The Spectacular Spider-Man: R...

By TheTypingAvocado

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This is my revival series (ROUGH DRAFT) for the show, The Spectacular Spider-Man, written by me, THETYPINGAVO... More

NO-MORE: The Misfortune of Peter B. Parker
FALL-OUT: The Misfortune of Harry Osborn


1.8K 28 40
By TheTypingAvocado

Law Of Effect (Chapter 2)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters.

Also, there are themes of abuse. Consequently, READERS' DISCRETION ADVISED

Mental Health

When your 'childhood' is brought up, what do you remember? Hmm... when I remember my childhood, I remember all the Batman and Spider-man toys and all the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies. The remembrance of your childhood usually brings joy and nostalgia back to your miserable souls. Back when you didn't have any responsibilities. ZERO, ZILCH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Wasn't it so Beautiful? Knowing all you had to do on Saturday mornings was to get up, eat cereal and watch cartoons or anime (whatever you're into).

Usually, your childhood's remembrance would bring tears of happiness, realizing back then was WAY more comfortable than where you are now. Usually...

Now take this large man, the kids at school called him, 'Willy.' Back then, he was a huge sixteen-year-old boy. His height was 5'10 while his weight clocked in at 200. He went to Midtown Manhattan Magnet High School but wasn't all fun. One word to describe it... MISERABLE. The obnoxious students harassed and embarrassed the boy when they got the chance. They called him a fatass, fatty, blobby, lard ass, and any other insult associated with being obese. Let's go on record and say, high school kids, are the worst—insensitive bastards.

Occasionally, he came home with a busted lip, several dark bruises on his light complexion, spread across his body, and one whole shattered soul.

However, his home life was better for the sixteen-year-old boy... mostly because of his mother. She made his life tolerable. She baked the most delicious cookies in the neighborhood as the kids smelled the wafting deliciousness from down below. Even when Willy didn't have the best day, his mother embraced him while he cried, listened to his problems, and gave him pastries to take his mind off those kids who bullied him. She wanted her son to be happy because she loved and accepted him. She was a wonderful mother to him, and he'd like her for it.

But Willy's father, on the other hand, wanted more from him. He wanted his son to live like a King, to get what he wanted, and to be a powerful man. But all he saw in Willy was nothing else but a disappointment. He saw his son as this obese, lazy, and weak child, who didn't get what he wanted, because he never chased after it. He's so frustrated at his boy, and all of his frustration built up... occasionally, it led to screaming and intimidation... sometimes, hitting and punching... which led to blood on the carpet. Obviously, Willy's memories of his father weren't so bright.

Most days, he came to school as if he was a puppy that got run over by his dad's car. Most of the time, he quickly changed in the locker room, so no one questioned several bruises on his back. Still, some students caught a glimpse of his dark purple bruises, and it brought chills down their spine. Some tried to talk to him about it, but he refused to open up. He didn't want people to speak to him about it, because he knew nothing would change. He hid from himself. He disappeared from how he felt and failed to express it.

As a result, he decided to suppress his pain. He contained all of it.

However, one typical Friday night, everything would change. Willy's father had a rough week at work; consequently, he lounged on the filthy chair and drank the rest of his terrible week away from his memory...

But his wife didn't approve of his heavy drinking and called him out on it. She usually tolerated his heavy drunkenness, but she needed help with the house chores. Plus, she hated to see a bum on the couch. His wife aggravated him because he didn't like to be told about his mistakes. Also, the alcohol reached to his head. The anger he felt needed to be released. So, he released his anger out on her. His bride. She backed herself into a corner, afraid of him. Her eyes gazed into his intense amber eyes. She saw the fierce fury in his eyes and immediately knew the man that her husband was no longer there.

He hit her repeatedly with his worn-out leather belt. Their son heard all of it. Willy cried in his bed and tried to muffle the sound of his mother's cries of pain. Her cries grew... louder .... louder... and louder... to the beat of his heart. At that moment, His emotions could not be suppressed. He grabbed his old belt and arrived in the living room. His eyes darted at the woman who birthed him, being beaten. There were cuts on her arm, and blood dripped from her mouth. Their carpet was stained with her blood as his father stood over her, with the belt held up high, with intent to cause more harm.

