Starlight Lovers : A Dark Sou...

By nilsy_b

1.5K 245 737

"You have the power to light up the darkness inside me" Highschool sucks!!! Bad grades , less popularity , mi... More

02 ~ Are you a stalker?πŸ‘»
03 ~ Pay me laterπŸ’Έ
04 ~ I hate you 😑
05 ~ Hey , I'm sorry!✨
06 ~ Damn it! 😀
07 ~Let's kiss kiss kiss πŸ’‹
08 ~ I guess it isπŸ’›
09 ~ Class bunker?πŸ€“
10 ~ Confession?🌹

01 ~ Who are you? πŸ‘£

211 25 130
By nilsy_b

"Why do stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by?
Just like me they long to be close to you"


I hate high school!!! The only reason that I wasn't a bully in my freshman year was my brother , he really got reputation there. My brother is one of the handsome dorks in school who is two years older than me , really good at soccer , always gets good grades and hangouts with the most popular kids. And then there's me the completely opposite. WEIRD, LAZY, MESSY, QUIRKY, SMART FREAK!

I'm really an outwordly girl always fantasizing about dating a super cool guy or having a fancy life but I was never close to my daydreams ,Even a simple guy? Nah. Pathetic me.There's really nothing special about me. BORED!! And here I am about to start another dull year of high school with a bunch of morons duh!

My usual day starts with me getting ready for school like a bat out of hell as I consistently wake up late. ( Cant help it!) and my mom waiting for me outside in the car yelling at me. I can imagine myself climbing down the stairs looking like a complete mess EVERYDAY!! But in weekend I get up around nine which is really reliving....Well yeah my mom has to wake me up duh!

"Wake up Nat" my mom uttered loudly entering my room.

"Urghh mom two minutes please" I rolled on the bed burying a pillow to my face and mom pulled me out of the bed without hesitation. (It happens very often )

"Okay I'm up I'm up" I groaned and got up rubbing my back.

"Breakfasts ready, go wash yourself and be down there in ten minutes"

"Hmm" I hummed.

"No hmms , talk properly " mom insisted.

"OKAY MOM!" I uttered sarcastically and she left the room after a placing a smirk on my mocking behavior. I'm kind of a sarcastic jerk .Sometimes only!

I took a quick shower and stomped downstairs after pulling out a t-shirt and jogging pants.

"What's for breakfast ?" I asked my bother joining the family breakfast. Actually it'st's only me and Zabdiel. My mom doesn't eat with us as she has to leave for work and my dad is always outta town and he barely visits us .He's married to his job!

"Usual pancakes" he replied with an awful face.

"Honey when you're done buy some dogfood for snoopy, he's starving " my mom asked me climbing up the stairs.

"Why don't you ask Zabdiel ? he's always free" I yelled to my mom and furrowed my eyebrows at my brother.

"Cause he's your dog not mine" he stuck out his tongue and I let out a defeated sigh. Uh wait did I mention that my brother is a complete dickhead? He's the most annoying brother one can ever have. 'Zabdiel the dickhead'.

"Honey make sure you do what I say? Zabdiel isn't going to be home today so take care of yourself honey" she said to me." bye babies " She walked away after placing kisses on our cheeks.

"Bye mom" we said jointly.

"Where are you going?" I asked taking a bite out of my pancake.

"I'm having football practices "he said with the usual smirk plastered on his face. What kind of an idiot is going for practices on weekends. Oh yeah that's my brother being all dedicated and committed.

"Okay I'm done " I got up from my seat after eating and took out my jacket leaving the dinning room.

As I stepped out I saw someone is moving into my neighborhood. I was really happy to see Mr.Wilson leaving the house cause he was such a crap and now again we are stuck up with new neighbors. Hope they won't be the next Wilson family. I saw a teenage boy bearing a load of boxes and in a moment he dropped them off his hands before taking a step ahead. And I walked towards him to help him out.

