiuying's figure getting further away and was excited at the prospect of breaking her fiery spirit and having her submit to him entirely. He said sinisterly: "If I can't have you, then I'll just make it so no one else will want you." 


Li Xiuying sat back at her table. 

Ren Daiyu: "Is everything okay?"

Li Xiuying: "As expected."

Ren Daiyu: "I wish that those people would get banned from the restaurant and have their businesses destroyed."

Li Xiuying briefly glanced at Qilin before replying: "Unlikely."

Qilin: "Why do you think it's unlikely?"

Li Xiuying: "The owner is a shrewd businessman." She knew that he wouldn't exclude Li Yu Yan and her group of cronies from the restaurant because even though they were rejects, they were still from prominent families. Furthermore, their relationship could go sour and he would still have Li Yu Yan and Li Na in his pocket to use them against her if necessary. 

Qilin smiled brightly at Li Xiuying's assessment. He thought to himself 'I am not the only one with a shrewd mind."

Yao Changying: "The waiter should be over with the deserts soon."

Li Xiuying: "What did you order?"

Yao Changying: "Everything."

Li Xiuying: "4th stomach for deserts."

Yao Changying: "Only on special occasions. My husband doesn't mind if I put on weight you see."

Ren Daiyu and Lai Shi-on: "You're married?!"

Lai Yongliang played with the ring on his index finger as he looked at his brother's panicked expression feeling amused.

Yao Changying: "Of course did you think that a catch like me would be unattached?"

Ren Daiyu: "Are you separated?"

Yao Changying: "No I see my life partner every day at work." 

Ren Daiyu looked at Li Xiuying confused. 

Li Xiuying: "Her career."

Yao Changying sulked: "Hey! Stop spoiling my fun."

Li Xiuying shrugged. 

Lai Shi-on looked relieved that Yao Changying was only joking about her career. 

The maître d: "Sorry to intrude, Your deserts."

The two waitresses placed the deserts in front of the women in a synchronized manner. 

The maître d placed one desert in front of each of the men and 2 pots of tea in front of Qilin and Lai Yongliang respectively. 

The waitress then made a spectacle of lighting an abnormally long match and ignited one of the deserts which were a crepe. 

Maître d: "Please enjoy." He then led the waitresses away.

Yao Changying: " I'm so happy I took a day off work tomorrow. I'll need as long as I can to rest and digest."

Ren Daiyu said teasingly: "I've barely managed to get a forkful because of you."

Yao Changying: "It's my primal instincts."

Lai Yongliang: "Survival of the fittest."

Yao Changing pointed with her fork at Lai Yongliang: "He gets it."

Li Xiuying: "Hunter, Gatherer."

Ren Daiyu: "Base urges."

Lai Yongliang: "The will of a warrior."

Yao Changying nodded: "The way of the alpaca."

Everyone "..."

Ren Daiyu smiled in triumph: "You snooze you lose."

Yao Changying was mid-nod when she felt that something wasn't right. She looked in front of her and found a singular plate. She looked to the right; all the plates were now closer to Ren Daiyu. Everyone clearly diverted her attention as they moved the plates. 

Yao Changying faced morphed from surprise to pride: "Well played."

Lai Shi-on looked over to his brother and was confused that Lai Yaongliang would join in with the banter. He was usually one to sit back and observe quietly. He hoped Lai Yongliang wasn't interested in Yao Changying. 

Li Xiuying had a small smile on her face; she had picked amazing friends who knew exactly what she needed. She knew that they were trying to distract her from the situation with Chen Wei. 

Li Xiuying spooned some Panna cotta that seemed to be calling her name in the voice of a siren. The Pannacotta had strawberry sauce dripping down the sides of a delectable creamy rounded cylinder. 

Li Xiuying: "Mmm" The strawberry sauce was tangy and sweet. The Pana Cotta was smooth and the taste of vanilla although subtle kissed her tastebuds lightly. 

Ren Daiyu and Yao Changying both dived into the pan cotta after seeing Li Xiuying's reaction. 

Ren Daiyu and Yao Changying: "Mmm"

Lai Yongliang asked qilin: "Are the deserts that appetizing?" He had never been a fan of sweet desserts and had opted for the biscotti because it wasn't too sweet. 

Qilin gloated: "Everything on the menu is appetizing." 

Lai Yongliang: "It is my mistake for having asked the wrong person." 