At that very moment, Willy saw the monster who abused him his whole life, be unleashed before his eyes. He knew exactly his next move and whipped the belt at him. The end of the leather belt struck him, which left the father stunned. He could tell the 'Willy' he once knew was no longer there. Immediately, Willy hit the man ... harder... and harder... and harder. He unleashed all of it. The abuse... his cries... her cries... ALL OF IT WAS UNLEASHED. The blood-spattered all over the dirty grey carpet as the man dropped to the mat. Willy then wrapped the leather belt around the man's neck and held it tighter... and tighter... and tighter... until he didn't hear a single breath come out of his father's mouth... again. His body, dead on their carpet. The days that followed after the incident, his mother would send him to his grandparents' home. As for herself, she got rid of her husband's corpse and ran away from the city.

Usually, the remembrance of your childhood would bring tears of happiness, realizing back then was WAY easier than where you are now. But some people don't react the same way to certain things, especially to their childhood. Whenever Willy was reminded of his childhood... he teared up. But those weren't tears of happiness or nostalgia. Those were tears from the years of constant bruises on his back.

But life moves on, and people move on. Life changes for better or worse. Yet, there was Willy, all grown up literally. He became a 6'7 280-pound juggernaut. Things definitely changed. He also became a successful businessman and made plenty of money, 2.4 billion dollars, for his multiple businesses. He lived a prosperous life, in a beautiful penthouse. But he still laid awake at night and struggled to rest. Every time, Willy laid awake, he gazed at the same picture of that same woman. He observed her beautiful honey eyes, her luscious hair, and gorgeous face. His mind wondered every day if he could have someone as wonderful as her. The one person that makes him whole. And he did, once. Vanessa Marianna. Willy immediately knew she was the love of his life. He immediately married her. They had their whole lives planned out. She was even pregnant with his child. It felt wonderful. Finally, there was someone who loved him, instead of his mother. Sometimes, he questioned if he even deserved her. Someone loving, accepting, and understanding of him. Fate said that He didn't deserve her.

Unfortunately, there was this multiple car crash. Consequently, there were 7 deaths, which included Vanessa and the unborn child. They didn't survive, yet Willy did. He held her injured body and witnessed her final few breaths. It tore him apart. Every time he gazed at her picture, he was reminded of the family that he never had. Even though his past was behind him, the memories still haunted him. However, he couldn't keep dwelling in the past, he had to power himself to rise from his luxurious bed once the sunrise was visible from his penthouse windows. He knew the busy day he had ahead of him. So he dressed in a white silk suit for the occasion.

Especially in the present, his penthouse doors flew open to start off his morning. His representative entered to discuss the plan for the day. He appeared as a clean-cut individual, with his shiny black hair cleanly combed and parted to the left and matte black square frames. He considered him, his one and only confidant and called him, Wesley.

"Sir, you need to get downstairs, the van waiting for you." He agreed and Wesley led him downstairs.

Once they arrived in the parking garage, the man in the white suit mentioned discreetly, "Wesley, did you reach out to the potential client?"

"Yes sir, he's waiting in the car." He answered. Once the car doors were opened, it unveiled their potential client. He appeared to be around 40 years old and wore a raggedy faded suit and baggy trousers.

"You must be the famous Mr..." The man greeted him with a firm handshake. The rush of anxiety was felt through his sweaty palms. His composure said everything about himself. From the sweaty palms to his tense posture, it was obvious that he was nervous. But he understood the man's nervous behavior because he was going to ask for something important from him.

"Fisk. Wilson Fisk. I assume you're Mr. MacDonald Gargan."

"Yes sir. How are you guys planning to help me?"

"In any way we can, Mr. Gargan, but you must do one favor for me."

"Sir, I'll do anything you ask..." He blurted out.

Immediately, Wilson sensed his desperation from the tone of his voice. 'Anything?'

"Excellent," Fisk smiled to himself. Then his attention shifted to the driver, "Ahem, drive to the ESU Laboratory."

