Love and Fame

By JeanineEmad

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Brittany Calasto, or better known as 'Joe Calasto's daughter' was born and raised in Manhattan New York. Thin... More

Love and Fame
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Sixteen

28 0 0
By JeanineEmad

I’m sitting in the auditorium of the high school for graduation rehearsal. “Okay, Brittany Calasto come sit here between Hanna and Tiphani.” Mrs. Gemma, the principle’s assistant says to me gesturing me between two girls I never talked to before. I walk to the seat that’s between them and sit down.

            Half way through rehearsal, my father texts me, telling me he has to go to Las Vegas to look at some land that would be perfect for a new hotel.

            I walk out of the auditorium ignoring Mrs. Gemma who is calling my name telling me to walk back. Luke follows me out worried. “Brittany, what’s wrong?”

            “Nothing I need to call my father.” I say and he takes my hand. “He texted me, he’s leaving to Las Vegas to see some land.

            “Okay, I’m going to go back in there before they get me in trouble.” He says giving me a kiss before walking away.

            “Hey dad,” I say as soon as he picks up. He starts to tell me about Las Vegas again. “But daddy, you promised you wouldn’t miss my graduation.”

            “I’m not going to miss it for the world. Don’t worry, I’m leaving right now, I’ll be back either tonight or tomorrow morning. My agent told me that there’s this perfect space for the hotel and that I need to check it out before something comes up.”

            “Where am I going to stay? I don’t feel safe in the house by myself.” I ask.

            “You could stay with Luke, either he stays the night or you go there, it’s up to you, but I better get going, I can’t be late, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says. “I love you darling.”

            “I love you too.” I say before hanging up. I walk back in and take a seat. I look around for Luke just as I get a text.

            I’m to your left. It’s from Luke. I turn my head to the left and spot him looking at me smiling. I wave a little and he waves back.

            After rehearsal, Luke walks up to me. “Your father told me to tell you that you could spend the night at my place while he’s gone.” He says and I smile and wrap my arm around his waist, his goes around my shoulder and he kisses my cheek. “Do you want to do anything today?”

            “I don’t know, we’re in L.A let’s do something fun.” I say and he takes my hand and we run to the car. He drives me to my house.

            “Go pack up some clothes, and a bathing suit, there’s a beach party today that we’re going to.” He says and I run into the house to get some stuff packed. I throw on my neon pink zebra print bikini and a summer dress over it. I put my hair in a bun, throw in my neon pink jeans and a white t-shirt in my Victoria’s Secret handbag, and grab my charger for my iPhone. I go to the kitchen to get ice pops for Luke and me.

            Once I’m in his car, I hand him the ice pop and he takes it. “Do you want to go to the beach now, or do you want to get something to eat?”

            “I’m hungry, let’s go get something to eat.” I say and he makes a turn to go to our favorite diner.

            Once we leave the diner, it’s time to head to the beach since everyone is there already. We get to the beach not even five minutes later and Chloe runs up to me. “Paparazzi are here. Be careful.” She whispers in my ear while we’re hugging.

            “I don’t care.” I whisper back. “I’m not keeping my life a secret anymore.” I say to her I grab her and Luke’s hand and we set up our towels next to each other. “Now let’s go swim.” I say throwing my dress on the floor. Once I hit the water Luke grabs me and picks me up walking farther out. “Luke, put me down.” I say hitting his back.

            “Who said it was Luke?” I turn my head around to look at him. I look back to where I set the towels and see Luke running my way.

            “Brian, put me the fuck down.” I start to wriggle but his grip just tightens on me. “Put me down, I’m not joking.”

            “So I heard your father was in Vegas for the night. Can you imagine what I could do with you while he’s gone.” He says in low voice.

            “Brian, put her down, or I swear to God I will drown you till you die.” Luke says walking closer to him. “Let go of my fiancé.”

            “Oh, you guys are engaged now?” Brian says, his hand going to my butt and I start to wriggle around again.

            “Yes, and if you don’t put her down right now, I’ll have you beaten to death, so you better put her down.” He says pointing behind him. “Or, those guys over there, including her body guards,” he says pointing to the two men walking towards him, “will have to deal with you.”

            “I’m not scared.” He says walking farther away. “I had her first.” He says.

            “But she doesn’t want you, she chose me over you.” Luke says getting closer. I notice Mike and Brad getting closer to us as well.