Chen Wei returned to his table with a wolfish glint in his eyes. He looked off into the distance as he thought about the day when Li Xiuying would submit. 

Li Yu Yan: "Ge are you okay?"

Chen Wei looked at Li Yu Yan's concerned gaze: "I'm fine. Let's finish our meal. I have to go back to the hospital for an issue that's arisen so I won't be able to drop you home." 

Li Yu Yan: "I'll take a taxi with Li Na. Is everything okay at the hospital? Do you have to leave immediately?"

Chen Wei: "It is a pressing matter but it's not urgent. I would like to spend some time with you before heading off."

Ling Qiu: "Bro can I get a lift to the hospital."

Chen Wei: "Sure."

Tseng Fei Hong: "YanYan I can drive you and Xiao Na home? I'm already dropping off Mo Chou."

Li Yu Yan: "No it's okay, that would mean you driving in the complete opposite direction. I don't want you to go out of your way."

Tseng Fei Hong was pleasantly surprised by Li Yu Yan's response. She wouldn't usually care about people going out of there way for her. Li Yu Yan would normally take advantage of anyone and just apologize whilst fluttering her eyes lashes and making puppy dog eyes.

Tseng Fei Hong asked out of courtesy: "Are you sure?"

Li Yu Yan: "Fei Fei don't worry. Li Na and I are traveling home together. Let's forget about any unpleasantness and enjoy the atmosphere and food."

Tseng Fei Hong: "Try some of my duck, the skin is crispy and the meat is not too gamey."


Lai Yongliang: "Dr Yao, Miss Ren, Dr Li I would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to a ball next month. I do not currently have any invitations with me." He had previously invited Li Xiuying when they had all visited Yuèliàng. 

Yao Changying: "That sounds like fun. We'll have to check our rota's and get back to you." She gave a non-committal answer. She didn't know what the situation was with these 3 men and Li Xiuying.

Lai Yongliang: "I will have my secretary deliver them to you at your work." He didn't want to overstep by sending them to their homes. 

Yao Changying: "Could you send all three invitations to Li Xiuying's office, please? It would be more convenient."

Lai Yongliang: "That will not be a problem."

The maître d' arrived by the table: "How was your meal this evening?"

Li Xiuying: "Good. Bill please."

Qilin: "The meal is on me to repent for my intrusion."

Li Xiuying: "I'll pay." Qilin had done her a favor by allowing her to have a reservation at 8 pm, she didn't want to owe anything more and she certainly didn't want to be friends with him. 

Maître d': "Yes miss Li. If you make your way back to the entrance someone is waiting to take your payment. I hope we see you again in the future. Please accept these complimentary mints and complimentary tea to cleanse your pallets." 

Lai Shi-on: "Thank you sis Xiuying."

Lai Yongliang: "Thank you, but I would not be a gentleman if I allowed someone from the fairer sex to pay for my meal especially since we were the ones to trespass."

Li Xiuying tone left no room for discussion: "I'll pay."

Ren Daiyu could feel that the situation becoming awkward: "YingYing is treating us today so all three of you are just lucky to have dined with us tonight. Perhaps if we meet again another time, you could treat us."

Lai Yongliang: "Ah then I will put it down to good luck." 

Everyone poured some tea and enjoyed the decadent dark chocolate mints. 


Chen Wei's table

Chen Wei checked the time: "I should be heading to the hospital now. I'll pay for tonight."

Everyone gushed around the table about how generous Chen Wei was. 

They all stood to leave and walked to the entrance to pay. 

Once they were in the foyer Li Yu Yan: "All of you can leave first. I've ordered a taxi and it should be here soon."

Li Yu Yan waited until everyone had left as she before speaking to Li Na: "I've found out what car she drives. Let's wait for Chen Wei and the rest to leave before we head out. I have a few things to say to our rebellious sister." Li Wang had been investigating Li Xiuying after he found that she was slumming it at Unity hospital. Li Wang also had recently arranged for some people to work at unity hospital they ranged from security guards to nurses to doctors. 


Li Xiuying's table

The tea was all finished and everyone looked completely satiated.

Li Xiuying: "We should be leaving." 

They all stood up and proceeded to walk out. 

Ren Daiyu said under her breathe: "Round 2."

Li Xiuying nodded and paid. 

Lai Shi-on: "Bro go ahead I have something I have to do."