"Yes sir," the driver answered.

Social Psychology- Midtown Magnet High School

Another week in Peter Parker's life, another week for miserable luck. The 'King Geek' was exhausted by his late-night chores. However, unlike other students, his late-night chores were patrolling Manhattan in tight red & blue spandex, in search of the mysterious Prowler. However, there was no sight of the suspect, which made his Sunday night patrol an absolute waste of his time. Time was important in the boy's life, especially for his late-night curfew. If he was ever a second late passed his curfew, his aunt would never hear the end of it. Although he tried his best to arrive on time. Especially during school days, 'his best' would help him arrive on time.

Unfortunately not this time, because he was late again. School security caught him sneaking through the halls... again. The only reason he arrived late was because of a cat. He had to rescue the feline that was stuck in a tree just to have it be handed to an ungrateful owner. All that for a cat, what a waste. Anyways, he was sent to a classroom filled with other tardy kids. An unlucky teacher had to waste his prep period to watch these tardy students. And Peter was one of them. He slouched over to an empty back seat and put his head down on the desk. He thought of nothing else, except for one thing, 'Aunt May is gonna kill me!'

After the 1st Period bell roared, he immediately hopped off his seat, grabbed his back, and exited through the door. When he entered the crowded hallway, he was lost in the heavy amounts of people. It was filled with students who headed in one direction, while others went in another. In such a busy hallway, one student was bound to fall and drop all their books and papers. It's a high school cliche' after all. And that did happen to one freshman. He dropped all his belongings as others passed by, not with a single attempt to help him. The older students didn't care. Why would they? He's a freshman.

Until Peter Parker called out to him, "Hey man, you need help with that?" The freshman slowly nodded and they took the time and plucked each of the papers off the ground.

"Thanks for the help, I appreciate it."

"No problem, looked like you needed the help... you're new here?"

"Well, it's my freshman year?"

"It's my senior year," He handed him the last few papers.

"That's cool... gotta name?"

"Peter Parker, yours?"

"Miles... Miles Morales."

"Well, I gotta head to class, see you around Miles," They turned their separate ways and headed to their classes.

Peter immediately rushed over to AP Government to avoid another tardy added to his attendance. He dashed through crowds of people and he arrived at class on time but drenched in sweat.

"Parker, what happened to you, looks like you just ran the mile," Flash Thompson commented. "And you sure smell like it," he added.

As soon as the students arrived at their seats, their teacher rose from her desk.

"Good morning class, we only have one thing on our agenda today, that is our project. So meet up with your assigned partners immediately," Mrs. Nelson loudly announced. Immediately those students who were paired up with their friends cheerfully hopped from their desks and rushed to their friends. And the unfortunate few slowly moped over to their groups. That was essentially Peter and Liz Allan. He quietly sat at the desk behind her.

"Hey Liz," he quietly greeted. All she gave him was a tiny smirk on her face and a soundless, "Hi."

Immediately Hobie Brown appeared in front of them, "Mrs. Nelson told me I'm part of your group."

"Yeah, you are."

Just then, the group sat there in awkward silence... for approximately 4 minutes.

However, Hobie broke the silence, "So... what do we do now?"

"I don't know. Any ideas?" Peter questioned.

"Well, we could meet up somewhere after school?" Liz offered.

"Meet up at that new place by Clinton Ave," Hobie brought up.

"What place?" The other two questioned.

"It's called Nelson's Meats or something like that."

As soon as lunchtime arrived, students rushed out of their classrooms and dashed to the cafeteria. Usually, around lunchtime, Peter would sit at a lunch table alone, because nobody wants to be in the same company as the King Geek. Until a familiar voice called out to him. "Peter!" He remained confused, as he searched through the crowd of people until he saw the person wave him over.

"Hey, Harry."

"Pete, we haven't hung out for a while, I missed you."

"Sorry man, I've just been busy, you know"

"Yeah, I can tell, do you get any sleep... still taking pictures of the Webhead?"

"Yeah Harry, still do... it helps pay the bills."

