Paint My Love

By 28tomlinson

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What happens when a good girl falls in love with a bad boy? That's simple, they leave broken hearts, loved up... More

Paint My Love
Chapter 1:They call me Malik
Chapter 2: Never in your wildest dreams
Chapter 3:I hope it's gonna make you notice
Chapter 4:Let's go crazy
Chapter 5 : I can't escape this time
Chapter 6 : Does he know
Chapter 7: And time is frozen
Chapter 8 : The one that I came with
Chapter 9 : We've got all night
Chapter 10 : Nothing to loose
Chapter 11 : There's always room for common ground
Chapter 12 : He knows everything there is to know
Chapter 13 : I'll never be that girl again
Chapter 14:Now I'm asking you to stay
Chapter 15 : Oops
Chapter 16 : Let me kiss you
Chapter 17:I shouldn't have kissed you
Chapter 18:Words don't come easy, without a melody
Chapter 19:Need to take a break and figure it out
Chapter 20:You're looking at me I'm sure
Chapter 21:Can we fall?
Chapter 22:You've got this spell on me
Chapter 23:This is what the night is for
Chapter 24:Can I take you home with me?
Chapter 25:Baby you don't have to worry
Chapter 26 : I wanna be last
Chapter 27:I'm not scared of love
Chapter 28:They don't know about us
Chapter 29:Late night spaces
Chapter 30:If this room was burning
Chapter 31:I hope you won't get up and leave
Chapter 32:Snitch
Chapter 33:Hoping my love won't show
Chapter 34:You don't need to run
Chapter 35:Is this how it ends?
Chapter 36:Throw me a life-line
Chapter 37:I'm saying good-bye
Chapter 38:Packing up and taking off
Chapter 39:You're already on your way
Chapter 40:I've been watching you all night
Chapter 41:The words get trapped
Chapter 42:Do's & Don'ts
Chapter 43:Everything is new to me
Chapter 45:Giving it to someone else
Chapter 46:I still get jealous
Chapter 47:Nothing's making sense
Chapter 48:Like I was in love again
Chapter 49:The stupid little things
Chapter 50:Falling Slowly
Chapter 51:Searching every lonely place
Chapter 52:Going back to the time
Zia: Part 1
Zia Part 2
Chapter 53:We're Fireproof
Chapter 54:Made all my plans
Chapter 55:Follow My Lead
chapter 56: Look how far we've come~!

Chapter 44:The poet and the beat

204 5 4
By 28tomlinson

hey okay so late update, I AM SO SO SORRY you guys. But to make it up to you, this is a long chapter :) So hope you enjoy love you even more if you vote and comment ;) xxxx 

(2 months later)

Gia's POV

"Alright, you will have to complete this assignment as fifty percent of your grade"
"Shit!" Laura said a bit too loudly.
"Shhh" I stifled a laugh holdin a finger to my lips.
"I'm not that good of a writer G" she complained, a worried look clouding her features.
"You'll be put into groups of three's and fours" the lecturer went on.
"Oh thank God" Laura clapped underneath her chin and I had to chuckle.
"Don't worry; I won't be putting you out of your comfort zones...this time. So basically, you'll be paired off with people you're familiar with, leaving you with no excuse for nothing but your best" the lecturer explained and Laura gave me a happy smile.
"Your groups as well as the events you'll be attending will be posted on the notice board tomorrow"

"You are so doing half the assignment for me" Laura gestured sipping her coffee.
"No I will not"
I kept walking buh stopped when I noticed she was frozen to the spot a few paces behind meh.
"What?" I turned to look at her for an explanation.
"I thought you were my friend" she tried doing a pouty fehs thah I wasn't fallin for.
"I am, which is why I won't do your assignment"
"You're mean" she flicked her red hair away from her face in mock frustration.
"Yes, yes I am" I smirked and she rolled her eyes breaking character.
"Will you at least help me?"
"Nope" I shook my head for cheek sake.
"Well then I'm not moving from this spot if you don't help me" she crossed her arms over her chest and attempted the pouty fehs again.
"Fine" I sighed.
"That and the fact that you're going in the wrong direction" she winked.
"Yeah it’s down this way" she chuckled pointing to the hallway on her left.
"Yeah I'm uh, still noht very good at directions..."


We goht to the nohtice board and sure enough the list was up. We scanned the list until we found our student numbers just next to each other.
"Yes, we're in the same group!" she squealed pulling me into a hug.
"With who else?" I asked my eyes still scanning the list.
"Uhm let's see" we looked at the side where the last names were listed and sure enough there it was: J Gordan.
"Aww c'mon" I sighed.
"So Jared is in our group, how nice" she had a smug little grin on her fehs.
"Whyyyy?" I drew it out and looked to the heavens (which was actually the ceiling since we were indoors) as if in utter turmoil. I swear Laura and I were meant to be drama students, the weh we behave sometimes.
"Cause he loves you, or at least that's what he claims" she giggled.
"How unfortunate for him" I shrugged and she laughed even more.
"You are mean Gia, I feel sorry for Zayn"
"Oh no, life was a lot different in Malikville" I put on my day-dreaming/looking off into the distance face.
"Oh I really havta meet this guy" she laughed hard.