Lai Yongliang cast a brief look at Yao Changying who was giggling with Ren Daiyu: "Don't take too long."

Lai Shi-on strutted to Yao Changying: "Can we talk alone for a minute."

Yao Changying: "Oh sorry, we're about to leave." 

Ren Daiyu quickly said: "Changying, Yingying and I will wait in the car." She looked at Yao Changying as tipped her head towards Lai Shi-on and widened her eyes. 

Ren Daiyu then pulled on Li Xiuying's bag and tugged her towards the exit.

They were a few steps away when Li Xiuying curiously asked: "What does he want with Yao Changying?"

Ren Daiyu muttered: "You both have such high IQ's why is your emotional intelligence so low?"

Li Xiuying: "What?"

Ren Daiyu sighed: "You're usually so observant. Did you not see the way Lai Shi-on was looking at Changying throughout the dinner? He's trying to make 'the move'." 

Li Xiuying paused on the walkway: "Shouldn't we go back and help?"

Ren Daiyu explained: "All 3 of us need to sit down and review your choices in movies. He's not making a move on someone like a hitman. He's making 'the move' like in a romcom. You understood what Xǔ Junjie's intentions were the other time we went out why didn't you see Lai Shi-on's?"

Li Xiuying: "Xǔ Junjie was wrapped around you like a boa constrictor and called you his girlfriend. This Lai Shi-on laid in wait like a cobra."

Ren Daiyu: "What's with all the snake references? Have you been watching your nature documentaries again?"


Yao Changying crossed her arms: "Did you chase my friends away for a reason?"

Lai Shi-on smoothly said: "Have lunch with me tomorrow?"

Yao Changying was bewildered: "Me? What for?" 

Lai Shi-on gave her a boyish grin. 

When she saw his expression the penny dropped. 'Wow, I'm actually being hit on. This hasn't happened since I was... Crap it's been so long I can't even remember the last time. '

Yao Changying was now flattered and slightly annoyed after realizing she had to pull up historical records in her mind to find the last man who was interested in her: "I'm flattered b..."

Lai Shi-on gently took her hand in both of his and began massaging lightly: "What were you about to say?"

Yao Changying was about to pull her hand back when he massaged a place on her palm that made her feel like melting. She moaned a little "How are you doing that?" 

Yao Changying eventually returned to her senses pulled her hand away reluctantly: "I, Hey, let go of my hand and no more of your mind clouding massage techniques. Keep your body parts to yourself."

Lai Shi-on's smile widened and he stepped forward so he stood closer to Yao Changying: "This should be fine right."

Yao Changying cleared her throat: "Like I was saying I'm flattered but I'm not looking to be in a relationship right now." She was comfortable with her life right now. Her career was going well, she had close friends and on top of that, she now had a ball of affection at home. She had spontaneously bought a Pomeranian puppy when she had finished work today. 

Lai Shi-on looked deep into her eyes: "Hmm. I wasn't looking for a relationship either but then I met you." 

Yao Changying: "Why do you have so many chat-up lines? I'm too old for games." Lai Shi-on seemed like a player, he was just too smooth with his words.

Lai Shi-on: "I'm just relaying a factual timeline of events that occurred. The first half involves my life before you and the second half is my life after you."

Yao Changying had never had someone treat her as a life-changing moment. Even though she had her doubts about him she couldn't deny that she was beyond flattered. His words made her heart beat quicken. 

Yao Changying: "Like I said before I'm incredibly flattered, that doesn't change the fact there are many reasons we can't be together." 

Lai Shi-on: "Like what?"

Yao Changying said with completeness seriousness: "Age is a huge issue; you're too young. What are you like 18? That's an age difference of 11 years. Plus you look like you come from a well-to-do family and I'm not. I know there are certain expectations that your type of family has and I'm under no illusion that I'll be able to meet them. I don't want to face judgment and criticism. I like my carefree life. Lastly, you seem like a player and this is just for some sort of fun, maybe I'm a novelty for you? You want to try being with an older woman or something. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. " 

Lai Shi-on: "I'm 20 and I can handle my family." He took a step forward so their bodies were almost touching and leaned down to whisper in her ear: "Don't focus on my age, I can assure you that I'm more than man enough to stand beside you. I didn't think that you were someone who would be scared to do something because of what might happen theoretically."

Yao Changying felt his warm breath tickling her ear as he spoke in a sultry voice. 

