Sorry! I'm In Another World R...

By NovaKirby2830

16.1K 218 968

Kirby and Meta Knight were doing training when it showed up. A beast, with claws like swords, three tails and... More

Chapter One: The Beginning of an Ultra Adventure
Chapter Two: A Whole New World
Chapter Three: The Pokemon School
Chapter Four: Ultra Guardians Assemble!
Chapter Five: Go Away, Team Skull!
Chapter Six: First Night
Chapter Seven: Ambush At The Beach
Chapter Eight: Showdown at The Mansion!
Chapter Nine: Reunion?
Chapter Ten: First Battle Against Tsurara
Chapter Eleven: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Twelve: The Darkest of All Dark Matter
Chapter Thirteen: Mistakes
Chapter Fourteen: Third Night (The Beginning)
Chapter Fifteen: The Night of Wholesomeness
Chapter Sixteen: Final Battle Part 1
Chapter Seventeen: Final Battle Part 2
Chapter Eighteen: The Aftermath And The Opinions
The Epilogue/Final Night
Just some notes about the story

An Insight Into the Next Book

280 2 13
By NovaKirby2830

Marx opened his bleary eyes to look at his surroundings. Where was he? He was surrounded by... Forests? Miles and miles and MILES of trees! Huge, gigantic trunks and thick, tangled roots! Marx blinked a few times and squinted. There really was nothing other than trees.

Where in Dreamland was he?!

His jester's hat was still on top of his head, surprisingly. Marx straightened the hat up with what little magic he had of his own, and stood up on his two big, glossy brown shoes. He must have been knocked out...

But, by who?

All he could remember was a large, blue wolf with claws like swords, a swirl pattern on it's abdomen. It's three grey tails were fluffy and long.

That beast! He remembered the whole story now! It had started with him playing a prank on Kirby, being his usual smug jerk, and suddenly that giant wolf had showed up and attacked him! It threw him into a big tear in space... and that was all he remembered.

"Where am I?" Marx yelped. "WHERE AM I WHERE AM I WHERE-"

He stopped, listening to his own echoing voice slithering between the trees. He sat down, feeling defeated. Being lost wasn't a problem you could just kill or fight your way out of.

He was lost.

But, in order to get un-lost, Marx thought, You have to wander about until you find your way. I'm probably lost in the Whispy Woods. That Whispy was never very nice to me. Stupid Guardian of the Forest, thinking he can outsmart ME, THE GOD OF OUTSMARTING PEOPLE??

Marx began to wander about.

"Whiiiiisppyyyyy!!! TELL ME WHERE I AM!!" As he said 'Whispy', it was a sweet and gentle shout one might do if they were calling a loved one, but as he said the rest, it was a demonic screech that made the strange birds in the trees and the weird critters that crawled along the grass quake in fear and run away, flustered and afraid.

"Huh. That's strange. I don't remember seeing these things in Whispy's Wood." Marx said to himself, stepping on a disgustingly large caterpillar. It was green with little markings, strange little orange antennae and each segment of the caterpillar shrank smaller and smaller until it stopped.

"Cata? C-c-caterpie?" The weird caterpillar squealed. "Cata... Cata!! CATA!! CATA CATA CATA-"

Marx picked up the big Caterpie with some of his magic, and bit off its' head. Marx, of course, didn't know it was a Caterpie, and decided to eat it. What else was there to eat? It wasn't like there were any apples... To Marx, if you were lost in a forest with no apples or candies or any food, eat the bugs. They're the next best thing.

But this bug, was disgusting. It wasn't juicy or sweet; it was just tasteless mush and metallic crimson blood.

"Tasteless. Pathetic. Disgusting. This forest doesn't have anything to eat? WHERE ARE THE APPLES AT, WHISPY???" Marx threw the Caterpie's lifeless body on the ground, spitting the chewed up remains next to the body. The cowering creatures of this Forest looked at Marx, then at the Caterpie.

Marx summoned his signature bouncy ball. He bounced high enough to jump up into the leaves of a tree. He gasped in a pleasant surprise. There, he saw apples! Huge, round, juicy, red apples hidden among the lime green leaves!

