Iida x reader (Aizawa's daugh...

By volzyx

375K 8.4K 14.8K

Y/n is the daughter of eraserhead and is very close with all the UA teachers. Her mother has passed away leav... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
chapter #11
chapter #12
chapter #13
chapter #14
Chapter #15
chapter #16
chapter #17
chapter #18
chapter #19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter #22
Chapter #23
chapter #24
chapter #25
chapter #26
chapter #27
chapter #28
chapter #29
chapter #30
chapter #31
chapter #32
chapter #33
chapter #34
chapter #35
chapter #36
chapter #37
chapter #38
chapter #39
chapter #40
Chapter #41
Chapter #42
chapter #43
chapter #44

Chapter #10

9.8K 242 276
By volzyx

Today is the day of the entrance exams. I think while I lay in bed not wanting to get up, then I think of all people I'm going to see and all the people I have already become friends with.

I have met Tenya, me and him have become close and I feel like we just understand each other and he's so respectful, nice, and handsome.

I have met Mina she is really cute and is very sweet. I really hope we get into the same class because that would be REALLY cool.

I met Katsuki, I mean he has a little tiny bit of an anger issue but I feel like we could get past that and become better friends.

I met Enjiro and he seamed like a really cool guy, he was working at hopttopic so how much more cool can he get.

I have no idea what is going to happen today and to be honest I'm nervous, I'm going to see uncle Toshi for the first time in awhile. I wonder if he'll recognize me?

as I lay in bed with my eyes closed I can hear the foot steps coming down the hallway to my room, I assume it's just dad but then when my door opens it's all of them. Nem, Dad, and Zashi.

"GOOD MORNING!!!!!" They all yell, while rushing in my room.

"Mornin." I mumbled threw my blanket and pulled it over my head.

"you really need to get ready we have to leave for UA in about an hour or so." Dad informs while coming over to sit on the edge of my bed then putting a hand of my shoulder comfortingly.

"wait I though we had a little more than and hour?" Zashi asks confused. then dad checks the clock in my room and nods.

"I'll help her get ready," Nem offered then the guys walked out, letting us be. "ok, we need to get something really cute together for you to wear!!" she says while poking me through the covers. I pull them off of me and sit up.

"I'm hungry." I say while rubbing my eyes.

"yea, but you need to get dressed first young lady!" she says while shaking a finger jokingly.

"yes ma'am, do we really have to be there in an hour?" I ask.

"maybe like an hour and a half." she shrugged, I got out of bed and we both went to go rummage threw my closet.

"Nem, I know you might not like this idea, but, what if I wore what we bought for my date? it was a really nice outfit and I really liked it." I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"I normally wouldn't go for doing that, but this is an exception. and plus I washed it for you this morning!" she informs.

"yayyyy!! lets go get it." I say the last part with a serious look on my face.

"ok, but like we need to seek to the laundry room and get it."

"I have a plan Nem, so what if you go get it while I do my makeup? so that way we could get it done a lot faster."

"Good Idea n/n!!!!" she exclaimed.

"1... 2... 3... lets go!!" I countdown and she rushes our of my room and rush over to where I have my makeup and I start my art.

I start to put on some moisturizer than realize that would get rid of I haven't slept in 10 days look. so then I just move on to some light foundation and then I move on to my eyes. I take out my favorite eyeshadow pallet and get to work. I put some dark purples and some black under my eye then move to my eyelid. I put some purple in the inner corner and then some black on the rest, I then put on some eyeliner and then some mascara. done.

I back away from the mirror and look at my face, it could be better but this is what we have to work with for now.

Nem comes back to my room with a pile of clothes in her arms and places them on my bed.

"N/n I'm going downstairs to make us some breakfast so get dressed then come down." she says then leaves my room with a smile.

I put on my clothes just like I had yesterday and then I look in the mirror once more and sooth down my jacket and then I sit on the corner of my bed and take out my phone and look up some pictures of people that have quirks I might use through out the day so I don't have to look them up later.

I get some one with a mind communication quirk, and info gaining quirk, and then ultra hearing and ultra vision and I text all the pics to myself.

I go to my messages and I tap on Tenya's contact and then I decide to text him good luck.

Me: I had a really good time with you yesterday and I hope we can do that many more times but I wanted to wish you good luck at the entrance exams today and I'm sure you'll do great!!

and then a minute of me just waiting for him to text back he does.

Tenya: Thank you Y/n, I had a really enjoyable time with you too and I look forward to going out with you again. And I promise to do my best!"

Me: ;)

is all I'm able to come up with, I put my phone in my pocket and then I walk out of my room and then downstairs.

"THE QUEEN IS FINALLY HERE!!!" Uncle Zashi sings while he bows and we all laugh, including Dad. I walk over to Nem while she is about to eat and Burnt piece of toast.

"Nem don't eat that its burnt!" I say then I slap the toast out of her hand.

"why would you do that?" she looks like she's about to cry.

"It was burnt, your not supposed to eat burnt stuff."

"but...." she says while just staring at the toast on the ground.

"I'll make you some not burnt toast, ok?" I offer trying to make it up to her.

"please." is all she says.

I put some bread slices into the toaster and then I remember that Mina is going to be at the enterance exams too. I should text her, plus I haven't talked to her in awhile anyway, while on that though I should text kirishima and bakuguo too.

Toast popped up from the toaster and I took in out and spread some butter on the slices and put them on a plate and handed it to Nem who was fully recovered from the death of her burnt toast now.

