adore you (scott mccall)ยน

By anticosmic

616K 17.3K 12.3K

in which scott slowly finds love again after allison argent (season 2-3) (started: april... More

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By anticosmic

   "Here, it'll calm you." Noshiko encouraged Stiles to drink the tea she had just brewed as he sat on the couch with his head in his hands since he was still trying to process everything that had just happened.

"What is it?" Stiles asked as he stared at the liquid suspiciously, not knowing what was inside of it.

"Tea." She answered simply, Noshiko not understanding why he would think it would be anything else.

"What? Like magic tea?" Stiles asked since Noshiko tended to have a collection of herbs that held a certain purpose of healing.

"No, chamomile tea. Drink it." She encouraged him as Stiles held the liquid to his lips. His hands still shaking from the earlier events of the night.

"They're not safe here," Ken announced as he walked out of the room where Blair was healing, the girl still hadn't wakened up despite all the herbs and remedies they had given her to hurry the process. Noshiko insisting on Stiles and Kira that she would be fine eventually since she already knew what was happening to the young girl.

"They're not safe anywhere," Noshiko argued back, knowing that it was safer to keep the two of them here under their protection than forcing them to go somewhere else where they might get hurt by the Oni and the Nogitsune.

"But Allison killed one of them. Doesn't that mean something? She killed an Oni." Kira spoke up, bringing up the cause of Allison's death - the Oni wanting to kill her before she managed to kill another one of them.

"Is that even possible?" Ken asked his wife since he didn't know as much about the Oni as she did - shocked when he had the news in the first place that Allison had managed to kill an Oni.

"I'm not sure how," Noshiko answered, being truthful since she wasn't sure how the young girl had managed to kill the Oni.

"But she did it. She killed one of them." Kira finished for her mom, knowing what she saw out there during the fight. If Allison could kill one of them, maybe they had a chance of getting rid of them before they came after Stiles and Blair.

"Yeah, and then they killed her. Allison's dead, and Blair's dying. Now I guess the only good thing is it looks like I'm dying, too." Stiles spoke up in pain, trying not to break down at the fact that one of his closest friends had just died, another one was on the verge of dying and so was he. Nothing was looking up for the pack and it seemed as if everything was just going to get worse for them.

"He made a powerful move by splitting the two of you," Noshiko reassured Stiles as she didn't make any mention of Blair and her condition.

"So, what's our move?" Kira asked, wondering how they could possibly even defeat the Nogitsune now.

"At this point, you need a divine move." Ken pointed out the next stage of the plan they needed, Stiles's eyes trying to focus on him as he kept his eyes from drifting to the room that he knew Blair was in - itching to check on her to see if she was okay or healing from her wounds.

"What's that?" Stiles asked since he didn't know what he was talking about.

"In the game of Go, it's what we call a truly inspired, or out-of-the-box move. The Nogitsune has had sente, the advantage, until this point. What you need is a divine move in order to turn the game around." Noshiko informed Stiles who was taking in her words but didn't know how she expected them to do that since the Nogitsune was ten steps ahead of them in everything they did.

"Okay, so is anyone feeling divinely inspired?" Stiles asked as he turned to the family sitting beside him since they seemed to have all the answers when it came to the Nogitsune.

"Mom, you said you trapped it in a glass jar, right?" Kira asked as she tried to think of a plan.

"It wasn't the jar that trapped it. It was where I buried it." Noshiko answered as she planted the jar in a secret part of the woods.

"The Nemeton," Stiles answered, the past history of the strange tree always seems to come up in Beacon Hills again.

"A place I don't know too much about," Noshiko confessed, not knowing a lot of the history of the Nemeton and its powers.

"Who does?" Kira asked as they tried to think of a plan to get answers about the Nemeton. Kira still hadn't been in the town long enough to understand all of the supernatural things inside of it compared to her friends and she was still struggling to grasp all of this new information.

"Deaton. Deaton does." Stiles confessed as the sent a text to Scott and Lydia to go to Deaton for help. Noshiko noticed Stiles's eyes still glued to the room where Blair was - knowing that he wasn't going to go rest until he saw her again. Noshiko and Ken sharing a look as Ken nodded.

