Von CringeConcern

133K 3.7K 18.7K

HI THIS IS CHAD the Frat boy. nahhh, not really.... Just a pre-teen girl who has a crush on THe once-ler in... Mehr

Fallin' For Him
Are You Flirting with Me?
Really use a Wish Right Now
The Opimitisic Fools
Pure Bliss
Thank You for the +400 Reads!
A Thing that Everyone Needs!
A New Day
Red Handed
Forgive and Forget
The Beginning of Something...
Just like in the Movies
The End (or is it? >:))
Thank you for the 2,900+ reads!
To the Fools who Dream
Money Runs the World
Strong (Duct Tape) Family Bonds
The Other Woman
Thank you for the 5,600+
Heart Broke
It's a cold cold world
Million Dollar Man
Because I Love You
Every Man gets his Wish
Wake me up inside
You're beautiful, and I'm insane
New Moon
Oh no not another A/N...
2 Days Ago
Obstacles of Love
Daddy Devito Approve
Home Sweet Home
Thank you!
Shoutout: To anyone who wants a shoutout pls let me know here.

New Alliance

4K 133 865
Von CringeConcern


The fishes crow outside to advise everyone that a bright new day is here but, most importantly, they just want to be jerks by interrupting everyone's beauty sleeps.

NARRATOR: No wonder taking a beauty sleep doesn't have an effect on people.


You are still asleep due to the fact that you are very tired from all the things that happened the last few chapters. However, you used that as an excuse since you are not an early bird.

You're sometimes laz- I mean unproductive.

Don't have school today...

...or ever again.

Heck Yeah!

You started to wake up slowly; However, you keep your eyes shut just in case you want to sleep more.

''s already morning dude. I just went to sleep like a chapter ago.' You thought drowsily. You pull the covers over your head.

You try to fall back to sleep but can't due to the sunlight on your face and the temporary annoying fishes that keep on singing like a father who's happy that his lonesome teen son finally has his first ever girlfriend that he met on the internet, but little did he know, the son's girlfriend is 2D.

And Japanese.

And from an anime show.


Yeah, I don't blame the son.


You keep moving around in order to get comfortable. And you do get comfortable eventually, but something doesn't feel right. You realize that it only took a minute to get more comfortable. You also realize that you have more space to stretch your legs.

And then it hit you like you're in front of a homecoming parade on main street.

Without opening your eyes, you thought anxiously, 'I'm in Onceler's bed.'

You mentally freak out for a bit until you remember what really happened in the last chapter.

You inspect yourself under the covers just to make sure everything is in its place.

'Good.' You thought.

You breathed a sigh of relief.

'Nothing funny happened last night. He just carried me to his bed, and he decided sleep on the couch. No problem.'

'Even though I'm kinda upset that he did this; However, I wouldn't mind if he tags along with me.' Your face glows red at the thought.

'What are you thinking Y/N?!?! Take these thoughts out of your brain! You are a good girl, and a good girl doesn't have inappropriate thoughts!'

You calm your tits and slowly relaxed.

So, you fell asleep again.


It is already 9:00 a.m. You can feel the sunlight on your eyes. As the sunlight burns your face like a laser beam, you started to wake up slowly. 

You turn around to your side. As you slowly wake up, you feel a warm presence on the other side of the bed. You slowly open your eyes.

You expected this.

But instead you see this.

You scream loudly. The Lorax joins the party by screaming, and abruptly, he punches you on the face. You fell backwards and landed on the floor.

"You just got to be kidding me! I did all that I could in order for Onceler to avoid this exact scene, yet look who receive the last laugh, huh!?!" You yell while rubbing your nose.

Your back ache with pain.

"I expected to see Onceler's cute adorable face up close, but no! All I got to see is an orange Yosemite Sam knockoff instead." You keep massaging your nose.

"You're the one who woke me up miss!" The Lorax says.

"Well you're the one who decided to barge in. Didn't you see the sign before entering into someone house without permission?" You question the Lorax in an irritated manner.

"I actually saw the sign upfront." The Lorax responds back with a prideful manner. He looks down on you.

"And? "

"But I didn't read it." He says bluntly.

You notice his hands on his hips.

"Why not?" You raised an eyebrow while rubbing your neck due to the fall.

"Because I can't read. Never learn how."

"What a perfect excuse." You said while rolling your eyes.

But you can't stay mad at him for so long. He's so fine-looking and apparently, it's illegal to be mad at a fine-looking man, I mean, creature like the Lorax. Just look at his orange fur! It makes everyone go to I-Hops and order The Lorax's Breakfast with a side of Tropical Orange juice.

