𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁...

By Flauntedwordx

148K 5.3K 3.9K

I shut my eyes close as if by doing this, I would magically disappear from his sight, but I was wrong, I coul... More



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By Flauntedwordx


I loathed the school's sleep overs, only because somehow I have always managed to do something headline worthy and taint my parents good reputation.

And now, I was making the same mistake as usual, and yet with no single remorse. The classroom is void of people, the only noise heard were the sounds of heavy breathing and moans, soft moans eluding from my mouth as Liam's moist lips trail down the edges of my exposed neck to the valley of my breast.

His rough hands hauls my top up and I hold onto his hands stopping any further movement.

"I want this to stop Liam, I'm tired, I can't keep doing this, we need to stop." I tell him forthrightly, jumping down from the desk without meeting his eyes, I let my hand run down my sides carefully straightening up the creases on my crop top and high waist skirt.

"Why. we were okay before now, you loved it when I touched you, what changed." He assures fixing his wrinkled collared shirt and dark pants. He was right, I did, I used to love it when he touched me, but not anymore, after the incident with Manuel, I felt how much something I loved could be so forced and excruciating, now every touch from other people made me remember, and that was the last thing I wanted, to remember.

"Nothing." I ended. About to saunter out of the classroom but his large hands grips my wrist firmly, using his other hand in lifting my chin till our eyes collided.

"If there's anything you want me to stop, I'll do it, but don't give up on us like this Kisha, I love you and you know it." He grits out and I tug my face from his hands, peeling my wrist away.

"I want you to be happy Liam but not with me. And you don't love me you love my body."

"Same fucking thing," he yells clenching his jaw, "Who's the guy Kisha, who's the fucking dude!" I hated it when he was like this, he was uncontrollable, unpredictable, something even i can't help.

"Is it Xander?"

"No!" I reply in a quick whisper, rolling my eyes at the name he mentioned. I've always liked Xander, right from middle school but then he never noticed me, when he did, it wasn't for something I was proud of but nonetheless he was the least of my problems, and the kiss we once shared meant nothing, I wouldn't even care less if he dated Maria right now.

"Then who's it." Liam persist keeping his gaze fixed on mine, as though a disclosure kindled in his mind, he frowns. "Is it Maria, was it what she said to you outside Malloy's eatery?"

Dread fills my eyes at his confession, he shouldn't be aware of mine and Maria's encounter, how did he know, did he also hear what we spoke about, shit. "No it's not Maria. And how did you know that we spoke outside Malloy's eatery, have you been following me Liam!?"

I question eagerly but he ignores me, fisting his hands into balls, "I think I know who the fuck it is." he curses walking past me.

"Liam, what are you doing?" I follow after him, trying to gain his attention but he ignores me, opening the classroom door with a loud thud, walking through the quiet hall way and tracking his footsteps into the classroom filled with students.

The last thing I wanted was getting into that stupid schools magazine, or being the talk of the school again. It was fun before, but becoming noticed more than I already am, wasn't at all pleasing at the moment.

"Liam." I run after him, trying to reach his pace but the heels I had on were a tad too high, even for me.

A myriad of fear engulfs me at the thought of Liam knowing about what Manuel had done, I wanted Manuel to pay but not like this, not with the knowledge of people that I was abused by him, it would ruin me; the gossip of people, the fake sympathy, it would tear me apart for life, it would even scar me more than the marks inflicted on me by Manuel.

"Liam!" I yell catching the attention of everybody present, as Liam walks deeper into the classroom, forcing his way past students who sat on their mats on the floor as his steps leads to Manuel but then he passes beside him walking towards.


Its been a week, a week since the dinner, a week since Manuel spoke or even tried anything with me, a week since Chance got stood up by his crush and a week since Xander stopped my school. Yes, Xander stopped my school.

Today, is also the first day of our school's sleep over and nothing much had happened, but with fingers crossed, I knew everybody waited for a mishap.

Mr Manuel gathered the students, advising us about the rights and wrongs before the sleep over finally kick started. Glad that he didn't call me out, neither did he even glance my way and even if he did he wouldn't be able to touch me.

"Hey! How does a coke sound?" A hand soothes my thigh and I smile meeting the beautiful green eyes of Xavier. Who now attends my school instead of Xander.

I wouldn't lie, I missed Xander but then again this was what he wanted, he asked to exchange with Xavier and he didn't even take no for an answer.