"But wouldn't you think the feds or the police arrested him? He's ... wanted throughout the city."

"Well, they haven't yet."

"Pete, be honest... if you knew who the man under the mask was... would you tell me?" Harry asked. "Like... don't you know how I feel, I want this guy gone, off the face of the earth, like wouldn't you... want that for your Uncle's killer? He took away someone I cared about." He added.

All Peter did was sit there, awkwardly silent. His eyes fixed on the rusty old lunch table.

'How could I answer that? I'm the one who took your father away from you...?!'

However, Harry could tell his friend was uncomfortable, through the lack of eye contact and his silence. So he broke the silence, "Pete look, I'm sorry for being a bit confrontational about this... like you're one of my closest friends, you're practically my brother... you know that. It's just my father... thought of you as the son he'd never had. I would figure that you would feel the same way as I do. But, I shouldn't keep dragging you about this anymore."

Peter patted his best friend's shoulder, "Thanks, Harry. You know I care, and I'll help you through this."

Just then, a pair of women appeared at their lunch table, the stunning Mary Jane Watson and the gorgeous Gwen Stacy. "Pete, where were you during 1st period? It's unlike you to be late twice in a school year," the blonde asked.

"Yeah Tiger, what's up with you lately? You're missing a lot in AP English."

"I'm fine guys," Peter reassured.

"You sure, Tiger? If there's anything we can do... to help"

"I'm fine MJ... seriously, I just overslept these past few days..."

"Well did you at least add anything to the presentation?" Gwen cross-examined.

"What presenta- Oh CRAP. I forgot!"

"Peter... you serious, that thing's due this week!" she emphasized.

"Yeah, I know. But I promise I won't forget to work on the English presentation."

"Tiger, we can work on it at my Aunt's house," the redhead offered.


"Mhmm," she reassured.

"That sounds good MJ, I'll just let you know when my schedule is open."

E.S.U Laboratory

The matte black van arrived at Empire State University. "We have arrived, sir."

"Mr. Fisk, what are we doing here at the ESU college campus?" Mac questioned.

"We are here for your appointment," Wesley sharply mentioned.

"What appointment?"

"To prep you for your job that Mr. Fisk has provided for you," Wesley answered.

"I'm gonna work at a lab?"

"No... you will be the product of the lab Mr. Gargan. Allow me to explain your situation here. Your recent employment was with the late Mr. Osborn. It's unfortunate what happened to him. But with his passing, you're out of a job. Which led to the lack of money to support your ill daughter. Now, why did this all happen? This happened because of vigilantes, one, in particular, Spider-man. Men like him believe they are cleaning this beloved city, but in reality, they are tearing it apart. Spider-Man has shown his true colors, which makes him a threat to New York. And these threats need to be taken out," Wilson explained.

"Why are you telling me this, Mr. Fisk? You want to find a hitman?"

"I'm telling you that you can be the hero this city needs. You'll be protecting this community you've called your home for years. I will even provide economic support, the support you needed for your ill daughter. All you need to do is take out those masked men and you'll get your pay," He urged.

"That sounds all nice but I can't do that, even if I wanted to. I can't take on those guys, I'm not capable of it," Gargan admitted.

"True, you can not take on those guys, yet. But with the right equipment, you can. Everything will be provided for you. All you gotta do is take out these men and you'll get your payment. Promise, I'm a man of my word."

"Fine... just these two guys, then I'm done," he agreed.

"That is excellent to hear. Now Wesley will escort you to your next destination Mr. Gargan, good luck."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have a speech to attend to. Wesley, make sure Dr. Warren receives his payment."

"It'll all be done, sir."

"I count on it," Fisk confidently responded.

Immediately, the two men exited the vehicle, their vehicle drove away. Both men were quickly ushered by security into the Laboratory doors.

Nelson's Deli

Once Peter arrived at the designated place, he saw several customers that were inside the building. Although he spotted one familiar customer, Midtown Magnet's Varsity captain, Liz Allan. She sat at the back table, fiddling with her cell phone. He arrived at her table, awkwardly, "Hey... Liz"

"Hi..." She solemnly responded.