Narrator: Wait, why did I-Hops used to sell The Pipsqueak's Breakfast and The Lorax's Breakfast even though Onceler is the only one who knows how to make pancakes in the movie. Shouldn't there be a Onceler's Breakfast?


"What happened?" A sudden voice said.

You turn around and see Onceler wide awake on the couch looking at you.

His eyes focus on you for a second until his eyes spot the Lorax on top of the bed.

"Oh, it's you again." He says unhappily. "What are you doing here?!?"

"After the incident last night, we found one of your socks and came here to return it. But when we got here, you guys were asleep. You guys looked so cozy and it was so cold outside, and we just fell asleep. No harm done. "The Lorax says.

"No harm done? No harm done!"

Onceler walks up to the Lorax defensively and says, "Why do you think it's okay to barge in and sleep beside someone?"

"Especially if that someone is a girl!" He says while pointing at the Lorax furiously.

You notice how furious Onceler is right now. He wasn't even that mad in this part of the movie.

"Why do you think that it's okay to carry her to YOUR bed without her consent." The Lorax scowls at Onceler with his arm cross.

"Because I didn't want her to sleep on the beat-up couch while she sees me sleeping comfortably on my bed." Onceler says firmly.

The Lorax just keep looking at Onceler with an annoyed look on his face.

"Don't you know that sleeping is the body way telling other people to go away." Onceler says.

"Yet you carry her!"

They keep arguing. You just keep observing them without saying a word. You just want to grab some popcorn and your favorite drink to enjoy the show provided in front of you.

"I thought I only need to keep a close eye on this girl right here but apparently, it appears that your hormones level is jacked up to the roof too!" The Lorax says abruptly with his hands above his head.

You can feel your face fluster due to the Lorax sudden comment. You took a glimpse at Onceler's face.

Onceler puts a hand on his face in order to hide his scarlet-red face. He takes a deep breath to calm himself. He suddenly looks at the Lorax with an irritated look.

"Why do you treat us as a bunch of kids!?!" Onceler says firmly to the Lorax while crouching down in order to see the Lorax face to face.

"Because I'm old and old people doesn't have anything better to do so we just pester on young people all day!"

"Okay boomer." You said childishly.

Onceler is confuse as heck with your previous comment since he's a baby boomer but only younger. You just remember that your generation hasn't even born yet. However, the Lorax didn't take your comment lightly. The Lorax was about to discharge a garbage truck full of shade all over you until Onceler suddenly speaks up.

"Well Lorax, at least I don't annoy other people due to their age immaturely and hop into other people's beds because they look cozy." Onceler says firmly while staring down at the Lorax.

"At least I didn't carry her to bed!" The Lorax says starkly.

"Well, at least I didn't sleep on the same bed as her!" He says while blushing.

"However, that would be nice." You whisper to yourself.

Onceler didn't hear it but the Lorax did as he looks at your direction with a very WTF face.

You just shrug and whisper to him, "I can't help it."


"See! You guys needs me in order to keep everything straight and make sure that nothing scandalous happens in my forest. I don't want the poor animals get their minds and eyes traumatized!" The Lorax says with a worry look.

You and Onceler both blushes. You just want to turn invisible and sneak out of the cottage.

Onceler says, "You know what, how about we just end this conversation and eat some break-"

He turns around and finally notice that the Lorax wasn't the only one who barge into his cottage.

He notices the animals have flooded his house! Everywhere he looks, he sees them scatter all over the place.

"You just got to be pulling on my leg..." He said with a frown on his face.

Onceler sees the fishes taking a bath in his cups even though it's quite illogical. He witnesses a swomee swan giving birth in a bowl where Onceler used to put his lips on it. He notices how the barbaloots are making it rain by their saliva dripping from their mouths. He observes Gary Stu brushing his breathtaking mustache with his overused toothbrush.

"Okay that's it." Onceler says.

"What? I thought we made a deal last night." The Lorax questions.

"Yes, we did and I said that I wouldn't chop down any more trees."

"And I said that I would keep an eye on you. Especially you miss." The Lorax says as he points at you.

The Lorax walks to the fridge and says, "I'm starving! What's for breakfast?"

He opens the fridge and notices the thick barbaloot eating butter.

"Breakfast is overrated anyways." The Lorax says while slamming the door.

NARRATOR: Wait, Onceler only have ingredients to only make pancakes. Does that mean that he only knows how to make pancakes and nothing else?

