Lestrade Academy

By LeahKillem

4.7K 253 7

Lestrade Academy consists of two parts with a high fence in between that seperates girls from boys. Each part... More

1. News
2. Last Week
3. Lestrade High
4. Distraction
5. Bruises
6. One More Day
7. Another Strange Event
8. Hospital
9. Unbruised
10. Mpuah
11. Cling
12. Possessive
13. Lovebirds
14. Family
15. Realization
16. Daters
18. Talks
19. Sabrina
20. Lucid
21. Troubles
22. Reunion
23. What They Told Sabrina
24. Moderny
25. Paradise
26. Unexpected
27. Mess
28. Wanted
29. Unlocked
30. I Love You
31. Numby
33. Upcoming
34. Storm
36. Hidden
37. Lost 'n Gone
39. End of Some
40. End of All

38. NewsMan

52 5 0
By LeahKillem

Chapter 38 :




I knew it wasn't a good idea. In fact, I was positive it was a terrible idea, but what can you do against one's will? Especially, when the one we're talking about here is a man that's able to hold a whole school of boys under perfect control?

We shouldn't have let him go, but that was uncorrectable right now. When Nick and I woke up the next morning and went to check on the decision of the principals, we found out Mr. Rockets was already hours gone. Worrying was all we really did. We called Billy to come to the empty school and worried altogether. I felt kinda bad for having him sit with me at school when he could go and have fun at parties. But we just informed him, after all, he came on his own.

Each of the events recently made me think about Thella and what would happen when I went there. Would I miss Billy, Clary and others? I would. Maybe there were copies of them in Silva world, like alternative copies... Shortly, I just let my imagination go wild. Parents were what I thought about a lot. They didn't deserve having their child disappear out of nowhere forever.

This whole Thella thing was just one stressful thing. But what else could you expect? Stepping into another universe and stopping a war? That seemed a little impossible, but again, did we have a choice? Did we have a choice of being Silvas, being soulmates or setting the plan of going to Thella? No. None of us knew what'd happen next, we just went with the flow. When we found out we had to go to Thella, we didn't question it or stopped and looked around what we already knew, we just kept on our way, which in that moment meant finding out how. Then we found a key and a portal and we were agreed. If I had a choice, that would definitely be a no. But only if the Silvas would survive out there. If not and the war would go on, my choice would be positive and I'd go to that world anyways.

Although, a decision that wouldn't change independent of the situation was that everyone had to know. I couldn't go up to my parents and tell them I was from another world - they would never believe me and maybe sent me to the same place as Sabrina. I don't blame them. If my daughter that I'd raised came up to me one day and said she wasn't human, I'd think she was mad, too. It's different with kids, they'd know. I'd let them know. Somehow, I would.

Three days have passed after Mr. Rockets left and we had no news at all. I've been numb all along. Both,mentally and physically. I could do nothing and had to stay actionless instead and it was killing me. Whole days and nights, each second of each hour of each day, I had this urge to get up, go find Mr. Rockets and get him back with a necklace, but I knew I was useless here.

It was already 31st of December, new year's eve. Academy was empty and the only thing that could relive your New Year mood was a Christmas tree three times as high as I was, standing in the middle of the main hall of girls' side.

After the whole three days of acting oblivious to everything happening around us, it was finally New Year's Eve and no one - I repeat, no one - was in a mood for it. My parents called everyday, asking if I wanted to go home for celebration, saying our cousins and relatives would be there and they'd love to see me. I had this urge each time to tell her I couldn't, because Mr. Rockets might be dying somewhere in search for a necklace that was the key of me stepping into another world, but the results of such an action was impossible to guess. I had no other choice other than to lie that I was okay, I was studying for upcoming exams and I was surrounded by other girls, willing to pass the exam. I even said I'd be back soon when mom didn't leave me alone. Everything that was currently happening was slowly breaking me and I had nothing else left than to hope that I'd be whole as far as until reaching Thella, the least.

