Dear Diary

By DressageGeek

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Sophia is a lonely girl who had been forced to grow up from a young age. She never met her mother, while she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Author's note

Chapter 51

694 75 5
By DressageGeek

Dobey's head lifted in alert when he realised that the bike had stopped outside the house and jumped off the couch when I climbed to my feet. It took me a moment to walk to the window and I looked out to see Cole pull his black helmet off his head and rake a hand through his flattened hair. The action made him look extremely attractive.

"Is it him?" Richard asked and I jumped away from the glass when I realised I'd been staring. 

My face flushed beet red. "Uh, yes it is ... I'll just show him uh, in," I stuttered slightly and quickly moved into the small foyer, trying to steady my racing, anxious heart. 

To say I was nervous about Cole seeing me in my home was an understatement. I was petrified of what he might think of my modest abode.

"You better hold Dobey's collar," Richard warned from the living-room and I voiced my agreement, grabbing the blue leather strap around my Doberman's neck as I moved to open the door. 

Even though Dobey was friendly towards Cole in the rain, he was now in his territory, and I didn't want another doctor's bill on my hands: he'd got a hold of the postman once before. Even though he's well-trained, he is very protective of what's his.

The sight of Cole in his leather jacket never failed to make my knees weak (especially when I knew what that jacket felt like) when I saw him step up onto the porch with a kind of confidence I could only dream of having. Dobey yanked at my arm, but I tightened my grip and pulled him back into the house and out of the doorway. 

"You can come in," I said rather timidly to Cole, apprehensive of what he might think of my home.

He nodded as he stepped inside, taking a moment to look around before focusing on my whining dog. When I sensed that Dobey wasn't going to act hostile, I cautiously let him go and he bounded towards Cole. 

"No, Dobey, down!" I yelled when he jumped and almost head-butted Cole's chin.

Dobey immediately sat down next to Cole with his docked tail wagging faster than a happy lamb. Cole tentatively placed his hand on Dobey's head and gave it a scratch.

"Everything okay, Lizzy?"

I looked to see Richard enter the foyer with Amy trailing behind him. 

"Yes, everything's fine," I smiled at him, but I saw his eyes narrow when he saw Dobey happily seated at Cole's feet. 

His eyes slowly trailed upwards to connect with Cole's. "He's never acted so friendly towards a stranger before," he said and I tensed at the suspicious look he gave him. 

I started to panic, not wanting Richard to jump to conclusions.

"Oh, Dobey's just in a good mood today," I quickly said and I felt Cole's gaze lock on me. 

I avoided it and instead looked at Dobey. "Hey, boy?" I asked in a high-pitched voice as I slapped my palms on my thighs, knowing that the action made Dobey excited. "You're happy because you slept on one of my continental pillows last night, didn't you?" I spoke energetically (the complete opposite of what I was feeling) and Dobey whined as he vigorously shook his tail.

I paused when I looked up at Cole to see him staring at me with an amused look. I blushed and looked at the faded floorboards. 

"See," I muttered and gestured to Dobey, "he's excited. Well ... I-I won't keep you from practise. I'm just gonna ... yeah," I stumbled over my words and, before I could make an even bigger fool of myself, I rushed off down the hall and to my room, with Dobey not far behind me.


It had taken close to ten minutes for me to work up the courage to go back to the living room after that embarrassing moment. After all, what kind of hostess would I be if I hid away in my room the entire time? I knew it would be boring for me though, so I grabbed my tapestry that I had been working on for the last few months and slowly made my way back to the living room.

Richard and Amy were busy reciting one of the scenes when I walked in, and my gaze immediately locked on Cole's relax form as he sat on one of the couches reading over his lines. When he looked up I blushed and quickly averted my eyes as I made my way towards one of the couches and propped up some pillows before sitting. I placed my tapestry on my lap and grabbed the needle to begin stitching. It was a beautiful eagle and I loved it from the moment I saw it in the craft shop.

Dobey had followed me into the room, but instead of sitting by me as he usually did, he went to Cole's side and made himself comfortable next to him. By now I was no longer surprised.

After a few more minutes of running lines Richard thought it was a good idea to have a tiny break and plopped down next to me on the couch, with me trying to hide a wince as my stomach pained from the movement. 

"So, how's the tapestry going?" he asked, but I wasn't really listening. 

I was more interested in the fact that Cole and Amy were talking. Amy was commenting on how much Dobey liked Cole and was telling him about her own beagle called Hazel. I felt my chest seize with something when I noticed that  Cole actually seemed interested in what she had to say. 

"Lizzy?" Richard called as he waved his hand in front of my face. 

I snapped my eyes to his frowning face. "Hm?"