Onceler just plot on the floor in shock. His eyes as round as it can ever be! You walk behind him and give him a pat on his shoulder. He looks up to see you and gives you a smile. You smile back.

He stands up and looks at you and the Lorax. "You know what, I got work to do!" Onceler says as he was about to change clothes. Right before he pulls down his pants, he remembers that you're there.

In front of him.

Having a 180-degree complete full look of him.


He makes eye contact with you and his face flushes once again.

Cha Cha real smooth Onceler.

NARRATOR: There's a lot of blushing in this chapter! What is this? A romantic shoujo anime series or what?

You give him a plain poker face look in return.

"S-sorry about t-that. It's a h-habit for me to...since I'm always a-alone.." Onceler stutters as he looks at the clothes on his hands.

"I'll go change in the bathroom!" He says rapidly as he charges into the bathroom like it's the last clean bathroom in the world. He slams the bathroom door behind him.

Onceler left which means that only you, the animals, and the Lorax are alone.

There's an awkward tension in the air. You just don't know what to do in order to eliminate this unwanted silence. So, you keep on thinking in a solution to end this quiet madness. You just keep look at the roof while the Lorax contains his normal facial expression.

"Nice weather we're having eh Lorax?" You said slyly with your hands behind your back and containing a big awkward grin as you still look at the roof.

He just ignores you.

Everything is silent.

No one made a sound.

"You have such a weird taste in men." The Lorax says out of nowhere.

"Wot!?!?!?" Your face imitates a surprised Pikachu face.

"I don't think he's even a man yet. He stills acts like a boy! He's too skinny. How is he going to provide and support a family with his lanky arms?" He said. "I'll say you find a buff guy like Gail from the Hunger Games to provide you food and shelter or live independently, because Beanpole here is not ideal."

You raised an eyebrow at the Lorax.

"You need a man! Not a beanpole boy!"

"You have a weird sense of humor." You said to the Lorax as you poke his head.

"Well someone needs to be a parent figure around here!" He says. "I can't let you two be kissing and making out all the time! This is a kids movie for Pete's sake!" The Lorax says with his eyes wide open, concern on humanity. If only he had access to the internet.

NARRATOR: Thank you Lorax for your contribution of not letting this fanfic become rated Mature!

Before you argue back, Onceler comes back all dress up in his normal clothes for the new day.

Onceler explains to the Lorax about his invention and show it to him just like in the movie. However, just like in the movie the Lorax just laugh at it.

"Knock yourself out, but nobody is going to buy that thing." The Lorax says.

"Good to know. Well fortunately, you're not the target market. Weirdo." Onceler says as he grabs his guitar.

"You're bringing a guitar?"

"Oh yeah. I got a little jingle that will blow some minds. Gonna sell some thneeds! YEAH."

"See you later Y/N!" He says before he slams the door eagerly.

You can hear him singing as he's on his way to sell some thneed!

As he left, you crouch down to see the Lorax eye to eye.

"We might got into a weird start earlier, but I just want to tell you that I'm on your side." You said to the Lorax with a smile.

"My side?" He says astonishly. You can tell that he isn't buying it.

"We all know that what Beanpole is doing is wrong. So, I'm here to help!" You said eagerly while pounding your chest with pride.

"Oh really?" The Lorax says unamusably.

"Yeah! Trust me! Your precious forest will be saved from Beanpole's stupidity because of me!"

"You are biting more than you can chew kid."

"I'm not because I'm positive that I have the capacity to stop him. You just relax and leave everything to me!" You said with such confidence.

"If you don't stop him, then what will you do?" He says with a concern expression.

"Don't worry Lorax I got this! Believe in me!"

You get ready to go outside.

"Just trust me! Everything will be alright. I will convince him to not murder another truffula tree ever again! As I am not an idiot and I know that trees are essential for a healthy life."

"And a life in general." You pouted while narrowing you eyes to the side.

You walk up to the door eagerly and open it.

"Anyways, see ya later Lorax!"

You close the door and skip happily to the nearest town.

"Where are you going?" You hear the Lorax screaming at you.

You turn around and see the Lorax's cute head poking from the window.

"I'm going to protect Onceler!" You scream with your hands cupping your mouth.

"Didn't you promise to protect the trees?"

"Yeah, that too!"

"What are you protecting him from? Rejections or heart breaks?"

"No silly! From people's ignorance and stupidity!"

"Bye Bye Lorax!" You turn around and continue your journey to the nearest town, Greenville.

Even though you seem threatened about Onceler's fate, maybe, just maybe you can stop it from happening.



"It's always the stupid ones that show true bravery." The Lorax says.


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