
By Jiminiebabymama

174K 7.6K 1.1K

Off loves women. He doesn't care that seemingly everyone in his life seems to think he is in love with that s... More

Chapter 1 ⚡⭐
Chapter 2⚡⭐
Chapter 3⚡⭐
Chapter 4⚡⭐
Chapter 5 ⚡⭐
Chapter 6⚡⭐
Chapter 7⚡⭐
Chapter 8⚡⭐
Chapter 9
Chapter 10⚡⭐
Chapter 11⚡⭐
Chapter 12⚡⭐
Chapter 13⚡⭐
Chapter 14⚡⭐
Chapter 15⚡⭐
Chapter 16⚡⭐
Chapter 17⚡⭐
Chapter 18⚡⭐
Chapter 19⚡⭐
Chapter 20⚡⭐
Chapter 21⚡⭐
Chapter 22⚡⭐
Chapter 23 ⚡⭐
Chapter 24⚡⭐
Chapter 25⚡⭐
Chapter 26⚡⭐
Chapter 27⚡⭐
Chapter 28⚡⭐

Chapter 29⚡⭐

6.1K 285 35
By Jiminiebabymama

'I can't believe you're mine,' Off thought as he pulled back from the sweet kiss he'd just shared with Gun. He doesn't think he's ever kissed anyone that passionately before and he desperately wanted to do it again.

He was certain the embarrassment from acting like that in public was going to kick in any second now, fuck he couldn't believe he'd said such a fucking cringe line like that but that wasn't his problem though, that was future him's problem.

Cause right now he was too preoccupied staring down at a dazed Gun who was blinking up at him. He wanted to smirk a little for being the one to have stunned Gun like that. He slowly brought up his hands which had been gribbing Gun's shoulders during the kiss to slowly run his fingers up Gun's neck.

"Papi.." Gun started softly looking up at Off as he continued to stand with his arms limply by his sides.

"Mmm?" Off asked back softly as he continued stroking his fingers along his blushing adorable lovely little Gun's n-


"Awwwuu," Off groaned as he doubled over clenching his stomach as he was abruptly brought out of the fantasy dream state he had been in when he had been sharing a moment with Gun after the kiss. All the noise from the restaurant which had sounded muffled a couple of seconds ago suddenly became clear and he could hear all the screaming and squealing from the people in the restaurant.

Wait, what the fuck had just happened??!?!

"Gun.... did you just punch me?" Off asked incredulously shock taking presidency over his face.

"Yes I did you- you ASSHOLE!" A red faced Gun screamed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! In PUBLIC!?! Is this what they thought you at home you pervert??? We are not overseas this is Thailand Papi you can't just go sticking your tongue down someone's throat like that! God if I knew you're going to react like this I never would have gotten Mike to help me make you jealous geez. Do you have no respect for Elders you-"

" Wait wait wait what did you just say?" Off suddenly asked cutting through a huffing Gun's rant as what Gun said finally registered in his head.

"....I said you should have more respect for your elders you big ass-"

"I'm warning you right now Gun don't play stupid with me," Off said icly and quietly so that only Gun could hear him finally feeling conscious of the people staring but also wanting to show Gun that he was being deadly serious and wasn't fucking around, his anger slowly boiling up to the surface.

"Errr I think we should get out of here before this turns even more into a scene out of a soap drama series," Alice said slowly standing up from the booth seeming surprisingly unbothered for someone who had just witnessed her ex boyfriend kiss the guy she had accused said ex of cheating on her with while they were together .

Fuck Off had gotten in a such a panic when he thought Gun was about to slip through his fingers that he hadn't thought of how much his little spontaneous act was going to hurt the people sitting at the table who both had had feelings for either him or Gun at one point in the past.

Though speaking of the people at the table.... Off turned to glare at Mike who quickly put his hands up in a defensive stance and smiled innocently at Off "Haha funny story Errr it was all Gun's idea please don't kill me," Mike said in a rush saying the last part in a soft squeak.

When he looked down at Gun he just guiltily looked up at Off though he could tell Gun was trying to hide it so he could act like the victim here the little shit.

" Alice is right, let's go speak somewhere more private," Off said as he let go of Guns shoulders and picked up Guns bag and the stupid fucking flowers that Mike had supposedly gotten Gun in one hand and wrapped his hand around Gun's forearm in his other hand before making his way out of the restaurant unconcerned about whether the other two would follow since he had everything he wanted at hand right now not caring about all the pointing and squealing from the patrons in the restaurant.