It didn't me long to realize this was a war. This was a terrible war that travelles from Thella to Earth. It has crossed the boards and it's come here. Mr. Rockets was sent to fight a duel with Matthew, and all of us, other soldiers, were left useless. I seriously did feel like a soldier; a soldier that was ordered to do nothing. And let me tell you, this wasn't pleasurable.

My phone rang once again and I opened my eyes. I've been lying in the same position on my bed for an hour by now and my body felt like falling. The more I rested, the more exhausted I was becoming. One word was flashing on the screen of my phone: Mom.

Cursing under my breath, I picked up and put on the cheeriest voice I could manage, "Hi, mom!"

"Hey, sweetie," she said. Everything was normal to her, I guessed by her voice. She was okay and everything was usual. Nice. "I thought maybe you've changed your mind and decided to celebrate New Year with your family..."

I sighed, "Oh, mom! If only you knew how much studying I have to do! It's-"

"Stop it, Zoe," she cut me off, surprising me greatly, "I am your mother and I sense when you lie. It's not only about studying. What else? I am your mother, I have to know."

Another sigh escaped my lips and I made sure to keep it as quiet as possible, so she wouldn't hear, "Mom, I'm totally fine! A few girls are still here and we'll make sure to have fun! I'm okay, really. I'll need to pass this exam on the highest I can, so it'll help me to get in college."

"You're hardworking, Zoe," mom said, buying it, "I'll call you when New Year comes."


"When will you be back?"

The question made my heart sink. I wouldn't be back. I'd never see her again. Or dad. Or Billy or anyone else really.

"Soon, mom," I said, my lower lip trembling, "I'll be back the soonest I can. Now I gotta go, bye."

I hung uo and puy phone on my bedside table, breathing heavily in ad out. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out, ignoring the fact that it seemes like someone was eavesdropping me.

Martha stepped in, "Sweetie, we're making a New Year dinner."

"For who?" I asked, my eyebrows stretching.

"For Nick, for you, me and Mrs. Shoo. We'll sit in the dining room and have one of the best dinners in the world. Oh, you haven't tasted my turkey yet!"

I smiled, "Okay, I'll help."

I followed her down, seeing Mrs. Shoo was already there, walking around in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Shoo?" I said, surprised.

She nodded and Martha answered me, "Everyone has to work a little tonight," she was smiling and I smiled back, furrowing my eyes to make it more believable. It wasn't time to fall into depression and wait until Mr. Rockets was back. I was freaking stronger than that! So I made my smile wider, so wide I almost made myself believe I cared about nothing, and started stirring the mixture in a bowl that Martha gave me.

It wasn't long after that Nick appeared in the doorway. Martha winked at me repeating, "Everyone has to work tonight," and continuing washing a pan.

We made a turkey, mushed potatoes, brownies, Martha's best pie and some salads. And it took us the whole day. It was nice to keep my mind off of everything for a while. I've been stirring, mixing and mushing for so long, my palms hurt. I felt this tiredness in my wrists and the wanting to just lie down and sleep. If that's what I'm supposed to be doing when I'm married, I'm glad I have to leave for Thella.

It wasn't until 10PM that we sat around one of the dining tables, food in front of us. Nick sat next to me and Martha across from me, with Mrs. Shoo next to her. We all had a piece of turkey and some mushed potatoes on our trays, but none of us started to eat yet.

"You know how I control fire," said Mrs. Shoo, making all of our heads turn to her side, "But right now I feel like a psychic. I've got this bad feeling at the back of my heart that I can't seem to be able to brush off."

"It's almost New Year," said Martha, "Ignore it for a night, will you?"

"What if something's actually up?" I asked, losing my appetite at all.

Under the table, I felt someone's hand touch mine and I knew by touch it was Nick. Without looking down at our hands I looked at him questioningly. All he did was squeeze my hand in comfort as an answer.