Lai Shi-on: "Let me make two things really clear. I haven't looked at anyone before you and if you give us a chance I won't be looking at anyone else after you. I want your all and I'll give you my all until I have nothing."

Lai Shi-on gently kissed her cheek and hen took a step back: "I'll take it slow for you. Just one date at a time. Meet me at the Gilded Lilly restaurant at 2:30 pm. I'll be waiting until you show up even if it means I'll be waiting for an eternity." 

Yao Changying touched her right cheek and look at him like a deer caught in headlights.

Lai Shi-on: "I'll escort you to the car." He didn't push Yao Changying to far and just walked beside her without touching her further. 

Yao Changying continued to hold her right cheek as she followed Lai Shi-on out.

Lai Shi-on smiled: "You'll have to lead the way."

Yao Changying nodded absentmindedly as she robotically took a few steps. She then shook her head and was about to tell him she was busy tomorrow. "I..."

Lai Shi-on saw through her intentions and grinned widely: "You already mentioned earlier that you have a day off to be used for resting and digesting. I'm happy to meet later in the day if you would like? I am ready to accommodate your every whim."

Yao Changying shut her mouth and walked quietly muttering under her breathe "Stupid guy paying attention and remembering what I said. Who are you inspector Cluedo?"

Lai Shi-on: "Inspector Clouseau."

Yao Changying looked up at him: "What?"

Lai Shi-on smiled: "Cluedo is a game, Inspector Clouseau is a fictional character in pink panther."

Yao Changying looked away and muttered again: "What are you a bat? Why is your hearing so good? Who are you anyway 'mister-snooty-board-game-player-and-British-comedy-watcher''."


Meanwhile, Ren Daiyu continued lecturing Li Xiuying: "You have to wait until Changying gives us the details, you can't just force her to open up."

Li Xiuying nodded her head and pretended to listen. 

Ren Daiyu: "Are you listening?"

Li Xiuying: "Not really."

Ren Daiyu was about to start her lecture on being sensitive again when she spotted a purple and blue-clad women: "Well would you look at that they even know which car is yours."

Li Xiuying: "Let's get this over with."

Li Yu Yan and Li Na calmly watched Li Xiuying and Ren Daiyu finally arrive.

Li Yu Yan had a gentle smile on her face and spoke softly: "Little sister, Miss Ren or would you prefer to be called friend 2?" The situation with He Meiying had reminded her of her humiliation in front of Director Zhang. Her father had told her Li Xiuiyng had 2 female friends Ren Daiyu of the Ren family and Yao Changying a doctor at Unity hospital. She could tell that the woman in front of her was Ren Daiyu because of her mannerisms; she was clearly from her social circle.

Ren Daiyu quirked a brow at being identified. She thought 'Someone's done their homework.' 

Li Xiuying: "Talk." 

Li Yu Yan: "I see that pleasantries are wasted on you."

Li Xiuying: "Oxygen is wasted on you."

Li Yu Yan calm expression slipped slightly: "Little sister I'm just informing you that I have been remiss in my obligations but from today onwards I'm going to diligently fulfill my duties as an elder sister."

Li Xiuying: "Oh?" 


Li Yu Yan: "You have gotten too out of control. So I'll have to help my parents to reign you in so you may have a better future. Please don't resent us for our actions. Sometimes life has to crush people before they change their erroneous ways. Your newfound freedom has clearly distorted your thinking and altered your beliefs. You seem to now believe that you do not have to resign to your place in life." What she didn't say was 'which is beneath me.'

Li Na watched on silently without speaking. 

Li Yu Yan: "Well I won't keep you any longer. Get home safely, cars are such dangerously things. One little nick to a wire and everything can go awry. I'm sure you'll be fine, drive carefully. I'll let my parents know you're doing well."

Li Yu Yan and Li Na slowly sauntered away. 

Li Xiuying: "Miss Li."

Li Yu Yan and Li Na both paused their steps without turning around.

Li Xiuying: "I have done my last favor to you which is allowing you to be admitted to medical school; since you couldn't achieve this on your own. I hope you remember this every day you are in medical school. Every time you see the Northwest University logo in your mind you will see 'courtesy of Dr Li Xiuying'. As for me, I'll just consider it a charitable act since I'm helping someone less able than myself. Also, I hope you appreciate that I have now enabled you to experience freedom. The freedom to pay for your arbitrary things using your well-earned money instead of mine. The freedom to make contacts on your own without using my name. The freedom to work your way up without using my title and accolades. You now have a whole new world of freedom opened to you. I hope you enjoy your freedom, the way I have been enjoying mine. Good evening Miss li. Get home safely, there have been many articles in the news about rogue taxi drivers." 