This new beginning has been making me a lot more nervous because even with the doctors admission that Xavier was getting better, I feared for the worst, with Xavier not being in his comfort zone—which was his house, anything could happen and the last thing I would want was him getting sick because of me.

"Sounds awesome to me." I inform with a bright smile, watching as his eyes glints before he makes his way outside the classroom.

"I think Xander is a lot more chiller these days." A girl whispers beside me, and I can't help but feel the burning gaze of her eyes.

"He even drives a car now and he brings her to school everyday." Her friend, I presume, joins in.

"What does he even see in her, i don't think I've ever seen her before, do you know her name?"

"I think it's Manu or something?"

I shake my head, pursing my lips to hinder my amusement, at least she got the first letter to my name correctly, i render my attention back to Mr Manuel and our principal, Mrs Sophia.

"...... So it would be to our own interest if—"

"Liam!" The gravel voice of Kisha resonant round the classroom which not only gained my attention but the attention of everyone present.

I avert my eyes to Kisha but instead I see Liam heading towards Mr Manuel, he passes him walking straight to were I'm seated.

With the blink of an eye, he grabs hold of my arm, forcing me up. With a staggered posture i try to keep up with his pace as he pulls me out of the classroom.

I hear the gasp and warning from the teachers which Liam openly disregard taking me outside the school's building and back to the same uncompleted building he once brought me to and a realisation dawns on me, he is going to try to hurt me, once more.

"Liam what are you doing? Did Kisha send you again!" I whimper, panic rushing through my system, my throat becoming constricted with every passing second.

"Let go of me Liam!" I yell smacking my fisted hands around his back but he grips me hard as he continues to drag me with him.

He lets go of me pushing me till I'm in front of the unestablished building, I watch beside him to see the seas of people who followed behind us, Kisha in front of them with her heels on her hands as she ran bare footed to where we were.

"What did you say to Kisha outside Malloy's eatery?" Is the first words he lets out and my eyes open in dismay, I couldn't tell him, it would break Kisha.

"What did you and Kisha discuss Maria!" He yells, his voice increasing more octaves as he spoke making me tremble, taking unstable gait backwards, he was a lot more furious than that day, what was his excuse today? Kisha didn't kiss him back or Kisha broke up with him? "Answer me Maria!"

"Nothing that concerns you Liam, now let her be." Kisha answers for me, grabbing at my arm as she leads me away, our steps halt as soon as he pulls our hands apart pushing Kisha aside till she's sent stumbling and landing on our music teacher, Mr Donald, who along side the other teachers, the principal and the rest students stand few feets from us.

Liam keeps his hold on me as tight as humanly possible, placing me in front of him, with his arms pressed against my throat he slowly moves backwards from the growing crowd.

"Let her go Liam, this is ill-conceived even for you, what has gotten over you!" I could hear the authority in Mr Manuel's voice, as though he really cared, what made him different from Liam.

Liam holds me tightly, moving both our body back from the crowd, his hands around my neck, leaving me almost breathless, "If you near me, I'll snap her neck without even thinking twice, it wouldn't be the first time I get arrested."

"Liam p-please stop."

"Shut up Kisha, now put down your fucking phones, all of you!." I watch as everyone did as instructed, the heavily built boys in our rugby team all ready to pounce on Liam, as they waited for Mrs Sophia's authority.

"Liam, I want you to let go of Maria right this instant or else, I wouldn't care less if you get arrested by the police." Mrs Sophia warns but only gains an high pitched chortle from Liam.

"If you as so much call the police, I won't even hesitate in killing her."

"This is absurd." The school's number one Francis confirms, "are we just going to watch and do nothing, while this mad man continues."

"We have no choice." The principal whispers but I could hear it, the despondency evident in her voice, the submission, I couldn't help the way my tears fell off my face. Why does it always have to be me. Not as though I would wish this for anybody but then, It was too much for just a person.

"Fine, I'll tell you." I assure trying to steady my breath, keeping my eyes wide open just so I could deviate the faint feeling engulfing me.

"What?" He questions, my words taking him aback.

"I'll tell you what you want." I yell and he releases his hold on me, I ignore the plead in kisha's eyes, gaining an semblance of courage, I'm about to elbow him and make a dash for it but a body beats me to make any damage on Liam, as he is dragged to the floor, three heavy blows lands on his face almost immediately.

Splutter of blood spout out from his mouth and Xavier is pulled off of him, "we think he got the message Xander!" Francis pats his back and he regain himself walking up to me.