            “Please just put me down.” I cry out. “I don’t want you Brian, you’re an asshole, the biggest asshole on the face of earth, go bother someone else. I’m sick and tired of you following me making my life a living hell. Just leave me alone and never come back. Go back to New York and do who ever you want. I don’t care anymore.” I say just as Brad gets up to me. He takes me out of Brian’s grip and hands me over to Luke. I look at Brad and he’s dragging Brian out of the water with him. I hug Luke closer to me.

            “Its okay baby, you’re with me now. You don’t need to be scared anymore.” He says to me. We get to shore and he takes me and wraps me up in my towel. I look to Brad and see him holding Brian to the ground about to punch him.

            “Why does he do this to me?” I whisper cry to myself.

            “He’s a dick, that’s why. You’re perfect baby, perfect in anyway possible, who wouldn’t want a girl like you?” He answers even though I was talking to myself. “Do you want to go home?” Luke asks standing up and taking my hand.

            “No, let’s just wait until he’s gone, I’m not going to have him ruin my night. It’s my last night before I graduate high school, I’m not going to spend it at home.” I say and he smiles.

            “I’m proud of you Brittany.” He says pecking me on the lips. We walk hand in hand, to where everyone is dancing. He spins me in circle and kisses me on the cheek. I just laugh along with him. I notice paparazzi in the back by the parking lot but you know what, I’m not going to pay them any attention. I’m just going to have fun today. I grab Luke by the face and kiss him on the lips. He smiles against my lips and I laugh and grab his hand and run towards the water.

            He picks me up, throws me into the water, and dives under a wave after me. I swim farther away from him. He grabs me from the waist and carries me out of the water and towards our friends. I start to crack up into his chest since he’s carrying me bridal style. He puts me down on my towel, I wrap myself up against it and he sits behind me. We start to talk about graduation and where we’re going for college. Luke grabs me, puts me in his lap, and puts his head on my shoulder. “Turns out I’m going to be a house wife.” I say with a smile on my face.

            “You guys make the cutest couple, when’s the wedding?” Chloe asks.

            “Once my father finishes his hotel, and before he starts a new one, so probably next year.” I say. “Chloe, could you be my maid of honor?” I ask and her mouth nearly drops.

            “Oh, uh, sure.” She says excitedly.

            “Could you girls be my bridesmaids?” I ask to the five girls sitting with us.

            They all nod their head agreeing to be my bridesmaids. Luke asks his five best friends to be his groomsmen. “Of course we’ll walk in.” Chris says.

            “Chris you have to be the best man and your younger brother is the ring barrier, and Jake, your sister is the flower girl, unless Brittany has someone else for a flower girl.”

            “No, I don’t have anyone else.” I say and they agree.

            “I’ll talk to my mom and see what she says.” Jake says getting up. “But I have to go. I have curfew since my mom has night shift at the hospital, I have to watch the kids.” Jake says getting up to grab Gabby’s hand. “You want to come with me?” He says and she nods her head. She takes his hand and he pulls her up. “Bye guys.”

            “Bye lovebirds.” We all say together and Gabby blushes. We wave at them while their walking away. “I guess that is our queue to go to Brit, your dad wouldn’t want me to bring you home late.” He says and we stand up. “Bye guys, see you tomorrow morning.” I say before walking away.


            “I congratulate the class of 2012.” The principle yells through the microphone as soon as he finishes giving the last person their diploma, beach balls, balloons, diploma’s and caps go flying through the air along with silly string that one of the seniors. As soon as we get outside, I run up to my group of friends and we take a bunch of pictures before splitting up to go to our family. My dad is at the end of stairs standing next to Rob, Brad and Mike waiting for me, Luke is walking behind me holding me from the waist making sure nobody makes a move on me. Once we get to my father, he hands me a huge bouquet of flowers with a bunch of balloons along with a card.

            “Thanks daddy.” I say wrapping my arms around him. He kisses me on the head and we head to the car.

            “Luke, do you want to join us?” My father asks looking at look.

            “Where are you going?”

            “We’re going to go out to eat, and than we’re going to celebrate.” My father says wrapping his hand around my back.

            “No thank you, I’ll let you have this day for your daughter. Plus, my mother is waiting for me. I haven’t really spent much time with her.” He says smiling at my father. “Thanks for the offer though. I’ll come over in a bit Brittany.” He says pecking me on the lips and I blush.

