Behind the Curse [BL]

By XSw33tie

94.7K 5.1K 627

When Shen Yu was little, he accidentally stepped on a flower which is a spiritual flower. Thus, he got cursed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 3

2.5K 137 6
By XSw33tie

Seeing the figure with a hat veil covering its whole face, and the skinny body thinking that it was a shy girl, Ting didn't make a fuss as he lifted his hand and chanted a magic spell to open the array for all the participants.

Instantly after Ting finished chanting, the original place of the meeting has now turned into a big forest. All of the participants were dispersed randomly to who knows where within the big forest.

"The test begins now." Ting's voice echoed throughout the forest. He along with the other Sky sect disciples have already disappeared from all the other participants' sight.

Once Ting's voice faded away, the participants were shocked to see that they were alone by themselves.

Looking at the big forest, most participants couldn't help, but panic as they had no idea what kind of danger they would encounter along the way. They can only pray that they didn't meet any mishap on the way.

The fat participants that blurted out about how dangerous the test earlier was near a big cave. Since he was lazy and scared thinking that he might encounter danger on the way, his first thought was to just stay inside the cave quietly until three days pass then he would be safe.

With that thought, he walked inside the cave. Just as he was about to lay down on a rock, he saw a huge black snake coming out of the deep cave. The snake was a long and big snake. The fat participant was so frightened that his face turned pale instantly. He was so scared to the point that he had already pee on his pants. He didn't think that his luck would be this bad.

Just as the snake was about to open its big mouth and swallow the fat participant into its big mouth, the fat participant instantly broke the bracelet on his wrist.

Instantly, he was back to the original meeting place. He can still see the Sky sect disciples there.

Seeing the fat participant out of the test as soon as it begins, the Sky sect disciples show no surprise on their face.

With no shame, the fat participant walked away without saying anything. Honestly, he was a bit shocked that he didn't last for that long in the test. Luck really isn't on his side.

Unlike the fat participant, some of the participants have landed near the other participants. Thus, once they walk further, they come upon the other participants along the way. To ensure their safety more, those participants decided to group themselves together.

On the other hand, Shen Yu was alone. Looking around he could guess that he's probably near a waterfall as he can hear the sound of the water flowing. Shen Yu didn't see any other participants along the way.

Shen Yu thought that the test wouldn't be so easy, therefore he didn't dare to let down his guard. He really needs to pass the test, so that he can move to the final round.

Shen Yu felt a bit thirsty, but upon seeing the clear waterfall he didn't dare to drink the water in fear that there might be something wrong with the water.

As a cultivator, without drinking water nor eating, he can still last for a long time, but still he couldn't help it. Because he really wants to do his best, so that he can pass the test, thus he can only endure.

With that thought, Shen Yu just walked quietly past the waterfall without touching any of the water.

Luckily, Shen Yu did not drink the water, or else he would definitely encounter danger. Not that there is something wrong with the water, but rather what lives under the water.

Despite the shallow and clear water flowing, inside actually live a small transparent water dragon beast level 7. It's not that the water dragon was small, but it just changed into a small form. He would attack those that drink from the waterfall.

Out of all the beasts within the forest, the small transparent water dragon was one of the strongest.

A beast level 7 isn't easy to deal with. Besides with Shen Yu's current cultivation level, he wouldn't be able to win against the water dragon.

Passing by the waterfall, Shen Yu continued to walk further away toward the opposite direction he came from to see if he would meet any of the other participants on the way.

After walking for a long time, he then came upon the cave that the fat participant was in earlier.

Looking at the deep and dark cave, Shen Yu knew that there must be some sort of beast inside thus he didn't dare to go in. He continued to walk away in search of a place that he thought would be safe to take a rest.

As he continued to walk, Shen Yu came upon the other participants.

The group of participants looked at Shen Yu with surprise as earlier none of them had noticed Shen Yu's presence since he was at the furthest toward the end.

Suddenly, a pretty girl who appears to be around 17-18 years old couldn't help, but ask curiously, "Excuse me, little sister, why do you have that hat veil covering your face?"

Little sister?

Not sure if the latter was asking about him, thus Shen Yu turned around and looked behind him to see if there was any little sister. Yet, to his surprise there was no one behind him.

Shen Yu then pointed to himself as if asking me.

Seeing the latter's reaction, Yue Ya nodded her head. She didn't understand why that little sister who seemed to be shorter and skinnier than her is wearing the hat veil blocking her face.

"I don't want to scare other people with my appearance." Shen Yu said in honesty. He was afraid that the other participants might be scared of him once they saw his look.

The group of participants was astonished upon hearing Shen Yu's voice. It was so soft and gentle as if it could seduce any man with that soft voice.

With Shen Yu's soft voice, the group of participants there thought that he must be a beautiful girl which is why he is covering his beautiful face. With that thought, some of the participants there couldn't help, but be jealous while some became more eager to see his face.

"Take off your hat veil and let us see your face." One of the male participants spoke excitedly. With that beautiful voice, he was one hundred percent confident that it was a beauty inside the hat veil, thus he couldn't wait to see. The other girl participants within that group are pretty, yet he believes that the one with the hat veil is definitely way more beautiful than any of the girl participants.

With his thoughts starting to go wild, his heart suddenly started to accelerate with anticipation.

"I can't." Shen Yu kindly refused. He really didn't want to scare the other participants.

"Why?" Another male participant asked. He was also eager to see Shen Yu's look. With Shen Yu's body size and voice, he was confident that Shen Yu is definitely some sort of goddess.

"It's okay. Take it off and let us see. Soon, or later you will still have to take it off if you pass this round." Yue Ya said. She was also curious to see Shen Yu's look. She bet one hundred percent that the latter must be prettier than her.

Shen Yu knew that if he was to pass this round, then in the final round he would have to take his hat veil off as there is no way the Sky sect would let him into the sect without seeing his face.

With a sigh, Shen Yu reluctantly took off his hat veil.


The author has something to say:

???: I am not HAPPY.

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