Li Yu Yan resumed walking and Li Na followed. Li Na glanced over her shoulder once and saw Li Xiuiyng smirking at her. She quickly turned back around.

Ren Daiyu: "She's a real piece of work. She was pretending to be looking out for you, yet threatening you at the same time."

Li Xiuying shrugged. It had always been this way. 

Ren Daiyu spotted Yao Changying. She said loudly: "Oh look who finally decided to show up."

Lai Shi-on had deliberately walked very slowly so he could spend a little more time with Yao Changying. 

Lai Shi-on smiled politely: "Sister Xiuying, Sister Daiyu." 

Ren Daiyu teased: "It's too early to be related."

Lai Shi-on smiled at Ren Daiyu. As he turned to look at Li Xiuying his smile faded away instantly. 

Li Xiuying looked at Yao Changying's weird expression then at Lai Shi-on's smiling face.

Li Xiuying handed her keys to Ren Daiyu: "I'll only be a moment."

She then looked at Lai Shi-on and walked a few steps away from her car: "May I have a word with you?"

Lai Shi-on knew although it was phrased as a question it was most definitely not a request. It was a command. He was both intrigued and a little scared to find out what Li Xiuying had to say.

Li Xiuying stopped when she was out of the hearing range of her friends. She coldly said: "Yao Changying is a grown woman and can make her own decisions so I will not interfere in her life."

Lai Shi-on stood silently and met Li Xiuying's cold glare.

Li Xiuying: "However, I warn you if this is for your amusement and you're just playing around then I wouldn't mind playing a game of my own. One which ends with your life in ruins."

Lai Shi-on could tell that Li Xiuying was being serious. He spoke with a steady voice: "My intentions are honorable. I've never been in a relationship before and I would like to only be in one for the rest of my life. I won't pretend that I'm in love. I will say that I'm drawn to Yao Changying and I want to get to know her. She feels like someone I could love."

Li Xiuying looked straight into Lai Shi-on eyes: "Remember that the day that you change your mind, no one will be able to save you from me."

Lai Shi-on: "Sister Xiuying I can only prove myself with my actions and with time. If Yao Changying gives me a chance."

Li Xiuying: "Fair. Goodnight." She strolled away. So far she had a good impression of Lai Shi-on. She didn't have a positive view of men in general however, she wouldn't let this affect her judgment when it came to the lives of others. 

Lai Shi-on exhaled, he felt like Li Xiuying was delving into his mind and batting around his deepest darkest secrets like a cat with a ball of yarn. He fought the impulse to turn and look at Yao Changying and quickly made his way to his brother's car.

Li Xiuying slid into the driver's seat. She opened the glove compartment and took out a pair of roll-up pumps and swapped them for her heels. Her feet were killing her. 

Ren Daiyu: "Do you think your cousins may have done something to your car?"

Li Xiuying: "No evidence of them kneeling down, their knees and dresses were in order. Too short a time to call someone here. Plus there are surveillance cameras."

Ren Daiyu looked out of the window and spotted 2 surveillance cameras. One was pointed directly at their parking space. 'No wonder Li Xiuying had chosen this space specifically, earlier I thought she was just being quirky when she avoided so many empty spaces in prime locations.' 

Yao Changying joined the conversation at last: "What's this about the car? How did the second encounter go?"

Ren Daiyu: "You're back to normal I see."

Yao Changying rolled her eyes. 

Ren Daiyu: "Li Yu Yan hinted that she may have done something to the car when we were talking to her earlier."

Li Xiuiyng started up the car slowly and tested the brakes a little too before smoothing pulling out of the car park: "What did he say?"

Ren Daiyu: "YingYing we spoke about this earlier." She had repeatedly told her not to pressure Yao Changying.

Yao Changying: "He asked me on a lunch date tomorrow at 2:30 pm at the Gilded Lilly."

Ren Daiyu realized her worries were completely unfounded. 

Li Xiuying: "Going?"

Yao Changying: "Honestly, I'm not sure."