As he was about to lean towards them, a rustle and a squawk made him suddenly jump back in fright, falling all the way down to the grassy floor.

"Ugh!! WHO WAS THAT???" Marx screamed, jumping back up. he came face to face with a fluffy little pigeon-like bird.

"PIDGE! PIDGEY!" It squawked at Marx, as if it was claiming all the apples on that tree as it's own.

"Outta my way, you drumstick! I'm HUNGRY!!" Marx screeched, baring little fangs. Suddenly bejeweled wings sprouted from his back, spreading out to their maximum wingspan.

The Pidgey squeaked as it tried to flap away, but Marx grabbed it with two of the claws on his wings. Marx was insane.

Marx looked into the terrified eyes staring back at him and-

Let the poor thing go.

He decided it wasn't worth it- getting blood on his claws for nothing.

Marx jumped towards the big apples, but then recoiled. It wasn't an apple at all! The bigness was a scam, they were berries growing in clusters. Small red berries that grew in a tree? Deciding he would try it, he grabbed one with his claws on his wings. He threw the berry in his mouth, chewing it carefully and savoring the... SPICINESS?

It was sweet, but... It was SPICY!

It was unlike anything he had ever tasted. But, he loved it. He thought the spiciness of the berry that didn't look spicy reflected himself- unsuspecting on the outside, full of flavor and surprise inside.

After finishing about ten of the tiny berries, he slid down the trunk like a slide, feeling quite full. He began to wander about.

This place was strangely... nice. It gave off a pleasant aura, and Marx actually quite liked the unusual peacefulness. He could get used to it.

Suddenly, he stepped in the middle of something and within the blink of an eye he was hoisted up by a rope around his foot. Upside down, he screeched at the rope, his wings sprouting again and attacking the rope, but it was no use. He couldn't reach.

He waited for a long time, upside down. At some point during what seemed to be the late afternoon, he began to attack the rope again with much more force. He didn't notice the rustling from the trees. Two people were watching him.

"This one's lively, ain't it?" A male voice from the forest whispered. "I'll get it."

"Be careful, okay?" Another voice, female, whispered back.

A woman with yellow hair stepped from behind the trees and undergrowth. She wore a black tunic with a large letter 'R' plastered on the front.


A pain exploded from his back. He screamed as he looked at the woman who laughed at him. He began to feel a bit woozy. A male with dark green hair stepped in front of Marx, who was beginning to faint. Black spots danced in his vision like stars. He had been hit with a tranquilizer dart.

"Well done, Butch." The woman said. "We'll give this one to the boss as a present."

"Yeah! Giovanni'll be so pleased with us." The man-whose-name-was-Butch said. He also donned a jet black uniform with a scarlet red 'R' on the front. In his gloved hand was a blowgun.

"Wh-what have you done to meee? I'll kill... youuuuu..." Marx droned before passing out.

"'Kay, Cassidy. Cut him down. He'll be out for a while." Butch grinned, putting away his blowgun. Cassidy, reluctantly, climbed up the tree and untied the rope, letting Marx fall down.

"Damn, we haven't seen anything like this at all." She mumbled as she jumped from the tree.

"Well, the more unique, the better the reward we'll get." Butch replied. They shoved Marx in a sack and left the forest, leaving without a trace of him ever existing, apart from the poor dead Caterpie.


After some time, Marx awoke, feeling exhausted. It felt like he had been running for miles and miles. He blinked blearily and his surroundings came into focus.

He was in a cage.

A cold, damp, small metal cage surrounded him. He couldn't be bothered to scream, he was so tired. He could not hear anything, just the quiet ringing in his non-existent ears. The cage smelled of must.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the creature is awake. Good job, you two." A stern voice came from in front of Marx. He squinted and saw three humans. He recognised two of them to be the humans who had captured him, but there was another person. They had dark indigo hair and sleek glasses.

"Who're... Who're you??" Marx buzzed drowsily, stumbling to the edge of the cage. He looked at the humans, pure disgust on his face. "What have you done to me? Why am I IN A CAGE? WHY HAVE YOU LOCKED ME I HERE-"

Suddenly a dark grey cat jumped to the edge of the cage, hissing at him. It bared little white fangs, it's thin eyes looking dangerously at Marx. Marx hissed back, stepping backwards and spreading his wings. He then leapt at the cat, eyes crazed, bejeweled wings flaring, fangs ready to tear it to pieces-

He slammed into the cage, stunning himself.