"Need a hand?" I asked him and he looked up giving me the looks like he is about get beaten up or something and after he recognized that I'm not his mom a huge smile appeared on his face. (I know that feeling boy!)

"Yeah if you don't mind" he grinned with his whitened teeth and I gave out a smirk. He's very handsome , tall and well built. I could say that he can attract any women by just a glance of his beautiful eyes.

I helped him to lift the boxes and we walked to their doorway smiling at each other awkwardly. I didn't know what to say really.

"So are you the new neighbor?" I asked flatly breaking the awkwardness of the situation

"Seems like it" he smiled again. And we both entered his house carrying the boxes.

"Oh who's this hermosa jovencita?" A woman asked while opening the door for us looking at me from tip to toe. Umm I'm not that beautiful right? Whatever! I don't know but I guess that's his mom , they had the same beautiful eyes. I could say that she's a Mexican hottie by her sexy looks and accent. I know a little Spanish.

We put down the boxes and I placed them on top of each other.

"Mom, she's our neighbor" he added and she smiled.

"Ohhh welcome honey" she greeted me with a hug.

"Gabo get your ass down here and help your brother before I slap you" she yelled and smiled back at me making me nervous.

"Who's Gabo?" I asked.

"Gabriel, my younger brother" as he said Gabo climbed down the stairs.

"Hey dick" Gabriel greeted his brother with a wink.( Well what was his name? Oh no he didn't tell me)

"Do you want me to punch your face out little shit?" He bawled back and I chuckled.
Gabriel was cute and charming. And yeah they all had the same beautiful eyes.

"Well hey you didn't tell me your name" he's back to the conversation.

"So do you" I grinned and he chuckled.

"I'm Israel" he extended a hand.

"I'm Natalia, you can call me Nat" I said while shaking hands with him. His hands were cold and slippery but his grip was strong. We shook our hands for a minute smiling at each other. I know it's kinda awkward to be so friendly with a stranger whom I've met five minutes ago but I felt really comfortable around him.

"Honey you can stay for dinner" Israel's mom bid me.

"Yeah sure but now I have to go to the store unless my mom's gonna kill me for sure, I'll see you after that Mrs...??"

"Pimentel' Israel added.

"Yeah Mrs.pimentel" I said back.

"Ok then see you around Nat" Israel waved at me putting that gorgeous smile of him to his handsome face.

"Sure , bye Israel"

I went to the store to grabbed the things my mom have asked me to and went straight home.

Zabdiel was sitting on the couch with his bestfriends Chris and Richard watching TV and I interrupted them.

"Zabdiel can I use your phone" I demanded.

"For what" he furrowed his eyebrows. How many times do I have to tell my mom to buy me a phone ? I'm not a kid anymore, I have to beg this asshole Zadiel for the phone all the time duh!

"I need to call mom" I insisted and he handed me the phone. This was rare , usually he asks me a bunch of questions. Whatever!

"Hello mom Mrs.P.." I ws cut off by mom.

"Did you feed snoopy? "

"urghh yes mom and I need your permiss.." she cut me off again. What the hell?

"Did you do the laundry?"

"MOM..Mrs. Pimentel invited me for a dinner at her place and yeah I did the laundry one hour ago" I swiftly replied.

"Wait...Who's Mrs. Pimentel?"

"Our new neighbor, she has two sons they are really nice mom let me go please"

"Ohhh okay then"

"Thank you so much mom I love you " I hanged up.

"Look who's excited to go for a dinner! Is it beacuse of the two guys?" Zabdiel teased me looking over to me wriggling his eyebrows. I hate when he does that.

"Oh shut up Zabby, I think they're younger than me"

"Well age doesn't matter and tell me are there any girls?"

"Yeah Mrs. Pimentel, she's good for you" I laughed at my own joke.

"Haha very funny Natty Matty"

"What???? You just said that age doesn't matter" I burst out a laughter. I love teasing my brother and yeah he does too.