Zayn's POV

"Zayn and Perrie, you'll make a nice duet" Liz smiled and nodded at us both. I looked at Perrie and she smiled op at meh showing her approval.

Ah wasn't so sure though. Ah mean her voice was soh strong and powerful ah didn't know if I could keep op with thah or at least compliment it. Soh yeah, you could seh I was a biht intimidated.
"Well, you better pick a song quickly cause rehearsals start tomorrow. And I am riding a lot on you two" Samantha informed us.
"No pressure..." I mumbled.
"Noh realleh noh pressure, buh we wont ya best okeh?" Liz put a hand on my shoulder noticing how nervous ah was. I glanced at Perrie unsure. I hadn't sung with a girl before except for Gia and with her it was different. She made me feel comfortable and brought me out of mah shell a biht even though she was so shy herself. It was hard to explain, buh as much as Perrie was my friend and I was used to her, she just didn't have the same effect on me thah Gia did.

Louis' POV

"Babe, I'm sorry I'm late" I apologized giving her a peck and then pulling out the chair for her.
"It's the third time this week" she mumbled tucking her hair behind her ear and checkin something on her phone.
"I'm really sorry" I apologized again and she just shook her head.
"Forget it"
I didn't know what that meant and I expected her to get up and walk out of the cosy café we were sat in, but she didn't. Instead she just sighed, set her phone in her lap, and then looked up at me giving me her full attention.
"How was your week?"
"Good thanks and yours love?"
Well this was awkward, I knew that I should say something, like give her a reason for my odd behaviour of late, but I didn't say anything. I couldn't let her know what'd been going on in my head, that'd completely scare her. And while I'm not the best when it comes to the ladies, I knew better than to scare my girl.
"Good" she sighed again and I could almost literally see the tension building up.
"I heard from Zayn today" I decided to change the topic to something a bit more neutral.
"Yeah, what'd he havta say?" she seemed to ease up a bit at the mention of Zayn. And I realised I wasn't the only one glad for the change of topic.
"He's doing a duet with a girl at a show"
"Wow, when is it? We should go watch" she grabbed my hand and my breathing that had been strained since I arrive began to ease up.
"I love you" I blurted out randomly and it made her blush.
"I love you too Louis" she smiled and I was satisfied. A smile is half-way to a laugh.

Zayn's POV

"Ah con't do this" I shook my head.
"Yeah you can, c'mon let's try again" Liz tried to encourage meh, buh I wasn't feelin very encouraged.
"Ah dunno mehbe you should find someone else to sing with you" I turned to Perrie with a look of defeat. I'd tried, ah really had, buh it just wasn't working. And the fact thah we had to perform in front of a crowd was too daunting. Whah if ah messed op in front of all those people and made a fool out of myself and embarrassed Perrie as well? She was a nice girl and I didn't wanna do thah to her. Soh I figured there were more cons than pros and thah's why ah wanted to back out, buh they wouldn't leht me.
"You con't just leave meh in the lurch like that!" Perrie protested raising her hands dramatically. Honestleh ah didn't see whah the big deal was since ah knew for a fact that there was a line of guys waiting to take my place. Singing with a vocalist like her was an honour and she had her fair share of admirers.
"Ahm sorreh Pez, mehbe thah Drake guy can do it?" I shrugged. Drake was head over heels for her and he was always kinda giving meh daggers and stoff cause he thought ah was with her. Well we had gotten quite close and ah could understand why someone would think that, buh ah just didn't see Perrie in that weh. And I knew exactleh why. It wasn't thah Perrie wasn't pretty, attractive, or nice enough, cause she was all those things. Buh she wasn't Gia and somehow thah was all my heart wanted. I'd tried to take Loueh's advice and find someone else, buh I didn't have much luck. And without a wing man to push me I'd quickleh lost interest. Honestleh ah didn't know what to do to geht over her and as I walked aweh from rehearsals I couldn't help buh go through my phone until ah found a picture of her. It was one that she'd caught me taking thah deh at the beach and she'd stuck out her tongue to ruin the picture buh it had only made it more perfect.
"Gia I wish I was braver" I whispered to my phone like some lunatic. Buh somehow it helped the pounding in my chest.

Gia's POV

"Gia are you listening to me?"
"Sorreh Laura, I didn't mean to drift off"
"If ahm boring just say so okay?"
"You're not boring I was just wondering something"
"What about?"
"The music festival we're reportin on"
"Yeah?" she probed.
"The artists performing are gonna be amateurs right?"
"Yeah and what were you wondering?" she asked exasperated.
"I was-" I was cut off by the loud buzzing of my phone in the right pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out and answered on the third ring.
"Hey you"
"Hi love, you alright?"
"Yeah good thanks and you?"
"Not too good actually; listen do you have a minute?"
"Yeah sure what is it, she givin you headaches again?" I teased buh he didn't laugh.
"No not exactly, but it is about Priya"
"Alright Tommo talk to meh"

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