'Dragon's Grudge'

By LeoKenEvil

98.5K 1.9K 2.6K

It...It almost feels like a dream. The heroes and sidekicks who are gathered in this hall alongside me are no... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 3. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 4. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 5. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 6. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 7. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 8. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 9. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 10. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 11. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 12. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 14. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 15. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 16. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 17. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 18. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 19. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 20. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 21. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 22. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 23. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 24. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 25. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 26. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 27. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 13. (Under Rewrite)

2.4K 58 86
By LeoKenEvil

The teal-blue haired psychopath was far too busy laughing maniacally as Kurogiri nearly collapsed from exhaustion of having to warp in something so large, all the while, the giant, bony and decaying head of Hisashi Midoriya, the World Breaker, loomed over the residents of U.A.

Ochako, All Might, and many others could only look on in terror of the sight, Hisashi was nothing like what he was before, not a shred of resemblance remained. But Ryukyu and Izuku, they looked like someone had just walked all over their graves, Izukus' scales physically paling again, this time, out of sheer horror.

In all of his short fifteen years of life, Izuku had never felt so scared, the proud and raging fire that burned with righteous fury in his heart was slowly but surely being snuffed out. "No...Dad...What did you do to yourself?" This was the thought that ran on repeat inside Izukus' head, his sense of rationality also fading at the same pace as his courage.

The boys' auntie Ryuko wasn't faring any better as she looked up into the flaming blue, soulless eyes of her little brother. Upon hearing the news that her brother had turned to the side of villainy, the man that she always saw as her innocent baby brother, she was devastated. But she never thought anything like this was possible, and much like Izuku, only one thought raced through her mind. "Oh my god, Hisashi, what happened to you!?"

The other members of U.As' staff and the students of 1-A could only imagine what it's like for the two relatives to see the World Breaker in the condition he was in. Speaking of the undead horror, only his giant, bony arms and head leaned from the massive warp gate, the rest of his body was somewhere on the other side, wherever it was.


Upon hearing his master call out to him, the bony head of the dragon turned down as his piercing orbs look directly into Shigarakis', waiting for his command. "KILL THEM ALL, MAKE SURE THAT NOT EVEN THEIR BONES WILL REMAIN BY TOMORROW!"

Upon hearing the order, Hisashi's eyes flared up as he reared his head back towards the warp gate before shooting upwards with opened jaws and let out the exact same roar that he let out when announcing his presence.

Everyone immediately clutched their ears to stop themselves from going deaf, now that this time, they had the chance to actually do so without the threat of their faces being torn off from the wind pressure. The dragons' roar was so powerful, it caused the ground to shake and the ceiling to start caving in on itself.

Debris started falling around the populous of U.A as they immediately knew they couldn't win against the abomination and his masters, so they began to evacuate the U.S.J when the roaring ceased.

Though not everyone heard the order given as Izuku and Ryuko stood there, their minds completely blank and all they were thinking was what Hisashi was thinking when he did this. When the World Breaker looked down, his fiery blue orbs landed on his son and older sister.

This gave the dragon hero the impression that maybe her little brother was still in there, that he can still be reasoned with. And so, in desperation, with her puffy red, teary eyes, she called out to him, shouting at the top of her lungs to see if he could hear her. "HISASHI, IT'S ME, RYUKO! PLEASE, TELL ME YOU DIDN'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF! PLEASE DON'T TELL ME YOU TURNED YOURSELF INTO A MONSTER!"

As she continued screaming at the top of her lungs, she looked deep into the fiery blue orbs that are his eyes, looking for some form of familiarity in them, that he would recognise that he was hearing the voice of his big sister...But there was nothing there.

There was no familiarity, no recognition, nothing. It was almost as if he had his memory entirely wiped clean like swatting a fly out of the sky, tossing it into the bin and wiping the guts away like it never happened.

After waiting for a few second in silence, with the building they were in falling down around her and her nephew like a house of cards, Ryuko gave up hope as she collapsed onto the floor and buried her face into her hands as she began to sob.

"CAN'T YOU SEE, HE CAN'T HEAR YOU! THIS IS WHAT HE GETS FOR WILLINGLY GIVING HIS HUMANITY UP FOR POWER! THAT IS, IF HE WAS EVER A HUMAN TO BEGIN WITH!" The constant deranged heckling from the teal-blue haired villain was like hearing sharp fingernails scratching across the classroom blackboard.

Suddenly, something grabbed the dragon hero from behind and pulled her away from the immediate danger. The individual who pulled her way from danger was none other than Shouta Aizawa, who had just regained consciousness as he tells the dragon hero that although she's going through serious emotional pain, she can't let it get in her way of keeping people safe.

But his words, as well as the other pros, were falling on deaf ears, she was far too busy going through her emotional instability to do anything other than just sitting where she was and hyperventilating.

But it was only when All Might looked at the students did he realize they were missing someone. "Wait...WHERE'S IZUKU!? WHERE'S MY BOY!?"

At this, one student in particular started looking frantically around, trying to get her sights locked onto her lover. "IZUKU, WHERE ARE YOU!?" She decided to peer her head over the huge pile of rubble they hid behind to see if she could spot him.

When she did, she saw him standing in the exact same spot when he laid his eyes on his birth father. Suddenly, she heard cracking and breaking coming from above as she snapped her head and saw a huge piece of debris falling down towards him.

Feeling great fear and dread course through her body, Ochako immediately charged up 9% of One for All through her legs and lunged at Deku with her arms wide open. "DEKU!" She screamed his name at the top of her lungs, trying to get any reaction out of him.