"Why don't I take you to see your friend, Stiles?" Ken offered Stiles who nodded at the offer to see Blair. Noshiko helped Stiles up as the adults guided him to the room Blair was in. Ken helping Stiles sit at the edge where Blair was lying down, Stiles taking in the dried black blood around her mouth that had come from her nosebleed and the other bloodstains caked in from her ears bleeding.

"She should be waking up soon, you can wait here until she does." Noshiko offered Stiles who nodded as the two left the room. Stiles playing with his hands as the minutes past by until he finally heard movement coming from Blair. Stiles moving over as he tried to help Blair sit up properly even if his body was completely weak as well. The two of them utter messes since neither of them had healed properly.

"Buzzcut, stop. You're gonna hurt yourself." Blair whispered as she moved over, forcing Stiles to sit down beside her as she moved - letting out small hisses of pain whenever she tried to shift herself. Her voice coming out raspy since she just woke up, the two friends staring at each other and how horrible the other appeared.

"We look like death," Stiles commented, not laughing or joking as Blair leaned her hand down to hold Stiles's as he used his other hand to wrap around her shoulder since there wasn't any other way they could comfort each other right now.

"She's really dead. Allison's really gone." Blair whispered in shock, Stiles nodding grimly as the two tried to keep the tears to themselves. Allison had always been a key part of the pack from the beginning even if she did go against them at one point - Allison was family and now she was gone. And while Stiles and Blair were probably the least close to her out of the pack, they still felt the loss of her no longer being with them.

"I can't believe this happened because they were trying to save us," Blair commented, her voice shaky as she tried to comprehend everything that had happened. Stiles nodding his head, the two of them starting to think that it was their fault of what had happened to Allison.

"I'm beginning to think that if I died it would make up for everything that happened with the Nogitsune," Stiles confessed, Blair pushing herself up on the bed once she heard Stiles's words. Blair not wanting Stiles to think that his death was the answer. Blair could handle a lot of things happening to her but what she couldn't handle was losing all of her pack, her friends.

"Stiles you are not dying. We are not dying. Ever since we have met, you have been telling me that we are partners in crime. And you know what, you were right. Everything that has happened in this town, it's been me and you. So, all this guilt and shame you are feeling, I'm feeling it too. You are not alone in this, Stiles. Okay, so you're not going to give up and die. We're going to fight to live, together. Got it?" Blair finished, Stiles blinking away the tears as he pulled Blair in for a hug despite their awkward position. Stiles holding her tightly as he closed his eyes, Blair ignoring the tears beginning to fall onto her shoulder as he cried into it.

The two might not have been the closest before the Nogitsune came to town but they both know that after going through getting possessed together how much they truly needed each other. No one else in Beacon Hills truly understanding what they went through besides each other.

"You called me Stiles." Stiles pointed out to her, Blair breaking away as the two shared sad smiles with each other. Blair giving him a sad smile once he pointed it out, the two knowing that it was a rare occurrence where she actually used his name.

"Don't make me regret it, now help me hobble to the living room." Blair enforced, Stiles, wrapping his arm around her waist as Blair wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Stiles letting go as they approached the couch as Kira walked forward and hugged her.

"I'm sorry." The two girls apologizing at the same time for fighting each other at Oak Creek. Kira giving her a sad smile as Blair turned to her parents.

"I need to go to Derek's," Blair demanded for the adults, Noshiko nodding at Ken as she passed him the keys - knowing that Derek's loft was nearby for him to get there in time.

"Wait, there's something you should know before you leave." Noshiko halted Blair from leaving, Ken nodding to encourage his wife to share the revelation that she had discovered earlier.

"You should know that the Valkyrie is hurt, nearly dead inside of you," Noshiko revealed, Stiles staring between them confused since he thought that meant the Nogitsune would be dead as well.

"But then shouldn't the Nogitsune be dying?" Kira spoke up, asking the question that everyone was currently thinking.

"The Nogitsune attached himself to the Valkyrie and to someone stronger," Noshiko revealed since they all knew the Valkyrie was much weaker in her form, Stiles and Kira furrowing their eyebrows in confusion.

"Who?" Stiles asked, not knowing if this would lead to another problem for them.