"I guess Hobie is a no-show, huh."

"Yeah... " her voice rasped.

"C-can I sit here?" He stuttered. She responded with a small nod so he slowly pulled out the chair. He sat there silent as he awkwardly played with his thumbs. "So... h-how was cheerleading practice?"

"... it went fine," She bluntly answered.

"that's good. Are you hungry? I have some money-" Peter offered.

"I'm on a vegan diet, so no meat for me."

"oh, I'm sure this place offers salads... " he assumed. 'When did she become vegan?'

"Petey, I know what you're trying to do, you're trying to mend things together. But it'll never happen. The only reason we're here was that we have to wait for Hobie for this stupid project. We should get this project done and ... we are done... we don't speak again. I know you don't want to do this project as much as I do... so this is for both our sakes," Liz sternly expressed. But through her stern mask, he knew that Liz was hurting. From her lack of eye contact, the shaky tone of her voice, and her nonexistent will to look at him. And the little tear that trickled down her face.

"Fine... but we have to find some lawyers to interview, do you know any?"

"Excuse me, are you two searching for lawyers?" The owner intruded.

"Yeah... do you happen to know anyone?"

"Of course, my own son has a new law firm in Hell's Kitchen. Go check them out," he handed each of them a business card.

"... Nelson And... Murdock? Attorneys At Law," Liz read.

"The address is at the back of the card."

"Thanks, Mr. Nelson," Peter thanked.

"Do you think we should tell Hobie?" she questioned.

"Well he looks like he's a no show, we'll tell him tomorrow we checked this place out."

Nelson & Murdock Law Firm

Once the pair arrived at the given address, they entered the building complex. Peter slowly opened the door for Liz as she entered first. Immediately, their eyes focused on two middle-aged individuals, who stood in front of them.

"Excuse me. Um, are you Franklin Nelson?" Peter asked.

"Yep, although most people call me Foggy. Allow me to introduce our secretary, Karen Page. What is it that we can help you with, although high school kids don't need legal help, unless-"

"Uh no... we don't need legal help. I'm Peter Parker. This is my partner, Liz Allan. The owner of the Deli on Clinton Ave referred us here"

"So, my father brought you here?" Foggy asked.

"Yes Mr. Foggy, he even gave us your card," Liz handed him the business card.

Karen pulled him aside, "Foggy, how many business cards did you give to your dad? Because we are running out."

"I gave him a few... hundred," he answered, which Karen's reaction was a simple facepalm.

"Foggy, really!"

"I thought it would help... and look! It did. These kids found us through those cards. "

"But he doesn't need all the 'few hundred' business cards you gave him, ask for a few back," she urged him.


Karen smiled and immediately turned to the two high school kids, "Anyways, how can we help you guys today?"

"Well Ms. Page, we have this school project, where we have to interview lawyers about the importance of law-"

Suddenly, the office door opened behind them, which entered a blind man. He wore rose-colored sunglasses and a baggy, grey untailored suit. His brown hair was scruffy like his soft stubble on his chin. His face wasn't in the best shape either. It had a few cuts that dried up and scabbed. While the area under his cheekbone was bruised. It caught everybody's attention.

"Hey Mat- whoa, what's up with the busted lip?" Foggy observed.

"What happened to you?" Karen concernedly asked.

"Guys, guys I'm fine. I just fell down the stairs... again," he assured his friends.

"You should really ask for a lower level apartment? It's a safer option for you," Karen proposed.

"Karen, Foggy, I'm fine. Anyway, I feel the presence of two other people in the room. Are these... potential clients?" The blind man questioned.

"No... um-guys, this is my business partner, Matt Murdock." Foggy introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Murdock," the students answered.

"Matt, these highschool kids need us for their project," their secretary mentioned.

"What kind of project is it?" Matt asked.

"It's an interview, well more like a documentary."

"Like a 4-5 minute documentary on the importance of the Law."

Immediately, a vibration from Peter's phone could be felt through his pants pocket. He pulled his phone out with the notification that the Daily Bugle had called him. Then he got a text from Ned Lee. The text read, 'Peter, someone's here attacking the bugle!'