But he just stood there, not moving an inch, almost as if he was entranced and practically allowed the huge pile of debris to fall on his head. Just as it was about to however, the pink flash of lightning that was Ochako caught Izuku just as he was about to be crushed, knocking him out of the way of the ceilings' collision course.

When they landed some distance away, Ochako immediately turned her attention to Izuku and sat him up straight. "IZUKU I KNOW YOU'RE PROCESSING A LOT OF THINGS RIGHT NOW, BUT WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE OR WE'RE GONNA DIE!"

Izuku, not taking his eyes off his undead father, responded with very little emotion to be found in his tone. "Look at him...Look at what he did to himself..." Just then, Ochako could feel the temperature around her and Izuku rising sharply, causing her to immediately sweat. "He did that to himself...To hurt people...Why?"

His voice was starting to go, making him sound incredibly unstable. "I-Izuku?" She looked down at his arm and saw that what little of his scales were visible started glowing yellow and orange. Then, they started to crack. "Izuku, your scales are breaking!"

The draconic greenette never once took his eyes off his aberration of a father as his fiery orange eyes began to flare up to where fire started seeping from his tear ducts and started rising up towards the sky.

And they only became more and more furious as Izuku kept the pyres of one emotion alive in his voice. Anger. "He did all this to hurt people...Why? I don't understand it!" His emotions were winning, Izukus' fear of his father only acted as fuel for his anger, along with his pure hatred.

Soon enough, it wasn't just his scales that started to break as numerous cracks began to appear across his body, his thinner and less heat resistant armour pieces began melting as the temperature around him began to skyrocket, forcing Ochako away from him. "Oh, Izuku."

"URARAKA, GET AWAY FROM HIM, HE'S GONNA BLOW!" Hearing the words of her predecessor, she snapped her head in All Mights' direction and saw him beckoning her to come over and escape with him and the rest of the staff and teachers.

At first, she was reluctant to go with them and leave Izuku behind to face what is one of his biggest demons, but she saw him stand up and gaze at his fathers decaying form, his body beginning to fracture even further with the raging furnace within him rising from the inside, flames flickering from between each crack.

She knew at that moment that she had to get out there before Izukus' anger claimed him. Before rushing off, she looked back at Izuku one more time and properly looked at his face. She didn't just see it written all over his face, but she could physically feel it being palpable in the air.

Such...Rage. She had never known such anger could even exist. But amongst all that, she could see another emotion, one that he's trying desperately to hide.

And that emotion was great fear. "You'll pay for doing this Hisashi! Do you hear me!? YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!" The dragon boy didn't even utter his fathers' name, feeling far too angry to mention him with his own breath.

The staff and students alike saw Ochako and All Might running further away from Izuku and rushed to the entrance of the U.S.J, having noticed it hadn't collapsed in on itself yet. They wondered why draconic greenette wasn't with them, only to suddenly feel the ground shake beneath them, causing them to look down at their feet and notice that the floor of the U.S.J was starting to split apart.

When they turned their attention to Izuku, they see that his body was starting to come apart with all the cracks and fractures across his figure, as well as fire starting to burst from each individual one as his armour melted.

"HE'S GONNA BLOW! QUICK, EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE!" Hearing the orders from the gravity girl, all the students and teachers followed hers and All Mights' lead and bolted for the entrance.

Before they got close enough, debris fell in front of the large doors, cutting off their escape. Though their route was still present to them as it didn't stop Ochako or All Might from charging up One for All and driving their fists into the newly formed pile of rubble, destroying both it and the doors immediately as they gave everyone an escape as they flooded out of the destroyed training joint.

Meanwhile, back inside, Shigaraki noticed what was going on with the boy through his laughter and took note that it was time to get out. "This is our cue. WORLD BREAKER, TAKE ME AND KUROGIRI OUT OF HERE!" Hearing his master's command, the large bony head of Hisashi lowered down to the sickly looking man and gave him the incentive to climb onto his snout.

Grabbing the mist villain and tossing him over his shoulders, Shigaraki and Kurogiri climbed onto the undead dragons' snout, which gave the Draco Lich the all-clear to move away from his self-destructing son.

Following Shigarakis' order, the World Breaker began to move the rest of himself through the warp gate and spread his winged arms wide open, revealing rotten black wing membranes. Then, with one beat of his wings, the colossal drake burst through the roof of the U.S.J, sending debris everywhere as he let out a spine chilling screech as he and his masters rushed to escape the blast zone.

Back inside the U.S.J, Izuku had reached his limit, he couldn't keep his rage in check any more. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! DO YOU HEAR ME!? YOU'LL PAAAYY!" With the exclamation, Izukus' body suddenly exploded and everything around him was suddenly engulfed in flames.

His screams echoed from inside the now blazing U.S.J, catching the attention of the students and teachers when suddenly, the entire U.S.J began to crumble in front of them. Years of work, building and preparing this place for the future generations of heroes, was vaporised in seconds.

The fire only kept rising when suddenly, a huge pillar of flames blasted from the dead centre of the U.S.J, shooting up into the sky and changing the atmosphere immediately.

Everyone looked up into the sky and saw that it was starting to fill with the product of Izukus' rage, fields worth of ash began to blot out the sun and spread for miles, along with flashes of fire that swirled in the dark clouds.