"oooooo!! toast!!" she yelled as she took the plate out of my hand and the went to go make my favorite breakfast.


when we were all done eating we all went to the living room and did some simple stretches that didn't require really any work and then it was about time to go so the guys left to go get the car.

I pulled my phone out while I was laying on the couch with Nem. I had my head on the arm of the sofa then my legs over Nem's lap. at this point we were both on our phones. I think she's looking at some Mt. Lady scandals and how they are being compared to each other, but anyway, I went to text Mina.

Me: hiii!!!! girl I know the entrance exams are today and I just wanted to wish you the best but im sure your going to make it in anyway so yea but... break a leg!!

I hope she responds before we have to leave Because I want her to see that I sent her that before the exam.

Mina: Awwwwwww girl!!! you are the best and thank you!!! and maybe we can meet up sometime after I get my acceptance letter thing ;)

Me: That would be so so awesome Mina!!

Mina: alrighty then!!

Me: alright, Have fun!!!

Mina: ill try!

I really hope she gets in,

we hear a honk outside the house and me and Nem get up and walk out the front door to see dad and Mic in a heavily tinted car that was all black, fancy.

we see that the passenger seat is empty so that must mean that Dad wants to sit in the back with me. I open the door and hop in the seat, immediately putting on my seat belt because Hizashi is driving so we all know its going to be a wild ride.

"we got the car with the tinting because I didn't want to be seen and I know how much you don't like the heat." Dad says while slouching in his seat.

"thank you Dad!!" I give him a small smile and he returns it.

"Ok here's the deal, Nemuri, Hizashi, and Y/n, I don't want the students to know right off the bat that we're your family because we don't want them thinking we're picking favorites so don't be telling people that don't know. " Dad says to all of us.

"that's reasonable, but won't people see the resemblance with the whole look, attitude, and quirk?" Mic asks while swerving around the street.

"that's why I said right off the bat because I know some how the kids will figure it out if I don't expel them first." Dad answers slyly.

"let's hope you don't expel too many kids this year." Zashi screams while the tires screech beneath us.

"Damn Mic slow the hell down!!!" dad snaps. me and Nem just kinda look at each other with a scared look.

"ok ok" Mic says while slowing down so much that we nearly fly out the wind shield.

"Wait Dad so I'm not supposed to call you dad, or call Nem, Nem or Zashi, Zashi?" I say disappointed.

"exactly, but don't be sad, it will only till the kids figure out which I don't think with take them long." he says comfortingly as he reaches over and squeezes my hand.

"WE'REEEEEEEE HHEEEEEERRRREEEEEEE!!!!!" Mic screams almost blowing out our eardrums.

"is it ok if I wonder around before I go to watch with you guys?" I hope for the best.

"yea, sure just don't make sure no one sees you." Dad says lovingly.

"really?! thank you!!" I give him a big hug before I get out of the car so no one sees.

"ok so we parked in the back, so, Y/n if you just walk over that way you'll see the front of the school but remember don't be seen." Nem says sternly.

"yes yes, ill be back before it starts, love you guys!" I say while walking where Nem to and I heard them laugh and then they walked into the building.

since where the trail she told me to take is between the building and the bushes it lead out to a tree area on the side of the front walk way.

I decided to climb up into a tree and watch from there so I quickly searched up a teleportation quirk then teleported to a sturdy enough branch to lay on.

I had my legs crossed and stretched out and I looked and the ultra vision pic I sent myself earlier and then I combined it with the ultra hearing quirk too. I could soon see and hear everyone that was down in that area.

I then see Bakugou walking up to a guy with green hair and freckles.

"stupid Deku." says Bakugou.

"kacchan!" what type of name is that? I mean his quirk is literally explosion type stuff and his nickname is that? I can just tell that he hates him.

"get out of my way now before I set you on fire." Katsuki threatens then walks past the geen haired boy.

He obviously looks scarred by blondy and just talks all jumbled and stuff and I kind of feel bad for him.

As bakugou keeps walking 2 other kids talk about how he had withstood the booger monster and what not. blah blah blah I want some interesting stuff to listen too.

I then see greenie trip when he starts to make his way into the building then I see and cute brown haired girl run up and put her hand on his yellow backpack then he stops mid-fall. and when he starts floating he screams.

"are you ok?" she asks with a little laugh, she helped him get pit back up right and puts her hands together with all her finger tips touching, it looked kinda of odd, but it must have something to do with her quirk. "I stopped you with my quirk, im sorry I didn't ask first, but, I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you. isn't this all like way nerve-racking? well I guess I'll see you inside!" she walks into the building and leaves him they're still confused.

all the people finally make it into the building and when no one is there to see me I jump down from the branch.

I assume they all went to the orientation room and then I figure I should text bakugou just to mess with him.

Me: Hey!! I just wanted to say good luck on the entrance exams Katsuki!!

I then search a pic of someone with a time manipulation quirk, I drop my other quirks and then pick up that one and I put my phone in my pocket and I stop time.

I walk around and nothing feels different then when I open the doors the the room everyone is frozen in place. I walk up to the nearest one and wave at him to see if he would respond and nothing. I go to the back row of the stadium where no one is sitting and sit in the corner in the shadow.

I unpause time and then I suddenly hear a roar of voices that hurt my ears. I then hear a certain someones phone buzz. I looked down at him open the message then he starts furiously typing, so I take out my phone so I can see.



Me: don't worry about it Katsuki I'm not competing with you

Katsuki: good cause you wouldn't win anyway dumbass!!

Me: I'm not so sure about that one.

before he had the chance to respond the stage lights came on.

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