"Maria are you okay?" I nod confidently at the principal, hiding my stunned state. She gives a warming smile before turning to the students, "Everybody give Liam space, we'll wait for the school's nurse, she's on her way.  Nice work Xander." She informs before patting Xavier's shoulders.


"Its okay, Mari." He assures, pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around me making my head rest on his warm chest, with his other hand soothingly brushing over my hair. Maybe this was what I needed, I took in a large amount of breath against his clothed chest wrapping my arms around his waist, hugging him as tight as I could, ignoring the way both our hearts thudded in unpredictable beats.

The minute we pull away from each other with my arms still secured around his waist, I notice the mess I made on his shirt, just like the way I did Xander's, I had a problem with my nose when I cried, "I got snot all over your shirt Xavy." I pout, making a face whilst pointing at the spot, totally ashamed of myself.

He chuckles placing both his palms firmly on my cheeks lifting my face up to stare at him, he leans down peppering kisses around my lips, making me blush, "Xavy, people!" I whisper yell and he pulls away with a small frown.

"I couldn't care less if people watched Mari." He admits leaning down to place one last kiss before letting his hands drop to his side, "About the coke." He starts and I laugh,  "but I could get you an ice cream though, heard they are giving out free ones since the sleep over is going to be cancelled."

"Sure, Xavy, make sure you come on time." We pull apart and I warn, watching as he slowly walked away.

"I cross my heart." He promises, going ahead to actually cross his heart, blowing me a kiss which I catched, placing my hands on my chest. Maybe myself and Xavier were the biggest geeks in planet Earth, my smile faint as I watched him walking further from the crowd into the schools building.

"Maria," i hear from behind me and I quickly turn around to meet the ardent gaze of Kisha, who still have her heels on her hands, "this is all my fault and I'm... I'm very so- I'm so—"

"You're sorry?" I finish for her and she nods in assurance.

"Yes, I'm what you said." She informs before turning around about to walk away but suddenly she stops, turning back to me, "th......thank you for not telling him, Maria. thank you for being the world's best jerkface." I watch a smile form on her lips before she pulls me into a hug, we stayed there for a bit and I wondered how many people Kisha hathaway would have willingly hugged, I was beyond lucky.

She pulls me at arms length before dropping her arms, "See you around, jerk face and, I think you and Xander look adorable together." She concludes with a smile doing her hair flip thing before walking off and joining the crowd.

I wanted to stop her to clear the air about Xander but then watched as George 'the school's clown' started panicking in front of Liam's body, we all watch as he kneeled down craning his head till they were on Liam's face, he lifts his head placing his hand above Liam's heart.

"He's not breathing!" He yells. Gaining gasps from different corners at his conclusion, my heart thudded against my chest, my legs trembling, what have I done again.  Xavier is going to be arrested because he was trying to help me.  The school's nurse finally comes in checking Liam's pulse and she shakes her head in disappointment.

"Don't be dramatic George, he's just unconscious." A sigh of relief leaves my lips as she catered for Liam.

          After a few minute of trying to get Liam to wake up, he finally did, his eyes burning through the eyes of everyone that surrounded him.

Mrs Sofia is first to talk, after the short conversation I had with her, she finally came to a decision. "Liam we called your dad, you need to go home, you've been suspended for trying to fight with a student and you're very lucky that Maria had begged on your behalf, if not, the commotion you've garnered is enough for you to be expelled and get you arrested. Fighting in the school's premises and threatening a student will never be tolerated."

Mrs Sofia, our principal affirms briefly dissipating the crowd that watched transfixed, giving one opinion or the other, "The sleepover has been halted, your parents have been notified, you can all go home."

"Here, I already got our things inside the car, we'll leave when you're ready." Xavier outstretch his arms in front of me, and I grab the ice cream cone with skaky hands, placing it on my mouth and sucking it so slowly, I spy through my lashes taking how tall he was compared to me as he watches me so intently.

He notices my discomfort and lifts my chin up staring at me with worried eyes, "what's wrong Mari."

I let out a shaky breath,"I k-keep making you fight for me Xav, all the time. if by chance we star in a movie, it would be named, saving Mari or maybe I fight for her or, helping the trouble prone" I sniffle, not even believing how I could say a joke at the moment.

He chuckles lightly, and I swoon, not being able to hold back my own smile, the sight of Xavier laughing was out of this world,  "And I keep telling you to stop worrying, my dearest Mari."