On the ground, the students could only bear witness to this in terror while the pros started shouting amongst themselves what their plan of action is. As this went on, Ochako had a few flashbacks of when she and Izuku were at the U.A entrance exam and she remembered her boyfriend transforming into a dragon for the first time.

But while she went down her trip of memory lane, she remembered a crucial detail, a difference between then and now. When Izuku transformed back in the fake city, the spire was steady, streamline, and overall looked stable.

This was different.

This pillar was chaotic, crazed, completely out of control, Izukus' emotions were in utter disarray. But soon enough, they would have more than just one problem to deal with, as the World Breaker let out a distorted roar nearby, gaining their attention as the huge undead dragon came into view, descending down onto the ground nearby with a loud thud.

"Oh great, WE'VE GOT COMPANY!" One of the pros shouted out, horrified at seeing the shambling horror landing nearby.

"Ryukyu, I know you're going through a lot of thoughts, but we really need your help right now! You're gonna have to let loose!" Having calmed down a while ago, Ryuko managed to think properly again, and although the prospect of going all out, especially on her little brother, really didn't sit right with her, she knew she had no choice.

Izuku was far too busy causing the apocalypse, and there really was no one here, other than All Might, who could only put a dent in Hisashi now, as well as herself, that could take down her out of control nephew.

So, she asked for people to move out of the way so she can really let her power run wild. She transformed into a dragon, but this was different, she kept growing and growing and growing until she was at her little brothers' size.

Everyone looked at her in awe, the students had no idea she could do something like this, but only one wasn't paying attention. Ochako looked into the giant torrent of flames that filled the skies with smoke, fire and ashes as it grew so large, nothing of the U.S.J remaining beneath her lovers' fury.

Feeling as though there was some rationality left within him, despite that she's quite the distance away, she shouted out to him, she called out the boy she fell in love with all those years ago to try and get through to him.

"IZUKU! IZUKU, CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" Her question was quickly answered when suddenly, an insanely loud roar sounded out from the spire of rising flames. It was reminiscent of the beginning of the end times.

Everyone present turned their attention towards the torrent of raging fire and could see it die down to where nothing remained. Then, the ground began shaking violently. Everyone just wished that this was some sort of freak nightmare, that this was all just figments of their imagination, and that they were still in the safe and warm comfort of their beds, sleeping in peace.

But the unfortunate truth of it all was that this was not the case and that what they were experiencing was real life.

Ochako could only stand there in terror as she realized that she heard that roar before, all the way back at the entrance exams. It belonged to Izuku, and unlike then, he sounded extremely pissed off.

Without warning, the ground suddenly began to split and break apart around everyone, some cracks having magma spew forth from the chasms below as everyone got cut off from each other. Another roar from Deku rang out, causing the cracks to explode and lava came bursting from the flumes.

Just as it was about to land on the students, they were all individually pulled away by mysterious means. Then they realized what was going on, it wasn't just the heroes from U.A that were called, but rather, every hero in Japan was called to deal with the crisis.

How they managed to get here so fast, they have no idea, but they were glad they did because each hero managed to get the students and U.A teachers out of harms' way for the time being and got them to regroup with Ryukyu.

Right now, Ochako was being escorted by the #1 hero as both she and All Might land at the rendezvous, to which the blonde powerhouse asks how she's doing. "Ryukyu, are you holding up alright!? Are you still with us?"

The dragon hero was busy convulsing like mad, trying to keep her demons from getting out as she kept growing. Despite this, she managed to keep herself under wraps. "I-I'm alright! I'm good here!" Just then, the same horrific screech from Hisashi rings out again, grabbing everyone's attention as they see the rotting abomination rushing towards them.

Seeing this, Ryukyu knew that it was time to face off against her little sibling, taking up a battle stance as she roars out to her brother. She would have to emotionally prepare herself for a vicious fight with her brother, that this was the being she vowed to always protect since the day he was born.

She steeled herself and was just about to charge forward when suddenly, everyone felt a huge wellspring of power pierce through their souls. Feeling it only getting stronger and stronger, everyone turned in the direction where the giant pillar of flames rose up from and saw a giant, glowing yellow light from within a huge hole, a raging chasm that was even larger than the one Izuku made back in Training Field Gama during the entrance exam.

It would seem he was able to pull off a full transformation. Nobody had any idea what to expect, but they had a hunch that if they didn't start booking it, they would end up annihilated in an instant.

However, Ryuko was able to feel the rage emanating from her nephew below and felt as though they needed to get out of the general area before the greenette that is her nephew starts letting loose. "We need to leave....Now." Hearing this, the heroes looked at her and saw the look she had on her face. She looks as though she had just seen Santa Claus murder a box full of munchkin kittens.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Shouted the homeroom teacher of 1-B, Vlad-King.

"We need to get out of here! The power Izuku's channelling is enough to light up a continent!" Her words were further backed up when suddenly, giant spires of black rock broke through the Earths' crust with some reaching higher than the U.S.J ever did.

"WE NEED TO GO, RIGHT NOW! QUICK, EVERYONE HOP ON!" With these words being given to them, as well as now starting to feel just how strong Izukus' anger and hate was, everyone complied as many of the heroes got the students safely onto Ryukos' back while some of class 1-A got themselves onto the massive white dragon.

All the while, Ochakos' emotions were going all over the place. She nearly had her head snapped by a creature called Nomu, Hisashi had just decided to make his reappearance, the U.S.J is now completely in ruins with no hope of ever being rebuilt, and now her boyfriend is most likely going to go on a rampage whilst also scaring the land around them.

