Blinded by Limerence

By KaitlynSee413

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"You, uh, plan to go out like that?" Furrowing my eyebrows, I cast my gaze downwards, and that's when I remem... More

00 | Author's Note
01 | Something Needs to Happen
02 | Making Progress
03 | The End of the World
04 | S.O.S.
05 | For Safe Keeping
06 | The Brew
07 | More to Him
08 | The Perfect Distraction
09 | I Like You
10 | On a Scale From One to Ten
11 | See You, Darhk
12 | I'm Happy for You
13 | Blushing Mess
14 | Behind Closed Doors
15 | Hot for Teacher
16 | Little Did I Know
17 | Lost Memories and Broken Promises
18 | Sudden Surge of Courage
19 | All I Need
20 | Gong Cha or CoCo?
21 | Her Knight in Shining Armor
22 | Be Careful Out There
23 | Long Shot
24 | What Can I Say?
25 | Mixed Signals
26 | Shark Pajamas and Scalding Hot Lattes
27 | The Not-so-bad Bad Boy
28 | Nothing Else
29 | Broken
30 | I Promise
31 | Set My Heart Ablaze
32 | The Body Isn't Cold Yet
33 | A Bit of a Ladies' Man
34 | You Little Minx
35 | The Perfect Remedy
36 | I Want to Be Noticed
37 | Lack of Sobriety
38 | Thicker Than Water
39 | He Isn't Good for You
40 | She Feels for You
41 | Not Just Any Boy
42 | Get Your Girlfriend in Order
43 | Tomato Red
44 | She's Awake
45 | The Broken Hearts Club
46 | One Weird Afternoon
47 | You, Me, and the Boys
48 | They're Endgame
49 | The Bad Guy
50 | A Drunken State of Mind
51 | The After Party
52 | Attractive
53 | Where Are the O's
54 | She Didn't Deserve This
55 | Untouched
56 | Just a Thought
57 | Stranger in the Mirror
58 | His Smile
59 | Forget-me-nots
60 | He's Always Known
61 | In a Heartbeat
62 | The Role of Grieving Almost-Girlfriend
64 | Sleepy Hours
65 | One Day at a Time
66 | Thanks for Everything
67 | Happy Graduation!
68 | Her Redeeming Qualities
69 | The Lonely Hours of the Afternoon
70 | Missing
71 | She's Gone
72 | Lights Will Guide You Home
73 | Just Like His Father
74 | His Name
75 | The Sun and the Moon
76 | The Bane of Addie's Existence
77 | Noticeable Changes
78 | Five
79 | Adult Talk
80 | On Her Own
81 | Closure
82 | A Mess of Things
83 | Together At Last
84 | To Whom Her Heart Belongs
85 | The Moral of the Story
Afterword 🌸

63 | All We Want

31 1 0
By KaitlynSee413


I drew in a deep breath before tightening my grip around Killian's long fingers. He, in turn, gave me a reassuring look as he gently squeezed my hand, nodding.

We stood outside the doors leading to the reception hall, my heart beating unnaturally fast. After exchanging nervous looks, we finally mustered up enough courage to head inside and mingle with the rest of the guests.

The reception hall wasn't too big a room—it was big enough to hold all the guests who attended the funeral, but it was small enough to still have that intimate feel.

"Well, look who finally decided to join the party!"

I turned to face Addie, and hastily letting go of Killian's hand, I leaned in for a quick kiss on the girl's cheek. "Heya," I smiled sheepishly.

"How are you, M? You holding up okay?" she asked softly, her eyebrows knitted in worry, as she passed me a drink.

I nodded, taking the glass into my hands. "Yeah, I am," I replied with a weary grin. Apropos of nothing, I suddenly remembered that I still had Addie's purse, so I passed it to her and added, "Oh, by the way, I grabbed your purse by mistake."

"I was wondering where that went," she laughed before passing me my purse.

Looking around the room, I saw a lot of familiar faces—Addie, Archer, Chase, and Eric—and some not-so-familiar faces. Trevor's family members—I recognized his mom and his brother, mostly because you'd be blind not to see the resemblance—mingled with unfamiliar faces at the corner of the room. To me, however, it looked as though the room was dominated by our little group.