'You gotta be kidding me!'

"Sorry guys, I have to go, because this guy is terrorizing my boss and the Bugle. And if I don't go... they might fire me"

"You're serious, Petey?"

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Peter. We hope we could help you with your project, and that your boss is in good health," Peter shook Matt's hand and dashed out the office door. 'Why does his voice sound familiar?' Matt questioned himself.

His partner, Liz crossed her arms and bitterly grumbled, "Petey... does that sometimes..."

The Daily Bugle

The Bugle was in absolute chaos. The employees escaped from the enormous threat that was inside J. Jonah Jameson's office. This large threat had a great, green tail with a stinger at its tip, razor-sharp claws, and dark green full-body nano-armor. Its eyes were large and glowed through the darkness of the helmet. "Jameson, where's the parker kid?" he interrogated.

"PARKER? Why do you need Parker?!" Jameson barked back.

"I just need him- please, no one needs to get hurt."

"No one needs to get hurt...then why are you terrorizing MY WORKPLACE!"

"I just need to find the kid, he'll lead me to Spider-Man"


"It's only business."

"Then you shoulda ask. Not ask Picklepuss for my whereabouts-" a certain webhead hilariously intruded.

"SPIDER-MAN!" Both men shouted.

"Yep, the one and only. Although I do appreciate you scaring the living crap out of Picklepuss right now, you're also harming innocent bystanders. So let's say we'll take this outside!"

"Agreed." The green individual dropped Jameson and charged at Spider-Man.

"Let's make this quick," He sharply added. Then he grabbed Spidey and threw him through the brick wall. But the webhead immediately recovered and swung himself to the rooftop.

"Let's play chase the Spider!" The Webhead declared. Instantly, the large foe appeared in front of him.

"Wow, you're much larger than I thought. But hey, we're both arachnids, you being a scorpion, cuz you kinda look like one... and me being a spider... can't we work our differences out!" He comedically pointed out.

"No." He launched himself at Spidey and viciously attacked. While Spider-Man's attacks were quick and acrobatic, his foe's attacks were sloppy and rather desperate. He threw himself like a ragdoll, which created plenty of damage. But his punches released immense power, much more powerful than Spidey's. And the strength of the monstrous tail was overwhelming. Every attack from that tail sliced through Peter's suit, on his arm, lower torso, and chest. But the tail's biggest strength was its grip because it could squeeze its victims like an anaconda. And unfortunately, Spidey couldn't avoid that attack. The Tail aggressively took hold of the Webhead's body.

"I gotta say... loving the big green eyes, although the green big tail is a bit... much," Spidey pointed out.

"Are you usually this CHATTY?" he snarled.

"WOW... you do not know me at all."

Immediately the tail slithered onto his neck and actively squeezed onto him. Peter felt trapped, because of the inability to breathe. Slowly, he lost consciousness.

"Yeah... you're right, I don't," He sharply admitted. Instantly his foe thrashed the defeated wall-crawler on the ground. He bounced the body as if it was a basketball.

"I'm really sorry kid... I really am."

Before the monstrous individual was ready to land the final blow, strong winds picked up around him.


The individual turned around and witnessed the police before him. Their weapons pointed in their direction. He released the grip of his tail and dropped the webhead. "I'm sorry about this," he muttered to himself. Suddenly he launched a liquid projectile from his tail to the cockpit of the police helicopter. Instantaneously, the cockpit started to fall apart. Piece by piece. The cops inside felt they were burning inside, and lost control of their chopper. Their screams could be heard by Spider-Man, who faced flat on the ground. From all the loud grunts of pain, he still rose back up. Although there were no signs of his foe, he had to save those cops inside, no matter how broken his body was. He launched himself at that helicopter and created a platform through his webs, so the helicopter safely landed. "You guys okay?" Both cops nodded which brought relief to him.

Until the officers from below called out to Spider-man, "FREEZE SPIDER-MAN! DO NOT MOVE!" They pointed their guns at him, ready to fire.