Deep down, Ochako felt she was partly to blame for Izuku being like this, knowing just how much she means to him, so to see her nearly having her life ended probably was the source that sparked his anger today, the appearance of his father only drove it to heights unimaginable.

Whatever it was that made him like this, she couldn't help but feel she had a role to play in this. "Deku...Everyone...I'm so sorry...I was too weak an-" She was brought out of her thoughts when she suddenly heard the dragon hero shout out.

"EVERYONE HOLD ON TIGHT!" Upon saying this, the teachers and students held onto her hero costume and some of her scales feeling as though the distance they'd traverse along with the speed, would end with them falling off into the ground below hundreds of feet in the air.

And this was exactly the case when they suddenly felt an uproar of wind pressure hit them as they ascended, thanks to Ryukyu beating her wings and flying into the air for faster travel.

Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by the villains as Shigaraki ordered World Breaker to go and attack them as they fled, only for the sickly mans' misty sidekick to order the shambling horror to stop before he could start, which leads them to a small bickering match.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING KUROGIRI, THEY'RE RIGHT WHERE WE WANT THEM! WE CAN END THEM ALL HERE AND NOW, AND YOU'RE JUST GOING TO LET THEM OFF THE HOOK LIKE THAT!?" Seeing that the literal man-child has no form of awareness, the phantom made it clear to him what was going on.

"Shigaraki, we've got no time to waste, we must leave! If we don't, I'm sure Midoriyas' son will wipe us out with his next attack! Please see reason, we have to escape!" Hearing this, as well as seeing the mist mans' finger pointing towards the huge chasm in the centre of the U.S.J glowing much more brightly then it did before.

On top of that, he could also feel that the power the son of Hisashi was channelling could tear the whole country apart, and if they didn't escape, they would fall with it, and that was definitely a prospect Shigaraki wasn't fond of in the slightest.

With no other choice, he reluctantly agreed and ordered the World Breaker to take to the air and get away from the zone as far as possible while also ordering that they stay as close to the heroes as they can.

With all this being said, Hisashi beat his rotting wings and flew up into the air, leaving behind a green cloud that smelled like death in his wake before it was immediately snuffed out by the rising flames.

The glowing inside the huge crater grew so large to where all that one could see was a blinding light, signifying that the black dragon below was about to let loose. Before he does, he lets out one powerful roar that sounded out for miles, shaking the skies, and to where the citizens in Mustafa to even the very shoreline of the mainland could hear it.

It was the sound that rang out and commenced the very first event of many that future historians would refer to...As The First of Five Sunderings.

Suddenly, the light dramatically expands to ridiculous sizes as a colossal explosion rings out, completely destroying the neighbouring lands, a huge cloud of smoke, ash and fire suddenly starts hurling towards the heroes and students that are trying so desperately to escape.

Although Ryukyu was flying as fast as she could while also making sure no one fell off, the cloud of debris and hellfire was catching up to her at ridiculous speeds. But thankfully, a shock wave sent her and everyone on her back barrelling away, completely leaving the cloud of rage in the dust.

Though this came at a huge cost, as every single hero and student was knocked off her back in the blast, leading her to try and recover as many as she could. She got all the members of 1-A on her back, as well as the vast majority of heroes with what little control she had over the air, but there was one student who wasn't present, as well as a certain blonde powerhouse.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Falling helplessly to ground below was Ochako, who flailed around the air, trying to get some control over her rapid descent.

Then suddenly, a blur grabs a hold of her as they suddenly start descending downwards at a much faster rate than before, and it was most certainly more than what Ochako could handle. Her thoughts were eased somewhat whoever when whoever it was that caught her shouted out. "DON'T WORRY YOUNG URARAKA, FOR I AM HERE!"

Both the successor and predecessor traversed downwards towards the ground, All Might making sure that the gravity girl he was holding in his arms was protected at all costs as they fell like an asteroid. Upon seeing that they were getting ever so closer, All Might knew what was to come and shouted out to the ninth holder of One for All. "BRACE!"

She did as she was told while also feeling All Mights' muscle clench, preparing for the crash course ahead of them. Suddenly, they hit solid ground, the impact causing All Mights' grip on Ochako as they rise back up to about 12ft in the air before immediately falling back down, repeating the process until they finally started rolling across the ground.

After all this, Ochako lost consciousness for only a moment before snapping back to reality, and hurriedly getting back onto her feet as she searched for the All Might, having lost sight of him during their crash course.

"ALL MIGHT, WHERE ARE YOU!?" She only heard a few pained groans coming from nearby, but it was more than enough to snap her head in its direction as her eyes landed on Skelemight, who was having a hard time getting back up onto his feet.

Without hesitation, Ochako rushed towards her predecessor as fast as she can, kneeling down in front of him when she reached him and hauled him back up to his feet. "All Might, are you okay!?"

The blonde only spurted a little blood from his mouth before shining her a bony smile. "Y-yeah, don't worry about me! There's nothing I can't handle young Uraraka!"

She could tell that he was putting on a fake smile, she knew how hard this is for him, but not wanting to crush his spirits any further, she nodded and smiled back at him as she let him go to see if he could stand on his own.

After getting his balance back, he started looking at where they were while Ochako felt her gut wrench and started feeling squeezy, not from her quirk, but from all the traumatizing shit that she had just gone through.

She turned around and immediately started vomiting up rainbows cause this shit's censored for a good 30 seconds before she finally felt as though she could get her composure sorted. Finally, after collecting her thoughts, she asked All Might a serious question. "All Might, where are we?"