Eric's hand was laced in Chase's, but the moment they noticed Killian's sudden presence, their hands dropped limply to their sides, the pair of them looking away nervously, faces tinted a matching dark shade of red.

"Oh, relax—I know you two are boning," Killian said. He was wearing an odd grin. At his choice of words, I instantly shot him a look, and he shrugged.

"S-sorry—" Eric mumbled softly, averting his gaze from everyone. If even possible, the blush on his youthful face seemed to darken.

Killian let out a sigh, and he shook his head. He took a step closer to Eric, careful not to stand too near; they were standing at least a foot apart, but it was enough to create the familiar feel Killian intended. 

"Don't be, E." He flashed his ex-boyfriend a small, crooked grin, one that didn't seem to reach his eyes, his head tilted slightly to the right. "I'm happy for you—you and Chase," he quickly added, facing Chase as though to emphasize his point.

Eric slowly lifted his gaze to meet the brunette's. "Really?" the former's small voice asked.


Seeing the two boys make up melted my heart, and I felt happier than I thought I would—I even felt my eyes brim with tears for a bit, but that could've easily been owed to the hormones—but I could tell everyone else felt awkward to be witnessing their reconciliation.

My gaze turned to Archer who stood across the room, his hand sloshing the liquid around in the glass he held. Our eyes met then, and he flashed me a knowing smile.

I grinned back, as if to say, "Yeah, my talk with Trevor went well."

Then it hit me—an epiphany. I cleared my throat. "Guys," I said loudly, earning the attention of the room, "I'd like to propose—"

"Oh, my gosh, yes, I will marry you!" Addie suddenly interrupted as an attempt to lighten the mood, throwing her arm over my shoulder.

I quickly wiggled her off, throwing her a judging look. "—a toast, you Neanderthal," I shot back, unable to stifle a laugh.

The rest of the room now had smiles on their faces, holding back fits of laughter out of respect, as they raised their glasses.

"To Trevor," I began, raising my glass as the others followed suit, "the bad boy with a heart twice as big as any of ours." I raised my eyebrows knowingly in Archer's direction, and he shot me a proud look.

"We won't think of Trevor as the boy who's gone but rather as the boy who's remembered by his family and friends. In us, his memory lives on." I forced on a wan smile, my muscles suddenly feeling odd and foreign as though my smile bones hadn't been used in a while, and nodded towards the crowd.

"Yeah, he can live in my mind rent-free," Killian uttered. 

"Very well put, Morgan," grinned Chase. "To Trevor!"

We all mirrored Chase's enthusiasm, repeating "To Trevor!", and took a sip from our respective glasses.

Archer raised his glass as well. "His memory will carry on."

Not everyone in the room got the underlying message Archer had meant by that, but Addie, Chase, and I all knew, knowing smirks plastered across our faces, as we were taken back to the night we all went karaoking, to the night so many things had gone down. All that drama, all that high school crap—it suddenly seemed so long ago, like a distant memory in my head.

I guess... On some level... Trevor was really lucky—he's really lucky to have been loved by so many people, and isn't that all we want? To be remembered and cherished and missed when we're gone?

And just like that, our love story ended even before it began.

A/N [06.06.20]:

A brother of mine from church passed recently, and I just really channeled that pain into these last few chapters. He was just the most selfless, and it really, truly breaks my heart to think of how I'll never see the bright smile he used to wear...

May he rest in peace :<

A/N [06.30.21]:

Hi—me again. My grandmother passed a few weeks ago, and as I'm proofreading these last few chapters before publishing, my own words have never rung truer, somehow. Death's tough, and it's hard to explain what it's like to lose someone dear to you ... but bottom line is, death sucks, and COVID can bite my ass.

The only comfort I have is that I know she's in a better place now, and to anyone else who's lost someone to COVID, at least they don't have to deal with COVID's bullshittery down here anymore, so that's nice and kinda comforting.

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