"Speak more and you will get tranquilized." The indigo-haired woman said stiffly. "That cage is built to withstand all sorts of attacks, so don't even try and break out."

Butch reached for his blowgun, smiling proudly. He loaded it with another feathered dart. Marx screeched and cowered away from the blowgun.

"Fine. I submit for now. What do you want?" Marx asked, trying to calm his insane nature.

"Firstly. Your name, where you come from, your species name and why you're here." The indigo haired woman pointed a pen and notebook at Marx.

"Pfft. The name's Marx, I come from Dreamland, I'm one of a kind, don't have a species name but I guess I'm a deformed puffball, and I don't why I'm here. I was sent here by a beast-"

"A beast, you say?" The woman interrupted, looking off somewhere else. "Another group reported a beast, and a creature that went by the name of 'Meta Knight'. Do you know it?"

"M-META KNIGHT??" Marx squeaked. "Yeah, that guy. He's pretty scary at times but he's just a worse version of Kirby. I don't think I've met the guy more than twice but I've heard about him."

The woman nodded before writing down information in her notebook. The small grey cat still stared unflinchingly at Marx, eyes showing it's prideful nature.

"Since you asked me questions, I get to ask YOU questions. Firstly, who are you, secondly, who do you work for, and thirdly, what are your intentions with me?"

"Well," The woman began. "My name's Matori, and I work for Team Rocket. Our intentions are not yet decided as to what to do with you."

"What's a Team Rocket?"

"Team Rocket is an evil-"

"Evil? Like the sound of that, can I join?"

"What? We work to take over the world, do you want to join us in doing that?"

Marx nodded. Anything with the word 'evil', 'insane', or 'sadistic', was his cup of tea.

"Yesssss! Let me GO, and make me a member. I want to take EVERYTHING over. Everything exists so I can ruuuleeeeee!!" Marx screeched demonically. Matori covered her ears and went back to talking in her droning voice.

"Very well. I shall request the boss's appearance to you. Butch, Cassidy, you can go." The three humans left the room, leaving Marx all alone.

Marx tried everything to break out of the cage. He tried biting it with his sharp little fangs, he tried wrenching the bars apart with his wings but it was too strong, and he tried to teleport but some kind of psychic power held him inside the cage.

Soon after, a tall man appeared in front of Marx. He wore a dark tuxedo and behind him, a large, slender, cream coloured cat followed in his footsteps.

"Matori, what have you called me here for?" The man asked, looking down upon Marx, who growled at him.

"Well, Giovanni, he says he wants to work for Team Rocket." Matori explained. "He wants world domination, but I do not know whether we can trust him to help us."

The cream coloured cat swept the bipedal grey cat aside and stared at Marx.

"It isn't very... big, is it. Doesn't look very dangerous." Giovanni murmured.

"WATCH WHO YOU'RE CALLING NOT DANGEROUS, BUDDY!" MArx screeched, his wings unfurling to the maximum wingspan he could do without banding them on the side of the cage.

Giovanni sighed.

"He is like a child with a big attitude." Matori said quietly. "Do we let him in the Team, or..?"

"Well, we let him in, of course. Any being willing to join Team Rocket will get a chance to prove themselves." Giovanni turned to Marx. "I need you to wreak havoc on the Kanto region. Can you do that?"

Marx nodded. "Will do, Gio. When do I start wreaking havoc? Can I kill people? Can I burn down buildings? Can I-"

"Be quiet, unless you want to be kicked out already. Yes, you can do all those things, any order, any damage you want. You will start today, and we will show you where. Make a colossal distraction, do whatever you want. But on one condition." Giovanni stated harshly.

"You swear your loyalty to Team Rocket! You will come back and follow my orders, and then when we rule our world, you will also rule our world."

Marx nodded eagerly. Giovanni nodded and his thin mouth curled up in a dark grin. He began to chuckle quietly as he folded his arms.

Wreaking havoc was Marx's specialty. He could easily go make the biggest distraction anyone could make.

And it was time to start.



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