What she heard next confused her slightly. "I think you may want to take a look for yourself." Hearing this, her brow furrowed and the expression on her face contorted into one of confusion. Why would he ask that to her right now? Nonetheless, she took heed in his words and looked up, only for a shocked expression to appear on her face. "We're...Home!?"

She immediately rubbed her eyes in complete surprise, thinking that she was seeing things, but when she brought them back down, she saw that they were indeed back in Mustafa, the place where Izuku and her grew up.

She couldn't care that there were a lot of panicking civilians in the area staring at them, she didn't care about the news choppers flying above the buildings, only one thought was going through her mind as fast a race car on a NASCAR speed track.

"We're home...We're all the way back home...Deku, just how powerful are you?" This thought burned in her head like red-hot iron before she heard quite the loud roar above them, gaining the attention of her, All Might, and all the citizens below to see Ryukyu flying down and gently landing onto a nearby building as she called out to them

"URARAKA, ALL MIGHT, ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT!?" The pro only raised a thumbs up as he shouted in confirmation.

"WE'RE ALL GOOD HERE! WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF YOU!?" The white dragon shouted back saying that she and everyone else were safe and accounted for, thanks to many of the falling heroes catching some of the students that were blasted off her back from the shockwave, as well as many of the other heroes, even themselves.

However, the students of 1-A, as well as a lot of the pro heroes on Ryukos' back, saw that All Might was just a skinny, almost cancer patient looking skeleton of what he was back at the U.S.J.

"WAIT, THAT'S ALL MIGHT!?" Shouted some of the civilians. Knowing that this would have to be addressed later, All Might brushed it off to the side and continued on with the task at hand.

"Uraraka, come, we've got work to do." At this, Ochako only looked at the bony figure that is her boyfriends' stepdad with a look of confusion as she responded.

"Wait, what are we going to do?" At this, All Might stopped before he started climbing onto the dragon heroes' tail to turn back around to the brunette. From there, his explanation was short, but it was as clear as crystal blue river water.

"To go and check on Izuku...As well as the damage done." Hearing this, Ochakos' thoughts immediately went to Izuku as she started panicking over him and what happened.

"IZUKU! QUICK, ON RYUKYU, NOW! WE GOTTA MAKE SURE HE'S OKAY!" Hearing this, as well as seeing her rush over, All Might picked her up and got her onto the white dragons' tail as she started racing for the front.

As the skin-covered skeleton that is All Might climbed up onto his cousin in law, he's met with so many shocked faces of many heroes and the students, but there was one whose expression hadn't changed, one who gave him a heated glare as All Might gave a bony frown of his own

"Well well, I didn't realize that Enji Todoroki would help out U.A. How's it hanging Endeavour" The flaming hero only scoffed at this as he responded with bravado being really evident in his voice.

"What's going on with me is of little consequence, all that matters now is that we find out what's going on with that monster of a child you call your stepson." At this, All Might's teeth started grinding against each other as he growled at what he called his stepson but kept himself from saying anything, knowing that Izukus' safety was top priority at the moment.

Walking past the #2 hero, All Might suddenly felt a hand grab his, catching his attention as he snapped his head to who it was that grabbed him, and saw Aizawa looking at him with, surprisingly, a smile.

But it wasn't just any smile, it was a kind, sincere, and genuine smile. "All Might, don't worry. Whatever is going on with problem child, we'll find him and make sure he's safe. You have my word." Although they usually never saw eye to eye, Aizawas' words comforted Toshinori to a good degree as the #1 pro smiled back and thanked him for the kind words.

Upfront, Ochako was dealing with her classmates swarming her, asking her if she was alright from the fall she went through, as well as telling her that they were worried sick. It all fell on deaf ears however as Ochakos' hair covered her eyes with a frown being evident on her face.

She didn't respond to a single thing her classmates said, but one particular student said something that drove her mad, one little thing that drove her over the edge. "Stop asking Round-Face if she's alright when that answer is in front of you asswipes! What we need to focus on right now is how much shit the useless Deku destroyed in that blast."

At this, Ochakos' head perked up and snapped in Bakugous' direction, her hair no longer covering her eyes, revealing them welling with tears as her teeth started grinding so hard her gums started bleeding. "What the fuck did you just say!?" She shouted at the top of her lungs as she got up from her spot and marched over to Bakugou.

Of course, this caught his attention as he turned around to face her, only to see an incredibly furious scowl present on her face when she suddenly grabs him by the front of his hero costume and brings his face close to hers and begins shouting.

"What did you just say about Izuku!? Did you just call him useless!? That blast would've wiped us all off the map, and you still think he's useless! Just how many of these demonstrations of power does he need to show before you figure it out!? If you were even half the man he was, you wouldn't have done all the shit you did for years!"

Hearing all this, as well as the part of being half the man Izuku is, he snapped back and pushed her back onto the dragon heroes' scaly back before shouting. "YOU THINK I'M HALF THE MAN THAT VILLAIN IS!? I'M THRICE THE HERO THAT USELESS NERD WILL EVER BE, AND YOU'LL SEE THAT YOURSELF NEXT TIME WE FIGHT!"

"BOTH OF YOU ENOUGH!" Hearing a certain individual shout out from among the sea of students, Katsuki and Ochako turn their heads and see none other than a boy of the class they weren't fond of since day one, Tenya Iida.