Li Xiuying: "Pro-Con list."

Yao Changying: "Pro he is pretty hot and has this rugged handsome thing going on. Did you see his forearms? Plus he's tall and muscly. Is that 3 pro's or 2?"

Li Xiuying looked into her rearview mirror at Yao Changying who sighed. Li Xiuying: "You like him."

Yao Changying: "Well I'm not sure if ..."

Li Xiuying: "Not a question. You like him."

Ren Daiyu wanted to steer the conversation away from blunt statements: "ChangYing why were you so dazed earlier?"

Yao changying: "He gave me a hand massage and a kiss on the cheek."

Li Xiuying said: "Hand massage?" At the same time, Ren Daiyu said "A kiss!"

Ren Daiyu: "Why are you more shocked by a hand massage?"

Li Xiuying: "A kiss is pretty customary when people are courting." Who goes around giving women hand massages? That's just weird. She had watched enough TV programs now to see that a massage was something a woman coerced her partner to do. Generally, a man only volunteered to do a massage when he wanted something to happen afterward or when he was making amends for doing something stupid. 

Ren Daiyu couldn't find the energy to argue. She made a mental note to talk to Li Xiuying about the rules of dating at a later date. Ren Daiyu spoke to Yao Changying: "Start from the very beginning young lady."

Yao Changying narrated the conversation between herself and Lai Shi-on.

Ren Daiyu fanned herself: "Damn that boy is a smooth talker. It sounds like you had a very steamy encounter. Maybe you should be called salamander." 

Yao Changying: "I would still release fewer pheromones than you. Plus the chemicals you release are way more potent. You're walking around giving people psychiatric conditions."

Ren Daiyu said exasperated: "Changying for the last time, I did not cause Xǔ Junjie to have erotomania!"

Yao Changying: "You said it!" 

Li Xiuying laughed lightly: "Quiet down children."

Yao Changying: "She started it."

Li Xiuying: "Back to the list. Cons?" She could tell that something was making Yao Changying apprehensive about someone who she clearly found attractive. 


Yao Changying looked out the window as she spoke in a melancholic voice: "The list is endless. The seriously huge 9 year age gap. He's 20 and still hasn't experienced life. He clearly comes for an important family and I'm definitely not. The financial situation, is he actually financially independent? I'm not sure if I want a relationship now, I definitely don't want a fling and I have enough friends. I'm scared."

Li Xiuying: "He's younger than expected." Lai Shi-on looked like he was 25 or 26.

Ren Daiyu tried to address Yao Changying's worries. "1. The Lai family is quite prominent, that shouldn't matter though as he won't be inheriting. 2. He has his own businesses and can support himself. 3. He probably wants to experience things with you. He is quite young but maybe he's mature for his age. 4. Everyone is scared to take the first step and make themselves emotionally vulnerable. You could just go on a date and see how you feel? You don't need to get into a relationship straight away or at all. There is no pressure to make this into something. Going on a date doesn't obligate you to anything."

Yao Changying: "That's true."

Ren Daiyu: "Anddddd if you do want to make it into something now or later you can feel comfortable in the knowledge that if he messes up YingYing will take care of it." 

Yao Changying: "What about you?"

Ren Daiyu: "My services won't be needed because YingYing will either make it look like an accident or she'll make him disappear."

Li Xiuying: "No body. No murder."

Yao Changying: "Aww YingYing, you always know what to say." 

All three burst out laughing.

Yao Changying sighed: "I think we're at different stages in our lives. I'll go tomorrow and let him down face to face."

Ren Daiyu: "We'll support whatever decision you make."

Li Xiuying: "Do you want us to go with you?"

Ren Daiyu: "You can't just go on someone else's date. I'll go instead since you have work."

Li Xiuying lip twitched: "What happened to giving Changying time and privacy?" 

Ren Daiyu said indignantly: "I'm going to support a friend. It's not like I'll sit at their table." She thought 'I'll sit at the table next to hers.'

Yao Changying: "Thank you both for the offer. I'll politely decline. Yu, you would be the obvious third wheel sitting at the table next to ours and YingYing you would be the third wheel of fire, I think you scare him."

Li Xiuying: "A healthy dose of fear is good for the soul."

Yao Changying: "Not if it causes someone to lose their soul."

All 3 laughed and continued joking around. 