"Blair," Noshiko revealed, Blair, sinking down on the spot beside Stiles as she ran her hands through her hair.

"Okay, okay. Here's what we're going to do. We find a way to get rid of the Nogitsune and no one tells Scott and makes him change the mission, understood? Technically we don't even know if that means I'll die or not." Blair turned to Kira and Stiles since she already knew the adults would agree to her plan since they wanted to get rid of the Nogitsune.

"Blair, you can't die. That's everything you've ever been afraid of since you came here." Stiles pointed out, his voice breaking as he tried to remind Blair of their promise they had just made.

"No, you're wrong. I'm not going to die. Now, I need to go." Blair finished as she walked out of the apartment. Both Stiles and Kira staring at one another in shock at Blair possibly signing her own death sentence.


Blair held the jacket closer to her as she grew colder in the elevator, zipping it up as she walked towards the loft. The twins noticing her first, Blair not caring about anything besides making sure that everyone she cared knew that before tonight's events. Blair ran up to the twins as she wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders before bringing them into a group hug.

"What was that for?" Aiden asked as he let go of Blair, him and Ethan clueless to her weird behavior as she gave the two a weak smile.

"I wanted you both to know that I'm proud of both of you and how you've changed these last few months. I'm proud that we've become sort of friends and that you guys stopped being killers. More importantly, I'm proud that one day I can call you guys my pack." Blair rambled out, the two stayings silent as they both wrapped her up in another hug - her words giving them another kick of encouragement to stay and fight as Blair let go and marched over to her brother who was staring at his sister like she had two heads since he wasn't used to this side of her.

Derek knew that his sister was acting weird as she grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. Blair trying not to tear up as she closed her eyes while tightening her grip around Derek.

"What's going on?" Derek asked as he let go of Blair as he held onto her elbows - thinking something was wrong with her since he hadn't actually seen his sister since before she got possessed.

"After watching Allison die, I needed to come to see you. I needed to see my big brother." Blair confessed, Derek nodding before bringing Blair into another hug since he had heard the details of Allison's death and knew it had an eerie similarity to that of Paige's which probably struck a cord in Blair.

"Scott and Lydia have a plan," Aiden spoke up as he broke the moment between the two as the Hale's nodded to each other.

"I should probably say that I don't have any super strength right now, I think the Valkyrie is going to be down for the count for a while," Blair confessed, Derek nodding as he went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of the sharp knives laying on it.

"Scott said you were pretty good at using these without super strength." Derek referred to Scott having been trapped in Blair's mind as Scott had relayed all of the events he had witnessed to Derek since he knew to keep them updated.

"So, what do you say? One last fight." Blair offered the twins since she already knew Derek would fight with her - all of them nodding to each other as they got ready to leave the loft and meet up with the rest of the pack for hopefully one last fight against the Nogitsune.


Derek was the first to step forward to the Nogitsune with the Triskele container in his hand as Blair walked beside Aiden. The four of them ready to face against the Nogitsune even if some of their heart's were beating against their chest at the fight.

"Did you bring us a present?" The Nogitsune asked teasingly as Derek sat the container on the ground. The twins standing on either side of him while Blair stood beside Ethan - all of the werewolves' eyes shining blue as they got ready to attack.

"I brought three." Derek corrected as the teenagers beside him started to fill with adrenaline to fight against the Oni. While the twins doubted bringing Blair with them due to her deflated strength, all of them knew she was a fighter and she wasn't going to back down now.

"I've heard of an Alpha pack, Derek, but not a pack of former Alphas. It's a little sad, isn't it?" The Nogitsune asked as all of them began stepping forward as Blair twirled her knife in her hand, Aiden and Ethan extending their claws as they prepared more and more for this fight.

"I might not be an Alpha anymore, but I can still fight like one." All of the former Alpha's beside her began roaring as the Oni began to twist their swords in a warning. The four of them running forward as they launched into the fight. The Nogitsune managing to slip away during the fight as the four were distracted by the Oni.

Blair was currently helping Derek with the Oni attacking him, Derek throwing punches as Blair continued to kick and stab him as they tossed him to the ground  - Derek giving Blair permission to help Ethan as she jumped to kick the Oni in the chest.