"AW C'MON!" The Webslinger exclaimed as he instantly dashed from the police.

Later that day in New York

As the time of day passed, Spider-man sat there at a ledge of a tall tower. He stared upon the beautiful city of New York that he called home. The place that he's protected for a year. With the help of his web-shooters and wall-crawling abilities. But his home hasn't accepted him with open arms. From police officers ready to arrest him any second they get, to citizens who've labeled him as a freak, his home never accepted him. 'I protect this city at night... but people have become ungrateful, and now cops are coming after me... What if this isn't what I was called to do-'

Suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts, "Didn't think I would see you here Spider." Her voice was soft, yet flirtatious... it was instantly recognizable.

"Hey, Cat... wait Cat?!"

He turned around and saw a snow haired broad in black leather. From the outfit to her sharp claws, it was all too familiar, it was Black Cat.

"Of all the people I thought I'd see today, you're the last person I'd expect."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well last time... nevermind..."

"You don't sound very cherry?"

"Well being wanted for arrest isn't the best feeling and the fact that I got beat by this green dude with a tail."

"Wait, the green dude with a tail?"

"Yeah... do you know about him?"

"Well they've dubbed him the Scorpion"

"Well, that name fits him well."

"There's been whispers from Tinkerer about this project, for someone big"

"Wait... you're talking about another Big Man of Crime, how? All the crimelords of New York... from The Master Planner, Tombstone, Silver-Mane to The Goblin, they're all gone!"

"So you've taken out his competition. Now he's bigger than any one of those Crimelords, even-"

"Tombstone?! No that's not possible..."

"Spider, he's the biggest of them all."

He paused with one realization on his mind, 'so that man in black was right!'

"Does this guy have a name?"

"His men have been very secretive, but when a cat starts clawing away at the yarn, it tends to unravel..."

"Unravel... how exactly?"

"One of his choked on the yarn... and unraveled his name, Kingpin."

"Kingpin? Gotta admit better name than Tombstone. But it'll still be fun beating this guy."

"Careful there Spider. You're just a little spider caught up in a larger war."

"I know this guy is dangerous-"

"No, he's more than that. He has... everyone in his pocket, from the cops to well-trained assassins. And if he ever gets a peek under that mask of yours, he'll come after everyone you've ever cared about."

"That's why those cops are after me?" he asked.

"Mhmm... his influence is spread like wildfire."

"Well... thanks for the info Cat, this helps."

"Don't mention it."

"You know, i-if you ever want to take this guy down together... you know where to-" He turned around to see nobody beside him. She vanished into the night.

"Find me," he muttered to himself.

To Be Continued...

To address the comments from the Prologue & Chapter 1. Comments as of 7/19/20

: Dude we need more of this

-Thank you, that's very encouraging that you're enjoying my fic. -TheTypingAvocado

: I wonder if you are open to giving Gwen superpowers and I'm NOT talking about Spider-Gwen?

-I'm unsure about giving Gwen superpowers. It seems out of place. -TheTypingAvocado

Gino: is peter hooking up with liz on this fic, or with someone else?

-Hmm... Liz is going to have a big role in the next few chapter -TheTypingAvocado

OBSERVER01 nli : Nice start. Keep up the good work.

-Appreciate the support!- TheTypingAvocado

: Awesome dude please update dying to find out more It is good to see someone still making stories

-I know, especially the fics in Spectacular Spider-Man have gone dry. -TheTypingAvocado

Author's Message:

For those who have watched the drama, Euphoria on HBO, before the episode begins, 'the cold opens,' when each character's backstory was told beautifully. That was the same concept as Wilson Fisk's backstory. I know it had sensitive themes, and I hope it wasn't too much to handle. Also, Mac Gargan's background and his transformation into The Scorpion will be explored in the next chapter. And if you haven't noticed, the main inspirations of this story are Spectacular Spider-man (Duh), Spider-Man No More Comic, Spider-man 2, Netflix's Daredevil Series, Spider-Man PS4, Spider-Man Homecoming

Always, feel free to leave constructive criticism on this chapter and future chapters, and so thankful for those who checked out this story as well. 

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