"We're all going through a tough time at the moment, and all though Uraraka is wrong for snapping at you, you were wrong to say such insensitive things and aggravating her. So do us all a favour Bakugou, keep your trap shut for the rest of the day."Just as he was about to snap back, Bakugou saw the looks on both the classmates, as well as many of the heroes, all of them being hostile glares.

Getting the sense that he should just stop, all he did was growl at the soy-boy prince before giving his trademark 'Tch' and turning back around on his spot, sitting down so he can have a good grip on Ryukyus' hero costume.

Ochako turned her eyes towards Tenya, the blue-haired teen giving her an awkward frown as he looked away in what appears to be shame as he speaks to her. "Listen, I know that you and I have gotten off on the wrong foot because of my uptight behaviour, and for that, I truly am sorry. I just want what I believe is best for everyone, and I always get so caught up in what I say and what I think. Just like I always have, I want what's best for everyone, including you and your boyfriend."

When he finishes saying this, he opens his arms and spreads them out, inviting her into a hug to comfort her. "And I believe what you need right now is a hug."

Seeing the boy who she and Izuku didn't like all that much, as well as hearing his apology, Ochakos' dam of tears finally broke as she embraced Iida and hugged, finally letting her sadness all out.

After a few minutes of getting ready, as well as getting a last few negative emotions out, everyone was now ready to go back into the hell hole Izuku had created. Ochako managed to get all of her emotions out as she and Tenya embraced, the brunette wiping her tears away with her gloved hands and returning to her spot, but not before turning to Iida to say something.

"Iida...Thank you...I needed that." Hearing this, and glad that he was able to make peace with one member of the power couple, the teen with glasses smiled and nodded back to her before returning to his assigned area.

This was it, the moment where every hero, as well as class 1-A, would go back in to see the destruction that has been wrought onto their home country.

Ochako looked above the now calm and cheering civilians and the city beyond, with one thought coursing in her mind, her path clear to her as they begin the journey ahead of them. "Izuku, we're coming for you. We're going to bring you home, I'm going to bring you home, I promise."

"Everyone hold on, we're in for a bumpy ride!" The white dragon shouted before taking off, and once everyone confirmed that they were ready for the flight, Ryuko beat her wings and took to the skies once more.

The civilians below started cheering for their safe return, praying that they would make it out alive. As the dragon hero turned towards the huge fog cloud of smoke and ashes, she did one final check to see if everyone was willing to go in.

"Okay, last-minute check! If any of you think you can't handle what we're about to do, this is your last chance to leave!" Nobody responded. "Alright, now this is a super thick cloud of superheated smoke and ash! None of you can breathe that stuff in, so you're gonna have to hold your breath! As for the embers of fire, you're gonna have to deal with the burns if you make contact with them! With all that said, LET'S GET TO IT!"

Letting out one final battle roar, Ryukyu charges towards the cloud of smoke at full speed, looking to get through this near impenetrable death trap. Everyone had looks of determination on their faces, Ochako feeling the most determined to get the love of her life back into her arms.

"EVERYONE HOLD YOUR BREATH ON THREE!" Ryukyu got ever closer to the fog of death as she gives everyone the heads up she's gonna give them a countdown to where they start holding their breath. "THREE!"

The heroes held looks of determination, eager to find the three villains and the young dragon that went way over the edge. "TWO!" The students looked into the gateway of the hell they just barely managed to escape from, the same looks plastering their faces as they all thought about getting their class rep back.

"ONE!" Ochako looked into the fog that her beloved created from having his psyche ruined at the image of seeing his father as an undead horror, seeing glows of orange embers starting to come into view as one thought raced through her head. "I'm coming Izuku."

"NOW!" Hearing this, everyone took in a huge breath of air and held it just before they entered the cloud of smoke. It was an incredibly thick one as well, you'd probably get only around ten feet of view distance, it was that thick.

In fact, it resulted in people having to cover their faces, more specifically, their eyes, so as to not get them irritated, or to have smoke and flakes of ash forcefully shoved into their noses and into their lungs.

On top of that, it was roasting, everyone was sweating like mad from the temperature. The embers of flame weren't of much assistance either as they burnt the costumes of the heroes and students, as well as searing their skin. Ochako was among the individuals that are suffering the worst of it, given she's sat at the very front with a few others. But she's not going to let little sparks beat her, she needs to steel herself, as well as everyone, for what's waiting for them on the other side.

Eventually, like many of her class, the lack of air was really starting to prove problematic after a few seconds, and she started to turn a little pink from it. "Come on, we've got to be there soon!" She started to feel her body tingling as she lost feeling in her legs as her body slumped down onto Ryukyus' neck scales, her skin now starting to turn purple.

She was in desperate need of air.

"No, not yet! It's too soon, I can't blackout before we reach the other side! I can't give up on Deku like this!" The brunettes' vision started to get blurry, further fucking up her view of what's going on, all the smoke now getting into her eyes as she held on for dear life on the dragon heros' scales.

"NO, I WON'T GIVE UP! IF I CAN'T SAVE A CLASSMATE, LET ALONE MY BOYFRIEND, HOW CAN I CALL MYSELF A HERO! I'LL BE A HERO, JUST LIKE ALL MIGHT AND DEKU, JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!" Despite all these self encouraging words, she slowly felt sleepier and sleepier, her brain was beginning the process of shutting down due to a lack of oxygen.

She could feel her fingers start to slip off, now starting to lose feeling in her arms and hands as her mind started to go. "No! Not yet! It's...Too...Sooon..." However, luck seems to be coming her way, along with everyone else, as from her blurry and almost blackened vision, she can see some orange in front of her.