"We should forget everything," Martha said, "Stop cating for just a night!"

I nodded at her. It was New Year, after all! We all had things to care about and things to worry about, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun! All of a sudden, there was heard a banging on the door. Who the hell could that be?

All of us ran to the door. Martha slowly opened it and I saw him. Neither Mr. Rockets, nor Matthew, but Billy, all covered in snow amd shivering.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him after I gave him a small hug. "Isn't there mass of parties tonight?"

"Yea," he replied, "I've been on two of them already, but it seemed so... Off without you, you know."

"Billy, come in," I told him, closing the door behind him, "You shouldn't dump parties like that."

"Whatever. Do you have anything to drink?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Feel yourself at home, Billy - like you weren't already doing that. We were starting to eat."

"I'm on time, then," he said, grinning, "Hey, Nick, dude."

"Hey, dude."

I rolled my eyes again. What's with guys and the word dude?

"Billy," I said, warningly as soon as we were seated, "You sure nothing's up?"

He leaned in to see me, seeing how Nick sat in the middle of us, "Of course, it's all cool. I got bored," he replied, "Honestly," he added when he noticed my unsure gaze.

"You never go all sentimental like that randomly," I said, still a little suspicious.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not being sentimental. I got tired of everyone."

My eyes flashed with realization as I understood, "Sophia?" I exclaimed, "Was it Sophia? Did something happen?"

Guilt flashed in his eyes, "No."

My eyes widen, "Oh my God! Eat, now! So you can tell me everything ASAP!"

He rolled his eyes, leaning back in unison with me and starting to eat. The turkey was unimaginably delicious and brownies and gingerbread cookies as a dessert was perfect! I have golden hands! As soon as we were all done, Nick, Billy and I sat in front of the burning fireplace in the living room on the carpet, the clicking of burning wood being the only sound in the room.

"I'm listening," I said, rubbing my palms together, "What happened? You know you can trust me, don't you?"

He chuckled, his head dropping for a second before he pulled it back up, "Of course, Zo-bear."

"Spill, then."

He sighed the sigh of an old man, the kind you make when the problems of the whole world is on your shoulders. He took in a deep breath before starting, "We were really close to each other recently. By close, I mean chatting all the time and hanging out a couple of times. You know how I like her since... Forever and I thought maybe we'd work out, but she kinda ignored me all day yesterday, without a reason really. This morning she said that nothing had happened and that she just didn't want to keep hanging out with me. So I went up and became a total butt at the party and kissed someone else in the kitchen. She spotted me, called me a bastard and ran away. That is it, long story short."

Oh, my God...

I remembered how I spotted Terry and Nick together and it made me feel totally sorry for the girl. If she felt the same thing that I did, she has to be beyond broken right now. I searched for at least something to say, but found nothing in the messed up brain of mine. Billy really was being an ass back there, but I didn't want to spoil his hope any further.

"Come on, Zo," Billy suddenly said with a pleading voice, averting my gaze from the floor, "You've always got something to say."

He was expecting me to be a cheery friend right now. Time for a plan, Zoe! Damn, no plan... Okay, let's go with improvisation...

"I can't approve you," I said the first thing that came to mouth, "You was a big butt, you should have just asked her."

"I know," he said, starting to defend himself, "I just-"

"No," I cut him off with soft voice, "You know you don't have to defend yourself in front of me, I'd never judge you. All I'm saying is, she might be hurt and might be waiting for your explanation now."

"But I don't have an explanation!" he said, pouting, "I just wanted to get my mind off of her and kissed someone I barely knew!"

"Then that is what you will tell her," I replied, "Go and say you were heartbroken and-"

"I'm not heartbroken," he cut me off.

I glared at him unapprovingly, "Do you want my advice or not? Tell her you were heartbroken, because you really like her and didn't understand why the hell she jumped over you all of a sudden. When she'll explain everything, you'll know what to say. Just make sure to keep her."