Li Xiuying could sense that Yao Changying was forcing herself to act normal; she was probably really disappointed with the whole situation. She had a feeling that everything will work out. Lai Shi-on didn't seem like the type to give up easily.


Emerald hospital - 11:30 pm

Chen Wei sat in his office chair. He undid his top button and took off his cufflinks. 

Chen Wei skimmed the contents of a small pile of documents on his desk. The papers contained a list of names, the research they were conducting and a short abstract. He had to make sure there were enough papers published this week. He wanted to get published in as many journals as possible. He needed to completely destroy Unity hospital before they even got off the starting block. 

Chen Wei called his father: "Hello dad."

Chen Meng: "Wei'er how was this evening?"

Chen Wei: "In general everything was fine. Coincidently, Li Xiuying was also at the restaurant this evening. Li Yu Yan and the other women decided to have a talk with her."

Chen Meng: "Li Xiuying was there? How did she get in? Who was she with? What happened exactly? Will we suffer any repercussions?"

Chen Wei: "I don't know how she got in. She was with 2 other females and 3 males. The males looked like they had some sort of background. Nothing was mentioned to us as we left, so I don't expect us to suffer any ramifications."

Chen Meng: "From our infomration, the women were probably Yao Changying and Ren Daiyu of the Ren family. Clearly, we need to do a more in-depth investigation in order to understand who and what we could be potentially dealing with. There are many skilled surgeons in the world, Li Xiuying is the youngest and that alone will bring publicity to any institution she works for. Remember, to keep Li Yu Yan in line. We may have managed to outwardly convince some people that LI Xiuying was the third party but we can't know the color of people's hearts. "

Chen Wei: "I understand, I've already contacted my people. Besides that dad, I think we should be more aggressive with promoting Emerald hospital. I want to sink Unity hospital into the depth of the ocean where they will never see the light of day."

Chen Meng: "Did something happen today that you aren't telling me about? You weren't as aggressive with your plans before."

Chen Wei: "Nothing in particular. It just came to my attention that some people need to be put in their place and some people should just disappear altogether."

Chen Meng: "Do whatever you want but make sure it does not affect the hospital negatively."

Chen Wei: "That is a given."

Chen Meng: "Okay, bye"

Chen Wei: "Bye."

He resumed reading abstracts. 

10 minutes later there was a knock at the door. 

Chen Wei looked up: "Come in."

Dr Yang Zian entered the office. 

Chen Wei: "Take a seat." 

Yang Zian sat in the chair opposite Chen Wei's desk. 

Chen Wei: "I won't waste our time and cut straight to the chase. Emerald hospital has pulled a lot of strings and called in a few favors so that you wouldn't be struck off. So it stands to reason that you owe us a very large debt. You owe us your career and until you retire, actually until you're 6ft under you will be paying us back. I'm sure you understand that we have taken a major risk that could have jeopardized this hospital."

Yang Zian: "I understand."

Chen Wei: "I called you here so we can discuss the next steps you need to take in order to resurrect your reputation."

Chen Wei had initially planned to have this meeting in a week or so but he was so enraged by the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of Qin Song he bumped the meeting forward. Additionally, since Qin Song had hired Yang Zian's previous 'victims' he would need to strategize to avoid any damage they tried to do in the future.

Yang Zian spoke in a composed manner: "I have a few ideas myself about the course of my future career. First, I would like to ask some questions."

Chen Wei eyed the man in front of him. Yang Zian was immaculately dressed and had a proud demeanor even after almost losing his license and potential becoming a hated figure in society. 

Chen Wei humored him: "Such as?"

Yang Zian: "What will happen to my salary?"

Chen Wei: "It will be cut and will be a figure more fitting of your current status."

Yang Zian: "Why? The inquest found no evidence of me affecting the surgery. So just a few teaching sessions and charitable donations will be enough to raise my reputation back to its original state. I don't see why my salary is being cut or why I have to work like a dog and even take my last breath within these walls."

Chen Wei smirked:" Yang Zian even children know the importance of not only being grateful but repaying what is owed. If your conscience is not enough then perhaps the fact that I still hold the evidence of your sabotage in my hands. I have the original testimonials of the staff who worked in the theater with you, the complaints lodged by your victims and the operation notes."

Yang Zian was nonchalant: "Then we will go down together. Emerald hospital will not escape unscathed if you release this information. You are the ones who 'pulled strings and called in favors'." 

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