He leans down, craning his head till they were right in front of mine, my breath hitched the moment I felt his, carefully he brings his lips to mine, fervently licking the ice cream off my lips and my stomach couldn't help but contract at the feeling. I loved it when Xavier kissed me, and since when we started dating, it has been alot. A scowl comes from behind us, followed by, gaging noices, "Get a room kids!"

My cheeks burn in embarrassment the moment I see the principal and the school's nurse.

I wave them bye as they leave our line of sight, making Xavier finally speak up, "Why don't we get a room Mari." He jokes picking me up and carrying me in his arms so effortlessly as he walked towards his car.

My cheeks flush and I ignore the eyes staring at us, I couldn't careless at the moment, my eyes were ogling at the beautiful man before me.

"If you keep looking at me like this Mari, I'll just have to take you to my house and never let you leave."

He whispers and I grip my hold on him tighter with an arm, taking the last scope of ice cream into my mouth and throwing the cone away with my free hand. Holding the urge to reply something along the line of, "I would love that." Because sincerely, I would.

As soon as we enter into his car, I check the time on my phone and I frown, "it's already past six, you're suppose to take your drugs by five." I inform and he groans.

I shuffle my hands into his backpack, bringing out his drugs and a bottled water. Hovering it on his face and giving him a pointed look.

"You're evil." He lets out before opening his mouth for me and I chuckle, this has been our regular routine, and like a good boy he doesn't argue as I gave him his drugs.

"Now, that wasn't so hard was it? In no time my big baby will be fine." I pinch his cheeks and he smiles.

"Yes, Mommy." He pouts puckering his lips in front of me.

Smiling from ear to ear, I lift my self off my seat, placing my lips on his. As a regular gift anytime he took his drugs.


The moment Xavier drops me off, I decided to check on Mrs Sarah before I went home and called it a day.

I push open her door, not even a bit surprised that it wasn't locked, and in an instant Keke runs towards my feet, rubbing her fur on my shoes for attention, crouching down i pick her up, combing my fingers through her white fur and gaining soft meows from her.

"You're back early, I thought the sleepover was till on Monday." Mrs Sarah acknowledges from her living room the second she sees me, the sound of her watching one of her favourite soap opera could be heard. My eyes agaze at the beautiful flowers disperse over her counter top.

"Yeah, It was cancelled, what's with the flowers Mrs Sarah." I question taking long strides towards her kitchen.

"Someone left it at my doorstep, just after you left." She notifies and I frown.

"But Mrs Sarah you're allergic to peonies."

She gave out a loud snort before replying, "Well, I'll have to tell the person when we start seeing. You know I had to beg the mailman to bring it inside the house."

I finally reach the counter, placing Keke on the floor and she rushes to her dish containing her food along side the other cats,  I roam my hands around the corsage of flowers, bringing it to my nose and inhaling the soft smell it radiated. I see a small note underneath, and I quickly go for it.

I'm super excited that Mrs Sarah had someone hitting on her, at least now she'll stop gushing about my boyfriend and focus on her admirer.

I pick the paper, a bold sentence indent in it.   I love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grows old.

I read out loud and Mrs Sarah giggling fill my ears, I could easily tell the words were definitely borrowed from one of Shakespeare's plays, but I wasn't going to tell her about it, I spot other words below, written in small letters, lifting the paper up, I squint my eyes till the little words scribbled underneath were visible.

If you think I'm done with you Maria, then you are as oblivious as the old woman.

A small pin I didn't earlier notice in the note prick my skin, drawing blood. "Shit." I mutter placing my injured finger inside my mouth, and squeezing the note till they were rolled in balls, before shoving it inside my pants.

I turn to Mrs Sarah, trying to sustain an unwavering voice, "M-mrs Sarah, who did you say gave you this flowers?"

"It's my secret admirer, and this isn't the first time Maria. he has been sending letters, I just keep forgetting to show you." She gushes carefree.

"You sure, you've never seen him before?" I continue to interrogate even with her lack of knowledge, hoping to get an assurance that it isn't from who I think it's from.

"I don't think so, but he said he'll pay me a visit soon in one of his previous letters."

"When did the letters start coming."

"A week ago, to be specific a day after your family dinner, is anything wrong Maria?" She finally turns her attention to me, her brows quirk in worry.

I feign a smile, praying for sanity, "No Mrs Sarah, everything is....  just fine."

• • •

Random question: Should I add smut into this book(which is almost coming to an end), or should we keep it rated pg and leave the smuts for Xander's story??

And do you think Mari should be worried about the note, who do you thinks it's from??.


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