He nodded, "You're right, that's what I'll do. You know what? I'm going right now!"

I nodded, standing up with him, "That's it, go!"

We started walking towards the main entrance as he spoke, "Yes, I'm going to tell her everything right now!" he paused, turning away from the door to face me, "Zoe, I can't tell her anything. What if she'll reject me? Say she doesn't like me anymore?"

The way his voice changed from brave to terrified made me want to chuckle, but I held it in me, instead saying, "Man up and grow some balls, Billy!"

He stared at me like I've just grown a second head.

I shook my head at him, "If she doesn't like you anymore that is what she'll say. And you will at least know what the hell happened and won't leave her heartbroken in case she still likes you."

He nodded at me. He looked like he was scared of me back there.

"Yea, I'll do that," he said, opening the main door. The cold wind teckled my skin, biting every inch of my face with unexistent teeth. Should I say, it had some sharp, sharp teeth. Vampires...

"Call me when it's over," I called out to him, "If you won't go straight upstairs, that is..."

He laughed, turning around, "Thanks, Zoe. You make me remember why my best friend is a girl."

"You forgot that?" I screamed, as if offended, "You questioned why we were best friends? Forget Sophia, asshead!"

He laughed, "Bye, Zo-bear!"

I shook my head at him, waving my hand in the air as he drove away. Turning around I almost slammed into Nick's chest.

"Who's next, counselor?" he asked me sarcastically, a smirk playing on his face.

"No one, jealous boyfriend," I replied with a smirk of my own.

He looked away from me in a terrible attempt to roll eyes, "I'm not jealous."

I pecked his lips, "Sure you are."

Suddenly, his hands were on my waist and my body was hardly pressed against his as he spoke, "Not jealous."

I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck, "Okay, you're not jealous. Just possesive."

He shook his head with a smirk, his eyes into mine, "No, not possesive, either."

"What are you, then?"

"A man that is deeply and unpredictably in love with you."

I smiled, "You're cheesy."

"You love it in me."

I smirked, "Maybe I just love you."

He smirked back, "Maybe I love you, too," with that he closed the small distance that's been in the middle of us and his lips crashed onto mine, his sweet taste filling me almost immediately. With my arms around his neck and his around my waist, we pulled each other in closer, as if scared if one of us let go, the other would disappear forever. Gladly, that was not possible. He was here, with me, kissing me gently, yet hungrily and passionately.

All of a sudden, there was a banging on the door next to us and we jumped away from each other in alert, as if caught in headlights. Mrs. Shoo and Martha appeared in the hallway, suspicious smiles on their faces, "What were you two doing?" asked Martha suggestively.

"Nothing," I said, turning around and opening the door.

A boy in his middle 20s was standing there, a tag with his name that read "Greg" on it on his chest, a big bag on his shoulder and a small box in his hand. I noticed a bicycle standing at the end of the porch and assumed he was a postman. "Hello, may I help you?" I said.

"Is there anyone called Zoe Millery or Nick Simon?" he asked, looking down at the paper he held.

"Yes, it's us," I said suspiciously.

"I've got something for you," he replied, "Some man from the hospital asked me to bring this here. I think his last name was... Rockets?"

Some man from the hospital...

"Yes, what did he say?" I asked, my voice shaking just as much as my hand when I was taking the box from him.

"Nothing special. Just that the thing in this box had to be taken to Zoe  Millery and Nick Simon in Lestrade Academy."

"Do you know what happened to him?" Nick asked from behind me, stepping in the front.

"I think he was gunshot, but I can't say it for sure."

"Okay, thank you," I said shakily, closing the door in between us. I practically tore the box away in pieces while opening it. Inside, there was a necklace. It lied there easily; as if hadn't done anything bad, but it was all it's fault. "Necklace of Roo..." I muttered.

It was here, Mr. Rockets had brought it back home. But he failed to bring himself back.

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