Protection - Sookai

By TatorTotTati

26.6K 1.3K 682

Huening Kai and his half-brother, Jaehyun are living together while Huening Kai goes to school. After a lifet... More

Flash-Forward: New Year's Eve πŸ’–
Prologue: Childhood πŸ’”
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
(don't) Answer this please
decision made for last 'chapter'
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Epilogue πŸ’
Soundtrack - One (why do I make it sound like a movie lmao)
Soundtrack - Two (idk what I'm doing)

Chapter XIII

686 39 16
By TatorTotTati

❌️‼️❌😶Error - Unknown😶❌‼️❌

"Hyuka! Don't drop me!". "Don't worry Taehyunnie! You're safe!". Jaehyun smiled as he watched Taehyun and Huening Kai play around the park. Huening Kai was giving Taehyun a piggy back ride and most likely scaring him at the same time. Taehyun began to scream like a happy child, throwing his hands up in the air. Huening Kai laughed loudly, basically almost falling in love with the cutie he was carrying. Jaehyun chuckled softly when Huening Kai put Taehyun down and then tackled him. He then sighed as he got up to walk to the younger ones. "You guys done playing? It's time to get ice cream". He said. Taehyun and Huening Kai both gasped and then got up from the floor with huge smiles. "Let's go get ice cream!". They exclaimed. Jaehyun chuckled before smiling. He reached out for Huening Kai who gladly held his hand and then let Taehyun cling to his arm. They walked for a few minutes before reaching a small ice cream shop Jaehyun usually took them too. "Alright, go sit down boys and I'll get out order". He said, letting the younger ones sit in a table. "May I please get a vanilla cone with fruit and hot fudge, a mint chocolate come with fruit as well, and a strawberry cone with hot fudge?". Jaehyun asked the waitress. "Absolutely sir, we'll have your order read in a few. Please go to the cash register and pay. Kamsahaminda". He walked to the cash register, giving the money in return for the cones in a stand. He walked carefully to the table where Tyunning was and handed them their cones. "Enjoy children". He said with a smile. "Thanks so much JaeJae Hyung!". "Yes, thank you Jaehyun Hyung". The three boys sat down together, eating their ice creams and talking for the rest of their time together.

(I didn't really feel like writing anything too important oof)

Sunday - October 13, 2019 🌺

"Taehyunnie~ wake up sweetie~ breakfast is ready".
I whined loudly before throwing the sheets over my head. "Come on Taehyunnie". My Eomma said, pulling all the blankets away from me. I shivered as the cold air touched my skin but I still continued to try and sleep. "Taehyun, get up before I throw water on you". My Eomma warned. I whimpered softly and then opened my eyes slightly. My Eomma was sitting on my bed and she caressed my head softly. I smiled and nodded, finally giving into her demands. It wasn't exactly the best idea to disobey her or not heed her warnings. I sluggishly walked into the bathroom and washed my face to wake up. After that, I brushed my teeth and then brushed my hair. I went downstairs to eat and then sat down at the counter chairs while my Eomma talked to me. "So, any plans today?". She asked, washing the dishes. I hummed softly and then answered.

"I'm going out with Huening Kai today".

"Oh! What are you boys gonna be doing?". My Eomma turned around with a smile and waited until I answered.

"Go to the park and probably get some ice creams before we come back here and hang".

"Thats nice, when are you guys gonna go?". I picked up my phone to check the time and saw it was around 9 already.

"Oh shoot! In 30 minutes!". I yelled, scramming upstairs to my room. I quickly opened my closet door and then chose an outfit. I decided to wear some jeans that were loose at the end and then a red sweater crop top. I quickly made sure I did my hair and a bit of makeup before going downstairs to get the rest of my stuff. I grabbed my phone, wallet and then slipped on my red converse. I then pulled out my phone when it went off.

Hyuka 🦄: I'm a couple minutes away from your house. See ya!

Taehyun: alrighty, I'll be waiting for you ;)

Hyuka 🦄: Ew noooo! Stop it Taehyunnie 🤣

Taehyun: You know I'm teasing! Just hurry up and get me on our date! I miss you already!

Hyuka 🦄: I'll be there in a few seconds Hyung. Calm down hehe

Then there was a knock on the door and I immediately opened it. "Hyuka!". I exclaimed, jumping onto Huening Kai to hug him tightly. He chuckled and embrace me back before letting me down.

"Are you ready?". He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yay! Let's go!". Huening Kai gushed. I grabbed onto his arm and off we went to the park.

"So how was you morning?". I then asked after a few minutes of walking.

"It was good, Jungkook Hyung had to leave earlier though for his shift so I didn't get to see him again". Huening Kai answered. I rubbed his arm affectionately.

"It's okay, you'll see him again".

"How was yours?". He then asked.

"Well I almost slept in which would have made me miss our date but my Eomma and her scary self saved my butt". We both laughed. After 10 more minutes of walking, we arrived at the park. It wasn't very crowded and it was a nice weather which made it perfect. We decided to sit under a tree. I sat next to Huening Kai and then laid my head on his shoulder comfortable.