"Is she hot?" Chris asked.

"Yeah very very hot but be careful you might melt " I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm afraid " he smirked and turned around.

Tomorrow is the first day of my sophomore year so I packed up my things . Thats really bot necessary but I somehow did as I didn't have anything else to do. Later I got a text from Erick who was my best friend from kindergarten.

[Erick💞: Hey ready for tomorrow ?]

[ Me: I'm always ready ]

[Erick💞: You never were]

He knows me more than anyone. yeah I was never ready for the first day but this year I thought of being more responsible "

[Me: So watcha doing?]

[Erick💞: Netflix . Can I come over ?]

[Me: No I might not be at home ]

[Erick💞: Why??]

[ Me: I got an invitation for a dinner by my new neighbor family ]

[Erick💞 : OHHHH interesting , ok then see you tomorrow Nat]

[Me: sure babe}

I threw the phone away and after having a shower I took a small nap .Gosh it's almost six in the afternoon . Me the lazy bone has slept for hours. Jesus I'm late. I washed my face and quickly put on my all time favourite frock ( I don't have much clothes) and stomped down stairs .

"You look beautiful honey" mom looked at me eyes widened. Duh mom I'm not a stunner though I try to be one so just be honest.

"Thanks Mom I.." I was cut off my Zabdiel.

"At least find a boyfriend from there" he asked as mom made her way to the kitchen.

"I do not need your fucking advices okay, so you better shut the fuck up"

"LANGUAGE" mom yelled from the kitchen and I rolled my eye letting out a breath.

I strolled to my neighborhood and ranged the bell . In seconds Mrs Pimentel opend the door and greeted me warmly with a hug.

"Have a seat dear" she requested.

"Where's Israel?"I asked her before taking a seat.

"He's upstairs, you can go check on him" .

"Okay thanks" I nodded with a smile.

"On your left" she directed me and I went upstairs searching for Israel.

There were two rooms on the left which made it difficult to find his room but I somehow enetered the first room as the door was opened wide.

The room was big and was very clean. I could say that Israel is a very neat person by looking at his giant beautiful room which makes me embarrassed about myself ( my room's a mess lol) and everything was white. White Walls , White bedsheets , White tiles , White curtains and even the furniture was White. What a pure kid? Looks like I just entered the heaven by myself.

I roamed around his room fantasizing to have a room like that but I know inside of me that I could never keep a room this clean.

While I sauntered the room , I heard a door knob unlocked and footsteps over the room like someone just entered. And I turned over hoping it was Israel but what I saw was a half naked man wrapped in a towel facing his back on me exploring the closet.

It wasn't Israel. This guy's is a little shorter than him and had curly hair. And yeah he was well built , I could say that even by looking at his back. He had broad shoulders and his body was soaked, looks like he just had a shower ( it's obvious cause he's wearing a towel ) and I guess he hasn't noticed my presence yet.

He unwrapped his towel off the body and in seconds I screamed squeezing my eyes shut.

"DO NOT TAKE OFF" I screamed my lungs out and my voice was shaking.

"What the hell? What are you doing in my room?" He yelled at me and I slowly opened my eyes squinting and he is again wrapped in his towels covering himself from me for God's sake. I'm too young to be blind by such a thing!

And my eyes wide opened with the view of ruggedly good looking boy standing in front of me narrowing his eyes. His ramen noodle curly hair that gelled down on his face, the dark brown gorgeous eyes , curved eyelashes , thick eyebrows ,his rosy plump lips , his chiselled jawline made him a regulation hottie. And the way those water drops cascaded down on his swimmer's body literally made me drooling. He looked like one of the marble statues made by Micheal Anjelo has come to life. His Greek God looks got me in seconds. Damn! Who is he?

"Wh..who are you?"

Who is he really? Any predictions??
Comment below your first impression on this book👇.

Thanks for reading!
Te quiero✨♥

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