At first, she thought it was only a few embers, but hope was instilled in her soul with what she heard. "EVERYONE, WE'VE MADE IT! YOU CAN TAKE A BREATH!"

At this, Ochako finally releases the breath she held for a good two and a half minutes and starts inhaling and exhaling sporadically, along with many of the pros, as well as her classmates who were struggling to ease their racing hearts as their brains functions started to come back online. "HOOH! OH GOD, THAT SHIT NERD OWES ME A FUCKING FIGHT WHEN WE GET BACK!"

"NOT NOW BAKUBITCH!" Uraraka shouted at the walking stick of dynamite in anger, unhappy to know that he doesn't have his priorities in order. Everyone that still needed to fill their lungs with some air continued gasping for it, taking it deep into their lungs as their senses started coming back to them. "HOH! Hoh, I've never been so happy to breathe! So, let's go to the U.S.J aaannnn..." The #4 heros' sentence, Best Jeanist, fell short when he looked out into the horizon beyond, his skin visibly paling to where he was as white as snow. It wasn't long before everyone else looked out and were all gazing upon a horrific sight, Ochako, All Might and Ryukyu being the ones most affected by it. "My boy/Izuku/Deku...What have you done?"

What was once miles and miles of lush grasslands with beautiful trees and wildflowers growing, fields that were full of life, were now reduced to nothing but a barren fire and ash filled wasteland.

Nothing that resembled lush vegetation remained, all there was dry, blackened, cracked dirt, rivers of fire, spires of black rock, and an atmosphere to where if you travelled high enough without protection, it would sear a man alive.

This was what the worlds' end would look like, and everyone was scared shitless that such power was held in the hands of a teen who had only recently manifested this power a little over a year ago.

Ochakos' eyes started to tear up as she placed her hands over her mouth, knowing that her boyfriend was the one that caused all this death and destruction, the damage done on the world was probably irreversible.

"No...Deku, there's no way this could've been him...There's no way he could've done this on purpose." Hearing her speak in denial, Ryuko responded back to her nephews' soulmate.

"We know he didn't Uraraka. He was just...Pushed too much over the limit...Alright everyone, lets' find him!" She tried to reassure her, but even she didn't believe much in those words.

The dragon hero's words gave the brunette some comfort as Ochako once again wiped the tears from her eyes and held on tightly as Ryuko beat her wings and began travelling over the landscape that they described as the underworld.

As they travelled for half an hour, everyone took in the hellish scenery, each giving their description of it except the ninth One for All user. She didn't want to hear any of it.

"So...Yagi did...All this?" Eijiro said, his composure wavering as his voice started to go. "If this isn't him at one hundred percent...I gotta tell you, there's a part of me that doesn't even want to know what he can do...Or even find him at all." Mina responded, looking just as uneasy as her boyfriend, just like everyone else.

All of this didn't fall onto Ochako's ears, the gravity girl was trying her best to blot out all the words of how her Izuku caused all of this catastrophic damage. Fifteen minutes of flying at blinding speeds, and they finally arrived back at where the U.S.J once stood at.

Along the way, the damage they saw only got worse and worse the more they travelled deeper into the wasteland, but this took the cake as everyone gasped in terror at what they saw, even the more hardened pro heroes couldn't help but feel chills going up their spines.

They looked down and saw the huge crater of where the U.S.J once stood, looking as fresh as the one that had formed back at training field Gama, but with one major difference.

It was easily triple the size of the one Izuku made back during the entrance exam, and this led to the speculation that Izuku may have grown triple the size from then. What didn't help was that there was another huge difference.

The massive crater was in the dead centre of a MASSIVE ravene, the scar in the world stretching to as far as the eye can see, though nowhere close to the dome of ash.

This was beyond anything anyone could have imagined. Everyone knew that if Izuku had become a villain like his father...They'd stand no chance against the walking cataclysm. Those that thought otherwise were either extremely arrogant or just flatout fucking stupid.

"Alright, everyone is gonna have to get off and onto the ground! I'll go in and check to see if Izukus' okay!" At this, the students and many of the heroes began shouting in confusion as to why she's volunteering to go in.


"Listen walking slow-cooker, I'm a dragon, we have a special resistance to high temperatures and fire! In lament terms it means, I'll be fine!" Hearing this, Endeavour shut up and gave out a hearty huff at Ryukos' words.

With all this out of the way, the dragon hero landed on the roasting ground beneath her and allowed everyone to hop off her back. Once everyone was standing on the scorching hot ground, the students started hopping around slightly, feeling the blistering heat cook their feet.

Some of the heroes chuckled at the students' little dance class as All Might and a few others bid Ryukyu good luck before the white dragon turned around and looked down into the pit below and spoke to herself. "Don't worry Izuku, we're taking you home."

With her path clear, Ryuko spread her wings out, ready to take to the skies once more. That is until a loud, distorted roar echoes across the ash-filled sky, forcing everyone to turn around and see none other than the rotting carcass of Hisashi roaring his decayed lungs out.

The roar sounded threatening to everyone, but they felt that it wasn't meant for them. "What're they doing? He's just standing there roaring, what's Shigaraki and Kurogiri trying to accomplish?"

Suddenly, the ground below everyone began to tremble and shift, already causing panic to appear among the students, as well as a few of the pro heroes. Then, from the raging chasm and searing gorge below, an ear-shattering, bellowing roar shook the skies once more, causing everyone near it to clasp their hands over their ears to try and drown it out as best they can.