"Okay, before we talk about anything else. I wanna hear everything about aengdu!". I giggled softly and looked at Huening Kai with a smile.

"Okay so, he's been really clingy actually and somehow, because of that, he gets out of his box and then I find him wrapped around my wrist when I wake up in the morning. It's really cute but I'm always afraid I'll squish him so I have to get a new box soon". Huening Kai burst into laughter.

"I'm surprised you haven't squished him yet! You move around so much when you sleep, especially when you don't have me to cuddle you". He said, almost wheezing. I smacked my lips and then pouted visibly.

"I do not need you to sleep!". I protested. Huening Kai scoffed.

"But I bet you still wish I cuddled you every night!". He teased. I stuck out my tongue to him and then tackled him. I ended up straddling Huening Kai and smirking as he blushed to my response.

"Well I bet you wish that Soobin Hyung was in your bed every night".

"TAEHYUN SII! KEEP IT PG 13!". He yelled. I giggled loudly.

"When it comes to you two, nothing is pg 13. You guys aren't as innocent as you think". I replied. Huening Kai was the one to stick his tongue out to me and then grab my wrists, flipping us over. But we needed up rolling down the grass hill.

"Oh my God! Why'd you do that! Now we have grass and dirt all over us!". I exclaimed. Huening Kai burst into laughter, falling over again.


"HEY! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SENT US DOWN A HILL!". I yelled, scolding him. Huening Kai chuckled and then pulled me into a tight tight hug. "Let me go! I'm mad at you! My clothes is all dirty!". I yelled. But he didn't, and only cooed at me softly.

"Awe, my Taehyunnie is so cute~".

"I am not your Taehyunnie! I'm Soobin's Taehyunnie! HAHA!". I claimed. Huening Kai screamed like dolphin and then entrapped me into an even tighter hug. "HELP! IM BEING SUFFOCATED BY A UNICORN WHO SOUNDS LIKE A DOLPHIN AND ACTS LIKE A PENGUIN!". I screamed, pretending to cry in fear.

"Take back what you said! Soobinnie Hyung is mine only!". Huening Kai exclaimed. I continued to scream but he only looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed loudly.

"I take back what I said. I'm not Soobinnie's Taehyunnie. I am your Taehyunnie". I said softly. Huening Kai loosened his grip and then brought me onto his lap.

"Are you gonna scream now?". He asked. I chuckled and shook my head. I rest my hands on Huening Kai's shoulders and then smiled at him softly.

"Can we go get ice cream now?". I asked.

"Ohhhh! Ne!". Huening Kai answered, letting me get off his lap. We walked hand in hand to the ice cream shop, still covered in some dirt. "Do you want me to pay?". Huening Kai then asked, pulling out his wallet. I shook my head.

"We can split, don't worry". I said. Huening Kai nodded and then opened the door, letting me in first. "So sweet". I commented.

"You know me when it comes to you". Huening Kai responded. We went up to cashier and then placed our orders.

"May we please get a vanilla cone with fruit and hot fudge and a mint chocolate cone with fruit as well?".

"Yes sir. Please go pay at the cash register".

"Kamsahaminda!". We both said. After a few minutes of waiting, our ice cream cones came and we sat down a table near the window.

"This is really nice, reminds me of the old times". I then said, smiling. Huening Kai nodded, eating his ice cream happily.

Third Person POV

"Back so soon boys?". Eomma asked, hearing Tyunning come into the house.

"Yeah, I don't think we can handle any more ruckus with each other". Taehyun said, laughing softly.

"What do you me- oh my goodness". When Taehyun's Eomma turned around, she saw that both boys were covered in dirt, ice cream, and who knows what else. "You guys should go take a shower". She said.

"Yup!". Taehyun exclaimed, walking upstairs to his room with Huening Kai.

"Okay, so do you wanna take a shower first?". He asked, closing his room door. Huening Kai shook his head.

"It's okay, you need it more honestly". He chuckled softly. The older smacked his lips and pouted.

"Screw you". He murmured.

"Just go! I'm kidding". The younger exclaimed. Taehyun nodded and then grabbed see clothes before leaving to the bathroom. Huening Kai quietly waited, sitting on Taehyun's desk chair. After a few minutes, Taehyun came into the room with wet hair and a towel around his neck.

"You can go now". The older said with a small smile. The younger got up and then grabbed his own clothes.

"I'll be back". After taking his shower, Huening Kai threw himself onto the bed with Taehyun.

"I'm so exhausted!". He yelled, his voice muffled into the bed sheets. Taehyun giggled softly and then tapped the younger's shoulder. He looked up. "Hm?".

"Cuddle me!". The older demanded. The younger sighed and nodded with a smile. Huening Kai got up and then laid down. Taehyun laid his head and hands onto the younger's chest and smiled when he started to play with his hair. "This is nice....". The older whispered after a few seconds. The younger hummed softly and then felt himself getting drowsy.

"Goodnight Taehyunnie...". He whispered.

"Goodnight Hyuka...".