He needed an explanation and fast before he fucking killed someone.

"Someone better start talking," Off said once they reached the underground parking after an awkward silent elevator ride down here, the only place Off could think of as being private enough.

Gun kept his eyes on the floor his little attitude from the restaurant no where to be seen. When he looked at Mike he just had a goofy smile on his face ....Off was shocked how much he wanted to knock that smile off Mike's face for having even touched Gun.

"Well?!" Off asked irritated by how quiet they were being. "What was Gun talking about back there? You helped him make me jealous???" Off asked repeating the words Gun accidentally confessed to during his little outburst at the restaurant.

Gun suddenly and abruptly pulled his arm from Offs grasp, Off having not even noticed that he had still been holding Gun. "Oii you know what! Yes he did! I heard your little phonecall with Alice when we were shooting. You're not allowed to make me fall this damn hard for you all over again and then let some girl steal you away from me Damnit! I've been through too much to let you go that easily. So I... followedyouhereandcalledMiketospyonyouandhelpmemakeyoujealous," Gun said saying the last part in a rush so it sounded all like one word.

" What?" Off asked confused unable to decipher what Gun had said in a jumble.

Gun glared at him and huffed before reluctantly speaking again ".. I said I followed you here this morning and called Mike for a favor to make you jealous after spying on you okay! Anyway this your fault, if you'd just told me you were meeting with Alice in the first place I wouldn't have resorted to this, I already knew Alice is getting married I wouldn't have had a problem with it. I needed to teach you a lesson for lying to me like that you ass!" Gun said folding his arms.

"Mmm I agree with Gun, I'd definitely get mad at my fiancé if he ever met with his ex without telling me..... No actually I think I'd just kill him" Alice interjected looking like she was watching the drama unfold from her favorite TV series right before her eyes.

"Thank you P'Alice," Gun nodded sounding vindicated.

..... What the fuck

"Ooii," Off ran his hand through his hair. What had he done! Off felt like he'd just given his heart to the devil himself! Of all 7 billion people he just had to fall for the most petty and evil human ever.

Off reluctantly smiled,God being with Gun really was going to be a full time job and he couldn't help feel a little excited about it.

"Errr Alice sorry for everything you just witnessed, congrats on your wedding again. Do you mind if I talk with the annoying shorty in private? I promise I'll call you later," Off said to Alice no longer able to keep the laughter out of his voice.

"WHAT?" Gun shouted from next to him.

"Err I mean I won't call you later, I'll video call you with Gun right next to me the whole time," Off quickly changed knowing exactly what Gun's outburst was about without having to even look in Guns direction. Gun must have been happy with that because he he didn't say anything else.

Alice laughed at the both of them," It's okay Off I understand, thanks for meeting up with me, I really needed to get that off my chest and because of you I'll be entering my married life with a clean heart. Gun gun naa, I'm promise I wasn't trying to steal your man naa,"

Gun quickly shook his head his face turning bright red," It's okay P," He said suddenly shy again. "Congratulations on your wedding khap"

"Thank you naa, I'll send you all the invitations later, Bye bye kha, " Alice said waaing friendly before going in the direction towards her car. She seemed to have really moved on and he was happy he found someone to make her happy just like he had finally gotten his found his own happiness no matter how high maintenance they were. Off couldn't help but smile a little looking down at Gun who was still blushing a little. He doubts he'd ever get bored with Gun in their relationship.

"Katosh" Mike suddenly said after Off had forgotten he was even still there. "You're so whipped P'Off," Mike said with a laugh and mimicked the sound of a whip again.

Off made as to grap Mike's neck and possibly strangle him but Mike was too fast and started walking away from them in escape probably to his own car "Let me leave the two lovebirds to talk in private. I'll see you both at the shooting next week, Sorry once again about this P'Off," Mike said with a manic laugh as he continued walking away from them. Off made a silent reminder to beat Mike up the next time he saw him again the weirdo.

Finally he and Gun were left alone. "Errr...." Off started awkwardly as the embarrassment of everything that had just happened started finally catching up to him.

"Give me back my things," a red faced Gun said grabbing the flowers and his bag out of Off's grasp before walking away from Off.

Offs feet were rooted to the ground as he stared after Gun in shock. He quickly snapped out of it however and ran after his sulking boyfriend.

"Awu Gun, wait, you can't just leave, I haven't even forgiven you for stalking me yet," Off said jokingly as he chased after Gun.