"Where the hell are they?" Aiden screamed out frustrating, Blair putting the knives in the Oni's back before pulling them and kicking the Oni in the hind of its legs so that he could lose his balance.

"The jeep's here. They have to be somewhere." Ethan called out as he threw the Oni to the ground as another approached Blair, the girl falling to the ground as she stuck her knives in the legs of the Oni before sliding under and proceeding to kick it in the back.

"In the school," Derek called out as he landed another punch to the Oni in front of him that was beginning to pressure him. The Oni in front of Blair beginning to swipe it's sword more furiously as Blair had to duck to hide from its attacks before she had the chance to get to a counter-attack.

"You have to get on the box. Someone get on the box!" Derek called out, Blair not managing to see if anyone could to it as she continued to fight the Oni in front of her as her main concern is to fight through this to get to the box or help the others.

Blair was fruitlessly swinging her knives at the Oni in front of her while continuing to dodge attacks as she tried to beat the demonic ninja.

"We can't do this, we can't beat them," Aiden called out as he managed to get two of the Oni down despite the fact they were just going to get up again in a matter of seconds. All of their fighting seeming to be in vain since the Oni weren't getting knocked down despite their attempts.

"Take the box. We'll hold them off!" Ethan warned Derek, throwing the Oni currently attacking Blair down the stairs as it bounced back up to attack before an arrow flew through and pierced its chest as it caused it to glow green before it fell to the ground. The Oni dying exactly the same way as the one Allison had managed to kill.

Blair turning her head to spot Chris Argent before her best friend jumped onto the stairs beside them. Isaac and Blair sharing a smile since they were both relieved to see each other right now despite the situation they were currently in.

"What was that?" Ethan asked in shock since he had never seen the Oni die before.

"Silver," Chris announced, having solved Allison's last message to him on how to kill the Oni.

"Isaac, the box. Get the triskele box to Scott!" Derek ordered Isaac who began running forward as he ran forward to get the box to bring it into the high school for Scott.

Derek and Blair continued to knock down the Oni and hold them up for Chris to shoot them with as they managed to take down most of the demonic ninjas working together. The last Oni slicing the arrow in half with its sword before it could possibly kill him.

"Get the arrow. It's the last one." Blair turned as she watched Aiden go for the last arrow since he was the closest to it and the Oni. Ethan grabbing the arrow off the ground as he dodged the Oni's attacks before plunging it into his chest. Blair running towards Aiden once she heard Ethan calling his name. Blair clutched her arm and chest in pain - her connection to the Nogitsune beginning to kick as she ignored it to catch up with Derek as they rushed to Aiden who was lying on the floor in agony.

Blair and Derek sat on one side of Aiden as Ethan approached his brother as he laid his hand on his back to help him sit up.

"Does it hurt you as much as it hurt me?" Aiden asked as he choked on the blood, Ethan letting out a small yeah as he started crying along with his brother since he knew he was about to die.

"It's okay. Lydia never believed I was one of the good guys anyway." Aiden commented as Ethan laughing sadly as he held his brother.

"She'll believe me and Derek. I'll tell her you died the hero, the good guy." Blair interrupted, her and Derek nodding as Aiden began to choke on his own blood as Ethan laid his brother's body down on the pavement down.

Derek standing up as Blair joined him, the group becoming silent as Blair waited a couple of minutes before the pain became unbearable as she shrugged her jacket off.

"Derek?" Blair called out, Derek and Chris's eye's going to Blair as they noticed the large chunk taken out of her arm. Derek's eye's widening as he held Blair's face in one hand as he examined her wounds.

"Blair, what happened?" Derek asked, Blair, beginning to let out a cry - finally breaking as she sobbed at the pain finally catching up to her as she held her hand to cover her mouth.

"Can you help me? I don't want to die." Blair cried out, her voice breaking as she watched Ethan lose his brother, knowing she couldn't put Derek through that. Derek picking his little sister into his arms as he noticed the blood coming from her arm and her stomach.

"Derek, Derek. It hurts." Blair complained as the rest of the pack heard her cries as Isaac and Scott began to walk forward with the others following them.