Time Skipppp

"Taehyun, Huening Kai. Are you guys sleeping?". Taehyun's Eomma continued to knock on the door but there was no answer. She opened the door and smiled softly when she saw the boys cuddled up and asleep. She walked over to them and then shook Taehyun first. "Taehyun, honey. You both need to wake up. Jaehyun is here". She said. Taehyun whimpered softly but nodded. His Eomma smiled and then walked out of room, closing the door. The older then got up from Huening Kai's grasp, yawning as he stretched.

"Hyuka, wake up. It's time to go". He said, tapping Huening Kai. The younger whined loudly, barely able to open his eyes. "Come on. Jaehyun is here". Taehyun said. The younger sighed and then slipped out of bed, clinging onto the older. Huening Kai grabbed his stuff and then let Taehyun walk him downstairs and out the door.

"Hey Kai, you ready to go home?". Jaehyun greeted, smiling softly. Huening Kai took a deep breath as he felt himself waking up. He nodded. "Alright, let's go". Jaehyun held out his hand to the youngest.

"Bye Taehyun Sii, see you at school". Huening Kai said, hugging Taehyun.

"Bye Hyuka, make sure you both have dinner". Taehyun responded as he watched the two brothers walk to the car and get ready to drive off. He smiled softly as he closed the front door and they left.

When Jaehyun and Huening Kai got home, there was already some takeout that Jungkook left for dinner not too long ago. They walked inside and changed before sitting at the counter table to eat.

"Did you and Jungkook Hyung make up?". Huening Kai then asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, it was a pretty long talk we had that day". Jaehyun replied. "How was your date?". He then asked. Huening Kai smiled.

"It was good, and exhausting like always". They continued to eat and talk causally, laughing every now and then. When they finished dinner, they said goodnight to each other and went into their own rooms. Huening Kai laid down, staring at the ceiling till he got a text.

Soobin Hyung 🌺: I miss you🥺

Huening Kai: You always do Hyung

Soobin Hyung 🌺: But this time is extra special. I miss you more than I ever had in my entire life!

Huening Kai: You're so dramatic Soobinnie

Soobin Hyung 🌺: I know hehe

Huening Kai: Well.....I miss you too..😔

Soobin Hyung 🌺: Awe my boyfriend misses me~

Huening Kai: We aren't even together Hyung😤

Soobin Hyung 🌺: Well if you are willing, I can ask you to be my boyfriend now😳

Huening Kai: noooo. I want it to be special. You can only ask me when it's something spectacular!

Soobin Hyung 🌺: Oh no, you're one of those hopeless romantics huh?

Huening Kai: Maybe👉👈

Soobin Hyung 🌺: My flower is too too cute for me! I'm gonna go uwu!

Huening Kai: hehe I know I'm so cute🤭

Soobin Hyung 🌺: Okay but if you really need the moment to be awesome, I can wait til the festival. It gives me time to make a whole plan lol

Huening Kai: I like that ideas

Soobin Hyung 🌺: I can't believe that you're making us wait for a whole like  almost 3 months to be official. We already kiss and stuff.

Huening Kai: Just don't question it. Author min has been having a hard time with putting the conflict and time line together that fits right. So she has to do this

Soobin Hyung 🌺: But I wanna call you my boyfriend already!😣

Huening Kai: Soon Hyung. Now hurry up and love me so I can fall asleep!

Soobin Hyung 🌺: So needy......but okay!

Huening Kai: yay!

Soobin Hyung 🌺: I wish you were here so I could kiss you and hug you and cuddle you and tell you that you're pretty and then whine because author Min won't let us be bfs

Huening Kai: I wish that too. I want you to hold me and kiss me and protect me like you always do

Soobin Hyung 🌺: Does that mean I'm doing a good job?

Huening Kai: Don't jinx yourself

Soobin Hyung 🌺: I won't hehe

Huening what

Soobin Hyung 🌺: I love you so so so so so much

Huening Kai: I love you so so so so so so so so much too!

Soobin Hyung 🌺: I love you more!

Huening Kai: No! I do!

Soobin Hyung 🌺: You're not allowed to love me more

Huening Kai: but I want tooooo

Soobin Hyung 🌺: Too bad. I fell in love first

Huening Kai: That's a huge lie! I fell in love first so I love you more!

Soobin Hyung 🌺: mkay fine. But I still love you so much

Huening Kai: I love you too Hyungie

Soobin Hyung 🌺: But now you should go to sleep my flower. I promise to walk you to school in the morning and we'll have our everyday secret kiss!

Huening Kai: Okie Hyung! I can't wait! Goodnight ❤️😚

Soobin Hyung 🌺: Goodnight my flower! 😘

A/N: I hope you guys like that chapter because I am not doing any more simple ones. I also didn't proof read this one and I won't at all because I'm way to lazy. Also I said I won't do simple ones anymore because I gotta get the conflict going and it's hard fitting it especially when I can't mess with the timeline so I'm probably gonna skip like a whole month or two oof but we'll see. I just hope this book turns out well😳 okie bye! Love you!

Edit: I added a Tyunning picture that we shall pretend was taken by jaehyun on the day they were hanging out idk why

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