without a care. adopted by je...

By SpnFanConfirmed

20.2K 470 80

you, Thalia, have been in the orphange 99.9 percent of your life. youve been adopted then returned several ti... More

1 adoption day
2 lights, camera, sleep
3 Girls Time!!!
4 oh sleep sweet sleep
5. besties?
6 idgits
7 the part
8 sleep my ass
9 i almost became a murder
10 no u
11 back street boys
12 get the popcorn
13. lifes hanging
14: quAry
15: crushing
16: crushed

18. M&Ms and Selfies

528 19 7
By SpnFanConfirmed

After a long day and people telling Jared and Jensen how they wanted to marry them we finally were able to rest our hotel.

I flopped on the bed groaning "I miss my bed" I whined covering my face with a pillow. Jensen chuckled as he went into the bathroom. I sighed and decided to change. I was now wearing bright pink fluffy pj pants and a red button up that was from Victoria secret that kind. Of looked like a crop top.

  I knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey dad I'm going to the vending machine." I said grabbing my wallet, we about to be eating good. "Ok be safe and don't talk to strangers." He said and I said my goodbye and walked out the door.

  I was whistling a tune well looking at the ground and then I heard voices. I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked up to see not one, not three, but two famous people fighting over the vending machine. Daniel Gillies, and Joseph Morgan. I knew there was another con going on but not 'The Originals' con. I slowly walked up to the vending. Machine debating on how to introduce myself.

  "Excuse me" I said quietly well putting in a dollar and clicking the 7 button for a bag of M&Ms. I watched as Daniel and Joseph stood back and waited. The M&Ms became stuck and I lightly hit it with my fist. "Here let me try" Daniel offered

Just cause your noble in a show don't mean you have to be in real life

Joseph tried hard to hold back laughter. Shit! Did I say that out loud! Daniel looked taken back "well now I don't wanna help" he said pouting. I smiled covering my mouth "I did not mean to say that out loud." I apologized sincerely "anyway now that you know that I know who you are can I get a picture?" I asked as my M&Ms finally fell. "Sure." Joseph said pulling out his phone as if he was prepared.

  I held the phone and smiled as Daniel made kind of a smolder and Joseph did like uh angry but happy to be here face. "Ok and what's your Instagram?" Jospeh asked as I told him. "Holy crap your Jensens daughter." He said more to himself. I nodded proudly "yep" I said but then my feelings sunk.

I don't want to be known for being Jensen daughter I want to be known as, Thalia the girl who found a cure for cancer, or Thalia the orphan who won a noble peace prize, little things like that.

"Well I have to go back bye" I smiled waving grabbing M&Ms. "bye nice meeting you!" Joseph said smiling. "See you latter!" Daniel said. I started walking back to the room and then realized Daniel didn't say bye. He said , 'see you later' . If I don't see him again I'm going;g to be sueing his beautiful ass.

"Dad you'll never believe what happ- are you ok?" I asked as I heard weird noises from the bathroom from him. "Y-yeah great, j-just my stomachs upset." He said as I heard a plopping noise, and then water splashing. "Oh that's disgusting!" I said pulling out my phone and headphones. What a weird day.

Sorry for short chapter my phones about to die :)

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