"You okay? You kind of spaced a little."

"I'm fine," I muttered and tried to focus on my tapestry, but it was difficult when I continued to notice how effortlessly Cole and Amy spoke with each other. 

Sure Cole wasn't talking much, but I could see that he was engaged in the conversation. And the fact that Amy could speak to him so easily while I almost stumble over my feet when he looks at me ... 

It's so unfair.

I thought the feeling would subside when they began rehearsing lines once more, but I only felt worse. They seemed so comfortable with each other and the fact that Cole wasn't looking at anything but Amy or his script made a horrible thought enter my mind and hit me like a truck. 

Cole was interested in Amy.

Unknowingly, I stabbed the needle through the tapestry and it dug into my finger. I yelped in pain, causing the three guests to look at me. I ignored their gazes as I climbed to my feet, holding my pricked finger. 

"I'm going to the kitchen. Does anyone want something while I'm there?"

I refused to look at Cole and Amy when they shook their heads. I gave a stiff nod and basically marched out the room with blood pounding in my ears. 

Once I had reached the sanctity of the kitchen, I let out a shaky sigh and put my finger under the cold water stream coming from the tap. A tapestry needle was rather blunt, so I could only imagine the force behind it to make it prick me.

Maybe I was over-reading things at the moment? My mind tends to do that, but it still didn't stop the pain in my chest. I mean why wouldn't Cole be interested in someone like Amy? With her milky skin, long dark brown hair and soft grey eyes, she was undoubtedly pretty. Not to mention the fact that she was taller and thinner than me. He would be stupid not to like her.

But I mean, what the heck is wrong with me though? Why am I getting jealous over this? It's not like he's my boyfriend or something and it is unbecoming for a girl to be jealous, especially a Christian girl. What does James 3:16 say? For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practise. And everyone knows that jealousy leads to hatred and hatred to murder.

I paused at that thought. 

Okay, I would never kill someone, but I know if I get jealous of my cousin, I will eventually despise her ... and I don't want that to happen, not in a million years.

I groaned out in annoyance and suddenly felt like punching something. I hate this time of the month: I get so irrational and emotional. I'm just over-thinking this whole thing. I must calm down, go back in there and not think about anything. I mean just because Cole is talking and paying attention to Amy does not mean he suddenly likes her ... right?

Before I even turned around, I felt the familiar tingles run through my body and I knew Cole had entered the kitchen. His deep eyes connected with mine and I felt my knees go weak. 

"Everything okay?" he asked, his eyebrows pulling together slightly in a frown.

I instantly nodded my head and tried to make my face appear as nonchalant as possible. 

"Yes, I was just, uh ... making some tea," I said and quickly turned around to switch on the kettle before grabbing a teacup, along with a tea bag and two teaspoons of sugar.

Cole stared at me for a moment before slowly walking towards me, his eyes burning holes into my face. My heart raced as he stopped less than an inch away from me. 

"Don't lie to me," he said lowly as he stared down at me.

I was about to respond, but a wave of pain hit me so suddenly that I doubled over in shock and my forehead almost collided with his chest. 

 "Elizabeth?" he asked, clearly shocked as I bit my lip so hard I was surprised I didn't cut it.

"I-I'm okay," I stuttered as I took a shaky breath and slowly made my way to the kitchen table and sat down in one of the chairs. "Why haven't these stupid pills worked yet?" I grumbled to myself. I seriously felt like crying right now. It hurt so much.

Cole stood in the middle of the kitchen for a moment, obviously unsure of what to do. 

"You sure you're okay?" he asked and I felt my face heat up when I saw the concerned look on his face.

I forced a smile, but it quickly turned into a grimace. "Yes, Cole I'm fine. Please, go back to your practise," I urged as the pain washed over me once more. 

I really needed to be alone. I crossed my arms and placed my head on them before closing my eyes, trying to get myself to relax.

The kettle whistled, but I didn't bother to get up and make my tea. I felt too weak to move. I thought Cole had left so I was more than shocked when I heard the teacup get placed next to me on the table.

I slowly peeled open my eyes to see that Cole had poured hot water into the cup and was now looking down at me. 

"Do you take milk?" he asked. 

I was so shocked by his gesture that I could only nod my head in reply.

He turned and walked to the fridge. While he pulled out the milk jug, I forced myself to sit straight and pull out the tea bag and put it on the saucer. Cole walked back to me and placed the milk down beside my teacup, but as he did Richard walked into the kitchen. 

"Is everything okay ... What's going on here?"

I slowly turned to look at Richard as Dobey trotted into the room and came to my side. 

"Cole was just helping me make some tea. I don't feel too well," I replied and poured a bit of milk into my tea and stirred while Cole stood next to me silently. 