"Forgiven me! Why would you need to forgive me I didn't do anything wrong!" Gun snapped as he turned around to face Off.

"Of course you haven't! That was a mistake. It's all Papi's fault okay, I shouldn't have hid that from you naa," Off said slowly as if he were trying to placate a wild animal as he tried to get closer to Gun without making him run off again.

"I just wanted to deal with Alice and tie up any loose ends before I started being in an relationship with you officially okay? I'm sorry for being so dishonest," Off said as he wrapped his arms around a quiet petulant Gun softly pressing Guns face into his chest. "Please forgive me huh, I promise your boyfriend will give you all the orgasms if you forgive me okay?"

Gun smacked his chest but Off could feel Gun's smile against his chest. "pervert," Gun said startling the laughter out of Off.

They stood there for a couple of moments with Off's arms still wrapped around Gun both just taking each other in. Luckily the mall hadn't been too packed that day so on one came across them as they continued to hug in the empty parking lot.

"I was so scared I was going to loose you to her again," Gun quietly admitted into Offs chest.

Off quickly pulled away from Gun and placed his hands on either sides of Gun's face to make sure the shorty was looking him in the eyes, "Gun I admit I may be a rude, mean and all around shitty person most times but I'm definitely not a cheat, there's one thing that I pride myself for and it's that I'm always faithful and loyal to the one I love. It may have taken me a while to realize it but I've been in love with you this whole time and I'd never be unfaithful to you," Off said trying his best to convey how honest he was being, absolutely hating the fact that he'd even made Gun feel that way.

Gun nodded his head and made to turn his head to the side but Off gently nudged it back towards him. "I have so much to be sorry for Gun, I'm really sorry for how I treated you, I'm sorry for walking out on you after having sex with you all those past weeks ago, I'm sorry for ever making you think I'd abandon you at Gmmtv and leave the company, I'm sorry for meeting up with Alice without first telling you about it but mostly I'm sorry it took me so long to stop being an idiot and act on my feelings. I know I'm going to mess up again in the future, I'm nowhere near perfect and you know how much of an asshole I am but I promise I'll try my best to be the best boyfriend so I can make you as happy as you make me. I love you and I'm going to make up for all of it even if I have to go bankrupt buying you all the Gucci in the world," Off said making Gun smile unabashedly at him. How he had treated Gun in the past had weighed heavily on him even before today's incident and he was glad to finally get it off his chest.

" I love you too," Gun said before he reached up on his tip toes and smacked a kiss on Offs lips. "And you don't have to go bankrupt, you can just make it up to me with a blowjob," Gun said with a little shrug before he released himself from Offs grasp and started walking towards his car again with Off staring after him in shock once again that day.

"Well come along then, my dick is not going to suck itself," Gun said over his shoulder causing Off to burst out laughing.

"Oi, I fallen for a pervert with stalkerish tendencies," Off said as he caught up to Gun.

"Oii stop calling me that I'm not a stalker how dare you Papi!"

"Awu so you're fine with being called a pervert but you're not fine being called a stalker?"

"That's because you're a bigger pervert than me, how could you kiss me in front of people like that huh, do you think you're in a Rom Com you crazy? You're the one whose going to deal with Babiis questions not me,"

"Oii You have some guts acting like a victim after stalking me like that,"

"Call me a stalker one more time and I'll chop your dick off!"

"Awu But you like my dick though,"

The sound of their bickering and Gun's giggling filled the whole car lot as they continued making their way to Gun's car while tightly holding each other's hand.

Off had no idea how everything was going to turn out the next day and what everyone's response to them was going to be or how his friends and family were going to respond to him being with a guy now.

Honestly though Off didn't care all that much about how everyone was going to respond. How could he possibly care when he had his whole world right next to him.

Once they reached Guns car Off let go of Guns hand and took Guns key out of his hand without Gun protesting. He softly dropped a kiss on Gun's head before opening the door for Gun and speaking softly at him, "Come on you brat, let's go home,"

A/N: Thanks for reading everyone 🙏🙏🙏 I really appreciate all the comments and votes. I really loved reading the comments and I wish I could reply to all of them but I'm too shy lol😅 But I really do enjoy getting them and hearing what you guys think, I appreciated the criticism both good and bad because I really think it's helping me improve little by little. You guys are all so nice I just love being in this Fandom and it makes writing all that more fun❤️❤️

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