The ground began shaking and splitting, which meant that it was time to take to the air again and get to safety before the storm that is Izuku could claim their lives beneath the burning shadow of his gargantuan wings.

"QUICK, EVERYONE, GET BACK ON!" She didn't need to say it twice as everyone immediately got back on Ryukyus', and once everyone was accounted for, the white dragon beat her wings and took to the air.

And just in time too, because when they looked back, everyone saw four small spires of charcoal black just pop out of the ground before immediately breaking through the Earth's crust, showing their real size along with a large, charcoal grey head.

The creature's back started coming into view, small, but incredibly tough plating stretched from the back of its head to who knows how far across his body in rows of three, each plate getting progressively larger and larger the further they went down.

Soon enough, the beings massive neck was completely free from the Earths' grasp as he raised his massive head, revealing huge, lipless jaws that revealed a bear trap of teeth, each one is as black as his scales.

Further away, three huge tails broke free from the ground as well, the spines along each one performing that spine chilling rattle that made everyone's blood ran cold. Suddenly, the huge creatures' eyes opened, revealing them to be searing with rage, flames flickering from the very back of them and floated into the sky.

Ochako gazed deeply into them, trying to find any recollection of the boy she calls her lover...But much like how Ryukyu tried with Hisashi...There was nothing in them.

Nothing, but two fiery pits staring at seemingly nothing for a moment, nothing of the boy she loved was shown in them. But amidst her analysis, she spotted a little something else in them. And then it clicked. These weren't the eyes of a scared, defenceless little boy, nor were they the ones that belonged to a blood-starved drake.

These were the eyes of rage-induced insanity. Seeing this, Ochako couldn't believe what she was seeing, as well as the overwhelming feeling of dread welling in her heart. Izuku Yagi, the boy that she grew up with since childhood, her soulmate...Had gone mad.

Suddenly, Izuku reeled his head back towards the sky and let out yet another roar before he suddenly pulls himself from the ground, his colossal wings bursting through the cooked earth and catching on fire, along with his massive forearms, his ridiculously large meathook claws sinking into the ground as he pushes himself out of the pit and from the gorge, combustions of fire licking the sky from the sudden sporadic movements that only caused more explosions caused by his sweat being ignited.

Once he was completely free from the Earths' constraints, Izuku was now in full view, sparks and embers coming from the mighty black dragons' mouth with each and every breath he took, cracks showing across his snout and lower jaw. Everyone saw his chest, and were horrified with what they saw.

Izukus' chest was wide open, as in revealing his insides open. From inside his exposed chest, they could see a bright light that was his furious, molten, beating heart. Hearing yet another distorted screech from the World Breaker, everyone turned their heads towards Hisashi before snapping back to Izuku, to see him turning his massive head towards his undead father before letting out one final, ear-piercing roar.

This time, it was that of a threatening kind, one that signified that his territory was being invaded, one that showed he was not afraid to back down from any rival.

(Link to the speed paint is in the description. DO NOT FUCKING REPOST MY WORK!!!)

Everyone knew what was about to happen. Two gods, one of pestilence and undeath, and the other, the physical embodiment of a world-ending catastrophe, were sizing each other up, ready to go into an all-out fight that may or may not split the planet in two.

Ryukyu thought that it would be best to lean back and let them do the fighting, rather than get involved and risk getting herself and everyone on her back killed. With no other real option on the table, she played the cards that were given to her and she flew back, preparing to let the two behemoths dance.

All the while, from atop the white dragons' head, Ochako looked at Izuku and noticed that he was easily triple the size of what he was back at the entrance exam, and was willing to bet that he was well over five times the original weight.

She looked at the titanic black dragon that was the boy she had grown up with and actually prayed to God that no more damage like what Izuku caused would happen again. "God, please, no matter what happens, make sure Deku comes home safe and sound, as well as everyone else here today. That's all I ask."

This was the silent prayer that went through her head as the World Breaker charged full speed towards Izuku, the walking apocalypse rearing his body up before slamming his claws back onto the ground and letting out one last battle roar before charging headlong to his father.

Boom! That's it! Chapter done!

Just a quick heads up, if you haven't seen the announcement I made earlier today, then let me explain it here. I'm currently entering a small completion with a bunch of other fantastic writers, where we each right a Oneshot monthly for it. There are more details explaining what's going on over at @TheWritingGame2020, which is the profile used for these little competitions. I suggest going over there and giving the account a follow, so you're notified on the uploading of the Oneshots.

Anyways, as promised, here is the link to the Dragon Deku speedpaint, as well as a link to the video of what his roars sound like as a bonus!

Hope you lads and lassies enjoyed this chapter, and if you liked what you read here, then vote for what you read here, leave a comment, add it to your reading lists and libraries, and consider dropping a follow for ya boi, please and thank you...Aannnd onto the shneak peaks!

As the two titans collide in combat, the heroes need to think of a way to get the class representative of 1-A to revert back to normal, or at least get him out of that rage-fueled state. They figured that before they try and do anything drastic, they should at least check to see if he could hear reason, but one individual who volunteered to do it surprised every hero present with her lack of hesitation. After some a little arguing, they decide to let her do it, and so they fled back to Musutafu as the living apocalypse gave chase to the shambling horror.

What's gonna happen? Well...You'll just need to wait and read it for yourselves.

Take care lads and lassies, I'll see you in the next one! Take care!

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