I saw Amy walk into the kitchen from the corner of my eye.

"Lizzy, if you weren't feeling well I could've made some for you," Richard said and I swear I saw a bit of hurt cross his eyes.

"It's okay, Richard," I said and took a sip, relishing in its soothing taste. 

How is it that whenever someone else makes something for you it always tastes better?

"Yes, but I-"

"Just drop it, Richard! It's only tea!" I snapped at him and placed my cup down a little harsher on its saucer than necessary. 

I really didn't have patience for his over-protectiveness today. I sighed when I saw both Amy and Richard stare at me shocked. 

"Please go back to you rehearsal. I won't bother you anymore," I mumbled, feeling a little guilty for my outburst.

Everyone hesitated a moment before leaving me and Dobey alone in the kitchen. I sighed again and took another sip of my tea. 

"I think my nap's a little overdue. What do you think, Dobey?" I asked and he wagged his tail when I looked at him. 

I cracked a small smile and finished my tea before standing.

When I was half way to my room, another wave of pain hit me with such intensity that I couldn't stand and ended up sliding to the floor, wrapping one arm around my stomach. I scrunched my face from the throbbing pain and held in a whimper. 

I guess my body's grown immune to this medicine too.

Dobey whined as he stared at me, knowing something was wrong. 

"I'll be okay, boy," I said, but winced when my stomach throbbed. 

Dobey stared at me for another moment before suddenly running off. I couldn't even ponder his strange behaviour as all I focused on was trying to get up and get to my room. The last thing I wanted was for Cole to see me like this.

I looked up when I heard Dobey returning, but my eyes widened in surprise when I saw him biting Cole's sleeve and almost dragging him towards me. 

"Dobey, you're not supposed to bite people's-" I tried to admonish him, but more pain rendered me silent.

Why did Dobey bring Cole? He's the last person I wanted to see me like this, and yet he's always the one that does. I don't want to appear weak in front of him. I hate being one of those girls that always needs a boy's help.

Cole came up to me as Dobey let go of his sleeve. I was relieved when I didn't see any teeth marks on his jacket. 

"Come on, I'll help you to your room," he said. 

However, before he could reach for my arm, I quickly stood, but immediately hunched over from the ache.

"No, that's not necessary. I'm fine," I said, but my actions didn't back up my words as I ended up needing to lean against the wall for support.

Cole sighed. "Are you always so stubborn?"

"What-" I began but squeaked in surprise as he bent and suddenly pulled me into his arms, positioning his arms behind my knees and back. "Cole, put me down!" I whisper-yelled so that Richard and Amy didn't hear as my face turned blood-red.

"Where's your room?" Cole responded calmly, completely ignoring my demand.

I sighed and gave up quite quickly because I felt too weak to complain. 

"Third door on the right," I mumbled as I tried to ignore the way his touch sent electricity through my body.

Dobey lead the way to my room, but as we passed the threshold, I felt my anxiety rise. I'm not embarrassed of my room. It's not girly or extremely untidy except for the few clothes scattered here and there and the massive teddy bear that Richard gave me for Valentine's Day sitting in the corner. No, it was the fact that I never would have imagined Cole being in my room.

My bed wasn't made so Cole placed my down and slowly pulled the covers up to my neck. I couldn't help but stare at him as he did so. Why was he always helping me? Was it because he thought me weak or because he cared? If he cared then why did it seem like he showed interest in Amy?

A thought occurred to me. Was he trying to make me jealous? Because it worked. Only if he was trying to, then why would he do it? What would he gain? He said so himself that I wasn't his type. 

I groaned inaudibly. And there I've gone over thinking things again.

My eyes never left his face as he straightened the sheets so that there wasn't a crease to be seen before he looked down at me, his gaze never failing to make my heart skip a beat.

I felt the mattress dip next to me and I moved my head to see Dobey snuggling up next to me. I gave him a small smile before looking back at Cole, the painkillers finally kicking in and making me extremely sleepy.

"Thank you for helping me," I whispered as I covered a yawn behind my hand.

"Just get some sleep," Cole said, but his voice sounded faded as I slowly began to lose consciousness. 

I barely nodded as I snuggled into the warmth of my queen-size bed and let out a contented sigh.

I'm not sure if I fell asleep or still nodding off, but the feeling of someone's fingertips moving over my forehead registered through my hazy mind. 

"Richard, stop it," I groaned and carelessly swatted at the hand. 

I don't know why he always tried to wake me up when I'm sleeping. A best friend thing, I guess.

I didn't open my eyes when I heard a barely audible sigh and finally let sleep take over as I heard the soft click of my bedroom door close behind him.

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