            “Okay, I’ll see you later.” I say quietly and he chuckles at my shyness.

            “He makes you happy doesn’t he?” Rob asks once we’re in the car.

            “The happiest, I love him.” I say with a smile on my face.

            “So daddy, where are you taking us?” I ask and he looks at me through the rear view mirror with a smile on his face.

            Ten minutes later, we pull up at my father’s hotel. My mouth nearly drops at the beauty of it. He doesn’t have a hotel this beautiful. Although I helped with some of the idea’s like having a huge chandelier at the open ceiling in the main lobby. “Wow, dad this looks wow.” I say walking out of the car behind Rob. “When did you guys finish it?”

            My father opens the front door for us, and my mouth does drop this time. The main entrance is a beauty. It has a very high ceiling looking out into the L.A sky, with a huge gold chandelier hanging down. “Thanks to your idea’s Brittany, this is what I came up with.” He says with a proud smile on his face. The elevators are to the right of the main entrance. The service desk is at the other end of the wall, with the grand stair case going up to the first floor where the rooms begin. There are a few doors on the ground level most likely bathroom’s, or the storage rooms. My dad’s office is behind the service desk. In the center by the open ceiling, there is a lounge area and I see a few men in uniforms. Since he’s opening up in a few weeks, he has people here to make sure everything is under control.

            “I feel I’m in one of those Beverly Hill movies, this is a five star hotel. I’m so proud of you daddy.” I say still looking around the hotel. If the hotel looks alive right now, imagine when it’s open and people will be in and out of here.

            “Trust me sweetie, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have thought of all of this and it would have been the same for my other three hotels.” He says ruffling my hair.

            “Watch the hair, I spent hours on it.” I say stepping away from him with a chuckle. “Could you take me on the grand tour?” I ask and my father throws Robert a master key.

            “You heard the girl, you give her tour and I’ll check to see if anything is missing before we have our opening.” My father says walking into his office. “Be back in half an hour or we’ll be late.” My father says before fully closing the door.

            “Where do you want to see first?” He says waving the key in the air since it’s stuck on one of those necklaces.

            “The pool area.” I say excitedly. He takes me up the stairs and opens a black door that leads to the activity section, the gym, sauna, pool, and those kinds of things.

            “There’s also another pool out back, this is the indoor section for when the weather sucks.” He says walking back out.

            “Is there a pent house in this hotel?” I ask and Rob nods his head. “Can I see it?” I ask getting into the elevator. He clicks the 50th floor where all of the big rooms are. After a few minutes of awkward silence, the elevator door opens and he steps out taking me all the way down the hall to the last room. He opens the door and turns the light on, my mouth literary hits the floor. I walk in even farther. The floor is so shiny like it’s made out of glass with the high ceiling and these fancy lights falling in different lengths. The kitchen is huge, with a bar and everything, the wall is mostly glass that shows the balcony, but other than the glass, it’s red. The wall at the kitchen area is the famous black and white theme that most stores have. It’s just so fancy, I feel like, this is the kind of place Kim Kardashian would stay in if she were to live in a hotel. I grab Rob by the hand and push to one of the black doors, which lead to one of the bedrooms. The bed is bigger the a king size, it basically could sleep a family of five, the head of the bed is something you would see in a castle, it’s not wood, it’s more of a leather type thing with beautiful brown white and black blankets. I jump into the bed and let me tell you this, I literary was about to fall asleep from how comfortable it was. It was like floating on a cloud. I looked around the room and noticed two nightstands on either side of the bed with an all white lamp that is on. The plasma TV stuck to red walls, a table by the window. I get off the bed to look at Robert who is looking at me amusement in his eyes.

            “How come you’re so quiet?” I ask and he shrugs. “Are you mad about something?”

            “No why would I be mad? I guess I’m just nervous.”

            “Nervous about what?” I say patting the bed so he could sit down next to me.

            “I really like this girl, I might even love her but I’m scared to tell her. What if she doesn’t feel the same way about me?”

            “You never know unless you don’t try. Tell her how you feel, because I want you to bring a date on my wedding, maybe even walk in with her.” I say and he looks at me with a smile. “Tell her how you feel, and if she declines the offer of being in a relationship with a great guy, than she’s not worth it.”

            “Thank you.” He says, giving me a side hug. He looks at his watch. “We better get going, it’s be half an hour in a minute.” He says jumping up and we both walk to the elevators telling each other’s jokes and laughing.

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