"Blair, I need you to listen to me, okay?" Argent asked as he bent down to the other side of the teenage girl as he tried to help her through this experience.

"I need you to let the Valkyrie die. You have a chance of living, you need to take it." Chris encouraged her, having talked to both Deaton and Noshiko about how exactly the Valkyrie worked and how everything correlated to Blair.

"I'm not strong enough. I can't do it." Blair's voice broke as she cried out in pain, not knowing if it was from the sword wound or the werewolf bite in her shoulder as she gripped tightly onto Derek's hands as he began to take the pain from her. Argent nodded to Scott and Isaac behind him - the two werewolves sitting down beside Blair as all three of them began to take Blair's pain away so that she could fight.

Blair's eyes finally shutting as her hand laid limp in Derek's hold as the other one rested on Scott's leg. Scott letting out a choked sob as he heard her heart go faint. Derek gripping Blair tighter to him as he cried out, Chris squeezing his shoulder tightly before Derek laid Blair on the ground.

"That's it? She's just dead. No, no." Isaac called out, refusing to let his best friend go. Blair was the last person in his life who Isaac depended on. The one person he knew besides Scott that would always give him a reason to fight for - a reason to keep fighting.

Isaac began performing CPR on Blair's chest, Chris looking away as he continued watch Isaac who was refusing to lose his best friend. Stiles, Lydia, and Kira silently crying at the sight of Isaac over Blair.

"Isaac, you're hurting-" Scott tried to beg Isaac to stop, not wanting Blair to go through further pain. Scott's voice beginning to crack as he watched the girl he was in love with on the floor dead.

Isaac shook his head no as he continued pushing before a hand grabbed him - forcing him to stop.

"You're going to break my ribs, please stop." Isaac started laughing at Blair's bad joke as he laid his head on her forehead before lifting her up as Blair groaned out in pain. Even if her heartbeat was faint - it was still beating and Isaac knew there was still life inside Blair Hale.

"We need to get her to Deaton's." Stiles pointed out, realizing they didn't have much time to fully save her if they wanted Blair to stay alive. None of them knowing if the Valkyrie was dead or not but they needed to make sure that they killed her and got Blair back.

Chris offered to stay with Ethan and help him with Aiden as the others rushed to Deaton's. Isaac rushing into the office as he laid Blair on the metal table as Scott managed to send a rambling phone call to Deaton on the phone of what had happened to Blair. None of them actually knowing how she was still alive but they weren't going to waste any time in saving her.

The first thing Deaton did was try his best to stitch over her sword wound. Everyone was currently sitting outside as he tried his best to help Blair. Isaac, Scott, Derek, Stirs, Lydia, and Kira all waiting for answers to what was happening with her.

"Is she going to turn into a werewolf?" Kira broke the silence as her eyes turned to the group for answers. Scott and Isaac staring blankly at the wall, not being able to hear anything else as they concentrated on the sound of Blair's heartbeat.

"The bite doesn't always turn you, it can kill you. Just like it did to Blair's sister, Paige. Or it turns you into something else like it did with Lydia." Stiles revealed to Kira as he held his head in his hands as he tapped his leg, trying not to freak out that Blair was currently lying on a table possibly dying.

The werewolves were too focused on listening to Blair's heartbeat that they didn't hear Deaton's door opening as Deaton helped Blair stand up straight - the group standing up in utter relief that she had managed to survive.

"She's no longer got a Valkyrie inside of her but she's alive," Deaton informed them, Blair now completely one hundred percent human as she gave them all a weak smile as she turned to Stiles who was the closest to her.

"Guess we really are partners in crime now, huh Buzzcut?" Blair joked sadly, Stiles moving to wrap her up a tight hug in relief. Both of them closing their eyes as the tears began to stream down their face since they knew they both had nearly died tonight.

"No one else I'd rather have as my partner in crime." Stiles joked as he choked slightly before letting Blair go as Derek walked towards his little sister.

"Let's get you home, you should rest," Derek ordered her, Blair agreeing as Derek insisted on carrying her out - not giving Blair much time to talk to the others as tiredness began to drift over her as she closed her eyes and laid her head against Derek's chest.

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